The Redding House Saga: An Epilogue [MF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

[Part 8](


There isn’t anything very steamy in this post. It’s more for those of you who wanted to know what happened with Maddy and I. Thanks for sticking through to the end, I think this helped me in many ways.


I’ve never delivered the emotional haymaker that are those three words to anyone before Maddy. My coping mechanism after my parent’s passed was routine. With that came the good – it allowed me to get healthy and build a flourishing small business – and the bad – not having the ability to allow the flexibility that is required to fully commit to another person.

Through out the nearly two years that I had known Maddy, she pushed me out of my comfort zone more times than I could count, no more so than this moment, where I had finally admitted to the world, to myself, to her, that I couldn’t look into the future and not see her with me.

“I am IN love with you. Every thought I have and action I take when you’re not with me is an attempt to occupy my time until you are. Every moment we share together is prefaced by the most intense desire for you to never have to leave” I gushed.

She stared, her eyes quickly darting back and forth, as if either of my eyes would provide an answer she was clearly looking for. She began walking towards my, I took a step forward, but instead of crashing into my arms, she walked past me, breaking into a jog as she continued through the door into my shop. I was so stunned that I didn’t begin to make a move after her until she was already outside.

“Maddy” I shouted. “Maddy, please talk to me,” my voice beginning to tremble. She stopped and spun around. Tears clearly beginning to pool around the corners of her eyes.

“What is there to say Luke?” she yelled out into the bitter cold morning.

“What?! I said I love you, there should be plenty to say! Do you not feel the same?” I questioned. I was met with a long silence as Maddy began to wring her hands together, the tears starting to fall to her cheeks. “Maddy, please.” I said, that familiar burn beginning to creep up into the back my throat, causing my voice to crack.

“Of course, I feel that same” she finally choked out. “I love you so much, but…” she trailed off, tears flowing freely.

“But what?!” I exclaimed, fighting back tears of my own.

“Luke, I graduate in three months, and chances are I won’t stay here. What if I can’t stay here, with you?” she faltered. Neither of us had talked about it, but we both knew that there was likely an expiration date on whatever we had going on… but now that it was out in front of us I couldn’t bear to accept that it could come to an end.

“So, I’ll move, we’ll figure it out” I pleaded, fighting so hard to push past an what seemed like an insurmountable challenge.

“Your entire life is here Luke, I couldn’t ask you to do that” she contested.

“No Maddy, my entire life is YOU” I shouted, my fear, exhilaration, and anxiety now feeding off each other. Maddy became quiet.

“If you don’t feel the same…” I continued, “Just tell me that you don’t want to be with me and I-“ she took of running towards me, jumped up into my arms, wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me through heaving sobs.

“I’m so sorry, so, so sorry” she stammered between alternating sobs and kisses. It was difficult to understand most of what she said, but the gist was that she loved me and wanted to be with me, and yes she was willing to figure it out when that time came.

It’s so incredibly cliché to say, but we made love that afternoon. We became one person in an experience that was so substantial, I couldn’t possibly begin to put it into words. I have never felt more connected to another human being than I did that day, and the three months to follow.

Maddy graduated top of her class and had spent the two months before graduation interviewing for post-grad internships at high-powered firms in a much larger city a long way away. It came as no surprise that she was offered an internship that started almost immediately after classes finished.

I drove with her and helped her move into her temporary apartment and flew back home the next day. When we were saying our “see you later’s” at the terminal, something in me knew that would be the last time I would see, touch, or kiss Maddy again. I was overcome with an incredible sense of loss as I boarded my flight. I didn’t think I would ever know a loss greater than the day I buried my parents, but here I was fighting to keep it together in an economy aisle seat as the plane taxied on the runway, preparing to fly me away from the only person I ever truly loved.

Towards the end of her internship, Maddy was offered a full-time position to start immediately. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. Maddy was incredibly intelligent and one of the most determined people I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. We told each other that we would make long distance work until I could figure out a way to come out to her, or her come back to me, and for what it’s worth, we really did try.

