Intro to community, Comms?, and first story: “Jasmine Enslaved and Collared “

Hi! I’m a professional writer who is also very much a fan of erotic literature and *particularly* kink. This story is my first foray into actually writing within the genre, and one of my first attempts at fiction. I sent it to my friend and she liked it, so I’m giving it the green-light to share publicly.

I want to cover a couple things briefly in this post ahead of the story. I’m new to this community of writers. I’d be touched if a few people would be willing to give me tips on where to share my stuff, how to grow, and how to price. That leads me to my other talking point: commissions

While I’m doing this because I’m into it, I’m also doing it because I could use some side cash. Pay the bills, y’know? I’m thinking about doing two tiers. One at 5 cents a word and one at 10. 5 cents would reflect the quality of work in the story I’m sharing today. It was written in one sitting and the story just developed naturally as I went. The 10 cent option would involve much more planning and structuring, and also probably let a lot more feedback/requirements in from the client. These are pretty low rates in the professional freelance world, but I’ve got no clue what sort of rates people do in this community. Also wondering how viable a Patreon is to support continued free writing like what I’m sharing today. All help on these subjects is greatly appreciated!

At least for now, I’m hosting on BDSMLR. You can check my first story here:


I hope you like it. It’s certainly a reflection of my own tastes in erotic literature. It is a part one, and I’d like to continue further into the concept as in this I’ve mostly done exposition.

Thanks boys and girls!
