I felt so used [AM] [prose] [cheating]



I felt so used up after last night’s encounter, maybe that’s to be expected

I was waiting for you to show up, and my patience was rejected

Reflected, instead

In those glassy eyes which held me

Fuck, his stare was irrestistible

The scent of your perfumed neck be damned

I still felt you on my skin as his spit slicked my sin, I

Couldn’t help but let him in after an acrid gulp of gin

His words wove needlepoint promises upon my spine

Which weak and battered found me inclined

To risk the us we built so hard to shelter

I faltered

Again to think of your sparkling eyes

Now rife with tears and dripping incandescent down your soft cheek

You contrasted the rough of his fist when he claimed me

I turned away and thought of your lips

As his lust ripped through my groin and drove us.. further apart

Your lovely curves began to fade behind my lids

My house of cards needed only a stinking breath to topple


If I only knew you saw us

Maybe I wouldn’t have come home tonight

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hd4qm2/i_felt_so_used_am_prose_cheating