[MF] The Chosen One..

After driving around for hours, another boring night had led me to the small local town hangout. Some of my friends had now gathered around the hood of my car. All of us complaining about how we were all fucking bored. Trying to figure out a place we could go party. But mostly how our little Town sucked balls. The usual nothing to do, small town weekend conundrum. We usually lived by the three “F’s” – Fighting, Fucking and getting Fucked up. I always perfered option two.

We had started to formulate the -get Fucked up- plan trying to nail down a location and who was going to come. When suddenly, I noticed three girls walking out of the burger joint. I had seen two of the girls around at parties and school, but the third I could not place. I would have have noticed…

The two girls started chatting up my friends while the third seemed shy and hung back from the conversation. This girl was a mystery to me.. Maybe a cousin of Jan and Tina? I had been wrapped around a certain girls finger. Her blinders kept my eyes from straying. It was possible I just never noticed. What a waste of time….

The only way to discribe this new girl is shockingly beautiful! She was maybe 5′-5″ with long dark coffee hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her curves fit her height well. All hidden under short Tan shorts and a white half top that showed her lean stomach. DAMN!!! A straight up killer. I had to get to know her.

One of her friends Jan, grabbed her hand and the three girls walk over to me.

“Hey Jake!”

“What are you girls up too?” Trying not to stare too much.

“The usual. Bored.” Tina said.

“Yeah…We may try to hang out over by Tom’s house. You girls want to come?”

“Actually Michele wants you to take her for a ride in your Mustang” Jan lightly nudged Michele towards me.

“Hey Michele.” I said with a smile

“Hi” She said quietly.

“You wanna go for a ride?”

“Sure, how fast does it go?”

“Hop in and find out!” I said

I helped her in the car as her friends told her they wouldn’t wait up for her. She was mortified by the implication of the comment. I rolled my eyes at Michele making her give me a smile. I walked around and jumped behind the wheel.

“Where too?

“Anywhere but here!”

I laughed as we sped away. The faster I went the more fun she had. She definately started to loosen up a bit. Probably a little too much…

“So you still with Kate?” – Great fucking start Jake.

“Ummm, no?” I said.

“What happened?” She continued to probe.

“Just caught her fucking my friend Mike is all!”

“THAT IS MESSED UP!!!” She seemed suprised.

“What about you?” I said turning the tables.

“What about me?”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No…..Same as you.” She said.

“Your boyfriend fucked Mike too?” I joked

She laughed and continued to tell me her heart troubles. I needed to change the subject before this rabbit hole got too deep.

“What a fucking dick!” I said to her. “You can do better. You leave for college soon anyway.”

“Thanks” She said.

“Hey Jake, can I ask you a question?


“How many girls have you been with?” -Fucking Dagger.

“A couple…” I said.

“MMMHHMMM! That is not what I heard” she said

This girl was clearly not going to let me wiggle out of her question.

“What did you hear?”

“I heard you are Trouble!”

“What? I am an Angel!” I said coyly

“Yeah….A Hell’s Angel!!” She replied

“Well how many guys have you been with?” Trying to deflect.

“That is none of your buisness!”

I decided not to push. This girl was beautiful and also completely on to my shit.. I let the moment sit.

She looked out the side window. Touching it with her finger.

“They say your really good you know?”

“Well I am glad THEY SAY so!” Not knowing where this was headed.

“What is your favorite thing about sex?” She asked quietly.

“You really want to know?”


“I love to go down on girls”

This seemed to peak her interest.

“That’s what I hear… My boyfriend wouldn’t do it”

“Well we already established he is an asshole”. I said

“Hey turn right here” she said pointing to an old gravel road.

We drove slow down the tight curvy road. Dust kicked up off my wheels for mile after mile while we talked. She seemed very interested in my sex life. But she had very little to say about her own.

“You are very beautiful you know”

She tucked her hair behind her ear.


“I have alway thought you were Beautiful too Jake.” Her shyness edging slowly back. I placed my hand on top of hers. She accepted by locking our fingers together.

“Do you like it when girls go down on you?” She asked very quietly

“I do. But Kate never did. She was not into it.”

