Powers of Persuasion [FF] [submission][fantasy elements]

“Just like that,” said Jaime, grabbing the back of Mary’s head and pressing it into her pussy. The tension was building in her body, her leg muscles starting to tense.

Mary, quite without a choice in the matter, continued licking and sucking Jaime’s clit, occasionally dipping down to savor the taste of her pussy. She kept the rhythm even, the pressure, everything. When Jaime said ‘just like that,’ she got it *just* like that.

“I’m so close…don’t stop,” said Jaime, the tension between her legs coming to a peak. God, she needed this. She knew that she could do this any day of the week, with anyone she wanted. Right now, she had complete control over Mary, this redheaded little vixen who was darting the flat of her tongue across her clit until —

With that, Jaime felt the tension ease as her juices flooded into Mary’s mouth, who lapped it up eagerly while Jaime rode through the waves of her orgasm.

Once she had finally come down from the high, her attention was drawn to her pussy again, where Mary continued her clitoral assault.

“Stop,” said Jaime firmly.

Instantly, Mary complied. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Get off the bed and stand.”

Mary did so, straightening her hair slightly before putting her hands at her sides.

Jaime took a moment to look her over. While it wasn’t her first time bringing Mary, she found herself calling her back time after time because of how drop dead gorgeous she was. Aside from the fiery red hair, Mary sported large, milky white breasts, a perky ass and the cutest smile. Well, her smile was cute when she it wasn’t covered by the vicious smirk that she wore in public. That was the other reason Jaime brought her in: revenge. No matter how ‘Mean Girls’ Mary was in school, Jaime could always keep the image of the gleam of Mary her pussy juice on her face in mind and know she was in control.

Jaime looked her over. “Good. Get dressed.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Mary began putting on her panties. “May I wipe my face, Mistress?”

“No. Not until you get home. And you will say goodnight to my mother on the way out.”

“Yes, Mistress.” There was a tone of shame in her voice.

“Is that a hesitation, pet?” said Jaime, some bite to her voice.

“N-no, Mistress.” A touch of panic now.

“You remember what happened last time?”

“Y-yes, Mistress.” She had finished putting on her skinny jeans and was tugging her tube top over her bare chest.

“As usual, you will not tell anyone about our encounter, though you shall remember every detail. You may return to not calling me Mistress as soon as you leave the room. And, as punishment for your hesitation, the next three times you masturbate, you will stop just before you orgasm. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Mistress.” A twinge of defeat.

“Tell me, pet. Are you wet right now?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Even though you still insist you’re not bi or a lesbian?”

A long pause. “Yes, Mistress.”

“What was that pause? Answer honestly.” Jaime’s voice held the flat tone of certainty in her command.

“I…I’m not sure anymore.”

“I think maybe you should get a little more sure,” said Jaime, getting off the bed and standing behind Mary. “I told you to strip, then eat my pussy until I came all over your face, and let’s see,” she said as she dipped her fingers into Mary’s pussy, causing the poor girl to let out a small gasp of pleasure. “Yeah. I haven’t touched you all night and you’re positively dripping.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Jaime withdrew her hand. “Leave.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Jaime watched Mary leave the room, head into Jaime’s living room and look around for a moment. “Um…I don’t see your mother.”

“She’s in her room, getting ready for bed. Knock and do what I said before.”

Mary did not nod, or acknowledge. She merely complied. Knocking on the door to Jaime’s mother’s room, Mary waited patiently, nervously straightening her hair again.

Jaime peeked from her door, still naked and with her juices running down her legs. Even though the sex was over, the thrill didn’t end when Jaime came.

Cecile, Jaime’s mom, opened the door to her bedroom, dressed in a bathrobe which covered her ample breasts, her long blonde hair wrapped in a towel. She must have just stepped out of the shower. “Hey, Mary. Everything okay?”

“Yes, Mrs. Green. I just wanted to say goodnight, and thank you for having me over.”

“Oh…it’s no problem, Mary. You guys…have fun?”

“Yes, Mrs. Green. Your daughter’s a great tutor. I’m already looking forward to the next time I come over.”

