The Presidential Suite (BDSM, Fetish, M/s) Part 1

Good day, I have been doing some experimenting with this story for a little while. This is simply the introduction to the story which my goal is to make about 50 ish pages long with about 4 to 5 sex scenes. Any feedback is appreciated. If you guys like it I’ll post the 2nd part (and first sex scene)

Thank you!

Character List:

Master: Master

me: Slave

Vacation Girl 1: Emily

Vacation Girl 2: Farzana

**The Presidential Suite**

Part 1: Poolside Tactics

my Master took me on a holiday with Him to the Maldives for our anniversary! He booked us the presidential suite at a quaint, yet still fancy hotel tucked away on a quiet, private beach. It was the off-season for tourism and so for much of our trip, we had so much to ourselves! We could go down to the beach in the middle of the hot day and there would sometimes not even be another person in sight. He could use me in the damp sand, on the edge of the water while the waves rolled up the long, gorgeous coastline to just barely touch our legs as He fucked me. There wouldn’t be people for a mile, even if there were, we wouldn’t have cared. I could scream and He could command *Louder, slut, what are you for?* “I’m for being a useful fuck toy, Master!” *What are you* ***for?*** “I’m for being your obedient fuck toy, Master!” I would scream into the warm air of the tropical night as he pounded me deep into the thin, white sand. We could make a bonfire on the beach and watch the sunset together while snuggling in the sand, just the two of us. We would go to the hotel restaurant and some nights we had it completely to ourselves. The waiters would sometimes recognize Master from TV or something and want to take a picture, but He was never bothered by it. We would talk all night long, lazing back in the chairs while the waiters would bring us copious amounts of wine. We would laugh and chat and when it was time to go back to our room for the night Master would hug me so tight. He held me and looked in my eyes. *I fall in love with you over and over again, every single day.* He said to me while His hands held me and pulled me in for a long and sweet kiss.

We went back up to our room for the night, the restaurant closed and the lights went out. He squeezed my ass in the elevator and tipsy me got excited and gave Him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. He giggled at me and kissed me back. He ran His hands up and down my body, grabbing my boobs. I love it when Master’s hands are all over me, i feel like i know what He’s thinking based on how He touches me and handles me. His tone and his attitude were conveyed through His touch, a touch i became an expert at reading. He slid a hand to my chest and grabbed me with a touch that said *you’re Mine, you slut, Mine*. He felt me melt into subspace and by the time the elevator door opened i was gone. A walking mess so wet and submissive i almost fell to my hands and knees when we began making our way down the corridor to our room. But Master held my hair very tightly while we sauntered together. He held me and directed me by my hair so that i could barely move except for where He directed me to walk.

He unlocked the room door and loosened His grip as he opened it for me, i took this as an invitation for me to crawl and i melted slowly onto the floor. i felt like i was collapsing in slow motion, first onto my knees then sliding my hands across the refreshing marble floor in front of me while arching my back. i looked up behind me for His approval. He walked in and pet my head, whispering *very good girl… come.* He continued walking across the room to the massive four-post bed. He laid down and looked at me. I crawled slowly over to Him, swaying my ass with each stride, gliding my hands forward far too much so He could watch my ass rise up and my back arch. I crawled to my Master, hungry to please Him, hungry to make Him happy, but most of all, i was hungry to love Him. I want to overwhelm my Master with my love, my affection, my care, and make Him feel like the absolute **Master** that He is. To show my devotion, I rubbed my head against His legs like a cat once i got to the bed. I took off my clothes while I was still on the floor, making my infamous slutty-puppy eyes at Him while he also stripped down. He patted the top of the mattress twice and i hopped up and nestled my head under His chin and kissed His chest. He hugged me so tight i almost squeaked, and then kissed my forehead many times in rapid-fire. He pulled up the covers over us and snuggled me to sleep, feeling me all over with His warm hands. I felt owned, I felt loved, I felt so safe and perfect….. and tranquil…. and sleepy… and…..zzz

