Update: [M]y neighbour [F] is still blowing me (without sex)

Hey! Quite a few people have asked for an update so thought I would share from my previous [story]([https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hcxi3u/my_engaged_neighbour_f_has_been_blowing_me_almost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hcxi3u/my_engaged_neighbour_f_has_been_blowing_me_almost/))

The last week or two the frequency of the blowjobs has dropped off a little, mostly due to work commitments and clashes in schedules now everything is starting to open again. Its down to 2-3 times per week instead of 5-6 times. This may seem disappointing, trust me, it is anything but! The excitement is still there, and Lydia is still loving sucking my cock (thank the heavens).

Yesterday she made up for the lack of frequency by going for round two! After completing her usual flawless , and standard coffee/chat afterwards, instead of leaving like she normally would she pushed me down on to the couch, unbuckled my belt again and started massaging my cock. Very quickly I was growing in her hands while she was licking the tip. She looked up at me and smiled, then dove down and gave me a blowjob that felt like it lasted for an eternity (in the best possible sense). The second blowjob was somehow sensual and sloppy at the same time, with drenching amounts of saliva. This was one of the best blowjobs I have ever received. The combination of her tongue and lips, plus her eyes looking up at me, is amazing – she is a true master of the craft.

However, no matter how amazing the blowjobs are – she still will not let me have sex with her. I want to respect her boundaries so I have not been overtly pushy, but I want to fuck her so badly, or at least go down on her and pleasure the hell out of her. So far the furthest I have been able to go is her stripping down to her bra and panties, and I have rubbed her pussy (albeit while she is still wearing her underwear). Plus of course I have fondled her small B/C cup tits and pinched her nipples while she has been blowing me, which she seems to enjoy thoroughly. She still swears that her fiance is aware, but I am still unsure. I have seen them together a couple of times in the last few weeks and we all just exchange a courteous hello , nothing more.

After my first post, one of you lovely redditors suggested that I offer to make her a mould of my cock to play with, which may help inspire her to the real thing. I took the advice and casually (a bit cheekily) mentioned it over coffee one morning. My chance came when she was teasing me about not being available all the time lately. I took the opportunity “maybe I need to make a model of my cock so that you can practice anytime…” I said with a playful smile. Her eyes lit up. Jokingly she responded with “I expect it ready by tomorrow”. She thought it was a great idea. Even enough to message me later that day some links to random dildos with a cheeky emoji.

Guys – I think I have found my way in. A wise man once said “there is only one way to eat an elephant; a bite at a time”. Bit by bit I am making my way towards the ultimate goal.

Soooo anyone know the best way to make a model cock? haha

Also – can someone tell me why my hyperlink wont work? Thx

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hexpww/update_my_neighbour_f_is_still_blowing_me_without


  1. I can’t say what I’d really do in your situation, but multiple BJs a week seems like enough for me, unless/until she decides otherwise!

  2. Don’t go too fast icarus you don’t wanna get too close too fast or you might get burned

  3. Jesus, this is still going on? She’s gonna get TMJ or bruised tonsils or some shit.

  4. Does she swallow your cum every time? And deep throat you? You should post some pics of your dick ;)

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