“Well she is a bitch!” She said.

“Our ex’s sound like the perfect pair!” The converstion seemed to be picking up.

“Well I don’t mind!” She said. “I like doing it!”

“Really?” I said shocked.

“Do you want me to?”

“Do I want you to what?” I said like an idiot

She placed her hand on my cock. “Do it”
“I really want to”


She bit her bottom lip….:

In my mind I was like FUCK YES!!! HOLY SHIT!!! But I tried to keep it together…

“I mean if you want to” I put the middle console up.

She smiled as she undid my pants and pulled my cock out and slowly stroked it. I came to a complete stop in the middle of the road. I brought her chin up to me so I could kiss her. Her soft lips tasted like strawberries. Mmmm.

I had to find a place where we could park quick. She released her kiss and lowered her head into my lap. I started trying to drive as this beautiful girl pleased me. I ran man hands along her back. The sight of her round firm ass made me despirate to have her.

A few miles down the road I pulled up into an old private cemetary. Not my first choice, but the drive luckily led up a wooded hillside and opened up into a parking lot at the top. Very quiet and private.

As I shut the car off as she continued. Her mouth was like heaven on me. She was so good sucking and stroking me. Fuuuck! I ran my hand down her ass that was propped up by her knees on the passanger’s seat. I felt in between her legs causing her to moan. She set up and unbuttoned her shorts giving me free access to her. Her mouth lowered back on me, making me lean hard back into my seat. My hand found it’s way to her ass again. This time my fingers found their way under her panties and to her wetness. She felt incredible.


She moaned as my finger entered her from the back. Oh fuck she felt good. Soo tight and wet. Her mouth completely taking me in.

She sat up again to kiss. I removed my hand from the back and put it down the front of her shorts. She arched her back so I could easily slip my hand in. My fingers explored and touched her. She held my wrist and ground into my fingers. I kissed her deeply. Her moans told me how much she loved my touch.

“God your beautiful”

Her kisses got stronger as her appetite for me grew. My hunger for her was almost overwhelming.

“I have a sleeping bag. Let’s go outside where it is more comfortable!”

She looked around….”You sure nobody is going to see us?”

“It is just us.” I said

She kissed me hard. My fingers continued carressing between her legs.

“I want to taste you” I whispered.

Her body seemed to melt from my words

“Mmmm…Ummm…yeah…ok..I…I..really want you to” She said as her chest heaved.

We got out of the car and fetched the sleeping bag and a condom. I find a spot to open up the sleeping bag. I pull her into me and had to bend down to kiss her. Michele’s hand wrapped around the back of my neck pulling me into her. My hands found her nice round ass. God I needed her.

I pulled my shirt off. Small hands mapped my thick chest. Soft lips kissed and explored my body. I tugged at her shirt tails and lifted it over her head. A white bra covered her perky breasts. Slowly, I removed her shorts exposing her white panties that glowed from the moon light. Lowering to my knees I pulled her close kissing her tan smooth stomach. My hand trailed to her back and found her bra latch and easily opened the clasp! Her bra loosened and fell down her arms…

I was able to straighten up enough to take her hard nipples in my mouth. Sucking and kissing. Her hands found my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I eased her panties down and off her legs putting my hand through her legs and up to her ass pulling her pussy to my mouth.


Her words found my ears as the first tongue to have ever taste her buckled her knees. She could not stand from the sensation of my head between her legs…

“OK…OK…OK…I need to lay down…WOW!”

She broke free from me then let me ease her to the sleeping bag.

“You taste amazing Michele.”

A small whimper left her lips as I gently pleased her.

“Mmm. Jake…don’t stop..That feels soo good…oooooohhh..”

I took my time with her. I wanted her to remember me. Remember how I made her body feel. To never forget my mouth tasting her. Faster…. and FASTER… Side to side…Never stopping…The tip of of my tongue danced across her passion effortlessly. Her body tried to squirm away from the intense first feeling. She begged me to not stop. I held her hips in place…She was mine tonight. I had to make sure nobody would ever please her as good as this again. She was so beautiful my body ached at the thought of pleasing her body.

