Waking Nightmares (Part 2)

Sarah woke up in the morning before any of her roommates did. At first, she believed that she had been having a nightmare earlier. However, as she walked over to the bathroom, she realized that she was aching all over. When she walked into the restroom and checked the mirror, She could not only see bruises from Lynch’s paws but alsowhen she ran her hands over her face she could feel some of his precum still there. She went into the shower, where she furiously tried to scrub any trace of the beast off her. Luckily it was the middle of February, so nobody would question the well-concealing outfit she picked out that day.

Throughout her classes that day, Sarah tried to ignore what had happened. No matter how hard she tried to stay focused on her lectures, though, her mind kept drifting back to the events of the previous day. At one point in her Molecular biology class her lab partner tapped her on the shoulder while she was spacing out, and she recoiled backwards in fright. “What’s the matter?” he asked, looking visibly concerned. “Nothing, I’m just feeling a bit stressed today” she replied. Her partner seemed unconvinced but knew better than to push the issue further.

Once Sarah finished attending her lectures that day, she had exactly one thing in mind. She made her way back to her dorm building and went up to the forth floor. When she reached the suite at the end of the hallway, she started banging roughly on the door.

“JANE! COME OUT RIGHT FUCKING NOW. WE NEED TO TALK.” A few seconds later, the door opened and a familiar girl came out. “What’s the matter?”, she said coyly. “Trying to let out all that energy after a nice day of sleep?”

“Do you think this is funny?” Sarah said, her voice simmering with resentment. “Do you have any idea how awful that was?”

Almost too suddenly, Jane’s cocky attitude seemed to fade. “Did the spell not work?” she asked.

“‘Not work’ is one way of putting it” Sarah growled. She quickly related the events of last night to Jane, who listened carefully. Once she had finished, Jane asked “Did Malin Martingale try to make any adjustments to the ritual?”

“I haven’t even spoke to Malin for the last few days,” Sarah said, “so whatever happened, it wasn’t her fault. I doubted that this thing would work, but I never realized it could get this bad.”

“Well, I think that makes the issue obvious.”

“What do you mean?”

“You approached the ritual halfheartedly. The spirits sensed your lack of faith, and because of that they responded aggressively. You need to be fully devoted to fixing your issue before you can solve it.”

“So.. what does that mean?” Sarah said, not sure how to handle this explanation. “Do I just try again and be more sincere this time?”

“Precisely. Repeat the ritual- this time burn a bit of extra sage- and trust that it’ll work out this time. If you can accept in your heart that you can solve your issues, than this night should go along perfectly fine.”


That night, Sarah found herself waking up again. She glanced over at the clock and saw that it was about two in the morning. Realizing what was likely happening, she frantically scanned the room.

Lynch was standing in the middle of the room, looking down at her with a malevolent glint in his eyes. Sarah was taken aback for a second, but quickly remembered what Jane said. *Stay calm,* she reminded herself. *If you trust in the ritual, he can’t do a thing to mess with you.*

Lynch paced towards her bedside, but Sarah simply held still, confident that she wouldn’t be harmed. “Sorry Lynch, but that ain’t happening again” she said mockingly. “I did the ritual again, and now that I’m not half-assing it you won’t-”

Suddenly, Lynch grabbed Sarah. He wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, with both of them facing towards the wall and lifting her right out of the bed. Terrified, Sarah screamed and kicked, but it did nothing. The monster dug painfully his fingernails into her skin, and she stopped struggling immediately.

With Sarah at his mercy, Lynch got down to business. He used his right hand, which was positioned lower on her body, to pull down her pajama bottoms and panties. He then quickly fondled her pussy before poking two of his fingers inside her and rubbing her clit. She writhed and tried to pull his hands away, but this only seemed to make him accelerate his pace. After giving her about a dozen strokes, though, Lynch decided to move on to the next phase. He roughly tossed his victim onto the bed and jumped on top of her.

Sarah saw what looked like two long black snakes materialize in the demon’s hands. Before she could react, he grabbed her right hand, held it up to the rail on the front of the bed, and draped the snake over it. One end of the creature connected to the rail and the other coiled around her wrist, with Lynch immediately repeating this process with her other hand. He then straddled her neck, his knees on each side of her shoulders, and shoved his cock into her throat. She began sucking him off as good as she could- part of her was hoping that he would be finished sooner, but another was starting to like how he tasted a little too much.

Lynch vigorously thrusted down her throat for a few minutes before he reached orgasm. She tried to move away slightly, but he put his hand on the back of her head to stop her. Sarah choked and gagged as she tried to swallow his semen.

The demon got off the bed and grabbed Sarah’s arms, the with snakes on her wrists disconnecting from the bed as he dragged her away. When she tried to stand up, he forced her to bend over with her hands on the side of the bed and her feet on the ground. Sarah felt Lynch’s cock rubbing against her crotch, which she realized was embarassingly wet. “Please, no!” she screamed, even though she understood by this point that Lynch didn’t give a damn about her feelings. He pushed his fat penis deep into her pussy.

Sarah’s moaned as the demon pounded her from behind. She’d had a few flings over the last two years, but none had ever been anything like this. Lynch’s cock had to be nearly a foot long, and it was incredibly thick, too. She felt waves of pleasure rushing through her each time his dick went up her twat, and before long she was on the verge of cumming. Suddenly, Lynch stopped. “What’s going…” she managed to say before he picked her up and laid her facedown on the bed. The snakes on her wrists suddenly connected and grew tight, effectively handcuffing her arms behind her back. Lynch quickly got up and resumed fucking her from behind, this time even harder.

Sarah let out a long wail of pleasure as she started to cum. Feeling the mood, Lynch grabbed her psuedo-handcuffs and slipped his other arm under her to grab her tits, lifting her up. With her walls tightening, Lynch made a massive push forward as he launched a massive load of semen into her pussy. The warm feeling of his semen only redoubled her pleasure She went limp, letting out deep gasps as her body trembled in ecstasy.

After lying there with her for a minute, Lynch pulled out of his new toy. The restraints on her hands seemed to disappate, and she looked back to see him fading into the shadows once again. As Sarah’s head came down from the clouds, she started to think about what had just happened.

*I tried the ritual again, but this time it failed even though I believed in it. Did I screw up something? Maybe Malin actually did something to sabotage…*


*I let a demon cum inside me. Does that mean… I’m going to be* ***pregnant*** *now?!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gz3s3r/waking_nightmares_part_2