My roommate[f] had sex in our dorm room and knew I was there (cont.2)

So I had just secretly hid out in my loft as my college roommate had rough sex with James, a cute guy in my English class. She knew I was watching/listening. Full story [here]( plus [here (cont)](

James left and there was an awkward silence. It was like she was just standing there lost for words, like I was (but this girl was never lost for words). And, having just overheard her every little gasp, chirp, and whimper, it seemed she could hardly be self-conscious. In fact, I knew she wasn’t.

Finally, I heard the faint, breathy sounds of restrained chuckling. The insanity of it all just suddenly seemed ridiculous and funny. I barely chuckled, but it was enough to out myself, and I flung the bedspread aside. I looked down. There she was in nothing but an over-sized t-shirt. Both her hands were covering her mouth, and her eyes were wide. All I could think to say was “Oh my fucking god Susan!”

She burst out into laughter and so did I. A giggle-fest ensued. She was jumping around squealing lol.

She jokingly said: “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were going to be back early tonight!”

I snapped “I’m so sorry I didn’t know you were going to be Fucking James tonight!”

“OMG you know him?” She said.

I said he sits next to me in English. We giggled more. (I didn’t tell her about putting my hand in his lap.) I’m sure I was bright red.

Then I said “he called me your ‘little roommate’!”

She said “yeah, he saw that pic of us moving in.” A part of me was pleasantly electrified knowing that he knew I was her roommate.

In quick succession she rattled off comments about his looks, developed chest, hot voice, manliness, and sexual performance. I instantly affirmed each agreeable sentiment in-kind. After we had about exhausted ourselves giggling, I finally exhaled and casually said offhandedly (to my credit) “god that was hot. I never came so hard.”

Susan looked up at me dumbfounded, mouth gaping wide. I looked down sheepishly. “Oh my god, Mary! See, you ARE a slut!” I concurred. (I was still touching myself a bit under the covers.) She said she knew my ‘scandal’ (why the door was locked). She said she didn’t blame me at all for eavesdropping at first, and that she would have done exactly the same thing. I said if I were her there was no way I could have pretended no one was there. She said she loves it when people watch and has done it before (although never a secret observer)…that it’s a huge turn-on for her. She said “honestly, knowing that you were up there was like unf. I just didn’t want it to stop.”

I asked her how long she had been seeing James, as I didn’t know she was seeing anyone. She said “oh no, I’m not seeing James.” I was confused. She clarified “Actually, James is engaged. He’s just a friend.”

“Wow, sounds like an open-minded fiance.”

“Well, she doesn’t know.” I felt a bit uncomfortable.

“So James is cheating on his Fiance? With you?”

“Yeah, I guess so. But his fiance is that Amy chick down the hall.”

I learned James had gotten engaged to Amy, his high school sweetheart, over the summer. They had both applied to the same school to be together.

But Susan and I had both concurred that Amy down the hall was an epic twat.

I shrugged, and said “Oh, I guess I’m fine with that.” We both laughed.

The wicked look she gave me had me simultaneously smiling and pulling my blanket over my head. For whatever reason, right then I wondered what James would think of a threesome. I really was becoming a slut. I asked how she first got with James.

It was crazy how it happened. Susan said she was at a house party, but didn’t know hardly anyone there. She had just been flirting with a guy who she was really into, but he had drifted away and she was standing alone in some dim basement. She was about to leave when she sensed someone behind her. Thinking it was the guy she had been talking to, she backed up, just a bit. She felt a hand rest firmly on her waist. She didn’t move. The hand crept up to her side, under her arm, and grasped her neck. He pulled her back against him, and she felt his erection pressing against her behind. She said it was super thrilling, like something she had dreamed would happen for years(!) (I was agape.) She turned her head, and whispered “yes.” (I was like omg Susan wtf) The guy immediately released her and seemed surprised. She turned around and saw it was a different guy…that it was James.

James, shocked, profusely apologized, “I’m so sorry I thought you were someone else.” Susan says she bit her lip and gave him her best doe eyes. In a deliberate tone, she said “No, that’s okay.”

He hesitated, but then, seeing she was being flirty, he smiled. He blatantly checked her out, looking her up and down. Then he approached her and grasped her neck. He pushed her up against the wall and buried the bulge in his jeans up against her body.