“That’s good, Mary. I’ll, uh, see you next time?”

“Yes, Mrs. Green. See you then.” With that, Mary turned and left the house. Jaime heard Mary’s car start, and the girl drive off into the night.

With a pleased sigh, Jaime closed her door and fell back onto her bed. She used to get guilt when she used her gift to get off, but not anymore. It was just the thrill, with an added bonus: she hadn’t told Mary to say most of that.

Why did that excite her so much? Wasn’t the thrill the unquestioning servility? Now that the rush was coming down, it was kind of fucked up to think about, but that’s really what she liked: the domination. So why was she so happy that Mary had said she had a good time? Was she reading to much into it? Maybe it was just improvisation. Maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome. Whatever.

Jaime raised the fingers that had touched Jaime’s pussy to her face. Despite having been using — well, abusing — her gift to get laid, and having mostly women over to munch on her box, she’d never eaten pussy herself. She preferred a nice hard cock to a tongue, but she couldn’t exactly bring a parade of boys into her house without her mom noticing. And even though it wasn’t necessarily her preference, having a warm body for her bed at her beck and call sure beat whatever mechanical help that she had rattling around from before her gift manifested.

Touching the abundant juices on her fingers to her tongue, she tasted Mary on her fingers. A bit tangy, a bit sour, but overall not bad. Actually, it was *really* good. Which gave her an idea.


Mary sat on her bed, fighting off tears. What was happening to her? She was used to Jaime being a manipulative bitch. She was used to that… *power* that she had. By this point, she was even used to needing to peel off her soaking wet panties and rubbing one out on her untouched pussy after an evening licking Jaime’s twat. And while it wasn’t the first time she’d been made to walk out with Jaime’s cum on her face, it was the first time she’d ever gone off-script.

She knew the drill. Jaime said something, she did it. She didn’t want to do it, but she did it. Jaime says bark, you bark. Jaime says jump, you don’t bother asking her how high. Jaime says go down on her, you don’t bother taking the time to pull your hair back.

What had her so upset tonight was that it was different. She wasn’t robotically eating Jaime’s pussy until she came. Mary *liked* doing it. When Jaime came and Mary lapped up her pussy juices, it was because she wanted to. Jaime had told her to say goodbye to her mom, she didn’t have to say that she was looking forward to next time, and she was. And lastly, as Jaime had so graciously pointed out, she was soaking wet.

Mary started peeling back out of her clothes. She knew how it worked by now: Jaime’s word was law. The next three times she touched herself, she would have to stop before she orgasmed. She could either be high-strung for the next day and a half with her usual two daily orgasms being denied, or she could lose an hour of sleep and bang out all three tonight.

Luckily, Jaime didn’t know the extent of her power, and Mary made sure not to ask for any clarifications. Could she watch porn while she masturbated? Use toys? Could she be in her room? Questions meant answers, and Jaime had made it clear that she wasn’t there to make it easy on her.

Opening the drawer with her meager selection of toys, Mary selected a slim vibrator and went, naked, to her computer. There, she went to her favorite porn site and clicked the first link under what was trending that looked even remotely interesting. She didn’t need much, just a video of a girl getting thoroughly dicked down, which were mercifully plentiful online. Her video selected, she turned the vibrator on and pressed it against her clit. The vibrations immediately brought tingling waves of pleasure, eliciting a moan from behind closed lips. Moving the vibrator slightly, she watched as the woman went to her knees and took a huge, black dick down her throat, her ass shaking slightly for the camera. Oh God, she wouldn’t last long like this. She was so close to —

Just before she reached her peak, her hand pulled the vibrator away from her clit, denying her own orgasm. With a whimper, Mary tried to force it back, but her hand stayed firmly put while she came down from her high.

The pleasure itself was nice, but the lack of orgasm didn’t help with how horny she was, her eyes still fixed on the video and her mind still racing. Thanks to whatever decisions that possessed porn directors, the blowjob was still going on strong. But instead of fantasizing about the cock, Mary found herself drawn to the girl, watching that little wiggle of her ass, her pussy lips dripping. Mary just wanted to bury her face —

Shaking her head, Mary took two deep breaths. She wasn’t gay…or bi. Right? Other than the occasional drunk kiss at a party, women had been off the table when it was of her own volition. Up to this point, she’d only had a few boyfriends, and did like taking dick. Or maybe she liked the power it gave her. But…maybe that was all she needed?

