Coercion, Part 1 (MF)

(I apologize in advance for any typos, this was done entirely from an app on my phone. Feedback would be wonderful!)

She finally reached her vehicle parked along the treeline. Fumbling around in her purse, her fingers wrapping around the cluster of keys. For a moment she stood by the driver side door, the sun was setting in the distance, a beautiful mosaic of oranges, yellows and reds. She leaned back and closed her eyes. It was a beautiful night but it had been such a long day.

She was burnt out on her job. Working a desk for 10 hours a day, her supervisor not the most congenial person she’d met, weighed on her. She was thinking through the day. The man had gotten onto her for some of the simplest mistakes. A typo on an email she had needed to proofread for him that had gone out to the district; a numerical error that she had fat fingered had a price quote with a $10 discrepancy; and she had forgotten his dry cleaning two days ago and he was still upset about that, bringing it up twice today.

I am not incompetent, she told herself. I just need a break. But she also needed this job, as everyone else did. She had been selected out of a pool of 20 women who had vied for the same position. She had something to prove being the youngest and most inexperienced candidate. But somehow, she had impressed enough of herself onto the panel that they had taken the chance.

Her mind drifted back to that final interview. It was the determining interview and the first time she had met her current supervisor. He was a tall, slightly muscular man. At the time, he wore a simple buttoned up shirt, the top two undone. He had a manicured beard that masked his face well but his eyes. They were the darkest brown she had ever seen, pools of darkness that floated across the room. She had taken her place in the middle seat, the room empty except for a long conference table her chair on one side and four chairs on the other occupied by varying levels of the office bureaucracy.

She sat in her chair, crossing her legs at the ankle, hands clasped in her lap tightly. She always shook during interviews, it was inevitable. She was looking at each person’s face as one of them introduced each by turn. When it came to him, she had looked him in the eyes and then quickly looked down at the table. He seemed to be staring at her, his gaze so intent on her. She felt naked under that gaze and became suddenly aware of her posture and the wrinkles that had formed on blouse from her sitting so long in the lobby.

The interview had gone well, she had thought. Some of the questions had been very specific and so she had left there and gone home. Changed her clothes and applied for two more jobs. She could not get his eyes out of her mind for the rest of the day.

The next day, sitting in her pajamas watching the news on her small tv, her phone had rang and a husky woman on the other end had offered her the job.

That was seven months ago. Seven long months. Her supervisor did not harass her in the definition of harassment, but he watched her every move. It was disconcerting. He had told her that her attire had been unacceptable the first week, citing that women should wear skirts to the knee and sensible heels; her pant suits and flats were not professional. The final bout had been when he cited her on where she parked her car. He had told her she should park her vehicle by the treeline so as not to take up needed spots for clients. So now, here she stood, eyes closed breathing in the setting air, several hundred yards from the office door.


She stood upright immediately, teetering slightly on her heels as she saw him walk towards her. He had a long gate, and his hands swung by his sides.

“Yes, sir?” She questioned as he strode toward her.

“Where are the presentation boards for tomorrow’s meeting?”

Within moments he was standing in front of her. As always, she could not hold his gaze longer than a few moments. Her heart dropped to her not-so-sensible spike heels. She had found herself so flustered throughout the day that she forgot to pick the completed boards from the print company. Her mind was racing. She couldn’t lie to him, he would know. He always could tell when she was skimming thr truth.

“Sir, I apologize but I forgot to pick them up.” Her eyes were fixated on the asphalt. Her right hand was gripping her keys still, so tightly now that her palm hurt. “I can go in the morning, as soon as they…”. Before she could get out the rest of her sentence he had crossed the short distance between the two of them. His arm had shot out, hand expertly wrapping around the back of her neck.

His face loomed down at her, her bust pushed up against his torso. “I just can’t let you continue to make these mistakes without consequences.” Her breath had caught in her throat.

She was trying to form words but her tongue suddenly felt too large for her mouth. Her knees felt too thin to hold her weight, the warmth from his hand sending ripples of heat down her back.

She felt him pushing her slowly back the foot or so, her back now pressed up against the drivers door. Their bodies still forced together she felt his other hand moving, pulling at something very close to her hips. At this point her eyes were closed tight, she didnt dare look down or up into that waiting face.

“Do you know how we punish those who make mistakes in our office?” He said this just above a whisper. She finally opened her eyes and found him looking down into her face, his piercing brown eyes black in the darkness that now surrounded them.

Slowly shaking her head, she felt tears begin to sting the corners of her eyes.

Was this really happening, she thought to herself. A lump had formed in her throat as she blinked back her tears.

