Long Distance Changes Things [Part 1] [MF] [peeping] [exposition]

***I am the original author, however I have posted this once before from a throwaway account I no longer have access before. It was my first attempt at writing an erotic story, so I hope you enjoy it!

*Feedback is welcome

Walking into the bar, you stop and take a moment to let your eyes adjust to the lighting. Scanning the room, you initially frown as you cannot find her. Checking your phone, you see the message: ‘From Elyza: In our booth ;)’. But upon second look, you bust into the biggest grin. Sitting in your old, favorite corner booth was her. It was so good to see her, it felt like it had been forever. You walk over, and when she notices you, she jumps to her feet and gives you a big warm smile and holds you in a tight embrace. “Oh my god! I can’t believe your finally back!” she exclaims, as she slowly starts to let go. “Hey baby girl, how have you been?” you reply, as you slide into the booth across from where she had been sitting. She returns to her seat, and you take a moment (or two, or three) to just take in all of her. Her long, wavy, auburn hair cascading down the sides of that pretty, round face you adore and onto the tops of those perky breasts you’ve been longing to caress; the black frames of her glasses in stark contrast of her soft, pearly skin that you’ve been dying to trace your fingers up and down; those deep, wanting, green eyes reflecting the same desire that you feel; those plump, smirking, red-painted lips that make you wish they were wrapped around your co-

“You must be Hudson! I’ve heard so much about you! It’s so great to finally meet you” spoken by an unfamiliar, but definitively female, voice behind you. You turn around to see a curvaceous blonde girl smiling ear to ear. She extends a hand, and you comply, curious as to who she is. After the handshake, she struts over and sits down in the booth, next to Elyza. You shoot her an inquisitive look, asking for an explanation. She catches your eye, and looks down at the table, lost in thought. “Hudson, remember the talk we had before you left?” she begins. “Well, meet Tanya” says Elyza gesturing to the blonde, who smiles and waves at you. You tilt your head back slightly, taking in the newcomer as you try to recall the conversation in question…

* * *

*It’s the morning after your fourth date with Elyza. You met her at a mutual friend’s party, and really hit off. Three weeks later, here you are, waking up in her bed after “going the distance” for the first time…*

“S-say what now?” you stutter out, caught off guard. “You’re making this a way bigger deal than this really is” spits Elyza, her annoyance showing in her voice. “But yes, I am bisexual. However, while I do find both men and women attractive, I’ve never encountered a woman who I have been able to stand for more than hooking up once or twice…”

* * *

*After dating for a little over the last year of college, graduation has finally come and gone. Time to join the real world…*

“Do you really have to go?” squeaks out Elyza, as she fights back tears. “This job opportunity is once-in-a-lifetime, babe. Plus, we always planned to go to Nashville after graduation anyway” you manage to say, fighting back your own emotions. “I know, but you know I still have a semester left before I can join you” says Elyza, “What if we can’t manage long distance?” “I trust you, and you trust me. We’ll be fine” you say, “Plus I wouldn’t consider it cheating if you were to be physical with another woman. No emotions though…”

* * *

“Um, Earth to Hudson… You still with us, buddy?” Tanya’s still unfamiliar voice rouses you from your daydream. “Yea sorry, I just kinda lost in my own thoughts” you reply, and look over to Elyza. She’s still looking at the table, blushing a lot, but steals a nervous glance at you. “Hey Tanya, do you mind if we had a moment alone?” you ask. Tanya looks at Elyza for confirmation, and Elyza nods. “It’s fine T, I’ll meet you back at the apartment.”

