My [M] memories of Squishy [F] – A twitter friend who liked aggressive sex, became a sexting partner and engaged me in multiple IRL trysts. PART 10

[Part 1 (The first nude pics)](

[Part 2 (The attraction becomes mutual)](

[Part 3 (The dirty sexting) ](

[Part 4 (More dirty sexting; we decide to meet)](

[Part 5 (Mouth, Tits, and Perspiration)](

[Part 6 (She gets rough. I hold her down and take her)](

[Part 7 (Risky sex outdoors)](

[Part 8 (Angry coercive anal sex) ](

[Part 9 (Sexy surprise in a local store)](

[Part 10 (Chased through a field and fucked hard)](

Alright! Just like last time, if you don’t feel like hearing me discuss the fun lead up to my sex with Squishy, feel free to skip down to the ????.

[Squishy]( and I had no illusions that we’d ever get married, but when you have a lot of sex with someone you fall into some of the same patterns you fall into with a spouse. You learn the other person’s body and you get good at giving them orgasms reliably. Most of the time we just went to her house and banged each other’s brains out with conventional sex, and you’ve heard several stories like that. It gets boring for me to describe the usual routine I went through to make Squishy cum.

So this might be the last story I have about her. The last of the highlight reel, anyway.

On this occasion, I arrived at work and saw that I had a ton of cancellations. I was supposed to see five clients that day and there was only going to be one coming in at 4pm. So that meant I had nothing to do until 4 because I was all caught up on my work and didn’t have a backlog of documentation to catch up on.

Big deal. An easy day, right? Nope. Because I was so fucking horny that day I was going out of my mind. It wasn’t even because of something Squishy did to provoke it, either. It was just one of those days where I was glowing with lust and sexual energy. Whacking off brought temporary relief, but it was just one of those days where I could not stop thinking about pussy and I just wanted to be using my body for something. I imagine athletes or dancers get like this sometimes, where they just want to be moving their bodies and exerting themselves? I felt it.

So what’s a guy to do? I decided to just sext a bit with Squishy. Maybe I’d get supercharged and then just annihilate my wife’s pussy when I got home. I settled in and hoped Squishy was up for some back and forth, since sometimes she was busy during the day with her own shit.

Her: “You don’t have a client till 4?”

Me: “Nope. You up for a RP?”

Her: “I’ve been horny as fuck this morning, forget jerking each other off. You think you can get away? Let’s fuck outside.”

After some back and forth I tell her that yeah, I can make it happen as long as I’m back by 4. Then she starts getting cute.

Her: “Oh wait, never mind. I think I’d have more fun just blueballing you.”

She sends a few pics, totally ignoring anything I said.

One was of her just sticking her tongue out, like she was getting ready to to taste honey.

One was of her leaning waaaaay forward and showing her gravity-assisted cleavage. Her flesh so ripe and firm. I really wanted to put my hand down that shirt.

Another pic was of her just lifting her skirt and revealing her bare ass to the mirror. Not even bending over or sticking it out, it still looked so squeezable and round. I just loved her shape. And again, her skin was just so lovely and soft looking.

I told her that she was being such a dirty little slut that I had no choice but to punish her right away.

(She told me anal wasn’t on the menu today, but that I could meet her at a deserted area behind a seldom-used church and sent me the address.)

I told my boss that I needed to take some “mental health hours” but that I’d be back before my 4pm appointment. I never take time off, so it was easy.

I parked at an area on the outskirts of the urban sprawl. It was the parking lot of a church that faced the road, but the parking lot out back just had a giant swath of undeveloped land beyond it, so if you parked strategically and kept on the correct side of the car, nobody could see you from the road. Squishy assured me she had used this location numerous times over the years and it was safe.

She said she’d be a few minutes late. I didn’t get into role playing how I’d punish her for that, since I didn’t want that to delay her further.
I was surprised to see her emerge without a vehicle from beyond the road. She kept looking all around her, like she was worried people would see her, but she was being extremely conspicuous as well, which was odd.

She wore a cute black shirt that was different from the one she wore in the pic she sent earlier. No cleavage, but it was snug and showed her figure to full advantage. And she had a short little red skirt on as well. Probably because I hadn’t been shy about telling her how I was just incredibly weak for short skirts. I just love them.