Maddy started mentioning that she wanted to ask her manager about working remotely from the city that I lived in, and that’s when I knew it was time to set her free. It’s already hard enough being a woman in a professional setting, and I wasn’t going to allow her to jeopardize all that she had worked so hard for just to come back to the small college town that I operated my small furniture business out of.

I told her that as much as I loved her, I felt that our paths were diverging too far apart for us to continue being together, and just like that, two became one again.

Maddy met a guy about three months later. Tall, dark, and handsome, wore expensive suits to very important meetings. Drove a Mercedes and vacationed in wine country. That kind of guy. A stark difference to my Carhartt and Tundra. They ran in the same circles, or so I was told by Sarah, who still lives in our city. They moved in together right before the world went to shit this year. She seems happy, and I’m happy for her. She has such a bright future, and she’s in a perfect place to realize her full potential.

And me? Well, I haven’t seen a woman past the third date in two years, so you could say I’m definitely over her.

This will be the last story I write about Maddy. I have more stories to share, and I think at some point I will. Writing has always been a way for me to cope with my feelings, and I’m hoping that writing this out will help me along in my process.

But if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat. I’d like to think that our story isn’t over yet, but even if it is, I’ll always have the best memories of…

*“… Maddy from the Redding house…”*



  1. Is checking your account often sad? Probably
    But you’ve made me so invested in these stories. My heart goes out for you. This is one of two series on reddit that have ever made me do that thing were it is hard to breathe just before you’re about to cry.
    (If you haven’t read it I suggest you read it, it is by dfwmale2020 and it is kind of similar but not really).
    I think what makes these type of stories the best are the In-between bits and the end…sad or happy.

    Well played sir ? truly enticing story will 100% read anything you write

    Nothing else makes me happy now? all I wanted one of these to end up with a happy ending rather than someone losing them or them dying.

  2. BRB, gonna go cry my eyes out. I loved every part of all these stories, you tell stories in a way that helps people feel what you’re feeling. You’re writing brings out all the emotions in me incredibly well. Props to you sir. Hope to hear some more of your stories in the future.

    I can’t handle this amount of emotion right now I just burst into to tears randomly ?.


  4. My dude! What a saga… But seriously what about Sara? I called it from the start that you would end up with Sara…

  5. Shit…

    Now I have nothing else on gonewildstories to read I need more series like this, not one time one or two part ones.?

  6. Coronavirus OT not I’m finding you to give you a hug and buy you a beer bro. Damn this was a roller coaster of emotions.

  7. I keep checking my phone for OP to just be like

    “Only joking were actually married”
    But I know that update isn’t coming *sigh*

    Why does this always have to happen why can’t there be a gonewildstories saga with a truly happy ending for everyone. I truly hope to come back onto this account in a few years and see and update between you two?

  8. The ups and downs; I haven’t been this conflicted by something I read since George R. R. Martin.

    Great story, great writing. Looking forward to more.

  9. Okay, well now we have to come up with a cast for an adaptation of this.

  10. Bravo my friend, bravo, I wish you only the best of luck from here on out

  11. I needed cold, rainy weather during the dramatic “I love you” scene. Air heavy with deep, longing breathes. Wet hair, drenched clothes…

    What a fucking story mate…I really wish you and Maddy could’ve made it work tho…

  12. Kinda saw it coming with the book title line a few episodes back. Big oof.

    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thank you for sharing. This was an amazing story and although we all expected a happy ending- sadly it isn’t in the cards for everyone. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less. I hope you find love amidst this crazy world. You deserve it.

    We all deserve it. Sending hugs and good vibes.

  14. I’m sure some people will say this movie/storyline/plot etc. Has been done before, but someone please make this a movie. I don’t normally care for this type of film but I would watch it. ? This whole saga was beautifully written from start to finish.

    I don’t know you, OP, but you sound like a very kind person that someone would love to have in their life. Not to imply that everyone should have a partner, but… Just saying. I secretly hope you find someone someday who makes you happy again.

