Underhive: A Soothing Sansation

And there it is, after several months, here we have it, Underhive: A Soothing Sansation.
Now, what is Underhive?
My dear friends, Underhive is an almost 63,000 word erotic novel describing the day to day life of Bee Sans, the highlight is the deeply developing lore and highly detailed graphic sex scenes.
Due to its size, it simply cannot fit on Reddit, which is why you must use one of several links to access it (Website, Subreddit, Discord), currently only the website has it but I’m working on the others.
A small preview of the beginning:

You look at yourself in the mirror, as always, an outcast, your origins unknown, always treated differently.

The bees of the hive accepted you as you are, welcomed you as one of their own, but you were always differently.

While growing up some of the other bees wouldn’t even talk to you.

The only thing you’re ever certain of is that you are indisputably Sans, the one unique bee of the hive.

“Another day” you hum as you leave your lonely bed, “Doesn’t even feel different anymore.”.

You get up to wash yourself, wandering through your empty house, you enjoy the quietness and the peace of mind you feel here, but you don’t like being lonely either.

As you wash up you start thinking about how every day seems the same, you blame yourself for never talking to anyone new, but then again you’re seen as a freak.

A mutant of sorts, you’ve never hurt anyone but most avoid you, few ever tried to befriend you.

You prepare the usual breakfast, eggs and bacon with Asriel brand milk, it’s not the best but it’s your personal preference.

After a short breakfast you leave your house, remembering to lock the door behind you, not like anyone here would try to break into your house.

“Better safe than sorry.” you think to yourself.

You walk down the street, which is mostly empty, after all not many bees live in your area.

As you walk you notice a bee at the side of the road, “Sir, can you spare me a dime for my hand?” he asks.

You look at him, he seems drunk, he also appears to be crying, you decide to give him some spare change you had.

The bee thanks you, he starts murmuring something which you assume is a prayer, you wish him luck and move on.

After around ten minutes of quiet walking, you meet up with your friend Wardo as you do always, you make some small talk before the bus arrives.

“Let’s get going then” you say, he replies with “And depart we will.”.

The bus is as filthy as it always is, the smell of sweat along with bees who haven’t showered in days fills the small vehicle.

Thankfully your destination is not far from here.

After the usual fifteen minute bus ride, you and Wardo arrive at work, the usual labor, it’s not pleasant but it pays well enough.

These are about the only bees ready to hire you, you’re not much interested in being a garbage worker.

The day is about as average as it can be, it’s the same song and dance as always, there’s casual chatter between you and the few other workers.

The environment isn’t hostile, it’s actually inviting and somewhat cozy.

You try to not let your thoughts hinder your ability to work, not that it makes much of a difference, it’s pretty easy.

The day is cut short to announce employee of the year, the entire workforce let’s off a sigh of relief.

You’re all gathered in the cafeteria, it’s spacious enough, at least you’re not rubbing up against anyone.

“Alright, settle down, I know you’re tired, I know your feet hurt, but I need everyone’s mind on the words ahead.”

He continues “I, on behalf of the entire staff, thank you all for your hard work in the past year.”.

“We have made major strides since we’ve begun and that’s all thanks to you my friends.”

“Now I’m sure you’re all waiting for the big reveal, who put in the most hours, who worked the hardest, who is the employee of the year.”.

“And that would be Sans” he says, you can feel the tension in the room washing away, but soon enough the entire room looks at you as if expecting you to say something.

Fortunately the manager continues his speech, taking the attention of you, even if for a minute.

“Come up here, if you would” he says while looking at you.

You begin walking towards the crude stage, your head is filled with thoughts, you can’t tell if you’re taking forever or if time itself has slowed down.

You begin to question if you’re even walking normally, you have no way of knowing.

After what feels like hours, you’re standing on the stage, looking down at your coworkers, the manager looks at you before talking.

“For your dedication and effort to your job, we have seen it fit to award you the employee of the year title.”, he finishes and hands you the award.

You look at your coworkers standing in the area below, they clap and cheer as you take your award.

You feel as if you must say something or else you’d disappoint your coworkers.

You muster up your courage and attempt to speak loudly and with confidence.

“Uhm, thank you, thank you, you know it wasn’t this long ago I joined you guys here, uh, no other place would accept me, but you did, and for that I am thankful.”.

The clapping and cheering continues as you walk off the stage, you spend the next few hours chatting with a few coworkers as you’re now the center of attention.

You’re talking to mostly bees you usually talk to, but around closing time one bee approaches you.

She introduces herself as Anna, one of the workers, you recall seeing her around sometimes but you never did really talk to her.

You never really talked to the majority of your coworkers, although you don’t think you’ve ever seen her talk to anyone before.

An hour or two pass while the both of you talk about various topics, you seem to get along with her better than most other bees around.

Around this time you notice a lot of bees are leaving, which is normal enough, it’s not everyday you get a day off.

As you and Anna prepare to leave you decide to make a slight move, you say “Hey, are you busy this weekend?”.

Anna quickly answers by asking “Oh, no, not all, did you have anything in mind?”.

The fact that she seems to be accepting of your actions throws you off a bit but you instantly focus on your conversation again.

You reply to her “I was thinking we could grab some dinner.”, she replies by saying “Sure, sounds fun, I’ll see you then.”, you plan the meetup with her for a minute.

Now with the preview out of the way, here are the links:Website: [https://kevinsmithlol.github.io/underthebee/](https://kevinsmithlol.github.io/underthebee/)Subreddit: r/UnderhiveDiscord: [https://discord.gg/5uVpsS5](https://discord.gg/5uVpsS5)

What you just saw was a preview of my primitive writing skills, far before I got used to this style of writing, so, what to expect?
First and foremost, expect improvements in quality the deeper in you go, also expect the adult scenes to be a bit more “technical”.
Now what you will see a lot of, is fallout references, you’ll also notice character development.
If you have not caught on yet, this is by no means a joke, it very much is serious and I very much do want *you* to enjoy it.
Now I need any form of feedback you may have, whether it be constructive criticism or simple compliments, everything helps.
And before anyone asks, yes there will be more of this, it won’t take as long to make.
I experienced many difficulties when making Underhive, but I believe it’s finally ready to see the light of the world.
Now I had a lot of friends help with this, in more ways than one, though none of them wished to be credited as of now.Now that you’ve read this far, I can only ask one thing of you, I want you to read it fully, start to finish, for me.
It’s a bit of a hefty request but you have no idea how much it would mean to me, so please, do consider it.
And that’s everything I have to say, so please, begin reading and do leave any advice or criticism.
Oh and, jad kheirallah#3398 for discord contact.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hgd6wr/underhive_a_soothing_sansation