My [M] memories of Squishy [F] – A twitter friend who liked aggressive sex, became a sexting partner and engaged me in multiple IRL trysts. PART 2

Hi there! This is part two of my recollections of the events of a few years ago, where an online acquaintance and I went from flirtation to engaging in all kinds of sexy stuff.

[Part 1 is here.](

After Squishy sent me that first series of nude photos I didn’t really think it would go further than that. I didnt really let my twitter friends see real-life pictures of me but I sent her one out of respect for the trust she put in me. It totally lit me on fire when after receiving the picture she replied:

“Whoa! You never said you were hot!”

Oh my God, it put me on cloud nine to get a response like that.

I told her she was pretty hot herself, and that she reminded me a lot of Emp, from the comic book “Empowered”. I sent her a few pictures of her comic-book counterpart [[This one here was one of them, I remember]]( she said that Emp was a lot hotter than she was but she loved that I thought she looked like her. I told her that in the comic Emp has a boyfriend called Thugboy, and I always liked the scenes where he had his hands on her, which were always drawn exaggeratedly big. I asked if she wanted to see some examples that illustrated what I meant.

She replied: “Sure. But I hope you don’t mind that I’ll be imagining those hands belong to you.”

Pause with me a nano-instant. Think back to the very first time an attractive member of the opposite sex made you aware that they desired you. For me it was a girl in seventh grade. A girl named Ashley called me “sexy” and just started hugging me. She asked me to walk with her somewhere with my arm around her. ? If you’ve ever had an experience like that then you’ll know how I felt when I Squishy said that. My skin got hot. We did some more flirting, but I’ll jump ahead a bit.
The examples I sent re: Thugboy and his big hands are [here]( [Here.]( [And here.](

Later that day (or maybe the next day, I forget) she sent me another picture. This one was of her in the cheerleader outfit again, except this time she was lifting the front of her skirt and grinning. She told me she this was one of the other pics she sent to the guy she was seeing a few months ago (we’ll call him Tim) who was really into sports. Her uniform had the logo of one of the local teams on it. I told her that she looked amazing in it and I loved that she was once again trusting me with her pics. She told me that back when she took this picture, she also shot a video of herself for Tim while wearing the uniform and using her vibrator on herself. She asked if I also wanted to see that as well.

I very enthusiastically replied “YES!”

She couldn’t find a copy of the clip, though. She even texted Tim to see if he still had it but he said he didn’t. She told me to just imagine her using that vibrator on herself “just for you”. I wanted to ask her to just make me a video like that, but I felt that she’d think I was an asshole. I valued the twitter community we both belonged to and I didn’t want to get labeled as a creep. I was also trying to delude myself that I didn’t have to feel guilty about carrying on with someone other than my wife as long as I was taking a passive role.

A lot of this conversation was disjointed because we were both at work and couldn’t really just DM each other all day.

Interacting with Squishy at this stage wasn’t just thrilling because I was getting naked pictures of her. A lot of the excitement came from the fact that she was so different from how I thought most women were. She really changed my perspective on a lot of things. One thing that was kind of a surprise to me was that when I asked her about what kind of porn she liked, she said her favorite stuff is erotic stories where the girl is put into a desperate position and the man dominates her until she starts enjoying being abused and coerced. She said she liked being slapped during sex as well, and role-playing being forced to do stuff. To hear a girl say that was enough of a novelty that I thought at first that she was just saying it because maybe she was assuming that I got off on stuff like that. My eyes were opened convincingly when she linked me to a bunch of stories on Literotica that were exactly that flavor. I didn’t actually know about the Literotica website before she directed me to it, and when I realized there were A LOT of stories like that on there authored by women. It was a learning experience for sure.

The next thrill was when she contacted me on a different day and explicitly asked me: “So…. When you look at my pics do you like to stroke your cock?”

I told her: “Yeah, absolutely! You’re extremely hot and I love looking at your body.” I wasn’t embarrassed to tell her that, but I didn’t continue talking about my cock because my experience up till then was that women tended to find it annoying when guys focused on their dick. That day at work was interesting because she did not let me change the topic to focus on her, but she kept sending messages in quick succession about my dick, gripping my cock, etc. Like, five different permutations of the same question I had already answered. I wasn’t annoyed, but I was bemused. How many ways did she want me to acknowledge that yes, I did indeed whack off to her nudes?

Until I realized what you’ve already figured out, since you’re smarter and less emotionally blind than I was back then.

Despite the realization of just how dense my skull was, I think that’s one memory I’ll always fucking cherish. It’s such an erotic ego-boost to have full knowledge that a pretty girl is thinking about you in order to get herself off. It was such a contrast from my ex-wife. My ex was a bit weird in that she didn’t mind being eaten out or having her ass spanked, but she was too self-conscious to masturbate in front of me or to even tell me about what she would fantasize about when she masturbated alone. She definitely wasn’t anti-dick, but she wasn’t turned on by the sight of one, nor did she want to watch me stroke mine. Squishy was just a different girl.

We had our own lives and didn’t interact daily (yet), so I forget when in the sequence of events it was, but she asked me once when she’d get a picture of me. I replied: “You’ve seen me. Actually, less than five people in the group have seen what I look like.”
Her: “You know that’s not what I’m talking about, [my name].

I eventually sent her a dick pic, but that was days later. I have exactly 6 inches of cock but I was afraid she wouldn’t like it because my foreskin covers the helmet, even when I’m fully erect (unless I pull it back a bit). It turns out she loved it anyway, so guys, I’d encourage you not to worry about your dick aesthetics if you have a girl who has actually expressed an interest in getting a dick-pic.

That particular day I only sent her a picture of the outline it made in my jeans. Just her expressing an interest in seeing it gave me a really bellicose hard-on, so I’m proud that I could send her an impressive picture that could acquit me nicely.

I apologize this is boring and self-indulgent. I’ll do some editing see if by the end of the night I can at least bring you to the part where we meet and have our first real-life tryst.