It was different with Jamie. Mary had been awful to her since their sophomore year, so she had it coming. In fact, Mary was surprised it had taken all the way to senior year. When Jamie came up to her after class and used her…*thing* to tell her to come over to her house, wearing no panties, she took it as the humiliation that it was. It was humiliating to undress, gross to eat pussy, and Mary took a cold shower as soon as she got home. Then, as it went on, it wasn’t so bad. She got used to it. Then as she thought about it, it felt more than a little risque. Now? She hadn’t even washed Jamie’s cum off of her face.

Even noticing presently, she didn’t go to clean up. She merely touched the vibrator back to her clit, feeling the sensations rising again, flicking a tongue across her lips to taste Jaime on her face. The video played on, but Mary was no longer paying attention. She was thinking about Jamie’s fingers curled in her hair, pressing Mary’s face into her juicy nectar. She was thinking about Jamie’s hand down her panties, tracing her pussy lips for the tell-tale wetness —

Again, her hand pulled itself away from her pussy, the vibrator still humming, throwing droplets of Mary’s juices onto her chair.

With a sigh, Mary logged off of her computer, cleaned off her vibrator and went to the restroom to start getting ready for bed. She could maybe get through one more, but she would need a fourth before she would be able to cum. She didn’t have it in her after eating pussy all night. Time to cut her losses.

Tomorrow, she’d have to make up for it and cum *hard*.


Jaime sat at her table, looking over at Mary and her group of friends. Should she really do this? Up to this point, it had just been a means to an end. Jaime was an unfortunate combination of a strong-willed, independent woman (translated into high school clique culture as “unpopular”) and an oversexed nympho. If she had been popular, she’d just jump on whatever jock’s pole she felt like, *if* she felt like it, or throw in with a girl if she wanted. She was pretty firmly bi, with a preference for cock. However, her gift made it easier to get girls than boys in her present circumstances. Nobody asked questions about a girl following you into the restroom, but going into the men’s room or a boy going into the women’s would be…well, frowned upon.

But now, she couldn’t get the taste of Mary’s pussy out of her mind. It was like a song stuck in her head: what would it be like to lick Mary’s shaved pussy to orgasm?

Mary looked up and met her gaze for a moment before looking away in shame.

Jaime smiled despite her lust. Normally she would just tell her “pets” that they would forget everything as soon as they left her house, thinking that they were just studying for whatever duration that she had them pleasuring her. Kept things nice and neat. But for Mary, that wasn’t enough. Jaime hadn’t wanted to just know for herself that she could dominate Mary. She wanted Mary to know it too. For years, Mary had butted heads with Jaime, doing her best to make it clear that Mary’s position as a cheerleader made her infinitely more valuable to the world. Now, Mary was her little plaything.

So if it was about power, why did she now want to pleasure her so badly?

Jaime noticed that Mary kept checking her phone. Did she think that she was going to have a task today? They didn’t normally get together more than twice a week, and not on consecutive days. What was she thinking?

Well, there *was* a task she had in mind.

Pulling out her own phone, Jaime checked the time. Twenty minutes left in the lunch period. Not really enough to do anything, but enough to give her orders in private. She pulled up Mary’s text chain and typed out a text. “Meet me in the restroom in two minutes.”

The reply was instant, as Mary was already staring at her phone. “Why?”

“I could always walk over to that group of bimbos you call friends and just tell you to do it.”

“No…see you in 2.”

Having her compliance, I went to the nearest restroom and poked my head in. “Anyone in here?” I called out. Hearing nobody, I went to the supply closet and opened it up, withdrawing the “cleaning” sign and placing it on the door. Then, she sat on the counter next to the sinks and waited.

After another minute, Mary came through the door, looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was watching. Apparently satisfied nobody was, she turned to Jaime with a cold stare. “What do you want?”