  15. I said I couldn’t handle this dude!!! I said tell me it’s a fairy tale ending!!! Damn it. Why am I crying over two people I don’t know, but I feel like I know. FUCK

  16. Damn. I was rooting for you guys, hopefully you find your new Maddy

  17. Man, that’s rough and sorry to hear. Unfortunately that’s the realization of life, a giant car wreck with brief commercial breaks of happiness. I’ve enjoyed your writings and hope to read more. Also awesome to hear about your business, I worked in a wood shop for about a year building cabinets and Murphy beds (I worked mostly in stain/finish) and enjoyed it very much and hope to do woodwork again. Anywho drifting off, but thank you for sharing your story.

  18. All I can say is “fucking hell”… Dude, 1) you did the right thing and being a bigger man 2) I would have broken down on the plane and 3) Its tough, Im kinda in the same boat with moving on.

    Holy fuck, that was quite a story and kudos to you for telling the whole story even if its a way to move on. Im sure that was a very tough thing to do…

  19. Thanks for sharing the whole saga man. I was super invested, and you’re a great writer. I hope it brought you some closure.

  20. Hey Luke it’s me again! Incredible end to the story even if it’s not what most people wanted. But seeing you grow to accept your feelings and not shut them out has been the best part. You’re a great dude and you got your shit together and life will be great for you. Brother you’re a awesome dude and I wish you all the best

  21. If ever I cross your path, I’ll never say a word, but I’ll buy you a drink.

  22. Thoroughly enjoyed your saga.

    How about showing us some of your woodworking projects now?

  23. “One day, whether you are 14, 28 or 65, you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find – is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.”

    I’m not exactly sure where this quote came from, but it’s stuck with me pretty hard. I think you’re gonna find that you’ll be okay, eventually.

  24. Not gonna lie….

    Of all of your stories, this one is the hardest to masturbate to.

    In all seriousness, I’m glad this was cathartic for you. You’re a hell of a writer… Really.

    I wish you the best, anonymous internet smut writer.

  25. Well damn. I’m sorry to hear this. I like to think time heals things, but I really don’t know what kind of time it takes, I haven’t figured it out for myself. I completely understand the value of writing get to process your feelings. Godspeed sir

  26. It really sucks that you guys didn’t end up together. But I’m glad you’re in a good headspace to write something to help you out. Thanks for letting us in, and I’ll always be glad to read anything you decide to jot down.

  27. God damn. That’s both beautiful and tragic at the same time, but you knew it was coming. Good luck out there man.

  28. Without a doubt this has been the best story I’ve read on this sub. The story itself was amazing, but a lesser writer would have butchered it. Thank you, OP. I was sorry to hear about you guys breaking up, I hope you’re doing well and you find what you need.

  29. Well done buddy. Written very well. Glad that your writing is helping you cope and move on mentally.

  30. Bro u and maddy really hope that u Two can be together, u dint wanted to ruin her job or anything
    I still believe that u love her. And even if sometimes we need tô make sacrifices to see the other happy…
    U should earn more than see the woman u love with a rich playboy

    Luke my friend i would pay a beer and hug u because of this story… but please bro… dont give up on her… dont follow this path.

    I wish u the best bro. And really hope speak with u someday

  31. I need to stop reading, it’s my only escape but shit like this just crushes me. I’m already scared of dying alone, I’m 25 and I’ve never had a relationship. Now I’m worried if I find love, this is going to be waiting for me around the corner. I honestly don’t know that I would be strong enough to make it through, I’m starting to wonder if it’s safer just to never try. I need fucking therapy Jesus.

  32. Kudos to you for making the hard decision. I’ve had my Maddie.. had to let go of her too. You sir have my respect.

  33. Damn it, I definitely shed a few tears. Thank you for sharing this fantastic story and I truly hope it was cathartic for you. I wish you the best!

    Side note: Good choice on the Tundra!