He growled “So you’re sure this is okay?” He was grasping her tightly.

She said “I just wanted him to squeeze tighter(!) push harder(!) I just nodded a tiny bit.”

He released her and said “I wish it was, but I’m engaged.”

“Pity” she quipped.

He agreed and they relaxed and fell into casual conversation (lol). He told her about Amy. During the course of their talk she was clear to mention that she’s good at keeping secrets (lie lol). He asked her how her first few weeks were going and she mentioned the trouble we had moving in. She grabbed her phone and flipped through pics of our huge loft project (where he apparently saw the pic of us the first day Susan and I met). Then she said she “had a more special album he might find interesting, just for guys like him” and she stroked her neck. (gawd) He asked to see and she shared. (These are super slutty and explicit nudes she has been amassing for years. She showed me later.) They finished their drinks and he offered to walk her home.

I was like “oh, so that night you came back here? Haha. Lucky I wasn’t around.”

She said, “no, you were.”

“Wut. That was TONIGHT?”

She nodded, and I just couldn’t believe it. We both sort of went crazy again.

She said “so he walked me over and we chatted about normal stuff. At the door he was acting like he was about to leave, so I told him I have a secret to tell him. I put my lips right against his ear and softly said ‘really, it’s okay.’ Then I sort of put my hand on his crotch.”(!)

He said “You can’t touch me there. That’s sexual assault!”

She said “What are you going to do about it?”

He said “If you invite me in I’ll show you, but you’re gonna regret it.”

She smiled and started fumbling with her keys. He called her a slut lol. She said she was sure the room was empty at first, and was so excited as James slammed her up against the door as she playfully protested.

She said “yeah, when I first saw you up there, I was like ‘oh hell no’ because *this was happening* and he was already being a very bad boy and knew he *wasn’t* supposed to be there. Seeing you up there would have brought him back to his senses for sure, and I wasn’t going to let that happen. That’s when I had the idea to make you part of it. And remember, I’m your mentor. So that’s when I winked. That’s when I decided I would show you how to suck a dick. Did you take notes?”

I smiled and nodded. She explained some of the finer points to satisfy my curiosity, and then I was starting to get worked up again thinking about watching James as he was getting sucked. It was like he was in heaven. She closed by saying “It’s really similar to a pussy. It’s important to start real gentle, pay close attention, and respond to the little clues as things start to heat up.”

I said “well, I wouldn’t know much about that.” (I already knew she was basically bi and had been intimate with girls before.)

“Well,” she said “I’m all dirty and in need of a shower.” She walked around the room and grabbed a towel and bath supplies. She breathed in deeply and said “Oh my god, I totally smell like James. He’s like all over me.”

I looked down at her in her shirt, towel slung over her shoulder. A faint musk of sex still hung in the room. By now the brush handle was nudging against my entrance again. All I could think was wanting to smell James…to breathe him in.

She said “Will be a shame to wash it off.”

“Yes, a pity” I meekly mumbled.

She looked up at me with evil in her eyes, and excitement. She slowly approached the ladder.

“You want to *smell* him?” she said, jokingly, and she started climbing the ladder. I laughed.

“No no no!” I professed. She laughed and descended the ladder. “Okay.” But, I *did* want to smell him. I knew she wasn’t *entirely* joking. But I was a bit nervous.

She picked up her towel and opened the door. She was about to walk out.

“Wait.” I said(!)

She stopped cold and looked back. I realized our relationship was about to change, permanently. I buried myself under my blanket. I heard the door click shut.

I looked down at her as she approached, smiling wryly. I was so nervous as I felt her climbing up the ladder. She was sneaky, like a cat, as she slid under the covers and snuggled up to me. I was hesitant, and almost too shy to let it happen, but it had come this far. But then she was so soft and our bodies melded together. The scent was powerfully familiar from sitting next to James in English class, and I inhaled deeply. Almost reflexively, our lips met, and it was the softest, most gentle kiss I had ever experienced. My whole body awakened with arousal, and our breasts and whole bodies pressed together.

