Abducted: Chapter One

# The Club

## Amelia

Amelia stood impatiently in line at the high end dance club she frequented most weekends. It was chilly out and she was dressed appallingly for the weather. A sheer, tightly fitting crop top stretched across her chest, amplifying the black lacy bra holding her large tits in place. Her black skirt flowed loosely around her upper thighs and balanced precariously around her hips. Peeking out of her skirt were her garters, clipped to her thigh high stockings trimmed with lace. She also had “forgotten” to wear panties. Indeed, she was cold; her nipples were hard as rock, providing proof of the cold as they poked out beneath her bra.

She made her way to the front of the line, and her favorite bouncer looked her over. Her shoulder length red hair was styled in stylish waves, and a dusting of sexy little freckles laid across her nose and under her piercing blue eyes. She was an expert at makeup, making her look extremely high end and alluring.

The bouncer smirked at her and guided her to a semi private pat-down area – he loved to test the limits with her. He had her hold her arms out and legs spread, and then he guided his hands over her body. He lingered on her breasts, and she felt the heat rise from his palms, making her nipples tense and wetness form between her naked slit. She loved when men took advantage of her sexy appearance. It excited her to watch them lose control and touch her inappropriately.

She said nothing as the bouncer continued to pat her down. His hands rose up her inner thighs and suddenly stopped, surprised at the heat pulsating from her pussy – this was the first time she had not worn panties. He let his fingertips brush the slit of her naked cunt, and she could feel him shiver, and watched with a smirk as the front of his pants tented. She moaned softly, letting him know she enjoyed it. He brought his fingers up to his nose and sniffed, then smiled at her wickedly and ushered her inside, telling her to have a good time.

Once inside, Amelia made a beeline for the club’s closest bar and order a tequila shot. She wanted to be slightly buzzed for the night of fun she intended on having: she planned to get fucked on the dance floor.

She quickly licked the salt from her hand, swallowed her shot, and squeezed the lime juice into her mouth before ordering another and getting comfortable on the bar seat. She swiveled around so she faced the incoming crowd of party goers. Her legs spread naturally, and her barely-there skirt rose up, revealing the naked Y of her thighs and pussy. She noticed, but decided not to fix her skirt. She wanted men, and women, drooling over her tonight.

## Adam

He watched Amelia enter the club and go straight to the bar, as she always did. She was a regular and he had been keeping an eye on her for several months now. Adam owned the club, and was also a criminal; specializing in money laundering and sex trafficking. His club was the perfect front for both. Adam loved his lifestyle. He loved the power he held over women, and in some cases, men. He grew up in the criminal underworld, being mentored by mob bosses and criminal kings. This club and it’s dark web of crimes was his rightful place, and he ruled it with ease and elegance.

Amelia was the perfect target for a sex slave. She was promiscuous by nature and loved attention. She also lived alone, had no boyfriend, dead parents, no close relatives, and few friends – all of whom were mostly work friendships. She was the perfect lone wolf. Adam knew this information easily. It only took one swipe of her credit card to have his PI trace every movement of her life.

Amelia would break easily when tempted with a luxurious lifestyle and endless sexual encounters. Her ultimate obedience, unique beauty, and sex appeal would earn Adam a pretty penny.

He had decided early in his stalking of Amelia that he would personally train her prior to selling her. She would be worth much more already being trained and properly educated in sophistication. His clients expected the best, and he was prepared to give that to them.

Adam moved from the security room out to the balcony where he spotted Amelia easily, and made his way to her. He put on a sly smile. *Let the fun begin*, he thought.

## Amelia

As Amelia shifted in her seat, about to turn for yet another shot, she saw a handsome man make his way from the crowd towards her. His eyes slid over her body and lingered on her slightly visible pussy. She felt a jolt of electricity shoot to her clit and nipples, her exhibitionism turning her on.

Until recently, Amelia had always been a girl-next-door type. She had a natural “good girl” appearance with a kind voice. And although her tits were large and always drew some kind of attention, she tended to dress conservatively. This all changed when she caught her fiancé and best friend fucking in a bathroom at a low key party. Something snapped inside her, and her sexual prowess came storming out like a wild beast. She was done being the good girl, whom everyone looked over and used. She wanted to be in control, Amelia wanted to conquer.

His eyes met hers and he stared at her as he reached the bar and leaned against it, directly beside her. Amelia studied him just as he studied her. He was tall, at least 6 foot, and wore an incredibly well fitted dark grey suit. His chest was broad and his waist was slim. He had a chiseled jaw that was shadowed with thick, sexy stubble, and a sharp nose with perfect eyebrows covering his dark blue eyes. Amelia drooled slightly in her mind as she took all of him in. He smelled of cedar wood and dirt, a musk that made her even more wet. She glanced down at his crotch, where his soft cock made a small bulge against his tight pants. The sight made her whimper slightly.

