Swim Class | [Teacher/Student, age gap, anticipation] Part 1

If there was one activity that was unpleasant for all parties involved in a high school gym class, it was most certainly Swim class. And for Alexander Malinov it was even more unpleasant, because not only did he have to coach pimply teenagers on how not to drown, he had the incessant cloak of failure hanging over him as he did it. The thirty-two-year old had somehow, unwillingly, found himself glued into the role of teaching teenagers how to practice safe sex and forcing them to run the Fitness Gram Pacer Test at 6am. Naturally, he was hated by the majority of the student population. Due to his otherwise lack of real professional education, he found it difficult to find common ground with the majority of his colleagues, too. And, truthfully, he couldn’t blame the students. He knew if the roles were reversed, and some unsuccessful bodybuilder spent several hours a day forcing him to run and then repeated it like a stuck record that he should use condoms, he would hate the son of a bitch too.

But, he needed a paycheck. So here Mr. Malinov was, trudging through the halls on a beeline to the school’s gymnasium from his Health classroom — of which the subject was very futilely renamed from Sex Education to Sexual Health Education, as if that helped with the professionalism of showing seventeen-year-olds diseased penises. And, somehow, to add insult to injury, the way the school had scheduled out his lectures and his gym classes had them alternating. So once every hour and a half, he was speed-walking back and forth across the school. Which was exactly what put him in today’s predicament, when he finally got downstairs to the boy’s locker rooms and was told that one of the female Swim coaches had had a sudden medical emergency and they needed someone urgently to fill her spot in the girl’s locker room. That someone being him. His boss promised he would find a proper replacement as soon as he could, but that with them being so short staffed, there were literally no other options. Funnily enough, his boss ended the request with a concerned look, and hushedly asked him that he keep the job transfer “private”. The both of them knew well enough how unorthodox it was to have a male coach teaching the female swim classes.

Alexander begrudgingly obliged. Great. Now he could add awkwardly evading half-naked teenage girls for the rest of the day to his list of ever-growing vexations.

However, as the day progressed, all actually seemed to be going fairly well. As it was on the boy’s side, on the girl’s side there was an enclosed office that branched off of the locker room but looked out into it through the windows. Today the blinds were kept closed, and a note on the door requested students be fully dressed and knock before entering. The sign seemed to be working well as a deterrent, and the swim classes themselves were going just as smoothly as they always did. The only difference today was that the man had to watch himself, though he might never admit it to even himself. It wasn’t terribly difficult — he didn’t have to teach the level 2 swim class until later in the day. So until then, he was able to stay on the sidelines and coach the girls on practicing their kicking in the water, give them challenges to hold their breath underwater so they could train their lungs. The day passed slowly, but without much friction.

The shift had felt long, but at last the last period of the day rolled around, and it was time to speed-walk back to the gymnasium and hop in the water to really teach some swim lessons. As he was walking into the locker rooms, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Despite his otherwise chiseled bone structure, the man looked absolutely disheveled. His dark brown hair had somehow become a disarranged mess, most likely from the rampant walking back and forth across the building. As Alex took his temporary spot at his desk in the swim office and propped open his laptop to try to get through some emails, he quickly tried combing through his messy hair with his fingers. In the beginning of the class, he usually gave the students around 15 minutes to get changed into their swimsuits, wash their hair, get their caps on, what have you. Fifteen minutes was plenty of time to churn through some overdue work and make himself presentable again. He had swapped out his shirt and shorts for a pair of swim trunks and had then started on his hair. But he didn’t get too far through combing, his deep grey eyes staring back at him beneath furrowed brows through his laptop’s camera, when he heard an unexpected knock on the door.

“Uh–One second,” he responded, sighing. Of course the last period of the day he would have students coming to bother him. He pushed out from his chair and strode over to the door, opening it to find one of the girls waiting for his assistance on the other side. But she took him aback.