“You made one on Monday and three today. I have to punish you four times however I see fit. Do you understand?” The hand around the back of her neck moved so that his thumb pressed against the outside of her throat. She could feel the passage way constricting, her face beginning to feel flushed and full.

Again she shook her head slightly.

This isnt happening. This is a joke. It has to be. Some kind of haze.

The thoughts were ricocheting in her mind so fast, she couldn’t tell if it was the lack of oxygen or her adrenaline that was making her light headed.

“Well, you will.”

He released her throat and stepped back from her still within reaching distance, looking her up and down. His face showed no emotion. She couldn’t tell if he was angry or simply lusting after her. She didn’t have long to wait to find out. He slowly put his right hand on her left shoulder and begin pushing her to her knees. She realized that he had been undoing the button and zipper on his slacks earlier, exposing the cotton underneath. A large bulge pushed the fabric out and away from the zipper.

He forced her to the ground, the asphalt biting into the skin on her knees, the tips of her heels tilted inward. She again felt hot tears move down her face but she didnt dare wipe them away. She could not tell if he could see she was crying; and if he did, would he care?

“This is a warning. Tomorrow will be the rest.” He was now standing in front of her, the bulge was just at her eyeline.

“You’re going to make me cum. You’re not going to stop until I tell you too. I want your hands to stay on your thighs the entire time.” As he was speaking, he slid a hand into the front of the cotton, and produced himself. She instinctively closed her eyes, still waiting for someone to come out and say that this was just a joke gone too far.

“And finally,” he continued, his hand working up and down his shaft as he spoke, “you will keep your eyes open. You will look at me the entire time. Even if I’m not looking at you, I want you looking at me.” She found herself nodding. She couldn’t control herself. She opened her eyes and immediately caught his gaze.

“Open your mouth.”

She obeyed, not knowing what would happen if she was reluctant. She felt her calves begin to cramp, her knees already screaming, but she tried not to move. Her palms were sweaty against her exposed thighs. Opening her mouth, she waited.

There was a motion in the air around her, and then she felt him enter her mouth. She pulled back as he reached the back of her throat. She saw his arm move and felt a hand grab her hair and push her face forward, impaling her on the shaft, her throat tightening around the sudden penetration. He held her there for a moment, a gag rising quickly in her throat. Tears were freely flowing from her eyes at this point. She tried to pull her head back, pushing against the hand holding her in place but he kept his hand steady. With a sudden relief, he pulled himself out of her mouth, a string of saliva webbing from her bottom lip to the tip of his shaft.

Her mouth still open, he plunged in, this time only part of the way. She closed her lips around his member, feeling his ribbed flesh run across her lips. He was moving himself in and out of her mouth rhythmically. She felt his body shift and noticed he was bracing his left arm on the car, the right hand still guiding her face onto and off of his member.

She felt a shudder move through her, heat beginning to imminate rom her groin. She felt her wetness cool with each slight breeze as it moved between her thighs. She tried to move her knees further apart but the pain from the asphalt shot through her, making her moan around the shaft.

This entire time, her eyes had never left his face. She had watched as he had gone from staring in her face, watching his member move in and out, the saliva reflecting the light in the parking lot, to his eyes closing and his head thrown back as she continued.

His body seemed to shake slightly, and salty taste filled the back of her throat. She continued, her body now responding more than she wanted it to. Her tongue was now moving down the length of him with each penetration. His pace began to increase, moving himself further and further into her throat, until with each thrust an audible wet sound could be heard.

He was now making a low growling sound, and with one final thrust she felt him explode into her mouth. He held her tight against his shaft, the full length almost sliding into her throat. A moment seemed like an eternity as she waited for him.

He slowly removed his member from her mouth and looked back down at her.

“Show me.” He said, breathlessly.

Opening her mouth, he could see she had not swallowed yet. Nodding a little to himself.

“Good, now swallow and get up.”

She didn’t want to. Her throat constricted at the thought, but she did anyway. Her mouth felt swollen and her throat dry. As she stood up, bracing herself against the car for balance, she swallowed several more times, the taste of him lingering in her.

Moving towards her once more, he swiftly lifted the hem of her skirt to her waist and with the hand slid them deftly into her panties and up inside of her. Her hands were now planted on either side of her, her face still looking up into his.

As quickly as he had slid his fingers inside of her he removed them and dropped her skirt back down.

“Very good. Tomorrow night, stay in your office when it’s time to go.”

And with that, he turned and walked away towards his vehicle, leaving her standing there braces against the car, knees weak and cold from the abrasions.



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