Tanya stands to leave, and you can’t help but get a little lost in the sway of her hips as she leaves. But your feelings quickly bring you back to earth and you lock eyes with Elyza, pleading for an explanation. After a brief pause with no response from her, you decide to begin. “So you guys live together? I thought I was pretty clear: no emotions.” “It’s not like that.” Elyza starts to explain, “That’s actually how we met. You know I can’t afford to live on my own, so I found someone else to rent your room. After searching for like a month, Tanya was the first girl I met that I felt like I could tolerate living with-” “And you thought she was extremely attractive” you interject. “I can’t lie to you. That was a nice bonus, but I promise it didn’t actually factor into my decision to pick her. She’s a really great roommate. She helps cook, she helps clean, she-” “Helps you cum” you interject again, although you feel slightly aroused as your mind slowly begins to imagine Elyza and Tanya… assisting one another. “Hudson. Don’t be an asshole. Tanya is a nice girl. Get to know her while you stay with me, and I promise you won’t feel so weird about it. “*I doubt it”* you think to yourself, but nod in agreement. Elyza stands up from the booth, and offers you a hand. You take it, and she leads you out of the bar and towards her apartment.


*A few days go by without incident. Reluctantly, you have to admit you understand why Elyza couldn’t keep her hands off Tanya. She’s gorgeous; long, flowing blonde hair, alabaster skin that just begs attention, and curves for DAYS. It doesn’t help that Tanya constantly walks around the apartment braless, in crop tops no less, with shorts so short they leave little to the imagination. You begin to think, “Well, if Elyza had to find a sexual partner, at least she is stunning.” When Friday afternoon rolls around, Elyxa is finishing up class for the day while you wait for her at home. You hear keys in the door, and in walks Tanya, fresh from the gym…*

“Hey Hudson, how’s your day been?” asks Tanya. “Honestly, T, it’s been kinda boring. I haven’t had much to do all day except watch TV” you reply, as you begin to examine her. Her body glistened with a thin layer off sweat; her hair was pulled back into two braids, with a headband keeping the strays out of her face. She wore only a sports bra and spandex shorts, showing off her toned stomach and thick, magnificent legs. Her sports bra looked like it was straining, trying to keep her boobs from falling out. But the cleavage that created, ugh, it was enough to make you start to feel movement in your pants. “Alright, well I’m gonna go take a shower, and then maybe I can make you day less boring” Tanya says, with a slight glimmer in her eye. As she turns to walk down the hallway to the bathroom, you can’t help but watch her big butt sway back and forth in those tiny shorts.

You begin to imagine what it would be like to watch Tanya undress. “*What am I doing? That’s my girlfriend’s roommate*” you think as you feel your dick getting harder and harder. “*Well, she’s also my girlfriend’s lover, so it’s allowed?”* As you approach the bathroom, you notice Tanya has left the door slightly ajar. Peeking in, you can see that the shower is on and the water is running, but you don’t see Tanya. So you crack the door open just a little bit more, and see her, stark naked, standing in front of the mirror. Her body is even more magnificent than you thought; even as big as they are, her boobs somehow defy gravity and remain quite perky; her large areolas are a lovely shade of pink. Below, her pussy is clean shaven and looks incredibly sweet. In the reflection, you see place her hands on her hips, and you watch as she slowly slides them up her stomach before taking one tit in each hand. She gives them a small bounce, before squeezing them together and using her index fingers to rub her nipples in small circles. Her eyes close, and her head tilts back slightly as she lets out a soft moan. As her left hand begins to pick up speed while making its circles, the right begins to travel back down her stomach, stopping just above her slit. As she begins to slide an index finger down her lips, you can see how wet she is.

Without realizing it, you’ve begun to rub your dick through your jeans. But as she starts to tease herself, you have a small moment of clarity. You look away from the door, and contemplate your next move. “*I should go back to watching tv. She said she would come hang out with me when she was done.*” You thought as you move your hand away from your pants. “*When Elyza gets home, I’ll talk to her about starting a threesome!*” That thought satisfies you for now, but as you steal one last glance into the bathroom, you notice Tanya has moved into the shower, and is completely bent over, soaping her legs. “*Oh my god, even her asshole looks perfect”* you whisper to yourself, hesitating for an extra moment to try and save the image in your mind for later….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/h8ijce/long_distance_changes_things_part_1_mf_peeping