Malinov was no stranger to secret glances at some of the students. He was, after all, a man and he had primal needs. He was very aware that he could — inconspicuously — look, and *never* touch. Sometimes he couldn’t help himself from trying to catch glimpses. But never had a student make him do a double take, as the one before him did. She was a great deal shorter than him, but stunningly attractive. Curvier than anyone her age should be. Her figure was accentuated with shapely, healthy hips that were too obvious through her current attire of leggings and a band t-shirt. Underneath that t-shirt on either side of her perky tits poked out hardened nipples, upturned, and most likely a result of the flash of air conditioning that wafted out of his office. It took the older man a good few moments of mental coaching to compose himself, and in those moments he stared down at her expectantly, expression harsher than he probably intended.

“Oh–Um… I… Is Mrs. Bree here?” the young woman asked shyly. By no means was Alexander a giant, but he was certainly a foot and some change taller than the student. Coupled with his general beefiness from his past bodybuilding training and never having had to fill in for the girl’s swim team, Malinov could understand the student’s apprehension. He was tall, muscular, unknown, and — as he’d been told many times before — intimidating. And he was sure the slight inflection of his slowly receding Russian accent didn’t help his case.

And so the man cleared his throat and actively tried to make himself more approachable, even through the disdain of having such a bad shift. “No, Mrs. Bree had a medical emergency. Is there something I can help you with?” He blocked the doorway, willing the air to be blocked too, so her nipples would flatten and he wouldn’t have to fight with himself not to look anymore and mentally fight with his cock to stop hardening beneath his swim trunks.

The student seemed nervous, chewing on her plump lower lip in debate before bashfully responding, gaze cast downward. “Um, yes… but, can I tell you in private?”

Malinov stopped for a moment, his tall frame blocking the doorway, as he contemplated whether that would be appropriate… After all, the principal had assigned him to this position today. He wasn’t sure where the boundaries were. And he admittedly was unexpectedly struggling with some attraction towards her growing inside him. After a few moments of careful consideration, he accepted that the girl needed his help, so he stepped aside and invited her into the office, still uncertain, closing the door behind her entrance. As she walked past him, he stole a quick glance at her ass. Full and round, jiggling gently with every step. He had to cup his hand around his cock, now fully hardened, to give it a generous squeeze and hoist it to the side in an attempt to hide it from her before she turned back around to face him. Once she did, he cleared his throat, trying to appear professional while ignoring the throbbing of his erection against his upper thigh.

“Alright, miss… uh?”

“Rhine. Maya, Rhine.”

“Okay, Maya Rhine, what can I help you with?” Alex prompted, leaning up against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. He wasn’t sure what was so pressing and so secretive that this was necessary, but he wished she would just get on with it already. Instead, the short brunette seemed to shuffle, embarrassed, and unspeaking. “Maya?” he prompted again, and her light hazel eyes found his. A rosiness overtook her tan, freckled cheeks.

“I broke my bathing suit,” she admitted, and almost immediately diverted her gaze from his. Alex just stared at her for a moment. That *was* going to be a problem. And now he understood why she was so reluctant to tell him.

“Well — how? Maybe we can fix it,” he offered, pushing away from his desk now. Mostly to shift his cock as best as he could, as it hardened even more at the thought of her in a torn up swimsuit. She seemed genuinely upset, embarrassed. He offered her a gentle smile, catching her shoulder for a moment with his hand. Just a comforting gesture. “Hey, don’t get so worked up. It happens. We’ll figure something out. Do you think we can salvage it?”

Maya sighed heavily and shook her head. “Well — I didn’t break it. One of the other girls out there cut the strings while I was rinsing off.” Ah, so there was more to the story than she’d let on. A case of bullying. “I don’t know who exactly did it. I just went to grab it from my locker and the strings were all cut off.” Back to biting down on her lower lip. He wished she would stop. It was driving him nuts, and not in a psychotic way.

