[F][F] Fuck, I wish I kept the footage of me fucking this girl on a butcher block in a restaurant

This has a bit of everything. This is opportunistic, straight girls playing, after hours, public and absolutely hilarious.

I (31F) worked at a trendy restaurant for most of my 20’s. I ran the front house for my mentor, and highly respected friend who was the chef and owner.

It was a busy summer weekend night. I noticed her when she came in. She was alone, and sat at the bar. She was wearing a black halter top, black skinny jeans. She had long straight black hair and was tall and slender. She had the cutest smile. I know this sounds strange, but she had really big teeth. I realize that doesn’t sound hot, but it was.

Now at the time, I was mostly straight, but had experimented with a couple women. I really didn’t pay much attention to her at first. My barback seated her and looked after her while I managed the window, service, some drinks and the general experience of patrons. He had been flirting with her all night – THAT I did notice. I had to run his food a few times because he was distracted.

She stayed long after dinner service. Things were getting quiet. The kitchen closed and now there were only a handful of people left around the bar. I asked my barback how it was going with the girl, and he said that it really wasn’t. And that she was asking a lot about me.

I was surprised. I mean, I knew I had pull, but felt that was mostly because I was so young with such a strong position. When he said that, we were the opposite side of the bar. I made eye contact with her and she smiled instantly.

I just remember my heart pounding with excitement. I started making shots, we turned up the music. I settled into talking with her while my barback handled the rest of the clients. Mostly, I just listened. At this point, she was definitely drunk, but I was trying to play it cool. I figured, best case scenario, we’ll make out or something.

Once the bar was quiet, and it was only her, my barback and I, I asked him to go home. He wouldn’t. He wanted to stay and see if he could pick her up. I had to bribe him. I promised him that I would open tomorrow and the following day (knowing very well i’d have to close too).

He left and I turned to her and said “I’m locking the doors, are you staying in with me, or do you want to leave?” She said she wanted to stay.

I didn’t wait long. After locking the doors, I took her hand and guided her to the back house (kitchen), and we started to kiss. I’m actually embarassed to admit that I was so zealous I caught her teeth a couple times trying to swallow her whole. We started to heavy petting. She was so meek, and had the softest, sweetest little moans. After kissing, and dragging my teeth up and down her neck, she pulled down her jeans and panties and jumped on the butcher block. I knew what she wanted, but I needed to hear it. Maybe because I’m bossy, maybe it’s because I like word play, but I said something along the lines of “…what do you want?”, And she just giggled until she said “You know what I want.”

I ate her out on the butcher block. I burried my face in her. I had done it once before, but this time, I feel like I had a better handle on it. She was really expressive with her body and sounds so I figured out pretty quickly how she wanted it. She came in my mouth with her hands wrapped and pulling on my hair. It was really hot.

I walked her to get bike and said goodnight. I got her name, but not her number. That wasn’t really my style in my 20’s. I was just very much career focused.

The following day, I bragged to the barback, who didn’t believe me. I told him I could prove it. We went into the office and I showed him the security footage of the kitchen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so excited in his life hahaha. Afterwards I panicked and felt really embarrassed. I remember giving the butcher block a hard look and trying to remember if I disinfected it after. And then I thought of my mentor, and the owner. And how he would kick my fucking ass if he found out I disrespected his kitchen like that. I deleted the footage. I wish I wouldn’t have. Especially now that I’m finally sharing this story.

A couple weeks pass, and she walked into the restaurant again. She didn’t pay me much attention and I’m thinking, I’ll go to her table and tell her something. The barback, of course encouraged me to do so. So I’m thinking, how and what can I say to this girl? I write on a napkin “you know what I want,” and bring her a gin and tonic. I waited to gage her response. She looked up at me completely dumbfounded. And then the laughter hits, and the barback is dying behind the bar. Almost on the floor laughing. I try to keep my cool, but obviously I’m thinking wtf is going on here. I make my way back to the bar and the barback reached his arm out to me and rested his hand on my shoulder and said, “Dude, that’s her identical twin.”

Fuck. I was so embarrassed. I covered the twin’s meal and a round of drinks and have tried to forget that feeling of embarrassment since then, but I always think of it, especially when I see twins.

I see my twin around from time to time. We just smile and go about our business. I never told anyone other than my barback. I just didn’t want it to interfer with business – I was trying to buy in and make partner at that restaurant.

Anyways, I really hope you all enjoyed that story. It’s definitely one of my favourites from my 20’s!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hfc2v7/ff_fuck_i_wish_i_kept_the_footage_of_me_fucking


  1. Oh, people would be absolutely shocked to know how much sex gets to happening in restaurants. There’d be a whole lot more if there was some privacy, but I’ve had friends tell me that a lot of scenarios like this absolutely get played out. The food service industry draws a lot of young impulsive people who have that “work hard/party hard” mentality, and when they get horny… stuff like this starts happening, absolutely.

    I think in Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain even talks about how he worked at a fair share of failing restaurants that were only staying open because the owner was an older man who had figured out that the serving staff was a great place to find young mistresses.

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