Edit: sorry if this is a repeat post. I created a throwaway account to post it and in my eagerness, didn’t see the rule about posts getting deleted if accounts are less than a day old.
Just some quick back story for context. I grew up in an area with a heavy military presence but never really gave it much thought. It was just the norm to have friends with parents in the military, to see people in uniform out and about, to have special events related to the military, etc. Never thought I would develop the kink I have now haha.
I went away to college and then ended up moving back to the area after graduation. Signed up for tinder and soon started dating this great guy who happened to be in the navy. I didn’t think too much of it. It was just his job, like any other job. But somewhere along the way, as I got to know him better and see him in his uniform more often, I realized how attracted I was to uniform and the devilish attitude he had gotten from the serving in the navy. Maybe he would’ve had that attitude regardless if he had joined the navy or not, but I attributed it to his work and the people he spent his time with and I liked it.
Sex was great those first couple years, as it often is with people who are young and in love and in a fresh relationship. We didn’t do anything crazy but it was good because we were in love. I asked him a couple times to fuck me in his uniform and he obliged, but I could tell he wasn’t crazy into it so I stopped asking. He enjoyed being in the navy but it wasn’t his whole life and I didn’t want him to feel like I was just fetishising his job.
Anyway, we ended up getting married a couple years after we started dating and I felt like I couldn’t be more in love. But then, and I can’t pinpoint when or how it started exactly, I started finding myself less and less satisfied with our sex life. At the same time, I was starting to realize that men in general found me attractive. I’d never been unattractive, but I guess my early/mid 20s was when I really blossomed into myself. Lost a bit of weight, gained some confidence, got some ink, and developed a better sense of style. I never really dated a lot of guys before my husband or had a crazy hooking up period, and I was starting to realize I wish I had had that. I enjoyed the attention I would get from men, even if it was just looks or small talk at a bar while my husband was in the bathroom, and would always wonder what would happen if I was single. I still loved my husband dearly but needed more sexually.
I don’t know what made me do it as I had never done anything like this before, but one day I had gotten off work early and was feeling particularly horny. So I got on Omegle (chat only) and started talking to strangers to get off. Even though I had never done something like this before, I could tell I was good. The words just flowed out of me, my dirtiest thoughts coming to light as I made these men on the other side of the computer screen cum over and over. They never made me cum with just their words but I would get so wet and horny by the thought of what I was doing to them and how bad they wanted me. At first, I would just use regular sex tags to find men on Omegle, but then, thinking back on how attracted I was to uniform, I began using military tags to find men. I was bold and cut to the chase of how I was online to sext and wanted to make them cum. They usually asked why I had used that particular military tag and I would unabashedly tell them that I found men in uniform hot. Sometimes they would go along with it, playing out fantasies, and sometimes not. But even if it never came up in conversation again, I loved just knowing that I was making some man in uniform somewhere cum with my words. The really good ones I would add on Kik or snap so we could continue talking and send pics. At first, I was a bit conservative with the pics I’d send. An arm carefully placed to cover up my tits, crossed legs, that sorta thing. But over time as I got more comfortable, I would send full on nudes and the men loved it. I would get nudes in return but my favorite pics were ones where they were in uniform. Just something about those camo pattern, working uniforms gets my blood pumping. I tend to be submissive in the bedroom and I loved the idea of getting dominated by a sexy, hot-blooded, rough man in uniform.
It’s been a few years since I started talking to guys online. Omegle turned into tinder and I actually started meeting up with guys to fuck. They all knew that I was married but didn’t care. They just wanted to fuck me, which actually made it hotter. I might write some stories about specific encounters but just wanted to get started with this.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hg7xbd/im_f26_married_but_dont_want_to_fuck_anyone
As a former military man myself, I think I speak for many when I say, we appreciate you haha. Thank you for sharing!
As a military guy. Just wanted to say thank you for hot story ?
I feel sorry for your husband.
As a military guy I wish I lived near you!