He led his hand slowly up and across my bare tummy and chest, He moved even slower across my neck, wrapping His hand around me. I almost unconsciously braced myself for Him to choke me, but His hand didn’t stop going up. Up to my chin, onto my cheek. A kiss! On my forehead. *Wake up my little one, Daddy wants to tell you He loves you*. I love waking up with Master. When I wake up before Him, i get to worship and lick and suck His cock until He wakes up, He loves being woken up that way. When He wakes up before me, He runs His hands gently all over me, like little snuggles all over everywhere! He will kiss my sleeping lips and whisper nice things to me while i wake up so i always wake up happy and loved. “I love you too, Sir.” i mumbled sleepily in my little girl voice. i felt like i could feel my heartbeat in my head and the piercing sun shining into the bright, white marble room all but burned my eyes. *Awh, my little itty bitty! Do you need to sleep a little bit longer? Hmm?* His hands paused, one on my hip and the other on my chest. “mmmm yes Sir, i think i have a headache.” He kissed my forehead gently, hugged me, kissed me again, and slid His hands away as i began to nod off to back to sleep.

I felt His arms around me in a gentle, but communicative hug; He held me, He possessed me while i laid next to Him. “Master” I sleepy talked, half-conscious half not. *Shhh, my princess, it’s okay to sleep, is Master bothering you?* He loosened the hug so slightly that a less attention-hungry girl might not have noticed. “No Master! I am awake, i want you to kiss me!” i put out my lips in a smoochy shape. *If you’re really awake then why haven’t you opened your eyes yet?* Oh, right. “I’ve… just been blinking for a very long time.” He giggled and kissed me. And He kissed me again. And He kissed me more. And i’m awake now. We played in bed for a while, we snuggled and kissed and talked. Sometimes He just keeps His pinching fingers on one of my nipples, waiting for me to be bad and He can pinch and put me right in my place, but i never am. He’ll start to play with my nipples instead while we talk. We’ll look into each other’s eyes when we talk and both of us will nearly forget about His unconscious hand playing with my nipple and boobs. We’ll forget my hand which is gently placed along the imprint of His cock through His pants. I decided to be cheeky and start slowly rubbing His dick from the outside. Maybe He’ll let me blow Him. Usually in this kind of setting He likes making me earn it first. His hand slid back to my nipple and he pinched, but just a little bit. He looked deep in my eyes and raised an eyebrow. He came a couple of scooches closer to me and tilted His chin up slightly. I took my opportunity to kiss His neck and He exhaled deeply and i felt His dick move under my hand. I can’t ask yet, I need to be more sure He’ll say yes before I ask. I kept kissing and licking His neck while His hands moved all over me, this time with a little more urgency. He flung the bed sheet off me and held my face so that i looked at Him. His hand cupped under my chin with His thumb and fingers squeezing my cheeks. He gave me a quick and sharp slap. I got startled and pushed my torso into His, i felt my eyes get big and i fell hard into subspace. “Thank you, Master.” I tilted my head slightly, asking for a kiss. He quickly pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me all over my face. I giggled and babbled and He slapped me again, softer and playfully this time. How did He throw me into a deep subspace and then pull me up to littlespace so quickly? We kept playing in the bed while the morning grew less and less sleepy.

*Come, baby, let’s go to the pool and we can have ice cream for breakfast.* I gasped “Ice cream?! For breakfast?!” *Yes baby!* “But Daddy it’s already 12:30, it can’t be breakfast.” *Oh, I guess we’ll just have ice cream tomorrow morning then since we can’t have it for breakfast today.* “No Daddy! It is breakfast time! Please?!” He laughed at me and gave me kiss after kiss after kiss as we got ready to go down. “Thank you, Sir!” I said when He handed me my ice cream. We went to go sit by the pool. Today was Friday and so there were more people around than usual. We laid on the pool chairs and held hands, Master would look at me and blow me a kiss and I would blush and blow Him two kisses back.