“I want…to talk to you about something.” She couldn’t help but look over Mary, who was wearing a tight t-shirt and short shorts.

Mary did her best to keep her gaze level. “What, toying with me in your off time isn’t good enough? Now you want to do it at school, too?”

“No…it’s not that.”

“Then. What. Is it?” Mary was clearly upset, but why? She hadn’t seemed this angry since their first couple of trysts.

“Please don’t be upset I —” Jaime stopped as Mary’s face turned up into a smile. “Wait! No…be upset if you want to be upset. I’m…not trying to order you. Fuck. I feel like I have to watch what I say all the time…”

Mary’s face fell back to the cold stare. “Poor you.”

Jaime sighed. “Can I ask you a question? Girl to girl, aside from all the stuff between us, not worried about social status for a sec. Just a question?”

Mary paused, then nodded for a moment.

“What would you have done if you had my power?”

Mary was shocked by the question. “W-what?”

“I’m not offering. I’m just asking you to take my viewpoint for a minute. You wake up and people do everything you say, to the letter, without hesitation. You’re happy to figure this out before you tell someone to jump off a bridge and they hurt themselves. You’re eighteen, you’re constantly horny…let’s not even say you’re unpopular like me. Let’s just say you’re you. What do you do?”

“I…I don’t know.”

Jaime sighed. “Whatever. You’re free to leave if you want.”

“N-no, just give me a sec,” said Mary, her face softening. “I think I get what you mean. It’s a lot of power, and…well, maybe if the shoe were on the other foot, I’d have you eating my pussy. I’d probably…go a little crazy. Wait, is this supposed to be some kind of apology?”

“I mean…no? Kind of? I think what I’m trying to say is…I’m not so sure about everything. I want you to —” Jaime stopped herself from wording it as a command. “I still have the desire for you to…be with me. But maybe I wanted to see if you wanted to do it on less…forceful terms?”

Mary laughed. “Jaime, are you asking me out?”

“I mean…yeah? Kind of?” She waited with baited breath for the woman’s response. Why was she doing this? She could just live out her power fantasy and be happy with that, right? Did she have to add this uncertainty into the mix?

“Is this just some new little power play? You get me to catch feelings then remind me that I’m just an extra-large vibrator for you?”

It was Jaime’s turn to avert her eyes. “No. I’m sorry. It was stupid of me to ask.”

“No it wasn’t. I just…want to know that it’s not that.”

Jaime looked up at Mary as the girl took a couple of steps closer to her. “It’s not.”

“And does it mean that you won’t order me around anymore?” asked Mary, now a few inches from where Jaime sat on the counter.

“I won’t.”

“Even if I want you to?” asked Mary.

Now Jaime was stammering. “W-what?”

Mary leaned in and pressed her lips to Jaime’s, her tongue teasing the woman’s lips until Jaime’s mouth parted and allowed her inside. For a moment, they were a tangle of arms, hands, lips and tongues before Jaime pulled back.

“Do you…want me to order you around?”

“Yeah. It was…well, terrifying at first. But now I like it. I think the only reason I didn’t was because it meant you had the power over me…and I was always scared you didn’t like me so I didn’t want that.”

“I mean, I didn’t. We’ve never really been friends, but I thought it was because you hated me.”

“I didn’t. I’ve always thought you were so cool. Toughest girl in school. Guess I let my jealousy beat out my admiration though.”

Jaime chuckled. “A little I guess. I’ve got to say, no matter how much I’ve hated you, the thought of you between my legs has gotten me off more than a couple times.”

Mary blushed. “I can’t say the same. I haven’t thought about girls like that until…after you started having me do things with you.”

“And now?” asked Jaime, wrapping her arms around Mary’s back.

“Now…I like it. I think I like girls, too. But I know I like what we do.”

Jaime smiled. They didn’t have time for what she really wanted to do, but there was certainly enough time for *something*. “How many times did you masturbate since I told you you couldn’t cum?”

Mary’s face continued to grow more red. “T-twice.”

“I see,” said Jaime, hopping down from the counter. “Time I order you around a bit, then. Tell me if you’re wearing underwear.”