Her hand roved over my skin naturally, caressing, and I was awe-struck with the way she moved and eased me into a relaxed and wanting state. It disarmed me, and I found I was entirely receptive to her every touch. She reached under my top and slid up to my breasts. She moved her finger from side to side over one attentive nipple, then the other. My whole body grew ultra-sensitive as she explored it thoroughly.

Her hand slid over my thigh, tracking inward. I felt a bit embarrassed that I wasn’t wearing bottoms, but assured myself it was okay. (They were under the covers somewhere.) I was eager for her to go there, but remained still, and in my hesitation she persisted in her advance, to my delight. My crotch eased up almost involuntarily, inviting her hand, and she slipped her finger into my molten mound. I about cried with arousal, or emotion, or something, as she easily coaxed my wet and willing flesh artfully, with extreme care and mastery. I wondered why I had never considered this type of intimacy with a female before. Susan made it seem completely natural and comfortable.

She was encouraged as I moaned softly into her ear, overcome with curiosity and bliss. It all felt so new and exciting. I realized I wasn’t imagining it was James at all, but Susan, and I wanted her to want me too, but stopped short of touching her much in my daze of pleasure.

I had stowed my hairbrush to the space between the mattress and the wall. I found it and then found myself lightly nudging it up against Susan’s forearm. She got the hint and took delivery, smiling.

She moved her lips against my ear and whispered “here’s how James fucked me.”

I nodded meekly, then garnered my resolve.

“The first time.” I looked at her sheepishly.

Her smile grew broad, and she bit her lower lip.

She held the end of the brush handle against my mound. Her other hand reached up and grasped a tuft of hair, pulling my ear against her lips. I gasped.

She growled in a husky voice: “Dirty little sluts get fucked hard. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I whimpered. I remembered James’ dirty talk I couldn’t comprehend. I shuddered with anticipation, eager to hear more.

“Do you feel like a dirty little slut with my hard cock against you? With my hard cock pressing up against your wet, needy slut hole?”

I nodded fitfully. I spread my legs wide, giving her unrestricted access. She pressed and it started to go in.

“You know I’m engaged. You know this *can’t* happen, and will *never* happen again. But you still want me to push it into you, don’t you. You still want me to fuck that little slut pussy of yours, don’t you?”

I nodded again.

She pushed it in and I winced. She retracted slowly, and then thrust it in again, forcefully. I cried out a breathy “yes” and she began working my brush handle into me rhythmically. She adjusted herself for balance and leverage. The elbow of the hand pulling my hair propped her up to my side, giving her ideal leverage as her other brush-wielding hand pounded into me relentlessly.

It was an authentic replication of James’ initial technique (as he had her against the door) in force and frequency. I was aghast that she dared strike into my sensitive area so hard, but I realized she knew exactly what she was doing, because my initial impression of ‘omg that’s too much’ very quickly matured to ‘please fuck me harder,’ and I didn’t need to ask.

I held my hand gently against her back as she flogged me, hoping to encourage her, which I seemed to be doing. She kept pounding with increased force as the rhythm remained, like a machine…like James had done, and then she progressed to something resembling a jackhammer. It was sort of painful, but an intensely good pain. I started to tremble in response to the outrageous wet slaps, and dug my fingernails into her flesh. I told her I was going to come, and she simply persisted as my knees began to shake. I have always been multi-orgasmic, but I had never had three big orgasms in a row like this before. My body was doing unfamiliar things, like the shaking went from my knees to my whole legs, and then my whole body began to sort of seize. I think the thrill of this completely unexpected course of events struck me somewhere deep, and I felt like I was testing the limits of my body, and my inner insatiable sex freak. I cried out and shook so hard I almost bucked Susan out of the loft, but she was able to brace herself against the ceiling. It was another extended orgasm, eyes shut and body clenched as I rode the fucker out.

Afterward Susan simply snuggled up to me, smiling contentedly, like it was all totally normal and predictable lol. We cuddled for a while and talked, and ended up falling asleep together.

So that’s my story of what happened that night. :)



  1. I loved the trilogy! So arousing!

    Hope you share more of your experiences!

    And thoroughly enjoyed your very descriptive details.

    Thank you!

  2. This was super common in my college. My roommate and I were pretty regularly having sex with guys while the other pretended to sleep, then talk about it the next day.

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