My (Growing) Hyper Futa Girlfriend [Oneshot]

Author’s Note: This is my first and (maybe) last stories here. This will also contain hyper proportions so if ya don’t like that then please read something else. This was written on mobile so expect grammatical errors and wonky formatting. Now with that out of the way, let’s start the story shall we.

The sun was waking up and shone through the sky. The light would find it’s way to Jack’s house, specifically his bedroom. The sunlight pierced through Jack’s eyelids. Jack was your average guy. Barely 5’10, average build, and somewhat charismatic. As Jack attempted to get up from his bed he felt a bit of weight, making it so that he could not get up. Jack, blindlessly, searched with his right arm. His right arm soon stumbled upon a soft and squishy material. He grasped the mass. Almost hypnotic, Jack began to squish the huge mass. A soft moan could be heard throughout Jack’s groping session. Jack continued to grope the mass until he was interrupted by a sudden hug. A tight on at that. Jack was suddenly plunged deep into a cleavage of tit flesh. All Jack could see was flesh. From an angle Jack looked to be engorged in between two humongous breasts. This would be paradise for any man (atleast me). “Hey, uhhh… Jamie. Could ya let me go?” asked Jack. “But don’t you like it there, honey?” responded Jamie. “Yeah, I do but uhhh… I need to make breakfast and I can’t do that when I’m submerged in your vast sea of tit flesh,” Jack replied. “Uggghhhhh… fine.” Jamie let go. Jack sighed and sat up back on the bed only to be tackled back down the bed. “You wanna do it right now,” Jack complained. “Of course! How else would I calm it down?” Jamie asked. “You do have a point.” “Then let’s get the condom out! You don’t wanna have the whole bedroom smelling like my cum.”

~5 minutes later~

“There. It’s on,” Jack sighed. “Thanks Honey,” Jamie replied. The condom stretched down to 1/3 of Jamie’s cock. Jamie then slapped down her giant meat stick (if you could call it that) of a cock right beside Jack. Now, Jamie was not your average female. She was what you’d call a hermaphrodite or futanari. Now, Jamie was a special case and had gargantunan sized tits, ass, cock, and balls. Each of her tits easily surpassed 4 yoga balls bound together. Her waist was as thin as a male’s torso. Her hips were wider then 2 foldable tables at walmart put against each other. Her ass was larger than 2 doorframes. Her cock was a bit longer than 6’5 and thicker than 3’0. Her balls were slightly bigger than her ass. To top off her assets she was fairly toned and stood at 24’10. Due to her being a so called “hyper futa” she was funded by the government where scientists conducted tests on her. She was a valuable possession and the scientists would pay any amount at the cost of her being in pristine condition. So the cost of her expenses were covered especially her newly modified home. Back to the story, Jack began to rub the underside oh his girlfriend’s dick and grope her plump balls. Jack then plunged in deep into his girlfriend’s pussy. Jamie began to lightly moan. Pre cum began to splatter into the condom. After 2 minutes the precum slowed to a trickle and promptly stopped. “More. More. More. MORE!” Jamie moaned. A sudden gurgle could be heard in Jamie’s balls. Her balls began churn out more cum and more cum. As her balls moved, the loud sloshing of cum could be heard. Jamie’s balls each swelled past 10′ in diameter. Her balls were steadily creeping towards Jack’s chin. “J-Jack I t-think I’m c-c-cumm-ming.” “M-Me too, J-Jamie.” Soon a splurge of cum fired straight into the condom. The condom quickly filled up and soon touched the ground. The condom looked like an over stuffed bean bag. “Phew,” Jack sighed. He went to remove the condom only to be met with a peck to the face by Jamie’s cock head. The head looked to be heaving with it’s gaping urethra growing then shrinking. Jamie’s cock had easily surpassed 30′ in length and 12′ in girth. Her balls were atleast a little over 15′ in diameters. A trickle of pre left Jack’s right cheek as the thick rope of cum fell down onto the floor. Then a light lit up above Jack. Jack plunged his left arm straight into Jamie’s urethra. Jamie was overcome with a surge of pleasure as she screamed. All of a second, a quick rumble could be heard from Jamie. Her breasts exploded out forwards now covering 3/4 of her body. Her hips grew wider now wider than 2 couches. Her ass grew past 2,000 inches. Her cock past 60′ in length and 25′ in girth. Her balls each grew past 35′ in diameter. Then a sudden eruption of cum came sputtering out her dick. The walls of their bedroom would soon become plastered in all of Jamie’s girl cum. The cum was at waist high (for Jack). Fibally Jamie’s torrent of cum came to an end after 30 minutes. “Hey, Honey… Are you tired yet?” Jamie asked. “Of course.” Jack replied. “Well uhhh…,” before Jamie could finish her sentence an audible thud was heard. Then a crack. The bed began to creak because of the wait and finally gave out. The room was filled to the brim with Jamie’s flesh. Her tits soon burst through the walls. Her ass was so heavy it broke through the floor and both Jack and Jamie fell to the first floor. There, Jamie’s cock grew and grew as she broke through the ceiling now at 110′ in length and 50′ in girth. Her balls swelled and swelled as they each passed 65′ in diameter. Finally, her growth stopped. There Jamie was, immobilized by her own assets. Trapped in her cleavage was Jack, slowly sinking into her mountainous flesh. “So, we doing a round 2,” asked Jamie. The end.

So uhhhh… yeah. This was my story. I might make a continuation to this or just scrap it and make a new one if this is received positively. And uhhh… yeah. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did typing it and cya next time.


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