“Y-yes. A thong.”

“That’s a good little whore. Pull off your shorts and that thong and hop onto the counter.”

Mary complied, showing her shaved, pink pussy that had been perpetually wet since the previous night.

“Good. Now masturbate, you little slut.”

“Yes, Mistress,” said Mary. Her fingers immediately began tracing up and down her slit, lingering at her clit before moving back down.

Jaime’s breathing sped up as she watched the show, her hand moving instinctively to her own pussy. She guessed Mary really *was* into it, seeing as she had taken to calling her Mistress even without an order. “Who likes being a little submissive slut?”

“M-me,” said Mary. She was speeding up her motions, spending less time on her pussy lips and more time rubbing small circles on her clit.

“Good girl.” Jaime was rubbing her pussy through her jeans, feeling the fire building below.

“What if someone comes in and sees?”

“Would you like that? Tell me honestly, slut.”

“I don’t know,” said Mary quickly, surprised at her own answer.

“Then we’ll find out if it happens. Are you close to coming, my pet?”

Mary had started breathing even heavier, losing her ability to speak and instead opting for a couple of rapid nods.

“Go ahead. Try to get yourself there.”

Mary rubbed her pussy even more vigorously, attacking her clit and writhing on the counter until —

Jaime chuckled. Just in time, Mary’s hand flew away from her pussy with an exasperated whine. No orgasm.

“Noooo. Not again…”

“That makes three. As soon as you can after school, come to my house. You’re not allowed to have an orgasm until you are at my house and I say you can cum. Is that clear, slut?” It didn’t matter if it was, since Mary would be forced to comply, but Jaime liked hearing it anyway.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Excellent.” Jaime walked up and planted a deep kiss on Mary’s mouth, simultaneously reaching down to Mary’s slit and sliding a finger into her pussy.

Mary gasped with pleasure. Other than the brief feel-up last night, Jaime had never touched her. The only people who had ever fingered her were half-cocked football jocks who were just trying to get her wet enough to penetrate. It wasn’t like this. Jaime moved her finger back and forth, exploring her insides. It felt so…right.

Then, as soon as it started, Jaime’s finger was gone and the kiss was broken. Mary let out another mew of disappointment, replaced by shock as Jaime lifted her fingers to her mouth and began sucking Mary’s grool off of them.

“We’ll discuss your fourth orgasm tonight, pet. I’m going to leave, then you wait one minute and you can follow behind.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Jaime went to the door and removed the cleaning sign, then left the restroom and returned to her lunch. Her heart was pulsing in her throat as she tried to keep cool. Tonight was going to be amazing.


Mary took a deep breath, trying not to focus on the fire between her legs. It had been impossible to focus all day, and now even the rumbling of her car as she drove to Jaime’s house was enough to send her into a frenzy, though always shy of that delightful orgasm.

It wasn’t that she hadn’t tried. Jaime never said she couldn’t *try* to cum. She just said the orgasm wouldn’t happen, and so it didn’t. After their encounter at lunchtime, Mary had been so horny that she would have jumped anyone who gave even the slightest provocation. In a futile attempt, she even asked to be excused to the restroom in math class and brought herself to near orgasm for nearly ten minutes. It wasn’t like earlier, where she would remove her hand and come down from the high. She was *incapable,* stuck just before her explosion until she lifted her hand from her sex. It was unbearable.

To make matters worse, they had cheer practice after school today, and she would have been surprised if at least one of the other girls didn’t smell how badly she reeked of needing-to-get-laid. It had taken all of her strength, as well as the fact that she knew it wouldn’t amount to anything, not to try and rub one out in the shower after practice.

Now, as she pulled up to Jaime’s house, she could already feel the pleasure building up from the motion of her pussy against the fabric of her thong. What did Jaime have in store? Normally, she’d expect to just eat Jaime’s pussy until she was sent home, then rub one out in her room. But Jaime had said that they’d talk about her orgasm today…what did she have in mind?

She knocked on the door and was greeted by Mrs. Green, Jaime’s mom. She wore a sundress, her hair pulled into a bun behind her head. “Hello, Mary. Jaime told me you were coming over today. You make it over okay?”

