Sporting nothing but a brass toe ring…. seeking an erotic wordsmith, not a horny pretender.

So my title rings true, I’m currently sitting haplessly across my bed in my childhood room as my parents watch a re-run of Wheel of Fortune downstairs… and I am as bare as the day I entered this world… well, save for the brass toe ring given to me from an ex from high school.

I may seem young, naive even but I am far from anything you’ve ever seen or known, and once this tongue begins talking, you’ll give me anything I want and you’ll do it with a sly grin on your face. Plus I’m young so that’s appealing too, right?

My ask is simple: I’m a huge fan of erotica, not roleplay or telling me how you’re “gunna fuq me”. No, I’m talking about long, eloquently written tales meant to dazzle the mind and excite the extremities…. and I want them to be written all for me, based on the fantasies in my head. I want every environment richly detailed in luscious paragraphing, down to the last crack in the floorboard. I want every character fleshed out for pages until we get to the dimple above their buttocks, and I want everything described in the most expensive vocabulary that will have my toe ring slip off before the night is through.

Are YOU that talented writer of my dreams? I want you to make me yours, I want to belong to a brilliant wordsmith of fine erotica and be their muse until they are absolutely spent and can lift their pen no longer.

I want to be seduced, message me boasting of your talent, how you are the Shakespeare of written sex, and I will be only yours as long as you provide me stories of my choice to please me…. The longer and more eloquent the message the better.

But don’t keep me waiting long, I’m only going to keep my clothes off for so long…



  1. Thats a big ask. And we know not what you look like nor a hint of your fantasies. Does this brass toecring have magic powers. And what might they be?

  2. This was overly flowery and depressingly attention seeking. It looks like you wrote this with a thesaurus open next to you alongside a bit of symbolism for good measure. You’re asking for increadibly detailed work for essentially no return other than the thought of your supposed young body laying bare before the writer to devour in carnal ways. Ways you’re expecting to be realized in text.

    So tell me little miss toe ring, tell me… What’s your darkest desire? Your forbidden fruit? Whats that thing you really shouldn’t want? Because believe me this that’s exactly what I like to give the reader. What they hate to love.

    Do you want to be taken? Or perhaps you wish to take? Do you relish in misery? Or perhaps you torture through tantalizing pleasures. Maybe you want something darker. Something morbid and filthy. Do you want something to make your skin crawl? Do you want to feel it writhing under your skin, squirming and biting trying to escape your flesh? Maybe you want it under your nails, slowly shooting up your arm as an agonizing arc of lightning. Do you want to ride a bucking bull of a man? holding his throat as he fills you in a way that no one else ever has? Impaling you with satisfaction that leaves you hollow in his absence? Do you want to be worshipped? Do you want your toys to lick your feet, to grovel as they pleasure you? Maybe you just seek attention, you want to be exposed. Somewhere you will be seen. Someplace where a passersby can glimpse at your skin for a moment before you disappear with arousal oozing down your leg.

    There you go, a freebie.

  3. I write sext stories weekly, I’m sure you’d find something that caught your attention. I’m a thoughtful writer, though my stories have been getting longer and longer in quarantine.

  4. Hooo boy! I’ve seen this before. Real writers get messages like this all the time:
    “Hey there! I like your work. Listen, I’ve got an idea for a story that will make us millions. How about I give you the idea and you just handle all the scribbling and we’ll split the profits 50-50?”

    You’re basically pulling the same thing. “Hey I’ll give you the inspiration, and you do all the work!”
    If you want a ghostwriter to drop their projects and labor in *your* bean field, I suggest you offer something in return. I’m wondering if you’ve done a bit of writing yourself and you just don’t like pulling the plow. The old “I like standing at the top of the mountain but I don’t like the climbing.”

    I hope you find what you’re looking for, but even better would be you *becoming* what you’re looking for.

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