    Side note 2: I’m currently finishing Nick Offerman’s book. So…. for a brief moment I super-imposed Ron Swanson into the story. Hopefully that brings you a chuckle.

  34. Im actually fucking sobbing. OP why did you hurt us this way ? i hope youre gonna find love brother

  35. The guy who lost his close family friend turned lover in a car accident still probably takes the cake for most tragic story posted on here, but my heart still goes out to you dude. Gotta commend you for making hard decisions to ensure she’s living her best life but I have imagine she appreciates you for that, or will someday.

  36. shit, man. that was some ride. thank you for sharing.

    I had something like that too. I have a son with her … but I don’t get to see either of them. I can’t say I think about them every day, but at least every week.

  37. Holy fuck dude, i came here to jerk off and ended up with a better story than twighlight.
    All jokes aside, thanks for this great posts, and my best wishes to you. ?

  38. Never been as emotionally invested in a reddit story before. Damn i want a beer with you !

  39. You are one of the best writers’ in here. The first post was more of gonewild things. Then slowly as posts continued, gradually u built-up romance, which we all readers got completely engrossed in. You have some of the best cliff-hangers that I’ve seen in this sub-reddit . Finishing all these parts completely I felt this had somewhat had the touch of La La Land movie. It’s heart breaking though. I think I’d just say it’s life.
    Would love to hear more stories from you..

  40. Man I’m so fucking devastated… I was hoping for a Happy End, you and Maddy seemed to be the perfect couple. Is there a chance that you will call her ?
    Best of luck and greetings from Hamburg!

  41. You broke my heart Luke.

    You’re both so intelligent and complete, it’s sad that it didn’t work.

    I hope that lighting will strike twice for you one day.

  42. I don’t even know what to say right now other than thank you. Thank you for sharing this clearly raw and significant part of your life with us.

    I have been hooked since the first story. Your writing is profound and engaging. As readers, I know we are started to feel a little of what you felt living thru this part of your life and that is an amazing skill as a writer.

    I pray we get more from you. I’m following you in hopes of more. But if not, we are all better off since we have gone on this journey of words with you.

    Thank you again.

  43. Truly the best story I’ve seen on here. I’m glad you could channel your emotions into something as well-crafted as this series was!

  44. TL;DR of this saga: College chick punches hole in wall, lets man fuck her face as compensation, then steals and breaks man’s heart.

    In all seriousness, I do hope to hear more from you. Although I doubt it’ll be as well recieved as this story (I mean, c’mon, who really thought they’d be emotionally invested after that first chapter?) it seems likes the writing is good for you, and you’re a damn good writer.

  45. Don’t worry my friend I have the answer so what you need to do is:
    .Start a multi million dollar company
    .Move to the city
    .she sees this and wants to meet up for drinks
    .then you find out she still loves you and BOOM there you go full proof plan

  46. You’re a gifted story teller. I hope this adventure has brought you solace and helped you. Thank you for sharing it.

  47. Damn man this was a hell of a series. I hope you find your person, or that you and Maddy magically end up rekindling your relationship. This sounds like something out of a rom com movie, where you’ll both end up realizing your futures were meant to be intertwined and that you should be together.

  48. Wow, just wow. I was hooked every step of the way. Well done. I know everyone is throwing a lot of advice at you, all I wanna say is that I know she feels the same. No one get off that roller coaster in tact, not even us as readers. I’ve had experiences like this a few times and years later without talking to them. They have reached out and validated my feelings by saying they felt the same. Or had wished things would’ve been different. If you ever feel like reaching out to her. Know that your love means more than money, cars, suits, and dinners. You’re gonna be shit faced with all the beer everyone is talking about buying you.

    Also, you know how to give her that good wood? sorry couldn’t resist!

    Also this is the most emotional bunch of perverts. Glad I’m not alone.

  49. Wow, what an epic tale. Thank you for sharing your heart and I wish you the best.

  50. You had me invested in this story from the beginning. Deep down I knew from the way you wrote it wasn’t going to be a “happily ever after” kind of story, but I wasn’t prepared for that ending.

