[MF] She walked the walk.

I live in a city in Ireland where the student population is very large, so more often than not there’s plenty of attractive women to politely admire from a distance.

As a photographer I’ve developed a keen eye and natural instinct for spotting potential photos from Ladnscape, travel to lifestyle and modelling. So I tend to notice certain things much faster than the average person.

Today was no different, literal moments I ago I just nipped out to the shop to pick up something small and largely unimportant when I seen this tall blonde girl, no older than 22/23. She was walking across the street to the store I was also heading for. She was wearing these furry pants that rose to just below her belly button and although not skin tight, they portrayed the lower portion of her figure very well. Her tank top on the other hand was a lot tighter and as she passed in front of me to head into the shop we made partial eye contact as my eyes dropped to her breasts. They looked to be a perky B cup and they had that great bra free bounce as the slight outline of her nipples could could be faintly seen.

I should note at this point that I looked at her twice and for no longer than 2 or 3 seconds in total. I was blessed with a great visual memory so I dont have to stare, in fact, I can go out on a “Scout run” as i call it and spot photos and store them away into the back of my mind – a useful skill if I do say so myself.

I picked up what I needed and rounded a corner making my way to the checkout when she was still at picking something to buy. The weather was very warm out (surprisingly) and when we made eye contact again and as she walked passed her nipples were so hard and erect, they’d cut a hole in a door.

Although she had a serious look on her face her lips had partially curled into a smile as she passed.

There really is nothing more attractive than someone with confidence, who walks tall and dresses in a manner that leaves plenty to the imagination.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hfmvky/mf_she_walked_the_walk