Birthday Surprise for Lisa (part 1)

It’s been six years since I started dating Lisa. Last month, I asked her to marry me, and in one year we are flying back to Chicago to get hitched.

Before we started dating, we met a few years prior and immediately started hanging out. We were both seeing other people at the time, and met through mutual circles, but we instantly clicked and started making plans to hang out. Our first mutual love was beer. She worked as a scientist a few blocks away where I was a code jockey for a research lab. In between our two offices was the perfect little bar that we would use to weekly stress-test our livers. We talked about everything, politics, friends, science, sex, significant others, sex, friends, sex, beer, sex … it’s probably time to go home. This dance went on for far too long before I finally sacked up one day and told her how I felt: I fucking loved the bejesus out of her. Of course, I did this drunk with a successful lunge kiss and after six complicated months of our initial relationship, I moved into her apartment. Life is awesome.

Or so I thought. In twenty-three days, Lisa will turn 30. I always make a huge deal out of her birthdays, and even though she protests, I know she loves the shit out of the attention. I usually try to come up with my own twist, and add a few good surprises, but I always start out by asking her first what she wants. We were driving home from a friends house that night, listening to the Beatles when I asked her what she wanted for her 30th. I waited eagerly for her response. and waited. and waited. I wondered if she heard me, when I glanced over and saw tears running down her cheeks. What the fuck? I turned the music down and started to try to make her feel better.

“Honey, turning 30 is no big deal. If it was, I would give you the heads
up since I’ve scouted five years ahead.”
“Baby, we don’t have to do anything for your birthday if it’s that painful.
I know it’s hard–”
“<snif> It’s not about getting old”
“… Ok, my bad. What is it then?”
“<sigh> Can we talk about this when we get home?”

I got annoyed. My question was totally innocent, and it blew up for no reason. I muttered my best consent, gave the moment a few awkward beats of silence, and then turned the Beatles back up.

“Love, Love me do // You know I love you // I’ll always be true // So please, love me do”

Lisa didn’t say much as we pulled into the drive way and made our way into our apartment. We got home, and settled into our routine, swapping into PJs and settling down to pet the cat. As we sat there, petting Nibbler, I felt the silence stretch out and wondered if our conversation would be postponed. I figured I would let her off the hook as I reached for the TV remote, but she stopped me. Taking the remote from my hand, she put it down on the table and turned to look at me. Her hands guided my body, so I was facing her, our dumb cat purring in-between us. She looked into my eyes, and sighed. Before I could ask what’s wrong, she spoke these words:

“For my 30th birthday, I want you to arrange my own personal gang bang. I
want to check into a hotel with you and fuck thirty men without protection.
I want you to orchestrate it, I want you to film it, and I want you play
host to these fine gentlemen as they use me and fuck me until there isn’t a
dry ball sack in the house.”

I am not exaggerating, I am not misquoting. This is, word for word, what Lisa said to me. Given the hints Lisa has dropped over the years, I’m not surprised as much as I’m utterly shocked and totally devastated.

“… Wh .. What?”
“I want to drain 30 cocks, and I want you there cheering me on”
” … ”
“I also want you to encourage those men to fuck me anyway they want”
” … ”
“And be exhilarated at every load I collect and earn”
“Lisa, I …”
“Please, before you respond to your feelings right now, know that I love
you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to do
everything I possibly can to make you happy. Sleep on that, and let’s pick
this up tomorrow.”

And with that, she kissed the kitty, then kissed me, and paddled off to bed. I still felt the kiss on my slack jawed face as I processed some of the most erotic and threatening images I’ve ever imagined. Holy shit, is this really happening? In my hurt and confusion, it dawned on me that I also worked up an ironwood erection. I could hear Lisa lightly snoring, so I kicked the cat off the couch and stretched out so I could take care of my most immediate need. If my mind was conflicted, my cock was a swollen supporter, voting early with what seemed like a steady stream of clear pre-cum. Holy fuck, I can’t believe how horny I got myself without even trying. I shut my eyes, and imagined Lisa’s sweaty, dirty body, covered in gobs of jizz with a huge smile on her face. I imagined what it might be like to watch another man reach climax while he was buried balls deep into my finance. As his climax lapsed and his loins relaxed, I know that as soon as he vacates to make room for the next cock, I would hold up the line so I could get a really close look at her puffy, abused pussy clutching her most recent birthday gift. I was getting close to my own orgasm, when I decided to hold off and fast forward to what I might want to get out of this. I’m bi-curious, and while I’m not someone who is really interested in having a committed relationship with a man, I will totally suck him off. As I used my fingers to tickle my ballsack, I wondered what it would be like to suck the cum from Lisa’s used pussy. What would her pussy feel like around my cock after ten guys have used her? twenty? thirty? What does it feel like to fuck Lisa with all that jism sloshing around like lubricant … leaking out, sticking between skin during long, anguished thrusts, dotting used genitals with gummy rewards from the previous victor. omg, the smell of cum. so much cum. cum. i’m cuuuummming. my imagination felt so crisp and real that i swear i could smell cum. no, wait, that’s actual cum. i was so lost in my reverie that i shot my load without anything to stop it from spraying all over my chest and face. as i collected myself and started to wipe myself clean, i acknowledged the foreshadowing and went to bed.


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