As she approached I opened up the passenger side, since that seemed safest. The driver’s side could be seen from the road, but on the other side the view was obscured by the car. I stood next to the open door and waited for her.


She walked up, looking worried said hi.

“You little slut. You could have parked next to me and got here sooner. Are you afraid that we’ll be seen?”

She looked at me as if I had slapped her.

“I am NOT a slut, sir…. that’s the whole reason I’m here. My boyfriend broke up with me, and he *stranded* me out here!”

By this time we were like dancing partners. I knew exactly how to move with her. I was no longer surprised by her just pretending to be a different person. I would have been happy with just banging, but her role-plays always put her at the top of her game.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, little darling. What’s your name?”


“Well nice to meet, you, [Squishy], I’m [MQ]. But you need to help me understand how any boy could do such a thing to a pretty girl like you. That just doesn’t make sense.”

“Oh I don’t want to explain it, sir. I’m lost! Can you please take me home?”

“I don’t know…. something doesn’t add up, darling. I think you better explain or I’m not taking you anywhere.”

“It’s embarrassing, mister…. ok… He said that my pussy wasn’t good enough anymore. He said he wanted me to….. to SUCK HIS COCK!”

She looked ashamed and embarrassed to have to say the words.

I made an exaggerated display of sympathy.

“Oh, you poor girl! I can just imagine how *horrible* that is. Let me help you. Actually, beyond just giving you a ride home, I think I can help ensure this *never* happens to you again.” I put my arm around her shoulder.

She looked up into my face and beamed. “Oh thank you, mister! Thank you so much for your help.”

“But nothing is free, [Squishy].”

Her eyes widened. “Oh no…. no no no, mister…. you have to make it free!”

I ran my hand up her skirt and just grabbed a nice handful of her firm ass. I kneaded it and only stopped when she began to back away.

“No mister, please!”

I seized her wrists and maneuvered her against the car. I pinned her against it.

“You ungrateful little slut. You are going to earn your ride home, and I promise you that once I’m done with you, you’ll have the ability to prevent this from happening in the future. Now are you going to be smart about this, or shall I be on my way and let you walk home?”

“Ok, ok…..”

(As an aside, I broke character and told her NOT to run away, because I did not want to chase her down and draw attention to us under the assumption that a serious crime was occurring.)

“Good girl. Ok. You can go home soon enough. It all depends on how good a learner you are, understand?”

“Yes sir…..”

“And you probably don’t want me to repeat these lessons, do you now?”

She shook her head.


“No, sir… no I don’t want you to have to repeat yourself.”

I took her gently by the wrist and sat down in the passenger seat, facing outward.

“Now, little miss Squishy, I really think that shirt needs unzipping. Let me see your tits.”

I let go of her hand and she stepped back nervously. She telegraphed by her furtive glances that she was going to make a break for it.

I hopped out and seized her from behind. She struggled.

“No, please! I’m not a slut!”

“Of course you aren’t, little darling. I’m forcing you to do this. Nobody can blame you for submitting. But you *will* submit. Now kneel on that seat and take your punishment.”

Squishy crawled into the passenger seat and remained on all fours. Her short red skirt just barely still covered her pussy. I lifted it and revealed her perfect round rump. She stuck it further out the door.

“Please, don’t hit me! Don’t spank me, sir, I’ll be good!”

I clouted her a good smack on the ass.


Another smack on the other cheek, equally as hard.


“Do you want to be here all day?”

“But sir…..”

I put my finger in her cunt. She was reasonably wet.

“Uhhhhh….. mmmmmm…… Ok, ok, sir! I’ll be good!”

She scrambled out of the seat and meekly stood aside with her head bowed. She looked at me and rubbed her bottom.

I retook my seat

“Unzip that top and show me your tits immediately.”

She did as she was told and I slid my pants down to my knees. I had her kneel in front of me by grabbing a hunk of her hair and pulling her downward.

She was looking at me defiantly and cocking her fist like she was going to punch my balls.

“Don’t even think about it, you little slut. Throw that punch and you’re going in the trunk after I’m done with each of your holes”

She went back to looking scared and defeated.

