Jen’s Plan, Part I (MF, Seduction, Oral, Age Difference)

She had constructed the plan two months ago on the very day that her best friend, Sara, had moved to the west coast. Jen was on a mission, and if all went well, her carefully considered plan would come to fruition in a few short hours.

To date, every aspect of the operation had been completed flawlessly, including Mike’s acceptance of her invitation for a happy hour drink. Sara had abruptly ended her relationship with Mike prior to her departure, so it seemed appropriate they gather to commiserate Sara’s departure.

The truth was, Jen had always thought Sara and Mike’s relationship a curiosity. As attractive 25 year-old women, Sara and Jen had their pick of men in their age group. While Mike was certainly attractive and wealthy, he was nearly 20 years older than Sara.

During a tipsy discussion, Sara had confided that Mike had an ability to sexually pleasure her in ways no other men ever had. When pressed for details, Sara confessed that, among other things, Mike’s oral game was top-notch and regularly brought her to multiple, toe-curling orgasms.

To date, none of the handful of men that Jen had between her legs had driven her to a single orgasm, let along multiple orgasms of the toe-curling variety. To be fair, most of the men had approached the task with great enthusiasm, however she hypothesized that they lacked the necessary skill to push her over the edge. She preferred this theory, rather than admitting she was incapable of reaching orgasm orally – a depressing prognosis.

It had been nearly a year since Jen had a steady boyfriend. His oral game always seemed like a means to a selfish end – a necessary task before he could get his stiff cock serviced. Jen’s knew her kitty required a slow and proper warm-up and that required patience.

In the days following Sara’s tell-all confession, Jen often found herself thinking of Mike’s magical tongue devouring her pretty, 25 year-old pussy – fantasies that always left her heart racing and her panties soaked. She found herself jealous of Sara, and convinced that she needed an older, more experienced lover.

Sara’s abrupt departure provided that very opportunity and she was determined to put Mike’s skillset to the test. Now as she waited for Mike at the local pub, doubts began to take hold: Would he respond to her seduction? How directly would she need to express her need (“Mike, I really need your mouth on my pussy”)? Admittedly, her biggest fear is that he wouldn’t live up to the high expectations she had constructed of him in her fantasies.

Jen had prepared for the occasion – all part of her master seduction plan. Her short black skirt provided ample views of her well-toned and tanned legs. She was sure to unbutton her semi-sheer, white blouse well below her c-cup breasts allowing ample views of her lacy white bra. Beneath her skirt was a matching white thong that barely covered her freshly groomed bush. Her red fingernails were well manicured and color-matched to her lipstick. Three-inch, open-toed stiletto heels displayed her properly pampered feet and completed the ensemble.

She watched him intently as he entered the pub. She’d never been able to view him as anything other than her best friends significant other. A cool, older guy who played drums in a band and was generous with both his compliments and wealth. Though her views of him had dramatically changed after Sara’s confession.

Nervous pangs wreaked havoc in the pit of her belly as he crossed the room. He wore well-fitting blue jeans and a button-down casual shirt. Despite his age, his body was in fantastic shape. His brown hair had the first flecks of grey as did the scruff on his face, giving him the appearance of sophistication. Perhaps the most attractive aspect was the calm confidence that seemed to radiate from every pore of his body.

She greeted Mike with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. The ensuing conversation flowed as easily as the drinks. Happy hour led to dinner, and ultimately, more drinks. Fortunately, the conversation rarely focused on Sara, which would have been a buzzkill. Ever the gentleman, and despite her every objection, Mike was quick to pay the tab.

She sensed the night coming to an end and considered her next move. As they rose to leave the restaurant, Mike surprised her by planting a deep and hard kiss on her rosy-red lips. Returning the kiss, she parted her lips allowing his magic tongue full entry to her ready mouth. Clearly, her plan was working to perfection.

Having had a few drinks, and perhaps being a touch tipsy, they caught an Uber ride back to Mike’s condo in the high-rent, downdown district. During the short ride their hands wandered while their tongues explored each other’s mouth foreshadowing the pleasure that was about to transpire.

Sufficient interest will yield part II …



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