How I sold my virginity to a man older than my dad [FM]

So this is the story of how I sold my virginity to John, who is around 50 years old (see my previous post), for €1 000. This happened last year so it’s one of the pre-COVID19 tales that survived only through people’s memories.

[If you’re not interested in all the background info, you can skip this and the next paragraph.] I have been working part time for a couple of years. It is usually a few hours of work after school or on weekends. There is really no set category as to what I do, and I’ve worked as an extra for TV series or movie scenes and as a clothing model (nothing sexy, just everyday clothes).

Last summer, I got a gig working as a waitress for a well-known men’s fashion brand at an event. The company rented a huge conference centre and built a temporary club-like structure within. The guests would hang out in the ‘club’ for a while and enjoy some music entertainment before getting sent to a conference hall for a presentation. I, along with several others, was charged with serving bottled cocktails to the guests in the club.

I won’t bore you any longer with more details. Everything was very laid-back as we had only two days of training and all I needed to do was to walk around with a tray of cocktails.

About an hour into the event, I noticed a middle-aged man in a dark blue polo shirt. Whilst most guests arrived as couples or in groups, he was alone. When I approached to serve the cocktail, he introduced himself as John and asked if I would mind stay and chat with him a little. I said yes since we were not told not to chat with the guests.

John and I chatted intermittently whilst I served other guests. After he discovered that I knew absolutely nothing about the brand, we started talking about our lives. He then started commenting on my dress, which was in fact the uniform provided by the host. John was incredibly good at keeping the conversation interesting and his compliments soon became flirtatious. I like to think that I am quite resistant to sweet-talks, but I guess being hit on by someone more than twice my age was just too much for me. When John left for the presentation, I was almost sweating from being too turned on.

The event went on for about half an hour after everyone returned from the presentation. As many people were leaving and I wasn’t needed any more, I returned to John to continue our conversation. After a few ‘accidental’ touches, he got bolder and started lightly caressing my leg through the dress. By then I was fantasising about having wild sex with him (although with absolutely no intention to carry it out) so I didn’t object. Then, when there were few people left, he said that he would wait outside and offered to drive me home. I guess I suspected that he would try to do something to me, but I thought I could just turn him down, so I said sure.

After the guests left, we were told that we could keep the dresses as part of the payment and the boys (‘baristas’) volunteered to stay and clean up, so I headed straight to the garage. John was waiting for me outside the lift. After greeting, he naturally took my bag from me and put his arm around my waist. He then kissed me on the cheek and told me how he loved the dress and my body. His language became sexual very quickly and he started moving his hand up and down my waist whilst we were in the life, leaving me quite flustered. By the time we reached the garage I was doing my best to control my heavy breathing and suppressing a sudden desire to be hugged by him.

This was when John suddenly, and almost violently, embraced me. I wanted to protest but before I could construct a coherent sentence John had blocked my mouth with his. His hands moved erratically on my body, squeezing and pawing and probing everywhere. Before long, he was biting my earlobe and sucking my neck, and all I could do was moaning helplessly and feeling my body getting ready for whatever he wanted.

John pushed me against the wall, both hands cupping my butt, his erection rubbing on my stomach. I could feel my nipples perking up, rubbing against his broad chest through the fabric. I could feel cool breezes on my thighs that had been covered by the dress. His kisses were passionate yet playful, and I lost myself in the moment. Then, I suddenly found John’s fingers between my legs, first probing my soaked panties, then pinching and probing my most sensitive parts. The sensation was mounting and I almost hated myself when I had to stop him from pulling my panties down.

‘I’m still a virgin and I don’t want to do it here.’ I put up as much of a stern face as I could muster and said to John. What I didn’t speak aloud was that I would be willing – almost eager – to get him off in other ways. I had imagined how I would lose my virginity, but I certainly wasn’t prepared to do it in a hallway in a garage. ‘I’ve had several boyfriends but I haven’t had sex.’ I tried to explain. John immediately stopped, his face turned expressionless in an instant. The few seconds of silence felt like days and I exercised an enormous amount of self-restraint to not move my hip against his hand.

I was almost regretting telling John to stop when I heard him utter one of the most unthinkable statements I have heard in my life: ‘€1 000. I will give you €1 000 – and much more when we get back – if you let me be your first man.’ John’s words effectively shut down my brain as I had to repeat them one by one in order to process them. Rage started filling my chest, but at the same time there was this almost overwhelming lust and desire to let John have me right then and there. A shiver went down my spine as I was incapacitated by the thought of selling my virginity to a person I had known for only several hours. ‘Do you have a place…?’ I murmured into his ear.

The next few hours flew by. I remember the car shuffling in the traffic whilst John caressed my legs. I remember the hotel receptionist’s inquisitive eyes when he handed John the key card. I remember us embracing, kissing, and then tumbling unto the bed once the room door closed. I couldn’t tell whether I would let John continue if he rescinded his offer. All I could think of was to be taken savagely by this older man.

John didn’t bother removing my dress. Mounting on top of me, he simply tore off my panties before burying himself between my legs. My memory of the details is fuzzy. All I know is that moments later I was begging him to stop whilst grinding myself ecstatically on his fingers. After playing with my exhausted body for a few more minutes and taking off our clothes, John positioned himself on top of me and gently guided himself into me. The experience was quite painful but John was extremely accommodating and patient. Despite the whole thing being an exchange, I couldn’t help but feel attachment to this man who was so caring even in the most heated moments of our sex. I wrapped myself around his neck, his body and his thrusting hip, pulling him into me as I savoured the sensation deep inside me.

John kept kissing and caressing me until he announced that he was about to come. Not wanting to spoil the moment – and against better judgement – I pressed him deeper into my body as if I wanted to squeeze the life out of him with my legs. He rested for a moment, complimented me for an amazing fuck before pulling out and admiring what he had done to me. My entire lower back was wet with our juices, the sheet was ruined and there was liquid all over John’s crotch and thighs.

We embraced and talked for a while. I went clean up and discovered that the dress was wet and my panties disfigured. John drove me home and stopped on the way to withdraw cash and get me a morning-after pill. We have kept in touch after that day.



  1. Actually a really good first time?

    What did you spend the money one?

  2. Actually a really good first time?

    What did you spend the money one?

  3. Actually a really good first time?

    What did you spend the money one?

  4. Actually a really good first time?

    What did you spend the money one?

  5. You say you are still in touch with him, have you met after that any more?

  6. Very very hot for your first time, moreso that it was emotionally fulfilling for a transactional agreement! Great job letting instinct kick in and keep him deep inside you as he came.

    Can we hear about more of your stories?

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