Held Hostage Part 1: Evening with the Viceroy [Fcaptive][Mcaptor][Restraints][Bondage][Light Degradation][Futuristic Fantasy]

Today, I have a very important task. For the past few months, our country was been suffering at the hands of a cruel separatist movement. They have been blockading our country and forbidding any supplies from neighboring countries to reach us. Therefor, we are running low things like food and our people are suffering. To resolve this conflict, I have been tasked to go meet with the Viceroy of the Confederacy and try and convince him to leave.

I’m on my way to the Viceroy right now. I’m wearing a nice red dress and a silk scarf. I run my finger through my short blonde hair as I’m a little nervous because, usually when I do these things, I have two or three body guards with me however, the Viceroy demanded that I come alone. I calm myself down and start put on my lipstick as we pull up to the Viceroy’s house. I bid the driver farewell as I enter the house.

Just as I am about to knock on the door, the door flies open and a butler is waiting in the doorway. I say, “Hello, my name is Lady Mia and I am here to meet with the Viceroy.” The butler responds, “Yes, of course. His highness has been expecting you. Here, follow me.” and he starts to lead me down a hallway. The walls are a nice shiny gold color with lots of expensive artwork on it, there is a small but long table with fancy flower pot on them, a rack with very fancy china plates on it, and a small chandelier for light.

After a couple seconds, we finally make it to the dining room where, I see the Viceroy sitting across the table. He was dressed in red and gray robes withe orange sleeves. He says, “Ah, welcome my darling. I so happy you could join us. Do you want anything?” I reply, “Thank you. Uh, maybe some wine.” The Viceroy says, “Yes, of course. Butler, bring us some wine.” The butler nods and exits the room.

Silence fell over the room after this and it made me feel very uncomfortable. Eventually he says, “I’m so glad that we can solve these matters peacefully.” I respond, “I am glad that you are willing to solve this peacefully.” The butler returns with our drinks, I thank him, and take my first sip. The Viceroy says, “Shall we get started?”

I start by saying, “Yes well, You and your Confederacy have been illegally blockading our country and because, you are forbidden supply transports from reaching, we are suffering.” The Viceroy responds with, “Illegal? No, I think you are mistaken milady.” I take another sip of my mine as he continues, “Our blockade is perfectly legal.” I say, “I wasn’t told this by anyone.” He offers, “I have the warrant if you would like to see it.” I take another sip and say, “Yes, I would like to see your warran-”

All of a sudden, my vision goes blurry and I begin to feel dizzy. The Viceroy says, “Milady, are you alright?” I respond with, “Yes, I’m fine.” but really I became to feel weak and my body began to lose conciseness. I tried to stand up but, it was no use. I lose conciseness and my body falls to the floor.

-in head- “Nnn, Ow my head. It really hurts.” I open my eyes and still see darkness. -in head- “Wait… What is this?…Where am I?…What’s going on?” I try to move but, I can’t. I look down and realize that am bound to the chair. However, I could still speak so I say, “Hello?….Is anyone there?…..Hello?…..Somebody please help me!….I don’t know what happened but, I need help, please!”

Suddenly, I hear a door open and see a light appear followed by slow footsteps in my direction. It was Viceroy and six oddly shaped metallic beings. I immediately became furious and shouted, “Viceroy, what the hell do you think you are doing, why are you holding me?!?!” He responds in a calm voice, “You know too much milady and I can’t have you going back and telling people about this so, I won’t let you leave.” I try to break free of the ropes but, I get nowhere. The Viceroy says, “Don’t bother struggling, your too weak to get free. You might set yourself as a strong and independent woman but, you and I both know that you’re really weak and pathetic. Unlike Captain Su, who tied these ropes in a way she knew you would never get out.”

I look at him angrily and ask, “What do you plan on telling the president of my country about me disappearing?” We responds with, “We’ll then that you never arrived, we already made sure the driver couldn’t say you did.” I instantly became scared for my life. My Viceroy walks behind me and begins to rub my shoulders. I say, “U-un-unhand me you slime.” He hits me upside the head and proclaims, “I will touch you in anyway I want, you are longer in control here milady. I am, and I will do whatever I please.”

I ask him gently, “What do you plan to do with me?” Tears start rolling down my cheeks. The Viceroy gives me a sinister smile and says, “Well, you see my droids over there, right?” He points to the six robotic entities that followed him. He continues, “They have a rough job and despite being AI, they would love to relieve their stress with a little fun, so you are going to be a toy for droids to play with.” More tears start to roll down cheeks and the Viceroy says, “Don’t worry Milady, as long as you are with me you will be safe.” I start to full on cry as I turn to look at the Viceroy and say, “You’re a monster.”

He says, “Now, I have heard enough out of you.” He reaches over my head and grabs my scarf from around my neck. He then slides it over my mouth and gags me with it. He grabs his candle and starts for the door when he turns around and says, “I hope you enjoy your stay.” and he left me her in darkness.

I begin to sob insanely. I couldn’t control myself. One moment, everything is fine and the next. I’m bound and gagged in a chair, waiting to be used as a sex toy for robot. I softly say underneath my gag, “Please somebody save me…”

(I hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I did making it. I know not a lot of BDSM related things happened on this but, I can guarantee that poor lady Mia will have some droids waiting for her. Thank you again and have a good day or night.)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/h0mft6/held_hostage_part_1_evening_with_the_viceroy

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