Kiliʻopu [MF]

*See you soon*

I put away my phone grinning. My bags are packed and my Uber driver is loading them up. On the way to the airport I pull out my phone and check for the millionth time my flight information. I know it by heart, but still can’t believe it’s true. Raleigh to Honolulu. That’s not the most surprising thing, not at all. It’s us. You invited me, a Reddit stranger, to spend the week on vacation with you. And I accepted, the one who admonished you for greeting me with a lewd comment. Apparently that didn’t knock you off your game because now you’re one of my oldest Reddit friends. Of course that was on a former profile, one where I posted my body. Nowadays I post my thoughts and fantasies, arguably much more revealing than any picture of myself I ever posted.

I get to the airport and check in, grateful for a late night flight so I can nap away the nerves. Just in case, I grab a drink while I wait. I don’t want to stay awake all night and get there exhausted. I’d just finished my drink when my flight is called so I made my way to board. Wow, you spared no expense. It’s not like I have anything to compare this flight to but it’s downright luxurious with plenty of space to buffer any chatty neighbors. I settle in and before I know it, I’m fast asleep. I awaken several hours later and nervous excitement steals away any remaining sleep I hoped to get.

Finally, I’m here. My last connection had a bit of a layover so I took that time to spoil myself by getting a pedicure and doing a little more writing on a couple stories I’ve got in my head. I checked into a hotel for a few hours to freshen up and change clothes. I put on a cute little sundress with shades of blue and gray. When I board my last flight, nervousness takes over. “Why did I decide to meet a stranger? Why didn’t I bring a friend? What if he’s a serial killer?” All these feelings take over my mind and I’m too nervous to even eat the delicious smelling breakfast they serve. I look out over the water as the sun rises behind us, just beginning to illuminate the islands off in the distance.

You are standing there, spotting me long before I find you, watching my eyes searching the crowd, giving you the chance to hide your initial reaction I see my name on a placard, well not my real name, which makes me grin, but Princess Sardony, then look up to see your face and color rushes to mine. You see the nerves and uncertainty instantly take over as I pause for a moment. You’re much more confident than me and you stroll right up to me, against the push of the crowd, and drawl, “Hey there Princess.” “Hi,” I reply, inwardly rolling my eyes at my loss of vocabulary. I try to compose myself and smile. You take my hand and lead me out of the airport, becoming impatient when I’m offered a lei. “Look, I got laid before you.” You grin and roll your eyes at my stupid joke.

My luggage will be delivered later and we make our way towards the parking lot. My first looks at Hawaii are breathtaking. I keep falling behind, slowing you down as I try to take it all in, from the feel of the sun on my bare shoulders to the smell of the salt water. You have already experienced this before and you’re ready to get me all to yourself but you allow me to have my moment. We stop in front of the valet and it’s moments before they drive up with your vehicle, a granite colored Jeep. “She’s topless, just like I like my women,” you quip at me with a wink and hand me a hair clip, remembering my Cousin It picture I sent when you told me how much you like convertibles.

We head down the highway I’m still captivated by the beauty of this tropical paradise. I apologize for neglecting you and you pretend to pout. “Sorry but you’re just not as amazing as this view,” I joke. My nerves are settling and I’m a lot more chatty than I was. You ask about my trip and I show you my silvery toenails and thank you for the comfortable flights you arranged. You hadn’t realized that this was my first time on a commercial plane as I chattered away about everything that was new about the experience. As you patiently listened to everything you already had experienced several times before, you mentally check off everything else you arranged for this week. You want me to feel comfortable and not push me too fast, although if you had your way, I’d be sitting in your lap riding you right now instead of regaling you with stories about my trip.

My chattering slows down when we turn off into a more sparsely settled area and follow a winding road toward the ocean, ending at an adorable little house on the beach. The ocean calls me so I slip off my sandals and take off running giggling. “Catch me if you can!” My head start isn’t enough though because you quickly catch up to me and grab me by the waist, turning me around. I look up and my giggle catches in my throat. One hand holds my waist and the other tilts my chin up and for the first time, our lips touch. You don’t kiss me immediately, although you want to devour me. You take a moment to be sure I’m okay with this. I close my eyes and my hands that once hanging limply as you caught me off guard rise to your waste, gripping the sides of your shirt and pull you closer. You press your lips against mine our mouths opening up, tongues exploring each other. Our hands roaming each other’s bodies, occasionally pulling the other closer. When we breakaway, both trying to catch our breath, we hear a car pulling up to the house. You tell me to wait right here and I take the time to look all around. I can’t see another house at all and I’m at the waters edge. I close my eyes and concentrate on he sun overhead, warming my skin contrasting the coolness of the breeze on my wet feet.

You pause as you walk back down to me, having instructed our visitors where to leave my luggage and they begin to set up for my next surprise on the porch facing the ocean. Strolling up quietly, I squeal when I feel you walk up behind me and pull me back against you. You give me cold chills when you whisper into my ear, “Come on.” I turn my head, giving you a smirk. Taking my hand you lead me to the back deck, where our visitors have set up two massage tables. “Are you trying to put me to sleep?” “Don’t worry, I think I know just what would wake you up.” They have set up a privacy shield for us each to change behind. Clad with just a towel wrapped around our bodies, we both can’t help but check each other out and try to sneak peeks when we are climbing onto the table. I caught you peeking when my towel was folded down to reveal my bare back. But I can’t say I wasn’t also ogling you as well. That massage was heavenly, working out all the little areas of stress from nearly every part of my body. When I rolled over on my back, you caught a glimpse at my chest, causing a little discomfort as you still laid on your stomach. You rolled over on your back, noticeably relieved to no longer strain against the bed. When we were both fully relaxed, the massages ended and they gave us our privacy.

