The Mile High Club, Chapter 1 [NSFW]

Chapter 1: The Butterfly (Camila)

The first few years she was a flight attendant, she was timid and shy. She greeted people only when she had to, served them while asking the minimal questions and for the most part, kept to herself between flights. The other girls partied with the Captains often and even sometimes partied with just one another in their down time. Initially she didn’t know if she would fit in. And even though she didn’t work and travel with the same people all the time, she found that most of them were partiers, drinking and doing light drugs, having sex and sometimes multiple people having sex together. But as time went on, the toll of the job felt heavy on her shoulders. She was away from her home for long stretches, all of her friends rarely saw her and when she was off of work, they often already had plans without her. She couldn’t meet a man because she never saw anyone long enough to make a connection. She hadn’t had sex in ages and she found herself being exhausted of her current life, sexually frustrated and ready for a change.

It was a flight just like any other flight—a flight from Texas to Florida, which took around 2 ½ hours, give or take. She was flying with two other women she’d flown with before; Becca, who was in her 10th year of being a flight attendant, Tasha, who was in her 5th year, and Alisa, who was new but already had established the party girl name for herself among the Captains. Becca and Tasha flew together often and usually liked to pop something “fun”, so they called it, before each flight. Whatever pill they had on hand would do, washed down with an airline bottle of booze. She had always said no but today, as the women huddled together in the back of the plane, moments before passengers were allowed to board, she interrupted them. “I’ll take one, please,” she said, quietly. Becca and Tasha whipped around. “Oh, Camila, *finally*!” Becca exclaimed, fishing a pill out of the amber colored bottle and handing it to her.

She took the pill and washed it down with a tiny bottle of water. She wanted to ask what it was, how long would it take to kick in, and a million other questions but she was trying to enjoy herself so she refrained from her usual worry. Becca, who was short and curvy with mousey brown hair that she wore in a braid wrapped into a bun, sat down next to her. “It’s going to be fun; it’s going to be good,” she said, seeing that Camila needed reassurance. Tasha sat across from them. She had beautiful dark skin, a bubbly personality and large breasts with a perfectly plump ass. Her dark hair was curly and short, and she always wore a blue headband with a bow instead of their uniform hat. “Listen,” Tasha said, “I’m going to find you someone on this flight and you’re going to bring him back here and you’re going to have some fun.” Camila could feel her cheeks get rosy. “No way,” she said, looking down to her lap and shaking her head. All these years she had resisted the valiums and edible pot, the opportunity to play special servant to the Captain (if you were in the party-circuit of the Airline world, Pilots were called Captains in order for other party-goers to help identify who was ‘in’ or not). She turned the other cheek each time a new, young attendant pulled a sexy passenger into the back of the plane, only to find her blowing him or more. She followed the rules and played it safe for many years and where did it get her? Alone, horny, and tired of being overlooked. She woke up on this particular day and wanted to have fun.

Camila was a beautiful woman—standing around 5’7” with a milky white complexion and large breasts. Her hair, which she always wore in a tight, neat bun behind her head, was ruby colored. When she took out her bun, her luscious hair fell to a few inches shy of her butt, a butt that was plump and gorgeous. The girls all wore the same uniform—a navy blue fitted pencil skirt, with a fitted navy blue wrap front blazer that had gold embroidery embellishments on the cuffs. Under the blazer was a white dress shirt with a collar that poked up. To the right of their necks the women wore silk scarves tied perfectly into a pussy bow. They wore tan thigh highs and black pumps and each of them chose a different shade of crimson to paint their lips with. Aside from Tasha, the women wore navy blue pillbox hats which sat slightly to the side atop their heads. They looked like flight attendants from a dream—sexy and tempting.

Tasha worked the PA and gave all the start-of-flight instructions. She was good at sneaking in a little tit-shimmy while she pointed to the exit doors and she always added an extra little faux-tug as she demoed how to pull the strings on the inflatables. Some women just oozed sexuality and fun and Tasha was definitely one of those women. Becca and Camila were working the refreshment cart; as the flight was short there was only one service. Becca always grazed the hands of the sexier men as she passed them mini bottles of whiskey and small cans of coke. She winked at them as she pushed past, making sure her blouse was a bit loose and a bit unbuttoned as she leaned forward, giving them a sneak peek at her DD breasts. Becca worked the front of the cart, engaging with the passengers like they were personal friends, adding an extra touch for the handsome men. Camila pushed the cart from behind and took garbage from passengers when halfway through the task, the pill was setting in. She had never taken any drugs, nor had she ever smoked pot and she rarely drank. For a moment she felt herself float up above her body, her head tingled with a delirious freedom she had never felt before. Her body grew warm and she felt her nipples get hard, her body moved with confidence as she felt herself become free, free from the chains of her reluctance.

