The Game Part 1(MF) (FF) (MM)


“Do you want to play a game?”

Those are the words my friend Dave spoke as we relaxed in his parents house.

My name is Steve, Dave and I have been friends since our freshman year in high school.

Now in our senior year we have become each other’s best friend and confidant.
Not a day passes when we can’t be found hanging out with each other.

We know more about each other than we have ever shared with our families or girlfriends.    
We know each other’s secrets and desires.
Or so I thought.

That evening Dave’s parents had left, going out of town for the weekend.
Three days of freedom, freedom to get high and drink our fill as we raided his parents liqueur cabinet.
With an added bonus of our girlfriends joining us for the night.

Sakura the girl I had been dating for the last year was of Japanese decent.
I learned that Sakura translated into “Cherry Blossom”. 
If you were to ask my opinion this was the perfect name for her.

She stood five foot even and ninety eight pounds, with long black hair that descended to the small of her back.
Her body was that befitting of a gymnast, tight and well muscled.
She was basically flat chested with tiny “A” cup breasts.

However you will never hear me complain, as far as I was concerned they were perfect.

Dave’s girlfriend was Lynn.
Lynn was the polar opposite from Sakura.
The only way to describe Lynn was “Amazon”. 
Lynn was five foot eight, one hundred and thirty pounds of pure Irish fire.
Short red hair, breasts that a man could become lost in.
Along with a wicked sense of humor that would make a late night talk show host blush.

Alright, now that I am done with the introductions lets begin the story of the most incredible weekend I have ever had.

“Do you want to play a game”.
Dave asked.
“Sure why not.” Was the only response I could have given.
“What will it be, Scrabble, cards, or another round of drunken Monopoly?” Dave asked.

“If you could wait for the girls to arrive I think drunken Monopoly is our best bet for an evening of fun.
You know how the girls get when they get wasted.

Sakura get horny as hell and willing to do most anything.
Whereas Lisa wants nothing more than to get fucked and fucked well.” I said.

Almost as if it were planned, the moment the last syllable left my lips the doorbell chimed.
Running upstairs I flung open the door to the girls standing there.

My eyes first took in Sakura.
She was wearing a short summer dress with a floral pattern, while Lisa wore jeans and a white peasant top in an off the shoulder and puffy sleeve style.
With a peck on the cheek from Lisa and a soul searing kiss from Sakura we headed down to the rec-room.

“Frank, what do you and the girls want to drink?” Dave asked.
“Well, I can’t speak for the girls but I’ll have a beer.” I said.
Turning towards the girls Dave repeated the question.
Lisa also wanted a beer, while Sakura opted for her usual white wine.

Fifteen minutes later the four of us were settled into the couch and watching the original “Evil Dead” movie.

I chose this movie for the sole purpose of having the girls snuggle up with us during the scary parts.
And yes, it worked like a charm.
Sakura was hanging on tightly throughout the movie.

By the end of the movie the girls were snuggled up with us and ready for a change.

“How about a game?” I asked.
Dave was the first to suggest Monopoly.
The idea was quickly voted down by the girls.
“I remember what happened last time we played that game!” Sakura said.
Dave cried out, “Come on you girls had as much fun as we did.”
“To bad, no Monopoly tonight boys.” Lisa exclaimed.

“OK, how about a game of blackjack?” I asked.
With that the girls shared a look and nodded to each other.
Now why did I think there was something behind the look the girls gave each other?

The table was set, the drinks refreshed and the cards were dealt.
“Before we get the game started, I want to set the rules for the game tonight.” Lisa told us.

With an agreement from the rest of the group, Lisa began to lay out the rules for the game.

“OK, now what we want is a game that favors us.
Sakura and I talked about it after the last time we played a game here.

We felt that you boys rigged the game, and did so because us girls had never played Monopoly before and you guys took advantage of our ignorance.” Lisa said.

Sakura picked up the ball and told us.
“So here are the rules.

We are going to play a variation of “Simon says” blackjack.  
We play like normal, however whenever one of us girls wins the hand we can call Simon says and everybody has to follow the direction of the winner or forfeit the game. 
Are we in agreement?” Sakura asked us.

All we could do is agree with the rules, else there wasn’t going to be any after game “playtime” with our girlfriends.

So the game began.
Sitting around the table, the cards were dealt.
As luck would have it I was dealt a pair of kings, an easy 20.

As we went around the table Dave had been dealt18 and stood pat.
Lisa said “Hit me” and struck out after receiving a face card, pushing her past 21.
Sakura had pretty much the same deal and lost this hand to me.

Again the cards were dealt and this time Lisa held the winning hand.
As soon as Lisa had won, the girls went into a huddle.
Sitting back in their chairs the smirk on the girls faces told us we were in trouble.

“Frank, I want you to come over here and kiss your girlfriend and kiss her like you mean it.”
OK, I thought this was an easy task.

Leaning across the table I latched my lips onto Sakura’s. 
There followed a lot of cat calls from the peanut gallery and a couple of wolf whistles.
Breaking the kiss, we returned to our seats to continue the game.

On the second hand Lisa once again won and asked Dave for her turn for a kiss.
Repaying them with the same cat calls, caused them to break into a fit of giggles.

The results of this was a wide smirk on Lisa’s face and a shit eating grin on Dave’s face.

After around ten or so hands the dares became bolder.
It started with Sakura ordering Dave to take off his shirt.
By this time we all had a feeling where this game was ultimately headed.

Within the next five minutes Lisa was down to her bra and jeans.
Sakura was still in her dress.
While Dave and I were left sitting there with only our boxers on.

Dave in the meantime was giving me grief for being such a poor card player.
I on the other hand was waiting for the next hand to be dealt.
If either Dave or I lost there wasn’t a lot of clothing left for us to shed.

Well as luck would have it Lisa lost the hand.
Lisa being Dave’s girl it was up to him to decide what bit of clothing she needed to shed.
Being the gentleman that he was Dave politely requested that she shed her pants.

With a bit of drama and reluctance, Lisa finally gave in and dropped her jeans.
We know now why she was reluctant to drop her pants.

Lisa was wearing a pair of “Scooby-Do” underwear that she tried to cover with her hands.
While the rest of us chided her for cheating by covering herself.
With a final flourish she dropped her hands and returned to her seat. 

As fate would have it I was the next loser.
Now when you are sitting there with just your boxers on, it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to know what is coming next.

To make matters worse Lisa ordered Sakura to walk over and remove my boxers.
As Sakura came around the table I turned my back to the group 
Why, because I had developed a raging hard-on.

To make matters worse Sakura grabbed me by my hard-on and turned me around to face my friends.

By now my face was beet red, and my cock was throbbing in Sakura’s hand.
Thinking she had me by the short hairs, (Which was an impossibility since I shave.) she began acting as if we were at an auction and I was the item up for bids.

“Welcome to the first annual new boyfriend auction.
Are you tired of your old boyfriend? 
Has the sex gotten stale and repetitive?
Does he forget to pick up after himself, leaves his dirty old socks and nasty underwear all over the place?

Well we are here to change all that.
OK folks, what is my bid for this strapping young man.
Look at the muscles on his arms, those are as sturdy a set of legs as you will ever see.”
Turning me around with her hand still gripping my manhood, she followed up with.

“Take a look at his back, strong and solid, you’ll get a lot of work out of this one.
And as an added bonus, take a look at his… well you know what, nicest one I’ve seen in years.  

So lets begin the bidding.