Master was reading when I noticed two very, very, *very* pretty girls who were holding hands walk into the pool area. One went in the pool while the other lounged on the side. The girl in the pool must have recognized Master the same way the waiters did the other night because she kept stealing glances at Him but you could tell she was trying not to. She did a lap around the pool and definitely only moved around so much so she could eye-fucked my Master. She hadn’t noticed me whatsoever so I continued to watch her, bobbing around in the pool, checking to make sure her tits looked okay in her bikini. Adjusting them once, down under, adjusting them again. It felt like she was playing cool singing “Just keep swimming” in her head to look normal. She bobbed down and popped up quickly, looking up at my Master and then checking her tits again. I watched the girl in the chair talk to one of the pool waiters and then leave. I squeezed Master’s hand. He looked up at me and I pointed my eyes towards the girl. Master looked and looked back at me, reading my face. I raised my eyebrows, a half asking, half begging expression swept over my face. He smiled sweetly at me and squeezed my hand back. He stood up and unbuttoned His white linen shirt. He sauntered cooly and then dived smoothly into the pool. I watched as He swam from our end to the side where the girl was. His head popped up and He moved His wavy brown hair out of His face. I watched as the girl tried hard to not let out a screech of excitement as He approached her with confidence and let out a loud but friendly and inviting *Hello!* “Heh- Hi, I’m Emily.” she stuck out her hand nervously for a shake, tilting her body like a shy child and pointing her hand a little downwards. *It’s very nice to meet you, Emily.* They talked for what felt like 10 or maybe 15 minutes wading around and chatting while i sipped on what seemed to be a bottomless mimosa – the waiters here are damn sneaky. They shared a hug after a while. She giggled loudly at least half the things He said and her eyes grew with wonder at everything else.” At one point, He pointed me out to her and she waved hi, i just waved back and smiled without the need to check my tits. Their conversation was about to end, i could notice Him starting to wade a small distance from her. Master is good at shaping His words and His body language when He talks to new people. He always checks to see how interested and trustworthy they might be before He says anything more frankly. Master touched her arm gently, spoke a few more sentences, gave her a quick peck on the cheek, then swam back to me. He got out of the pool and toweled off. He sat down next to me again and held my hand. *It’s her and her wife here on their honeymoon, Emily and Farzana, are their names. They’re both bi. They are… open.* “She’s so pretty.” my voice was almost greedy. *She is. The wife is coming right back, I told her they should talk a little bit and then come over to us if they wanted to get to know us better.* Master always says *get to know us better*, it’s like His code. I don’t know what He says to the new people He chooses, but He’s very good at inviting very attractive people to *get to know us better*. I got excited. I watched Emily’s wife Farzana return and Emily scurrying over to talk to her before she could even sit down. They must have talked for longer than Master and Emily did in the pool, but they eventually gathered up their stuff and made their way over to us.

I squeezed Master’s hand one last time and then let go as He stood up, He greeted both of them in that way that He does; somehow both formally and casually at the same time, like a celebrity turned politician (huh, maybe that’s where He got it from). He introduced me and offered them chairs. We all chatted for a bit, Emily was clearly nervous as her bright pale skin was somehow getting paler even out in the hottest sun ever. It was going so well, Master was saying all the right things. Farzana carried herself confidently and cooly as well, while Emily took up a pretty submissive posture. *…so, if you’d like then, maybe we could all meet up at our room? We have a full kitchen so maybe we could have dinner and drinks and we could all just talk and get to know each other a little bit better?* He looked at Emily, who looked down and then up at him very coyly. “That sounds absolutely wonderful, around what time should we stop by?” Farzana asked. “I mean, we could just maybe go up now,” Emily said shyly, looking up at Master. She does some pretty decent slutty-puppy eyes. Master kind of laughed, *Hey, we’ll have all night, there’s no hurry. We’re on holiday!* *We can stay up late and wake up later! Plus my little lovely and I have a few plans this afternoon.* He held me from the side and gave my shoulder an affectionate squeeze. *But hey,* he looked back at Farzana, *how about 8?* “8’s perfect! We’ll see you then!” Farzana said enthusiastically, we all stood up and said our goodbye for nows.

“What are our plans this afternoon, Sir?” I asked while we walked together through the lobby to the elevator. He squeezed my hand and looked at me with His eyes shining and smile beaming. *Nothing at all!* He said, almost proudly. “Oh, i get it, You’re being cool.” *The coolest.* He winked at me. i giggled and squeezed His hand, leaning into Him for a side hug. “You’re such a dork, cool people actually do stuff, what are we going to do?” we get into the elevator and He puts His arm around my shoulder as the doors close. *Um, that’s where you’re wrong, baby! Cool people don’t go out and do stuff, cool people stay in pajamas all day and play with their little baby girls.* He kissed my cheek and we made our way back into our room.