    Luke IDK you but like everyone else, I want to give you a hug and buy you a drink.

  51. My heart goes out to you my guy, I’ve been a fan since 3 hours after your first post. You’re writing is fantastic. I recently went through a breakup with an amazing girl too and this story has helped me. Thank you

  52. Perfect example of how sometimes you meet your soulmate and fate pulls you two apart from each other. Hope you get your happy ending too my friend, lord knows after everything you’ve been through you deserve one.
    Thanks for one hell of a ride brother

  53. Dude, your writing style has had me hooked from the beginning. Not just the descriptions of your encounters, but the feelings and emotions that you perfectly put into words. I found myself constantly checking for the latest episode of the saga you unwound in front of us.

    Not gonna lie, I’ve been in a funk all afternoon ever since reading this last entry. Not sure why, but I guess it brings up memories I’ve kept suppressed from a similar situation I was in with a person that meant as much to me as Maddie does to you. Someone that you would do absolutely anything for, even though it mean ultimately letting them go. I truly feel for you man, I know it’s been years, but that feeling doesn’t ever go away. And all those feelings, all those emotions, would instantly come screaming back in a heartbeat the moment she called, or texted, or knocked on your door.

  54. This was bad ass to read. I started coming back for the plot after the third story and this did not disappoint. I’m sorry things ended the way they did, keep your head up buddy

  55. This was a gut punch of an ending. I did not come to gonewildstories for these kind of feels. Great work

  56. hey. Thanks for that story. I really really feel you.

    I’m going to say something that I mean from a good and caring place – I don’t mean to offend. So I hope you take it okay. sending hugs.

    I think you owe two people an apology.

    I think the first person you owe it to is Maddy. You made a choice on behalf of her, and broke up “for her sake”. This isn’t true and I think I she deserves to know that, and deserves an apology from you for not respecting her agency. It’s her choice to stay with you or not based on her career, and you took that choice away from her. That’s deeply unfair – noble, understandable, but unfair.

    The second person you owe an apology is to yourself. It sounds like you were putting yourself down and saying “don’t be content with old me – go out and see the world”. No – you’re worth it, and worth her. You owe an apology to yourself for not giving him that credit or that respect. Maybe you were worried about messing something up. That makes sense. But you still deserve it.

    I hope any of this lands in a helpful way. Apologies in advance for being so forward, but this is what resonates inside of me for you, and I think my words have some heart truths for you.

  57. As we say “better live with remorse that regrets” life is fucking too short to let pass such a love story like this one. I just tell you that because you wrote “I’d like to think that our story isn’t over”.

    I let too many thinks passed in my life with the bitter taste of the “what if” for years and it hurts anyway…
    You answered to someone here that if you contact her it would only be for yourself. You bloody have the right to do so. It is not a shame or wrong to think for yourself sometime. And maybe she feels the same way. You will never know if you don’t jump again as you did after you first encounter with her at the credenza episode…

    Anyway all I wrote here is my opinion. I felt the need to share it to you the same way you felt the need to share with us. We got involved and as human with a heart and emotions we sometime wish the best for our others fellas.
    Wherever life brings you to I wish you the best and to live it fully. I think you already started 4 years ago. You maybe paused it at the wrong moment or maybe not… Who knows except yourself ?

  58. Bro it feels like a puppy just died. She’ll come back eventually, nobody similar to their lover ever lasts, the differences are what keep it fun. From what you’ve written, I’ve never seen opposites attract quite so perfectly illustrated without looking at fucking magnets. Everyone is going to seeking new arrangements once the world opens back up, being forced together is a perfect way to split people apart. Idk how far she is man but love is worth any distance, and I can tell you right now that any trade or working with your hands job is in unbelievably high demand, you can expand a business to anywhere. I might just be a hopeless romantic who found the love story of the year on a porn page on Reddit, but everyone deserves their happy ending, especially a girl into a guy enough to rip a lamp out of the wall and a guy who didn’t evict her for it. Get. That. Girl.

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