The two stood in silence for a moment, before Alex had an idea. They typically kept a box of lost and found gym clothes tucked away in the far corner in the boy’s locker room office. He was sure the girl’s side had to have something similar. After a bit of searching, he found it hidden in one of the corners, and took it upon himself to sift through, occasionally glancing up to measure visually whether something would fit her or not. Though he’d never admit it to himself, he was using these moments as opportunities to let his gaze linger on her a little longer. Now that she was in the office, under direct hit of the AC, her nipples were puckered and pointing right through the fabric. Demanding. Hard to ignore. In his mind, as he searched, he entertained the idea of playing with them. And in his shorts, he felt his cock twitch violently. Deep breath. “I’m sorry, all I’m finding in here are t-shirts,” he updated her. And now he tried to think through his growing arousal. “Ah, here–” he paused, to toss her a white t-shirt that was definitely too big for her otherwise slender but voluptuous frame. “You’ll have to make do with this. Do you have any shorts?”

The young woman shook her head. “No, I just brought my swimsuit.” Her shyness was killing him.

Alex paused for a long moment. He had an idea, but it was something worth debate. Glancing at the clock, he noticed this little ordeal had eaten up twelve of the fifteen minutes allotted. With a sigh, he began chewing uncertainly on his own lower lip now. Until he decided to just come out with it. “Are you wearing panties?”

The question side tracked Maya. Her doe-like eyes widened and her cheeks lit up within seconds, and a nervous but somehow very pretty smile bloomed on her lips before she stammered, “U-uh, yeah…?”

Malinov sighed, nodding as if to convince himself what he was about to say was ethically alright. “T-shirt and panties. Just for today. Alright?” The young woman nodded, nervous. “Alright,” Alex began, taking a quick glance through the window blinds to see what the state of the locker room was. All the girls were lined up, waiting for someone to open the door that led out to the pool. Beside him, he noticed she was on the tips of her toes, glancing out at the same image.

“Oh… Can I get dressed in here really quick? If I get dressed out there everyone’s gonna see me.” The girl practically pleaded with him, her big hazel eyes staring up into his. Malinov didn’t think he could tell her no even if he wanted to. He gave her a nod, but didn’t expect that she would immediately start shimmying out of her clothes and not even give him enough time to spin around and give her some privacy. Albeit she did dress quickly, so quickly he only saw her topless for a couple seconds. But it was long enough. The view of her perky tits, chocolate brown nipples tightened up to a point, being brushed up against by her dainty fingers accidentally as she took her shirt off, so they moved with the pressure, bouncing gently as she rushed to pull the oversized white t-shirt over her… it was enough, and it was impossible to control his hardening cock beneath his swim trunks. He quickly cupped his erection through the fabric, squeezing hard, clearing his throat and hoping she didn’t notice. But she made it impossible to keep down when immediately after she yanked down her leggings and stepped out of them, revealing a large, toned ass enveloping lacy white panties. She quickly turned around, causing the cheeks to bounce gently just as her tits had done, and at first Alex thought she was showing her ass to him, which caused his cock to grow painfully beneath his hands, which weren’t doing a very good job of hiding it. She’d bent over to pull the last bit of fabric from around her petite ankles, and as she did so she revealed her plump pussy to him, the lips so swollen the fabric of her panties didn’t cover them entirely. The tiny bit of her pussy exposed to him was glistening. Was she…? But he didn’t have time to even ponder, get a better look. Because she stood up, ass still facing him, and followed, urgently, with a question. “Can you see them? Is the shirt covering it?”

The man took a minute to compose himself, clearing his throat. Sure, with the shirt fully pulled over her he couldn’t see the panties anymore. But he sure as hell could see her rounded tanned ass, which was not fully covered by the shirt by any means. And nestled between her toned legs, which attractively sloped inward around her ass, he could still see the little mound of her pussy peaking out, now enveloping the fabric of her panties almost entirely. It took everything in him to not reach forward and rub his fingers into it. He knew how wrong it was to be lusting after her, but fuck if he didn’t want desperately to pull her panties to the side and see for himself how tight her pussy was.

Instead he nodded, and lied to her. “Yeah. You’re good.” His cock was so hard it was painful, and there was no hiding it. It stretched the fabric of his shorts forward, creating a thick indistinguishable print that extended from between his legs in an angle all the way across his thigh. He felt precum pooling at its tip, and he was sure his cheeks had to be red with how difficult he was struggling to keep from stroking it. It didn’t help that he was already halfway ready to fuck her. With no shirt on and effectively no underwear, all he’d have to do is pull down the swim shorts and his cock would spring out.