I sat up, hugging the towel against my chest, eyeing the outdoor shower just across the porch. “Care to join me?” The towel wrapped around me, I make my way to the large stall, finding it fully stocked with soaps and fresh towels, you right behind me. You pull the swinging door shut and face me. I let go of my towel and you can’t hide your reaction as you did when I got off the plane. My eyes lock on your face watching every muscle twitch in reaction to my nude body. I see your face completely change right in front of me from a smile with friendly, warm eyes now becoming serious and singularly focused as if to pounce on your prey at any moment. The confidence I had, the upper hand I thought I had was immediately gone as your towel joined mine on the floor.

You walk me backward, reaching behind me to turn on the shower. A deluge of warm water covers us from above, our faces inches apart. Your hand lightly slides up my arm, follow my shoulder, slipping up my neck, fingers intertwining in my hair. I tilt my head up, fighting the butterflies in my stomach and allow our lips to touch. Your other hand mirrors the first and you pull me in and our mouths explore each other’s. I step backward more until my back touches the cold wall, moving us as one. Your hardness presses against my belly button. My hands slide up your outer thighs, wrapping around it. You gasp against my mouth and I take that opportunity to push you back one step and drop to my knees. You look down and watch me take you in my mouth, looking up into your eyes to see every minute reaction. Your mouth is still agape where I left it. My tongue traces zentangles around you as you slip deeper and deeper into my mouth. Your hands grasp my head and encourage me to continue, watching my every movement. You hardly notice my fingernails digging into the dip where your thighs and your butt meet, pulling you closer. I have to relax my throat as you grow inside my mouth. I pull you out of my mouth and, wrapping my hands around you, begin to lick your sack below. My tongue continues moving all over as I gently suck. My hands work on your member, twisting. I pump your length painfully slow. I lick all around your sack, giggling as I find a ticklish spot at the fold.

Not wanting to risk finishing already, you gently pull me up. You really want to push me against the wall and take me but instead you crouch down in front of me, kissing your way down my chest, across my belly, and find I’m dripping wet. Your tongue slides between my lips to find it’s not from the shower. You savor my taste and tease me with your tongue by reversing your movement just as you find my engorged clit. Each time you brush right below it I just know you aren’t going to tease me this time but you do, making me groan with frustration. Finally you give me what I think I want and suck my clit directly and I loudly exclaim, “Oh my God!” You look up at my face, enjoying the look of sheer lust you see in spite of my closed eyes. If you keep going I’m going to fall, literally or figuratively. Just when I know I can’t take anymore you pull away.

You stand back up, this time pushing me back against the wall. You move my hands over my head so that I am grasping one of the exposed studs on the wall. A hand pulls my knee up so that my foot rests on the bench next to us. You grasp my hips and push yourself slowly into me. While I’m extremely wet, I still have to stretch to accommodate your size. As you find your way deeper inside, the tight grip I have on you drives you crazy. You can’t help but push with more urgency, your lips finding mine, muting my nonsensical vocalizations. When you bury yourself as deeply as you can go, you fight the urge to stroke so you can feel my internal muscles pulse around you, squeezing and releasing. Our mouths devour each other, only pausing when you begin long strokes. I feel your entire length retract and then converge, never completely separating the two of us. I feel an orgasm building and lean my head back against the wall, the angle of your thrust now directly impacting my pleasure. You feel me grip you harder and see my breath catch in my throat, eyes closed. “Look at me,” you command. Your voice sounds foreign to me, but the tone catches my attention and brings me back. I open my eyes and look up at you as you continue hitting that spot. My eyes half close but you again command me to open them. You want me to see you watch me orgasm. This slows the build but when the peak comes, it comes harder. I practically scream as you plunge faster right through it as you hit your peak. Your head falls toward mine, and we ride our orgasms forehead to forehead, until we both are spent. We are frozen there for a moment, just catching our breath with the feeling of coming back down to earth.

Remembering we were supposed to shower, you take my hand and pull me back into the stream of water. We take it slowly, using the opportunity to grope each other under the guise of getting each other really clean. We dry each other off and wrap ourselves in our towels for the walk back to the house. I notice the massage tables are gone and my face flashes bright red. There’s no way they did not hear us, having a pretty good idea of our shower time activities. You grin and comment that you hope they enjoyed the live audio. I pause to look out at the ocean to see the beautiful colors sunset has cast across the water and sky. You come up behind and wrap your arms around me watching me watch the beautiful scene in front of me. We head inside, you leading the way to the bedroom. My towel drops and I spin around to face you. This time I do the leading. I walk you back to the bed, pausing to rip your towel put of your hands and sit you down. I sit in your lap facing you, kissing you and feeling you grow once again. Moving my hips slightly allows you to slip in with ease and I ride you with urgency. Your lips find my neck but I gasp and when I try to pull away, you hold me in place. I wrap my legs around you for leverage, grinding myself against your body. Your mouth continues your assault on my neck, bringing me quickly to orgasm. Once I catch my breath, you lie back and roll me off you, turning me so you can spoon me. You slide inside me from behind and still yourself, enjoying the feeling as my body slowly relaxes from the exertion of two quick and hard orgasms. You listen to my breathing as exhaustion wins me over and I fall into a deep sleep.



  1. Wow, that was great. I was completely immersed in the story. You are amazing the way you can bring characters to life.

  2. Excellent work. I could feel the excitement building from the very first paragraph.

  3. This just might be one of the best that I have read, I hope that you are considering a trilogy!

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