Happy FRIDAY THE SEXTEENTH everyone! Let’s celebrate!

Yes, it’s the start of summer but you know what June has really been missing? A holiday, and not just any dull one like President’s Day or whatever the hell Labor Day is…. I want a day to be sexy, to be erotic. I’m talking Friday The Sexteenth!

Okay, so maybe I’ve had a little too much time on my hands since the world shut down and maybe I’m just itching for that last bit of opening to happen and the clubs to open up to sate this libido… but hell, why not celebrate? Hi, I’m Kali, almost 30 and zany enough to be sixteen again with a passion for writing and the ignorant bright eyes of being published one day. I suppose that’s been a small blessing of this pandemic: stowing the dating apps and finally opening that manuscript…. Yes Daddy, it’s a real job.

Anyway, so what’s a spunky girl (and holy shit yes I’m a girl… quickly noticed that isn’t the case since finally creating a reddit account the other day) doing in a shady place like this? Well, it’s kinda lame but porn just doesn’t really twist my dildo anymore, to be blunt. Policeman arrests girl, policeman shags girl in back of car, policeman lets girl go with a load on her face. Shakespearean. What this world is missing is that passion, that storytelling that paints a vivid picture of the secluded beach with the dark waves crashing against the shore as two lovers wrap up in a blanket of wet sand… and maybe a vocabulary above a 5th grade level wouldn’t hurt either. “Les fuq babby” didn’t exactly woo me in high school, call me old fashioned.

So, that’s what I’m throwing my 49’ers ballcap in the ring for this evening. If you have a pen and an urge to satisfy a halfway crazy, halfway horny gal with your fine wordsmithing, and bring a couple of my fantasies to life, well say howdy partner.

And let’s make this the opener: explain to me how YOU celebrate Friday the Sexteenth, in detail, and let’s create traditions that our children’s children will…… well uh, will probably have to wait a few years before they appropriately practice them.

Let’s go!!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hcbdxh/happy_friday_the_sexteenth_everyone_lets_celebrate