After cleaning and preparing the suite to Master’s liking, i found myself standing by the door looking through the peephole down the quiet, empty hallway. *Baby, it’s only 6, they won’t be here for quite a while.* *Come here.* Ugh. I stayed at the door, I couldn’t even pull my eye away from the peeping. *Come, give me a kiss!* AH! I snapped around and ran over to where He was sitting in the living room lounge. I jumped on top of Him and He hugged me tight and kissed me. He held me so tight and snuggly in His arms and kissed me again. I giggle and gasped at Him while His hands felt me and cuddled me all over while we traded kisses all over each other’s faces and necks. We were both still in bathrobes since we had so much time. He slid his hand into mine and felt my pussy, His hand cupped my cunt for just an instant before He put two fingers in me. i gasped once again. Oh my god if only He would take me and pound me right now just to at least get my jitters out. He pulled his fingers out of me slowly as i felt my eyes flutter and pleasure swept over my body, making me blush. He held His hand up to my face to show me how wet I was. *Save some of this excitement for later, okay?* “Yes, Sir,” I said before I sucked and licked His fingers clean.

Part 2: Dinner With Guests

He wore vacation-y light slacks and a linen button-up shirt. I wore a sundress with a very sexy bikini that Master picked out for me underneath. I wore my hair down, Master said the black and grey of my hair shines so beautifully in the sun and He loves it. We watched the sunset together from our balcony. I nuzzled my head against his chest and gave him a kiss on his collarbone.