“Squeeze those together. I’m going to fuck your tits.”

She pushed them together and they fit snugly around my dick as long as she kept holding them. She moved them up and down on my cock, and I tightened my grip on her hair

“Ow! You’re hurting me, mister! *Ngh!* Owwwww….”

She said that repeatedly, and she couldn’t keep the tone of pleasure out of her protests

“Now you’re going to suck that cock, my little cupcake.”

She flicked her eyes toward me. It was hard for her to make eye contact so I loosened up a bit.

“Yes sir” she said.

….and she wrenched free and bolted. She ran into the grassy area, no longer obscured by the car.

She looked at me from a safe distance maybe 20 feet away and she laughed. Lust and triumph danced in her eyes and she looked absolutely thrilled with herself. She shimmied her legs like she was ready for a chase.

This pissed me off. She was breaking the rules and putting me at needless risk here. I did not want to be seen chasing her around, and even though there was little chance of us being seen it was me that had everything to lose if I was caught fucking around when I was supposed to be at work. (In retrospect, I realize that it was my choice to agree to skip work and go cheat on my wife in a public place, so this was on me.)

I got my pants up and considered just staying by the car. She hadn’t zipped her shirt. Her tits jiggled and bounced as she moved around and tried to entice me to chase her. In the end I just decided to go for it.

I ran after her and she shrieked. She kept looking over her shoulder as I closed in on her. Her skirt bounced along and I got a flash of her pert ass as she ran. She dodged me twice before I was able to grab her. She kicked me in the shin and struggled mightily. I wanted to scream at her but I knew better. I dragged her over to a patch that had some tall grass and I flung her to the ground.


She looked like an animal. Her hair was messy and she had screwed up her face into a savage fury.
(I told her to shut the fuck up and be serious for a moment but she wouldn’t listen or break character)

I slapped her in the face and she barely reacted to it aside from kicking and clawing at me.

“STOP! *Fuck*, Squishy, I need to go back to work in these fucking clothes!”

“You fucking RAPIST! *Fuck* your clothes!”

I shoved her so she couldn’t reach my face effectively and I sat on her legs. At this point I just decided I’d hash it out with her later. Despite this bullshit and boundary-crossing, you’ll recall I was really fucking horny that day, and I was still determined to fuck. Her skirt was lifted as she lay on her back, so her pussy was visible between her closed legs.

“Oooh big guy… what are you going to fucking do to me? You going to *fuck* me?”

I watched her exposed tits wobble as she struggled to get off her back.

“You going to force that dick up my ass? *Huh?* You gonna make me suck your *cock*? Fuck you! Just *try* it you motherFUCKER!”

I began to undo my pants. I got them off enough to use my dick properly. I got between her legs and spread her.


She continued shouting abuse at me but she didn’t try to close her legs.

I looked down at her pussy and it was glistening wet. Her inner thighs had rivulets of wetness framing her apparently eager cunt.

“Well look at you, you little whore!”

“Fuck YOU!”

I grabbed my cock and lined it up with her hot, pink entrance. I shoved into her savagely and began fucking her.

“Is this what you want, you fucking slut? What happened to the little lost girl who needed a ride home?”


I fucked her harder.

“Oh gooooood you fucking bastard! Yeah, you like punishing my little *pussy* don’t you?”

I snaked one hand up to her throat and held it firm. I watched her tits bounce and jiggle with every stroke I rammed her with. I could feel my balls getting wet and I could imagine her wetness dripping down and pooling between her spread asscheeks. Our bodies clapped rhythmically.

I tried to peer through the tall grass. I could see that nobody was around. No activity from the church, either. It bothered me that my car was left open about fifty feet away. Squishy’s handbag was sitting next to the front tire.

Her cunt felt warm, slippery, and fantastic. Doggy-style is my favorite, but I hadn’t done missionary in a while and I had forgotten how it’s actually a pretty good ride. I put my face close to hers and grunted abuse at her as I thrusted:

“*Ngh!* You’re goddamned lucky *Ngh!* you’ve got such a nice *Ngh!* pussy, you little… *Ngh!* Fucking…. *Ngh!* ….Bitch!”