She unbuttoned her blouse like Becca and Tasha did, leaning into the laps of men to take their empty water bottles and other trash. In the blissful moments of the pill setting in, Camila did not see that the other women were scanning the passengers and had decided on a man for Camila. Tasha signaled to Becca who then pointed him out to Camila. “First class, second row, window seat,” she whispered. Camila, now with zero hesitation and a burning between her thighs, flitted through the cabin down to the front of the plane and pulled the curtain back. There was first class, made up of wealthy older women and powerful businessmen. Like it was a mission, Camila went straight to the target. She felt herself grow moist as soon as she laid eyes upon him.

He was a handsome gentleman with pepper colored hair combed smoothly down, tan skin and a mouthful of beautiful, perfect white teeth. He was clean shaven with bright blue eyes and a strong, masculine jawline. He was wearing a light blue dress shirt and gray slacks with a brown leather belt. A laptop rested on his folding table and a cell phone sat next to it. He looked to be about 55 years old to Camila but she couldn’t be sure. Now that she was standing just feet from him, she wasn’t quite sure how to coax him back to the fun-cabin (what the flight attendants referred to the curtained off area where they sat), but with her head in a place of euphoria and all her reservations gone, she knew she had to get him back there.

“Sir, I’ve been told we have left some of your luggage at the gate. Could you perhaps follow me back to the Attendants cabin to speak with me more privately?” It wasn’t the best excuse but she was so high, it was the best thing she could think of in the moment, as horny as she was. Being a gentleman, he tucked his belongings away and lifted his tray. She motioned down the aisle, indicating that he should follow her. He did and she could smell his aftershave wafting down the aisle around her. She let her hips sway freely as she walked, looking back over her shoulder once and smiling at him coyly. He returned the smile.

Camila pulled the curtain closed behind them. Tasha and Becca made themselves scarce while Alisa was fulfilling the newbie duties in the cockpit serving the Captains for the whole flight.

“I didn’t check a bag,” the man spoke softly and glanced around the fun-cabin, sizing up the space. He sat down in one of the small airline chairs. Camila, saying nothing, unpinned her bun and her long, scarlet hair fell down in loose curls past her breasts. She looked like Ariel and she swung her hair back and forth a few times before raising her hand to her hat. He stopped her before she could unpin it— “keep it on,” he said, “its sexy.” He *knew* why he was there. Maybe he was already a member of the mile-high club and knew this is how it went down? Camila, who was initially too shy for this exchange, was now lifting up her skin tight pencil skirt to her waist, exposing a black garter belt that was holding her nude stockings in place. She was going commando and she shaved into a small, red landing strip above her lips. The man unbuckled his belt and his large, already erect cock sprang free from his slacks. It was one of the biggest and strongest looking dicks that she had ever seen. She stared at it in a moment of adoration and then she straddled him and put her finger to his lips. “Quietly,” she mouthed to him as she rode his thick cock in the middle of the sky. He nodded, knowingly, and let her do all the work. He cupped his strong hands over her breasts, though his hands were almost not big enough to hold all of their abundance in entirety. She bounced in his lap as she was on a enraptured journey to have this stranger cum inside her lonely cunt on this flight. She pressed her lips to his ears and whispered to him: “explode in me.”

He sat up out of his seat, holding her curves to his body and he bounced her on his rigid cock, using her wet cunt to milk the cum from him. After another minute of silent and intense stranger sex, he pushed her against the door of the attendant’s bathroom and warned her—“here it comes, Red.” She felt his juices spray up into her pussy with warmth and she crumbled in his arms, orgasming. It was so intense that she curled her toes so tightly her high-heels fell to the floor. When they were finished, he set her down gently and put his penis into his pants, zipping and buckling up, while she pulled down her skirt and repined her hair. He handed her a card that he pulled from him back pocket, kissed her on the cheek, and disappeared behind the curtain into a sea of strangers. She sat down, her head whirling and buzzing. She was beginning to understand why the other girls loved to party and fuck so much.

The mile-high club was the best club she’d ever been a part of. She couldn’t wait to do it again.


1 comment

  1. This is a fun story line. I’m looking forward to reading more flight adventures

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