But he had to keep a level head. And he thanked the gods above when she didn’t turn back to look at him, and instead just advanced towards the door after asking her question.

The fifteen minutes were up, and there was a line of impatient girls waiting, half-naked, at the entrance to the pool. Malinov having just stupidly watched Maya walk out of his office, eyes focused intently on her ass as it bounced with every step, now had negative time to get himself under control. His cock was rock hard and throbbing painfully for pressure, any pressure. The man quickly locked the door and yanked his cock out of his shorts. It sprung upward, bouncing heavily in the air before he caught it with his large palm, and gave it a couple very rough pumps. Thickened and reddened in his hand, he tried to take a few deep breaths and will it back down. Even just a little bit. After another five minutes passed he accepted that he couldn’t waste anymore time, hoisted his erection back into his swim trunks, concealed it as best as he could by holding his clipboard in front of him, took a deep breath and ventured out into the sea of students, hoping none of them would notice his cock bulging heavily from his shorts. He kept his gaze forward, to keep Maya out of his range of vision, and opened the door to the pool.

“Alright, ladies,” he started. Maybe it was the surge of arousal, but his voice was more vicious than he originally intended it to be. He knew he sounded angry. He didn’t care. “Get your towels set up on the benches and then get in the water. Can’t waste anymore time.”

As they all shuffled in, he kept his gaze forward, trying desperately to not look at any of the girls. As they did, he heard a few of them laughing amongst themselves and very obviously talking about Maya. They whispered maliciously about how stupid she looked without her swimsuit, and how “disgusting” her legs looked, “like cottage cheese”, to which one reacted with a gag and another exclaimed “ewww!” loudly before they all erupted into laughter, looking directly at their victim. Malinov watched as Maya cast her gaze downward and seemed to hug herself, pulling her shirt down a bit more with her lower lip pouted in distress. The man felt an indescribable rage come over him. He called the bullies over after everyone was getting settled at the benches.

“Any of you want to explain the comments you were making towards Ms. Rhine?” he asked, trying to stay professional through the aggression. None of them answered. If anything they all seemed afraid. Because they were in trouble or because he was much larger than them he didn’t know. Either way, he curtly followed their silence with a sentencing. “Detention for all of you. Bullying isn’t tolerated at Vemore High.” There was a lot more that he wanted to say. Like how the small amount of cellulite on Maya’s thighs and ass drove him fucking nuts with arousal and how they should be jealous they didn’t look more like women themselves, if jealousy wasn’t already the motivation behind their remarks. But the man knew he needed to stay professional. So he cleared his throat and demanded they get in the water and practice their kicking. They all obeyed without a word.

The swim class was the most difficult one of the day. After all the girls were in the water, he slipped in himself, and gave them a run-down of the day’s practice. They were going to warm up with kicking and breath exercises, then he would show them how to do the breaststroke and sidestroke. He spent time demonstrating each with a few high powered laps across the length of the pool, then broke down each movement and told them to practice. As with all classes, only students who were struggling would get his one-on-one attention. While most of the students used the boogie boards to assist them, they had limited supplies so the students who hadn’t claimed one quickly enough were the ones left struggling.

After helping the three other girls who couldn’t get themselves vertical enough in the water without the boards, Malinov almost reluctantly swam over to Maya, who looked to him with gratefulness as she wiped the water from her face.