“No, please, *Ah!* No, don’t fuck me! *AH! YES!*”

She shrieked again and I covered her mouth with my hand to muffle her cry of ecstasy. I changed the angle of my grind so I could get more friction and cum faster. Her cunt was hot and tight as always, but it was so slippery that day that I was having trouble finishing. Squishy wasn’t difficult to orgasm, but she was even faster than usual today. As her orgasm subsided I could feel that she was smiling and laughing.

Since she had decided to break the rules, so would I. I pulled out of her sopping wet pussy and hauled her onto her knees.

Seizing both sides of her head I just began fucking her mouth. She was having trouble with it and was gagging and slurping away.

“Choke on it you little slut…. I’m going to fuck your little mouth!”

She made muffled wet sounds but she definitely surrendered her head to me. Her chin was dripping and I was getting cum on my jeans to go with the new grass stains. Her mouth felt so damned good, even though she was struggling to handle me fucking her face.

She pretended to cry and wailed softly.

I grabbed a hunk of her hair with one hand and pulled my stiff swollen cock back when I felt it turning red. I grabbed it firmly and pushed it a bit downward so it was level with her dripping gasping face. She didn’t turn away but she closed her eyes and opened her mouth wider as she breathed. I shot spurt after long spurt everywhere on her face except for into her open mouth. It got all over her chin, cheeks and forehead. Back then, in the white heat of anger it felt good to spray her face with cum like that. Right now, writing about it I feel gross.

“Clean my cock right now, Squishy.”

She grabbed the base of my dick and just pointed it into her mouth and sucked me dry as I deflated. I withdrew my dick and started zipping up when she just grabbed my leg and started wiping her face onto it and laughing at my annoyance.

“Oh, god,” she laughed “take *that*, motherfucker. That shit is yours!”

And now I had even more cum on my jeans.

I knew she wasn’t a fan of facials but she was way less pissed off than I was. We were such a fucking mess. She was kneeling in wet grass with cum smearing her face and makeup. Errant drops of drool and semen were all over her tits and her open shirt. Her cute red skirt had wetness all over it, and her legs were all smeared as well. Squishy wasn’t a squirter but today her pussy had gotten unusually wet. I just stood and watched her. She didn’t meet my eyes when she began to speak. She wiped herself.

“Look, I get it that you’re upset, MQ. I’m sorry, I won’t do that again.”

“If you want me to be rough I can be rough, but you just need to communicate it, babe.”

Now she met my eyes, and she looked annoyed.

“I *have* communicated it.”

She stood up and began walking towards my car.

This reopened a point of contention between the two of us. We had never openly argued about it before, but we never really reached an agreement. She retrieved her purse and began cleaning herself with wet wipes.

I told her that I totally understood that she liked a good hard fucking and with plenty of coercive elements to it, but she basically had the attitude that when I “hatefucked” her she didn’t really feel the hatred and it felt forced on my part.

“Well that’s because I don’t fucking hate you, Squishy. I’m in love with you.”

“Fuuuuuck MQ!” she groaned in annoyance “I love you, *too*, but that’s not what this shit *is*, ok?”

I made the case that I think I “hatefucked” pretty damned good for someone who isn’t a misogynist, and asked her if she’s somehow been faking all the orgasms up till now. She said she hasn’t been faking, but she resented that she had to constantly be the one to “raise the rage level” so that I’d fuck her like an object. She said I could be standing here with clean pants if only I had been meaner to her “lost little girl” character. What the fuck? How much more evil should I have been?

She was parked elsewhere, to help sell the “lost little damsel” premise and she said she’d just like to get on with her day. She walked to her car without looking back at me.

Fine with me. I now had to go home and change, hoping my wife didn’t notice I came home with a slightly different pair of jeans. Lucky for me she was day shift that week and wasn’t home right then. This wasn’t a horrible day. The sex was still phenomenal and exciting, but it’s sort of a bad memory now. I knew we couldn’t be together, but I definitely had fallen in love with her.

Fuck, wouldn’t *you* have?

Hmm, I’d hate to end the series on a low note like this. Makes me wish I had told *this* story in part nine and saved *that* story for the ending. We made up and had plenty of sex after this occasion, but the rift remained, unfortunately.

We’ll see if I can’t find one more good time to share.