“What was that?” He asked with a smirk. Amelia blushed and straightened in her seat. Making her wetness smear all over her pussy lips, which were still visible.

“I’m Adam” he said with the same smirk “It seems you’re a little exposed…” he looked down at her pussy, and then reached for the hem of her raised skirt. He pulled it down slowly to cover her intimate parts, but as he did, his fingertips traced the outside of her wet slit. Firm, but still gentle, purposeful; he knew what he was doing. Amelia gasped at his bold touch and arched into his hand, wanting a little more, but he pulled away and smiled.

*Fucking tease.* Amelia thought as his hand left her hot pussy. She had already decided that this man would be her conquest of the night. He was confident and aggressive in the smoothest of ways. She liked a man who tested her limits, she liked the fight for control. She knew if she wasn’t careful, this man would take everything she had to give, and more.

Amelia closed her eyes for a moment and then reopened them and returned his smile, “I’m Amelia.”

## Adam

Adam felt his cock jolt a little as his fingers grazed Amelia’s bald slit. He loved a bald pussy, and it made his mouth water thinking about Amelia’s. He felt her arch into him, pleading for more, but he wanted to tease her; he wanted *her* begging *him*, so he pulled away. She took a moment to compose herself, then gave him her name.

It surprised him that she gave him her real first name. How naive, not that it would have helped her in that moment. His cock twitched again as he realized that while she was wild at heart, she was still quite innocent, and he was going to take every last bit of it.

Adam ordered two more of “whatever she’s been having” from the bartender and then turned back to Amelia, grabbed her knees and spread them wide, and stepped between them. His cock was semi hard in his pants and he pressed it firmly against Amelia’s wet pussy, grinding on her just a little as his hands wrapped around her and found her ass, pulling her towards him with a squeeze.

He lowered his head to her neck and kissed it softly, tenderly. He felt her shiver under his lips as he suckled her fair skin, then he licked his way to her ear and whispered, “This is what you want isn’t it, Amelia? This is why you revealed your cunt to the club? So someone would take you?”

Amelia breathed heavily and ground her pussy onto Adams cock, but said nothing, only whimpered slightly.

Adam grabbed her chin roughly and brought her face close to his, he stuck his tongue out and licked up the center of her plump lips, making her gasp and part them. He then whispered against them, “Answer me.”

## Amelia

Amelia was soaking wet now. She knew there would be a wet spot on Adam’s pants as well as the stool she was on. She didn’t care though, she was beyond horny at that point and would gladly fuck right there.

Adam had said something, but she wasn’t sure what when suddenly he grabbed her face and licked her from the middle of her bottom lip up to the middle of her top lip. She thought her pussy would catch fire, she was all consumed with lust for this demanding, hot stranger. He then put his lips between hers and whispered, “Answer me”, against them.

She moaned and whispered back “yes,” not knowing what she was answering, but feeling like an affirmative is what he was seeking. Adam kissed her then, his hand moved from her chin to the back of her neck, and the hand on her ass lifted her slightly and slid lower, so he was grazing her slit once again.

Shivers ran up and down Amelia’s body as Adam touched her. She kissed him back passionately, letting her tongue play with his. He tastes like whisky and honey. His tongue was strong, he wrestled hers back into her mouth and kept her lips open. She knew instantly he could eat her cunt like no other.

Amelia relished in the kiss for a moment, and then pulled away. She wanted to dance with this stranger, she wanted to feel his body pressed against hers. She wanted to slip his cock out of his pants and have him fuck her on the dance floor. She quickly got down from the bar seat and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the center of the wild dancers.

## Adam

Adam knew exactly what Amelia wanted as she led him through the packed crowd. She had been working up to this for some time now, getting more and more daring with her outfits and risky behavior at the club. Last week she was able to get eaten out in a VIP booth. Adam had spent a fair amount of time reviewing that piece of security footage.

He felt his cock grow hard at the idea of fucking her in front of all these people at his own club. He wasn’t going to give her any time to prepare. If this is what she wanted, this is what she was going to get.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hc58d4/abducted_chapter_one


  1. I love the back and forth here. Sets up really interesting characters and it’s overall really compelling. Excited to see where this goes!

  2. I’d never have guessed this was a first attempt at erotic writing!! Really looking forward to more!

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