“You’re supposed to be wearing a cap,” he scolded her gently. He had rubber bands specifically around his wrist for students who forewent caps against the rules, and swum around behind her. “I’ll put your hair up,” he notified her. Normally he wouldn’t have cared so much, but treading with her facing him meant he had to force himself to keep from looking at how the white t-shirt, almost see through with how soaked it was, clung to her tits and hard nipples alike. Somehow even with the weight of a soaked t-shirt weighing them down, her nipples stayed puckered, the vague brown imprint of them too obvious through the fabric. His cock was hard before he’d even neared her, but luckily being in the water meant no one could easily see him tenting his shorts. Being behind her turned out to not be much better, because though he was careful to keep some distance as he swept up her soaked medium brown hair into one of the bands, the minor movement of the water pulled her flush to him. Her round ass, which was practically on full display beneath the water since her t-shirt floated closer to the surface, pushed right up against his cock. The length of it slid between her legs, rubbing right through those swollen pussy lips. They both seemed to gasp at the same time, and Malinov quickly grabbed onto her waist beneath the water to anchor himself and push away from her. But not before he’d felt her pussy throbbing against his erection. Now he was right back at square one, cock rock hard and desperate to fuck her, only now it was worse because he’d been teased. Albeit, accidentally. But now all he could think about as he wordlessly helped her practice the swimstrokes, was how plump her warm pussy had felt as his erection rubbed forward between her legs. And how badly he wanted more of it.

The rest of the swim class passed quickly, since Malinov was effectively in a semi-daydream state thinking about how hard he wanted to bend Maya over the edge of the pool and pound his cock into her from behind. Finally his timer went off, and everyone shuffled back into the locker room, towels wrapped snuggly around their bodies. Thankfully, too. Since Maya was last in line and he was stuck trailing behind her. The only view he got was of her legs since the towel covered everything else. That was enough though. Her legs, very much unlike how her peers described them, were long and thick but toned, with a tiny bit of cellulite on her shapely hips, which were also lined with faded stretch marks. Yet another thing about her that drove him nuts. His cock had settled down only slightly since the incident with her. Watching her walk in front of him reversed all his progress. And as he walked back to his office, he kept his clipboard as a shield in front of him, eyes forward.

After quickly changing back into his previous clothes — shorts and a shirt, the man sighed heavily as he sunk into his chair. Thank god that was over. Now he could deal with the problem between his legs and then go home and tomorrow he could go back to coaching the boys and effectively forget about Maya Rhine and how shamefully he wanted to taste her pussy. As he leaned back in his seat, legs open, his cock tented upward, rigid. His hand found it again, and with a sigh he pumped it through his shorts generously. Every stroke felt like heavenly relief. That is until his dirty side activity was interrupted, yet again, by a knock on the door. He cursed under his breath, adjusted his erection again, and stood to answer the door. But the tiny bit of pleasure he’d gotten in had only served to feed the fire, and now his thick hard cock couldn’t even be hidden by placing it off to the side. At this point, with twenty minutes to the end of the school day, he didn’t care. He just hoped it wasn’t a colleague standing on the other side of the door.

It wasn’t.

It was Maya. And she was still in that white t-shirt, shivering, and looking to be almost on the brink of tears. Concerned, even through his aggressive arousal, Malinov ushered her into the office. He quickly grabbed one of the clean reserve towels and wrapped it around her shoulders. “What’s wrong, Ms. Rhine?”

It took her awhile to stammer it out. “T-those girls, t-they took my clothes. They’re gone and they took my clothes. I-I’m cold and I don’t have anything else to wear.” The teenager shivered beneath the towel, and especially now with the AC blowing directly on her, despite his concern, Alex couldn’t help himself. His eyes lingered on her nipples. The shirt was translucent with water. Her puckered nipples poked straight through it, harder than they were even earlier. She took a seat opposite of his desk and he stood for a moment, thinking, while she stared, doe-eyed and expectant, up at him. There weren’t any more clothes in the lost and found that would have even remotely fit her. That t-shirt had been the only one that she wouldn’t drown in. The teacher took a deep breath. It seemed like today would be a day full of hard decisions, that could potentially make him lose his job. He stole a glance at the clock. It was just ten minutes until the end of the day. He had an idea, but he wasn’t sure if it was a good one.

“Look, Ms. Rhine… there aren’t anymore clothes in that box that aren’t going to just fall off of you. If… If you think you can just get straight home, I’ll give you what I’m wearing.” He had a change of sweatpants and a sweatshirt back in his classroom. Which, if it hadn’t been on the other side of the building, he would have gladly given her that instead. But there was no way in hell he was going to let her walk the halls in a wet t-shirt clinging to her tits and her ass completely enveloping her panties. He’d have a hell of a time explaining that to anyone, let alone his boss. So he rubbed at his bearded cheek and looked to his student, awaiting her decision.