*knock knock*

!!! I couldn’t contain myself i jumped up fast and looked at Master with eyes asking “where do you want me to be, Sir?” He took my hand and slowly walked me to the door. i draped myself around Him alluringly as He answered the door. Farzana stood tall, wearing black heels, short shorts, which showed off her thick but taught legs, and a lacey red top that all but pushed her plump tits right out. Her dark skin made the red of her top appear smoother and darker somehow. He thick, black curls spiraled their way down resting almost commandingly on her shoulders. She took my breath away. She was absolutely stunning. Emily, wearing nearly the exact same sundress as myself, had her thin blond hair in a tight ponytail, which found itself being held gently by Farzana’s hand. *We certainly know how to dress our girls up, don’t we?* Master said jokingly, addressing and dismissing the fact that Emily and i had the same outfit on. Farzana laughed “We certainly do, you have good taste.” She said to Master while looking me up and down in a subtly objectifying way. I could feel myself slipping to the tip of subspace. Her eyes held power and her face, although smiling and friendly, commanded respect. *Well, I could say the same for you* Master responded, giving Emily a quick wink. She blushed and tilted her head down and threw up the puppy eyes. *Please, come in, allow me to get you something to drink, we have everything, any preferences?* “Gin and tonic for myself, and I’m sure Emily here would just adore a sangria.” Emily nodded aggressively, Master laughed. He gave me a quick look and i knew immediately what He wanted. I made my way into the kitchen to prepare the drinks as he gave Farzana His hand and brought her to the living room. They sat and i heard giggling. i made my way with the tray of drinks to where they were seated and served everyone. “Two gin and tonics” I handed Master’s His first, and then Farzana. “A sangria for Miss Emily.” and I sat next to Master with my hard seltzer. *Thank you, my love* Master cooed, he gave me a slow and controlled kiss before shifting his focus back to our guests. *How are you enjoying the honeymoon, everything you wished for, and more I hope?* Master’s voice was so smooth and manner of speech so decisive. “Oh, but of course, a gorgeous and well-deserved change of scenery from London.” Farzana said, giving Emily a playful nudge. “And yourselves? You seem to be seasoned veterans of this tropical paradise.” Master let out a chuckle *certainly, my little plaything and I find ourselves on holiday nearly just as often as at work these days.* He put a hand on my leg, ever so slightly pushing up my dress. “Oh but you deserve it, being under the scrutiny of the public eye must be so stressful. I can only imagine a man like yourself needs an… outlet for all that pent up stress.” I love the kinky code that dominants pull out during this part, sitting there pretending like they don’t know they’ll be slapping this slut senseless in just a moment. *You can say that again, luckily for me, I have the honour of taking this gorgeous doll with me on these… de-stressing trips.* We all shared a little giggle and I moved closer to Master, helping His hand make its way up my leg. “How long have you two been together?” i asked with poise and conviction, letting Emily know immediately that she will be beneath me during tonight’s hierarchy. “Well, this little beautiful thing was actually my executive assistant a few years back, but this poor American country girl was having a time adjusting to her new life and so I took her under my wing, we quickly fell in love, and the rest is history.” Emily looked up at Farzana with the biggest, most loving eyes. Farzana gave her a kiss. *How very sweet* Master said, eyeing up Emily once again. “If you ever need an extra assistant around your offices, *sir*, my girl here would make a very loyal and *obedient* one.” Farzana gave my Master the sexiest look i have ever seen. “Take her, use her, tell me what you think.” her eyes said, as her gaze pierced the air and deep into Master’s. *Well of course the same goes to you, my little one here may not have the most office experience, but I have trained her well. She is very versatile.* I love it when Master brags about me to others. He feels like i am his accomplishment, like my love and devotion for Him is a trophy that He always wants to show off. **I** am His prized possession. “Oh I wouldn’t doubt that for one second.” Farzana’s eyes looked me over, I shifted my shoulders to show off my chest more. Farzana gave a chuckle, “And appearances are certainly important to me, your little one does well to expose her greatest qualities.” *Like I said,* Master took a sip of His drink. Well *trained.* He winked. *Allow me to show you off a bit, my darling* Master took my hand and stood me up. i walked to the other end of the table where the three could watch me like an audience. i slowly turned my back to them and spread my legs shoulder-width apart like i had done a million times before. Master took a seat next to Farzana, and Emily scooched closer to her on the other side. i slowly bent forward, arching my back in the process, and touched the floor in front of me gently. *You see, flexibility is something I find very important.* Master said, He began speaking of me like i was a product for sale. i soaked up the attention and the desire to impress Farzana and make my Master proud. i swayed my ass lightly back and forth placing both of my hands flat on the ground. “Very nice” Farzana said in an impressed voice. “Thank You, Mistress.” i called back, peering at her between my legs. i slowly returned up and faced them. i began to bend forward, lifting my chin and neck up and exposing my cleavage, i pushed my tits together with my hands as Master had trained me to do when showing myself off to our guests. “Very… nice…” Farzana said once again. “Double D?” *Oh of course.* Master responded back proudly. i stood back up straight and bowed my head slightly as a thank you. “You turn, my lovely wife” Farzana cooed affectionately at Emily. Master did not dismiss me and so i stayed where i was. Emily stood up and next to me, repeating the expose i had given. *Lovely indeed* Master said, His arm was around Farzana already. He beckoned me over, i made my way down to my hands and knees as gracefully as i knew how, and crawled slowly over to Farzana. Emily followed suit, circling around the other side of the table and to Master. i knelt in front of Farzana and bowed my head so my chin touched my collar. Emily replicated my position. “You do not exaggerate with how well trained you say she is. I think she’s even making mine behave better too.” Farzana smiled wide at Master. *Perhaps I could offer you an appetizer before the main course?* Master said to Farzana, nodding towards me. “It would be my pleasure to graciously accept.” Farzana responded. Master gave me the look of approval. “No, Mistress.” i corrected her, “It would be *my* pleasure to graciously serve.” i kissed her thigh, my red glossy lipstick leaving a shining and subtle smudge on her brown skin. She began to undo the buttons on her shorts but Master stopped her. *Please, allow me, what kind of host would I be if I didn’t assist my guests?* Farzana’s commanding aura began to shift as a wash of pleasure and excitement took over her face. He undid her shorts for me, she lifted her waist up as he pulled them down. No panties. i crawled in between her thick and beautiful legs and gave her my slutty puppy eyes. *Ask nicely* Master said. He knew i would. “Mistress, may i please offer you my mouth to use?” I tilted my head back, leaned my body forward, exposing my chest as i stuck out my tongue. “Oh fuck yes.” Farzana gasped out, gently hovering her hand on the back of my head. i gave her kisses all up and along her thighs working my way up her legs and to her clit. i gave it a kiss before i gently sucked on it and used my tongue to rub it from side to side. Farzana’s gasping was all i needed to hear to begin to eat her out with conviction. i found myself with tunnel vision on her plump and soaking wet pussy. She tasted sweet, i got drunk off her pleasure as i tongue fucked her and felt her legs begin to quiver. *Oh, good girl,* i heard Master say, i looked up briefly to find Emily’s head bobbing on His cock, while Farzana held her hair. Master’s arms were spread out along the couch, one arm around Farzana. i stole another quick glance to see Emily with both hands behind her back and her tongue on Masters balls while holding His cock entirely in her mouth. “Mine’s pretty well trained too.” Farzana smirked and gave Master a kiss on the lips.