“Yes, ma’am. Traffic was pretty light. Just had to wrap up cheer practice first.” Why did Jaime’s mom have to be so hot? The state that she was in, all she wanted to do was push Mrs. Green up against a wall and —

“Oh! I didn’t know you were a cheerleader. Jaime said you’d be over after school and so I put together a few snacks for you girls, and when Jaime got home without you I kept going and…well I hope you’re hungry. There’s a lot.”

“Thanks Mrs. Green. I have a feeling we’ll be studying a while tonight, so I’m sure we’ll take full advantage.”

“Excellent! Do you guys have a test or something?”

Mary nodded. “Yeah. A-anatomy.” What the hell? Was she *trying* to get caught? She wasn’t even sure if Jaime took Anatomy.

“Well alright. Just let me know if you girls need any help. I aced my Anatomy and Physiology class back in the day!”

Mrs. Green helping with their “anatomy”study, her face buried in between Mary’s legs while Jaime sat on Mary’s face…Mary shook the image from her head. While her relationship with Mary wasn’t really normal, she felt very strongly about showing her friend’s parents proper respect. One didn’t get popular by being a bitch to *everyone* after all. But picturing your friends mom eating you out while her daughter rode your face to completion wasn’t respectful, even if (in her lust) it *was* super hot.

Jaime popped her head out from her room. “Oh! Mary, you’re here. Ready to study?”

“Yeah,” replied Mary. “I brought my Anatomy textbook, but I realized you probably have yours here, right?” Hopefully she had Anatomy too, or at least caught on to the ruse.

“I left mine in my locker, so actually you’re a lifesaver. Thanks, Mary.”

Mary let out an almost inaudible sigh of relief.

“You want to eat out here first, Jaime? It’s a lot of snacks to take in the room and I don’t want ants,” said Mrs. Green.

“It’s okay, mom. We’ll grab a couple at a time and pop out if we need more.”

“Sounds good, dear. You two have fun in there,” she said. Mary looked over and could swear she saw a wink.

Mary instantly mortified. She must have figured them out already. Or at least after last night, when Mary gave a lengthy goodbye weaning her daughter’s cum instead of makeup. At least she was supportive?

“We won’t, Mom. It’s homework,” said Jaime with a chuckle.

“Right. No problem, honey. Mary, let me know if you need anything.”

Mary managed a nod and a quiet thank you before Jaime pulled her into her room.

Once the door was shut, Jaime sat back on her bed and moved over to her bluetooth speaker, fiddling with it and her phone. “Set your bag down wherever you’d like.”

Mary did so, essentially dropping it where she stood. She was waiting for the word, the order. What would they do? How many times would she have to make Jaime cum before she was allowed? *Would* she be allowed?

“Strip,” came the word from Jaime.

“Yes, Mistress.“ Mary undressed as quickly as she could, peeling off her shorts, shirt, bra and underwear in record time while Jaime turned on some music.

“Lay down on the bed, pet.”

Mary did, having to show some restraint to keep from throwing herself on the bed. She could feel the heat from her pussy, and the scent was immediately apparent. However, Jaime didn’t seem to mind.

“Now tell me what you want.”

As horny as she was, Mary paused. What did she want? “C-can you be more specific, Mistress?”

“What do you want to do now? How should we proceed?”

The question, while presumably giving her control, just made her feel more confused. “I don’t know, Mistress.”

“Try. Tell me what the possibilities are.” Jaime sounded almost nervous, as if she were hoping for a certain answer.

“I want to eat your pussy. I want to make you cum and lick up all of your juices and then make you cum again until you’re done with me and send me home.”

“Not a bad idea, but what else do you have in mind?”

“I want to cum. So bad.”

“And how do you want to do that?” asked Jamie, practically purring as she slid next to Mary on the bed.

Was that what Jamie wanted to do? “I don’t care. Finger me, lick my pussy, tell me to rub my pussy against yours, fuck me with a toy, tell me to finger myself while you watch. However my Mistress wants me to allow me to cum.