Maya chewed on her inner cheek, her bright hazel eyes never leaving his. Then, shyly, she nodded. And almost like she remembered how wet her shirt was, her small hands snaked over her tits, using her palms to cover her nipples. He could have laughed. As if he hadn’t already gotten the full show.

“Alright,” he stated, as if to motivate himself. He knew this was… very inappropriate. He knew everything that had happened involving her that swim class was inappropriate. But he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Especially because his cock hadn’t calmed down even a little bit. If he took his shorts off, she was going to see his full erection. The bag where he’d stashed his swim shorts was sitting right beside her. He pursed his lips, then: “Get up. Turn around.”

Maya stared up at her swim coach for a moment, eyes wide. “W-What?” she asked dumbfoundedly. It seemed her mind might have been in the exact same place Alexander’s was.

“Turn around. I don’t need you seeing… my…” but he didn’t finish. He was sure she understood. The teenager quickly stood up, letting the towel fall. But from behind he got the same familiar sight, and he throbbed for her. He stared at her ass for a good moment, eyes fixated on that swollen little mound between her tanned, wet legs. She was shivering. It made her ass jiggle gently. The man breathed frustratedly through his teeth. He was painfully, *painfully* hard. The Russian tugged his current shorts down, and his cock sprung free, swinging in the air. It was thickened, ridged with veins. He caught it with an irrepressible pained groan, mentally fighting with himself to not stroke it. Instead, he futilely tried to hide it with his hand. He had big hands, but certainly not big enough to hide his fully hardened cock. And god damn if it didn’t feel like he was denying nature itself while he tried to reach and grab the bag next to her seat. But he couldn’t do it without at least coming into her periphery, and when he did he saw as she peaked over her shoulder. “Jesus! Miss Rhine.” he scolded quickly, but she didn’t look away. The young woman’s eyes were trained on what he had in his hand. With it grasping his shaft fully, the head of his cock, reddened and thick, was on full display to her. “Miss Rhine,” he repeated, carefully, sternly. “Miss Rhine. Turn back around.”

But the girl didn’t oblige. Instead her eyes found her coach’s, and her back arched instinctively. Her pouted lips previously parted with her lust, now shifted for her to bite down on her lower lip, a look of begging in her eyes. The look alone caused a warmth to erupt within Malinov. His cock twitched violently in his hand.

“Mr. Malinov…” she whispered, something low and seductive. She saw where his eyes went. She saw the older man staring at her pussy through her panties. “Do you want to touch it?” Barely audible.

He groaned, instinctively, at the question. Struggling to tear his eyes away. He couldn’t believe this was happening. But fuck, his cock was dewing with precum, and with an aggressive groan he pumped the precum into his shaft. “Miss Rhine–” he warned again, but not before she cut him off.

The girl was chewing desperately on her lip when she did it. Her eyebrows tugged inward, her slender fingers hooked into the edge of her panties and she pulled them up to wedge into her ass, pulled them up for the fabric to rub up against that tight little hole, which was now almost visible to him. With the fabric pulled, it had become just a sliver covering it. Malinov’s breathing became heavy. And for a minute the two just stared at each other. Maya’s eyes were hooded with lust as she whispered, “I want you to touch it.”

“Miss Rhine,” he repeated, now almost pleadingly. He felt he didn’t have much of a grip left on his own morals. His cock was so hard it hurt. He closed his eyes, his eyebrows drawing towards one another as he focused on taking a measured breath. Then:

“Miss Rhine, take your panties off.”

The teenager’s own breath quickened, and Malinov watched as she eagerly peeled the wet fabric down her round ass and out of the tightness of her pussy lips, revealing that tight little hole to him as she did so. With the lace around her ankles the teenager arched her pussy up for him, pleadingly. “Please,” she whispered almost urgently. He could see even from where he stood, the way her tight pussy throbbed, open and closed, for his cock.