Her body stiffened. Heavy breaths sharpened as she arched her back. My finger found it’s way inside her. Caressing the upper sensitive wall of her desire.


My reward was sweet. She would never forget me…

“Oh my god Jake….What was tha… .OH MY GOD…That was…HHHH…Thank you!” She said touching her body.

I layed by her side, gliding my hands on her shaking body. Taking in the sight of my effect on her.

“Did you like it?”

She looked at me nodding her head. I put my hand on her face running my thumb across her soft lips. She closed her eyes clearly thinking about something. Her eyes found mine when she settled on her thought.

“Jake?…I want you..”

I kissed her softIy..

“You sure?”

She nodded her head slowly yes. I removed my shorts and boxers. Slowly I rolled on the condom. Her legs were shut and her eyes told me she was clearly nervous. I parted her legs and moved between them. Her hands found my shoulders as I kissed my way to her mouth. I tried to ease her nerves with long sentual kisses. Her body felt amazing on mine. My desire for her shook me to the core.

“I want you soo bad…but we can stop if you want” sensing she was conflicted.

She looked me in the eyes breathing hard and whispered.

“Please be gentle and go slow”

I continued softly kissing her lips and neck. Showing her how much I appreciated her.

“I want you Jake”

I slowly started to enter her as chocolate brown eyes looked into my soul. Little by little she gripped me tight. I let her face tell me how to proceed. I knew she was nervous but, this all felt different to me.

Inching and retreating kindly letting her adjust to me. I could tell she had not been with many guys or had much experience. I only hoped I could please her.

She bit my shoulder hard and wrapped her arms around me tight as I reached her limits. I held in place savoring our tight bonding connection. When she relaxed enough and loosened her grip on me, I gently continued long patient strokes. Her winces slowly faded as she adjusted to me. Her hands slowly pulled my ass into her. Each time stopping fully inside, holding me in deep before I pulled back.

Her vice on my cock threatened everything. My reputation for being a good lover was being severly tested with each slow thrust. I was not going to last very long.

“Mmmmm…Jake…” her moans would trail off.

My name on her lips was the end of me.

Her eyes lit up watching my face strain and hearing my groans. She pulled me harder in each time enjoying the fact that her tight pussy owned me completely.



She smiled at me. I had never had anyone make such quick work of me. I did not even have the chance to make her cum again. Not cool Jake. NOT COOL!!!

She did not seem to mind and kissed me wildly. I could sense her realization of the power she had over me. An ever slight change in some small way. Like a new found confidence in herself.

We lay together for awile before she needed to go. We collected our things and got dressed.

The ride back to town was quiet but not akward. Smiles where exchanged with reflective glances. I kissed her hand as we drove showing my appreciation for her. As we neared town she spoke.

“Jake, if I tell you something will you promise to not be weird about it?”


“You know when you asked me how many people I had been with?”

“Yes. None of my buisness!” Lol

“Well…Just one”

“Yeah. I could tell you had probably only been with your boyfriend. So, I guess I am number two.”

“No Jake, you are The only one…”

“What? What do you mean?”

“My boyfriend and I did everything else but never went all the way.”

I immeditely felt bad. Horrible.

“I knew you would get weird about it”

“No-No not at all!!! But shouldn’t your first time been special?”

“To be honest, I am kinda relieved. I did not want to go to college a virgin. I wanted to with my boyfriend but it never worked out. And besides, it WAS special!!!”

We pulled into the lot and up to her friends who were waiting. They laughed and cheered as we pulled up.

“Your friends are dicks”..I said

“Tell me about it” She said.

She took a long look at her friends. Then back to at me.

“Jake…They what those girls said was right..You are Amazing!”

She pulled me in for a hard kiss. Her friends went Wild.

“See you around?” I said as she got out of the car.

“I hope so.” She said

She left soon after. We never got togther again. But I do know she will always remember that night. I know I do.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hcsv82/mf_the_chosen_one


  1. Well written story. One comment, it’s pique, not peak your interest.

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