“That’s a good girl,” said Jamie, now face to face with Mary. But instead of giving her an order, she planted her lips firmly against Mary’s.

Mary quickly reciprocated, exploring each other’s mouths with gusto.

The two girls’ hands roamed each other’s bodies, Jamie shifting on top of Mary and Mary relishing the feel of the fabric of Jamie’s shirt against her nipples but longing for the touch of skin.

Jamie pulled back from the kiss for a moment and sat up. “Help me out of my clothes.”

Mary nodded, trembling fingers reaching for the hem of Jamie’s shirt, then the buttons of her jeans. It didn’t make sense for her to be nervous, but at the same time it felt so new. Mary had seen Jamie naked dozens of times, but they hadn’t kissed until today. She had eaten Jamie’s pussy, but had never helped unbutton her jeans, or pull down her underwear, revealing that Jamie was just as wet as Mary.

Noticing Mary’s gaze, Jamie smiled. “I haven’t cum since last night, and I’ve wanted to so badly. But I want you first.” With that, Jamie pushed her back against the bed and began kissing her neck.

Mary felt the brush of smooth skin, Jamie’s breasts pressing against hers as her neck was assaulted by Jamie’s tongue, sending shivers down her spine.

Jamie worked down slowly, spending time trailing kisses and licks down her jaw, collarbone, chest, finally arriving at her breasts. There, she alternated between sucking at her nipples and giving gentle bites, driving Mary to soft moans that she was careful to keep under the volume of the music.

Jamie lifted her head for a moment. “Echo, volume eight,” she called to the speaker, which promptly increased in volume. Jamie turned her attention toward Mary. “If you’re that excited just by me licking your tits, I want to be ready for when I’m at your pussy.”

The thought of Jamie between her legs made her legs twitch, the pleasure already unbearable. She nodded silently, reaching a hand behind Jamie’s head and pushing it back down to her breast.

Jamie obliged, using her hands to play with one breast while she nibbled at the other for a few more moments before continuing her journey to Mary’s dripping box, trailing her tongue across her stomach, bellybutton, hips.

Moving her hand to Jamie’s head again, Mary attempted to expedite things, pulling Jamie’s head directly to her wet snatch, to which Jamie promptly responded by running the flat of her tongue along Mary’s drenched slit, taking in the flavor.

Mary let out a louder moan, feeling the pleasure of an orgasm well up immediately. Having been denied all of last night and all day today, it was unbearable.

Jamie stopped savoring the taste of fresh pussy and began attacking Mary’s clit in earnest, trying to bring her to orgasm.

Mary was immediately on the brink, ready to explode. “Mistress,” she said breathlessly, “I’m going to come!”

Jamie pulled her head away, replacing it with a hand that kept up the pressure by rubbing her clit. “Not yet, you’re not. Too tasty to be done.”

“Ohhhh please, Mistress. I’m so close. I want to cum so bad!”

Not replying this time, Jamie returned her mouth to Mary’s clit and began sucking it lightly, her hand sliding down and putting a finger into her burning hot cunt.

Mary’s moans began to get louder, still trying to force herself to keep under the music. “Mistress! Please!” she begged.

Jamie said nothing, picking up the pace.

Having been on the brink for at least two full minutes, she looped her hands in Jamie’s hair as she twitched in ecstasy. “J-Jaime! Please! Let me cum!”

Jamie lifted her head for a brief moment, a grin on her face. “Cum,” she said quickly before removing her fingers and moving her face back to Mary’s pussy just in time to be greeted with a flood of pussy juice, Mary letting out an orgasmic groan as she rode wave after wave of pleasure, enhanced all the while by the rough tongue eagerly lapping up every drop of her cum.

After two full minutes wrenching in the throes of orgasm, Mary finally relaxed, breathing heavily as she laid on Jamie’s bed. “That…was…”

Jamie lifted her face from Mary’s snatch. “Amazing, right? I would have gone down on you sooner if I knew you’d taste this good.” She then slid up the bed to be level with Mary’s face again, laying next to her post-orgasmic…girlfriend?

“You…only let me cum after I said Jaime,” said Mary, regaining her breath.