The man closed his eyes,dragging his freehand down his face with a conflicted groan, cursing in Russian. Somehow, that elicited a soft but desperate moan from the teenager in front of him. He looked at her now, “You liked that?” he asked, gruffly. She nodded coyly, and he watched as her arousal leaked out from that tight hole, trailing down the swollen tightness around it until it dripped onto the floor.

Alex felt like he mind lose his mind. But somehow, through the frenzy, breathing heavily, he was able to stride over to her with his shorts in hand. Malinov bent her over, and she moaned at him, “Yes… Please…” But he didn’t give her what she wanted. Instead he grabbed her ankles to make her step into the shorts, and then yanked them up her beautiful legs, standing flush to her as he stood. His cock was free from his hand now, and rubbed hotly against her dripping pussy. The hole throbbed desperately against the head of his cock, and he leaked precum onto it. Everything in him wanted to push forward. Her pussy was tighter than he ever could have imagined. So tight he wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to fit.

The man groaned heavily as he denied himself what was sitting on a silver platter in front of him. With the last bit of his willpower, he yanked the shorts up over her ass, disconnecting himself from the opportunity to stretch that little hole open and pound into it. He had to keep his head. He couldn’t fuck her. He shouldn’t have even seen her pussy in the first place.

From behind he kept one hand firmly on her exposed waist, to keep her put, and with the other he began tugging her shirt off. He desperately wanted to see her tits again but he knew he shouldn’t, so he stayed behind her, and tried to fight his urges as she pushed her ass up against his raging cock. “Stay,” he demanded, accent thick, as he pulled his own shirt off and over her head. He couldn’t see her nipples, but fuck if he didn’t feel them as he pulled the shirt down. She moaned desperately at the touch and ground her ass into him. Malinov grabbed her by the throat, pulling the back of her head into his chest. “You want me to fuck you, yeah?” Maya nodded through the choking, taking small gasps. Malinov released his grip only to slap her face and then choke her again. “You begging for your teacher’s cock? Horny little–” but he cut off, slapping her again, aggressively. “You want me to fuck you, I fuck you like I want to hurt you.” With one hand around her throat, he wound the other into her hair, and took a fistful to yank her head back. “You don’t want me to fuck you.” he corrected. Then he pushed her away, and she stumbled into the wall, now fully dressed in his clothes. Her pouted lips were parted and she stared, lustily but dumbfounded up at him. The Russian pumped his cock unashamedly before her, just to give himself a small bit of relief, before he pulled back on the swim trunks. “Go get on your bus.”

Maya nodded wordlessly, biting down on her lip as she went to scoop up her soaked panties from the floor. “No.” Malinov stopped her. “Leave them.” She didn’t question. Dazed, she stood right back up, turned, and walked out of the office. The man reached for the lace and stowed it in his pocket.

What Alexander didn’t know was that through the fear as he’d choked and slapped her, her pussy had throbbed with want.

What he didn’t know was that the girl’s pussy was drenched, her arousal trailing down her inner thighs, as she walked away.


Hey folks so I actually have no clue why the first post of this got removed after like a month and several awards lol mods, if you plan on removing again can you shoot me a message to explain why?

Quick disclaimer: As with pornography and other sexual entertainment, all the erotic scenes and stories I write are purely fiction and fantasy. I have in the past had some questionable comments made on teacher/student pairing erotica and want to make it very, VERY clear that I am not on your side if you think these scenes should become reality for anyone. I am a woman and have had an older male teacher kink myself. That being said, it is a KINK. A fantasy. The concept of a situation that’s inherently dom/sub that turns me on.

If you’re going to come on this page and entertain seriously abusing teenagers over your own sexual fantasy, I will report you to the cyber tip line. Go find a consenting adult to act out the scene you fantasize about with you.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hasr4k/swim_class_teacherstudent_age_gap_anticipation


  1. So is the next chapter the one about how he goes to prison for the rest of his life for raping a child??

  2. OMG ITS BACK! Was so disappointed when it got deleted and I thought we were not going to get a part two!

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