[Group] Our New Villa. I [26M] reluctantly get involved in Berni [26F] and her friends sexual games

*This happened in the mid nineties after myself and my future wife Berni, bought a villa in Portugal and two of her friends came to stay. It’s a long story so is in 2 parts. It starts on our first day of sunbathing*

Berni led the way as we sneaked up the stairs, planning on surprising Becky and Sarah. The door to the terrace was open and you could hear music coming from the stereo. As she reached the top of the stairs Berni stopped and signaled with her finger for me to be quiet. She was looking through the door and called me forward, pointing and urging me to look. I couldn’t see Becky but Sarah was lying on one of the loungers, only visible from her belly up. She was topless and her right arm was supporting her breast, which was topped by the longest, most erect nipple I had ever seen. I couldn’t see where her hand was but I had my suspicions.

“Do you think she’s..?” I whispered, not having to finish the sentence for Berni to know what I meant.

“Probably, look at the size of her nipples.”

“I know, you could friggin navigate by them.”

Berni managed to suppress a giggle “Keep looking and don’t spill the drinks.”

Her head bobbed beneath the tray and I could feel her hand on my already hardened dick, the sight of Sarah having had a positive effect. When I was this engorged Berni could never get much of my dick in her small mouth but as she licked and teased the end with her tongue I thought I was going to explode. She stopped as quick as she started and stood up with a wicked grin on her face, licking her lips before turning and walking through the door, shouting, “Drinkies!”

Sarah was certainly surprised, sitting up a little and pulling her hand up quickly, a flushed look on her face. Becky had been out of site but just put her book down and sat up, her large boobs bouncing and swinging as she did so.

“I was nearly asleep, you surprised me.” Said Sarah, trying to explain her flustered demeanor. Myself and Berni just smiled knowingly, I think letting her know that we knew.

“Oh my god, look at the size of that.” It was my turn to blush as Sarah stared at my dick which was only a few feet in front of her face and Becky just lowered her sunglasses, peering over the top, sexy secretary style.

“You can look but you can’t touch.” Laughed Berni.

“Spoil sport.” Said Sarah

“Yeah, spoil sport.” I added. We all laughed but looking at Berni I sensed she was a little put out or annoyed which struck me as strange as this was her idea. I was a little confused.

My dick was still sticking up obscenely as I handed out the drinks, finally sitting down on a recliner myself and raising a toast, “Cheers everyone, here’s to a good holiday”

“Cheers and thanks to you two for inviting us.” Said Becky.

After raising our glasses we settled down to enjoy the sun, everyone quiet and lost in the own thoughts. I still felt horny but thankfully my dick settled down and as I relaxed I found my mind wondering. Both me and Berni were naked but the girls were topless, both wearing skimpy bikini bottoms. I started wondering whether they would go nude and about Sarah masturbating, both these thoughts were doing nothing for my overactive libido and I forced myself to think of other things, soccer results, English weather, anything.

Berni asked me to get some more drinks and I decided to make a big jug of spritzer, heavy on the wine, and got beer for myself. I could hear them talking and laughing but they went quiet as I returned, a sure sign they were up to something. After glaring at the other two, Becky stood up and came towards me, looking a bit nervous. I thought she was maybe going to take the pitcher of wine from me but instead she said, “We were talking dirty the way we do and Berni said we should tease you and try and make you have an erection all day, drive you mad.” She paused and I looked at Berni who just smiled and gave me an exaggerated wink, causing us all to laugh.

Before I could think of what to say Becky continued, “I lost the dare so it’s my turn first.”

Even the sight of Becky walking a few steps towards me had caused my dick to twitch a little, but I wasn’t sure if this was a wind up, a joke that I was to be the butt of, so I tried to play it cool.

“I see, what did you have in mind, Miss Moneypenny.” I have no idea why I thought a terrible James Bond impression would sound cool and I felt stupid as soon as I said it, thankfully they all laughed.

Becky laughed but was staring intently at me the whole time. I’d always thought she was a pretty girl and had admired here figure from afar, but standing there naked and her topless was surreal.

“Remember the rules.” Berni called out. Rules? How long had they been planning this. “No touching on either side.”

“What other rules are there?” I asked.

“That’s the only one and you’re not allowed to touch yourself either.” Berni’s smile had turned to a wicked grin, she was enjoying this far too much. “I’ve just thought of something else, whoever can make you cum without either us or you touching your dick gets a 100 point bonus.”

“And what do points make?” Sarah called out

“Prizes.” The three of them answered, before getting into kinks of laughter. I felt like I was in the middle of a bad games show from the 80’s.

I was still stood there naked, with a pitcher of spritzer and a beer in my hands, but at least the talking and laughing had taken my mind off of Becky’s tits, not for long.

Becky was only two feet from me and as the laughter settled I had no choice but to look at her, deciding quickly in my head that if I was going to play along then I would be bold and enjoy it as much as possible.

Becky held my stare, a little smirk just visible in the corners of her mouth. Berni and Sarah had both quietened and you could feel the tension as we waited for Becky to do something. If I’m honest I was finding the whole situation and her staring at me, quite arousing.

Becky brought both hands up to her long hair and started running her fingers through it, head back like you might see in a shampoo advert. This caused her big boobs to sit high on her chest and stick out. It was an amazingly sexy sight and had the desired effect on my dick.

“Good move.” Said Sarah. A running commentary would make this even more bizarre.

Becky brought her hands down, her gaze dropping to my now very erect dick; she smiled and seemed pleased with herself. I looked at Berni who smiled back at me, the look in her eyes giving me confidence and making me feel good.

I wondered if that was the end of Becky’s show but she seemed to be relaxing and enjoying herself. After a moment’s thought she again caught my attention and held my stare with hers. As she lowered her gaze I found myself following her and looking directly at her boobs. She raised her right hand and started playing with her nipple, circling with her finger and gently pinching. She raised her head to see if I was looking, she needn’t have worried. Lowering her head but keeping her eyes on me she brought her boob to her mouth and started sucking. Fuck me, how I didn’t drop the pitcher I don’t know, I felt my legs weaken and my dick twitch, she was close to getting her 100 points.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hgxo83/group_our_new_villa_i_26m_reluctantly_get

1 comment

  1. That is a very arousing story, hope you’re writing the next part soon ??

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