My wife [F30] watched me [M30] take my girlfriend [F29] to pound town. [FFM]

I knew the moment I looked into my wife’s eyes and saw the lust and soul-searing anticipation that matched my own that life was changing forever. I thrust into my girlfriend’s hot, wet pussy and felt my consciousness leave my body.

It had been two months since we committed to a polyamorous lifestyle. Sometimes that felt like a lifetime and sometimes it felt like a whole five minutes. It took me all of two days to reconnect with girlfriend. She and I had a vaguely shared past but I had gone back and forth with her offering platonic encouragement to keep engaging in our shared interest. During one of these conversations I came out to her as newly poly.

Cut to two months later and girlfriend, my wife and I are laying on a mattress we pulled off the bed and into the living room watching movies. Between potty breaks, getting up to get snacks, and passing our recreational water vase around the group we all found time to, at first, lightly kiss and play until some point in the night we were all kissing and fondling each other.

I would hold wife’s small and curvy frame, touching her pale skin and caressing the body motherhood had carved for her while girlfriend would massage my back and reach down my body and stroke me. Wife would suckle at girlfriend’s perky breasts while I kissed her angular face and played with her short hair. We exchanged various versions of this with each in the center of the cuddle puddle, getting concentrated attentions from the other two. It was beautiful. It was maddening.

Sometime in the night we managed to shed our clothes and feel who knows who’s skin on each other.

Due to recent changes in body weight, for the positive, my hormones had not yet caught up and in the past I had had issues rising to the occasion. Both Wife and Girlfriend had been infinitely patient during our intimate connections but I had no such trouble on that night.

I rose from worshiping Girlfriend’s nethers at full mast. Neither woman noticed for the sake of their own shared kisses until I was knocking at the door of Girlfriend’s lips. She broke of from her kiss with Wife and met my gaze. She was hesitant until we both looked to Wife’s approval. The small bite of her thin smile was every bit of the green light we needed and an instant later we she was watching her husband make passionate fuck to his Girlfriend.

I’m no super stud, super star, super man, super nothing but Girlfriend is. It takes a lot to get her to stop cuming.

Around her third orgasm I felt the need to be inside Wife. I left Girlfriend’s warmth, and her momentarily sated body for the familiarity of Wife’s small, soft embrace. I didn’t ask permission this time. No looks were exchanged. I filled Wife’s waiting pussy in a single thrust and wasted no time in falling into the pounding rhythm that I knew she lusted for. Where Girlfriend could crest her passions over and over, Wife had more of a long slow buildup to her own. It was a part of what made me love each of them, a small microcosm of the larger, wider affection I had for them. The energy was vastly different. Not better or worse just, Different.

I didn’t cum. In my own spiritual journey into High Magick I had been studying and practicing the Tantra. People. Get. On. That. Train. Its fucking awesome. Sorry to derail (fucking dad jokes for days) but even if you’re rocking a solo session try to stop and restart but this time do so in a spirit of worship. Worship your partner as a small part of the divine. Worship the divinity inside of yourself. Fuck, picture how good sex would be if you saw your partner as a God(dess). Riiight?!

I didn’t cum. But I reached a sexual peek several times.

Best part of threesomes? The fun didn’t stop when little Abetterthrowthan was done. It stopped when we all had let our sexual energy run its course. In later days both women would tell me that they wanted more but we all felt that we stopped when it was appropriate. I like to think we’re all adept in reading the room.

I wish I could tell you the experience was perfect. I wish I could say that we never had sex apart from the other’s again. The general vibe among the two separate relationships was that while the sex was gratifying, the connection was lacking. The shared energy was new and exciting but at the time we were each of us feeling emotionally thirsty for our individual connections.

Its ok. We all got there eventually. Girlfriend left in the morning to see to her obligations and Wife and I enjoyed a kid free day with lots of sleep, threesomes are tiring, and some quality time in and out of the bedroom. Girlfriend and I spent the next afternoon together and shared in our unique togetherness too. Patience and a little scheduling won the day and we all came around to feeling great about it.

We probably won’t have another shared experience like that for a while, if ever. But, it was fun, healthy and consensual for all involved.

I’m sharing this with you now to, of course, provide you with a story that’s arousing and pleasurable but to also tell you this:

I am not physically ideal. I’m not even emotionally or mental ideal. If you put me up against any picture of male humanity that would be deemed “perfect” to any woman I would always fall short. BUT, I have a happy, albeit complicated, life with my family. I enjoy the company of two women in an ethically non-monogamous relationship dynamic, and I’m doing it all because I had the courage to trust myself and the pleasure of my genuine company, and the will to ask the universe for what I wanted.

Its as simple as that.


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