“Yeah,” said Jaime, suddenly pensive.

“Why? You always ask me to call you Mistress when I come over.”

“I know. And…I still like that. I love the power, and the control. I can’t say that I don’t want to use my gift anymore, or even that I only want you. But I know that of all the people I might want, I always want you. And I want you to want me too. Not because I’m in charge, but because you like me.”

Mary sighed. “Our relationship was founded on petty social bullshit. Even just a couple years wiser, I know it was stupid, but now it’s just based on sex. Mind-blowing sex, sure. But is it enough to last?”

Jamie brought her face up to look at Mary, her eyes pleading. “I know. It’s going to take more stuff. Companionship and love and stuff. But…we won’t know unless we try, right?”

“You want to be together? The head of the cheer squad,” Mary said, watching Jamie wince at what she thought was coming, “and a girl with the power of persuasion — no, command — at her disposal?”

“I know we’re not typically seen together and we can just keep it between us —”

“No, Jamie. I don’t think you get what I’m saying. I have access to everybody in the school. Jock boys, cheerleaders, nerds. Even teachers and parents all want to talk to me, be on my good side. And you…you said you might want to be with other people, but you want to be together with me?”

Jamie nodded, understanding starting to dawn.

Mary continued. “So…what if we work together? Make all your dirty fantasies come true, as well as mine. You can have me eat your pussy while the biggest black cock we can find in the school fucks me from behind, or the other way around. We can have teachers keep us after class and lick our pussies. We can throw an orgy in here, then everyone can go home not remembering a thing.”

Jamie looked surprised. “You knew about the memory thing?”

“Yeah. I don’t think you ever used it on me, but there were too many people coming to your house for tutoring, but I was the only one who couldn’t look anyone in the eye when I talked about it. I may be a cheerleader, but I keep straight A’s to stay on the squad.”

With a chuckle Jamie slid up to Mary. “It sounds amazing. I’m horny just thinking about it. Would you —”

Mary lifted a finger, pressing it to Jamie’s lips. “Not this time. I want to prove that I want to do this for you…Jamie.” Wasting no time, in stark contrast to Jamie’s extended teasing, Mary began trailing kisses down Jamie’s body, lingering only for a moment to tongue her breasts and bellybutton before eating Jamie’s pussy with gusto.

“Oh yes. Please suck —”

Mary lifted her head. “No. No words. You have to let me.”

Jamie nodded. It was a little scary, like jumping off of a cliff. Before it was a situation where she was completely in control. Mean as it was, Mary was right about having just been an extra-large toy before. Now it was different. It wasn’t quite love, but it was more than lust. There was trust there.

Luckily, Mary was an excellent student and had been paying attention when she ate Jamie’s pussy, teasing her towards orgasm after a short couple of minutes.

Jamie spoke again. “Mary?”

Mary looked up, looking almost annoyed. “I said —”

“I know, but…can you swing your leg around? I want to taste you again.”

Mary’s annoyance turned into a blushing smile. “Oh. Yeah.” She swung her leg over Jamie’s head, her snatch still dripping with juices, then resumed her assault on Jamie’s clit from the new angle as Jamie reached up and started tongue-fucking Mary’s pussy.

The new angle took a little time to adjust to, but within another minute Mary had Jamie screaming out her own orgasm into Mary’s pussy, as Mary rubbed Jamie’s clit through the orgasm and leaned back to fully sit on her new girlfriend’s face.

Jamie’s orgasm done, she now fully committed to lapping at Mary’s cunt, sticking her tongue out and letting Mary ride it until she let out her second orgasm onto Jamie’s face.

Both women now panting, satisfied, and covered in pussy juice, they laid down next to each other and held hands.

“Jamie?” asked Mary breathlessly.


“This is going to be awesome.”

Leaning over for a quick kiss, Jamie smiled at her new girlfriend. “If you ask me? It already is.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gyphcg/powers_of_persuasion_ff_submissionfantasy_elements


  1. See my username: I’m a professional writer who has always been terrible with sex scenes. I’m using this to help work on that, so feedback is appreciated. It was super fun to write, and I want to write more like this!

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