[FM] Joined the mile high club with my boyfriend

The first time my boyfriend Henry and I flew across the country to visit my parents, I was so nervous that I was quite literally shaking. I’m really close with my family, but I had never brought a partner home to meet them. Mainly because my previous long-term hook-ups were all women, and I didn’t want to open that can of worms, but also because I was a total commitmentphobe and wasn’t ever serious enough with anybody to justify introducing them. So this felt like both a big step in our relationship and an irreversible letter to the universe that we were serious.

Henry and I had been dating for about eight months, and I had already met his parents a bunch of times, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t have my doubts about shoving my parents into our love bubble. My parents had offered to fly us out for Thanksgiving, though, and my mom used her points to bump us up to first class. It was still a red eye flight, but their generosity meant I couldn’t bail, which was definitely their plan.

I’m not a nervous flier, but my leg was jiggling aggressively next to Henry’s before the plane door even closed. He placed one of his large hands gently on my thigh to still my movements. “Hey babe?” He whispered sweetly, his voice dripping with honey, “You need to chill the fuck out.”

“I can’t. I’m going to explode and knock us right out of the sky,” I whispered back.

“You can’t use the word ‘explode’ on a plane — are you trying to get arrested?”

“If I get arrested, do we still have to visit my parents?”

“Well, I’m not going to bail you out of airport jail.”

“You’d leave me to rot?”

“No, I’d text your dad to come get you.”

“Wait. You have my dad’s number?”

“Yeah, we text to complain about you.”

“Ha ha very funny.”

“Mostly it’s just swapping stories about you being dramatic, but he’s gotten into sending me Onion articles lately.”

“Oh my god, are you serious?”

“Yeah, I’ll show you!”

Henry got out his phone, made sure it was on airplane mode, and scrolled through his text thread with my dad, angling his phone so I could see it. “Here’s a Game of Thrones meme he was really proud of.”

I leaned my head against his shoulder, smiling up at him as he chattered, distracting me and relaying their conversations. After a couple of minutes, my leg stopped jiggling. I sighed happily. “Gossiping about me aside, it’s really cool that you and my dad talk.”

Henry kissed the top of my head and leaned his head against mine, putting his phone away in his backpack. “It started because I couldn’t figure out what to do for your birthday, and it just kind of went from there.”

“Where did you get his number?”

“From your mom.”

“You have my MOM’S number too?”

“Yeah of course!”

“How did you get her number?”

“I messaged her on Facebook to wish her happy birthday, and we just went from there.”

“Wait, but, hold on, her birthday is in June. You messaged my mom on Facebook after only dating me for three months?”

“Yeah, why, is that weird?”

“I don’t know! I don’t do this kind of thing,” I gestured between us.

Henry laughed. “Well, in my experience, ‘this kind of thing’ doesn’t have set timelines. I knew I was serious about you, and she had already friended me. I figured it would be rude NOT to acknowledge her birthday.”

“Oh my god, so my mom made the first move?”

“Like mother like daughter, huh?”


“We all become our parents eventually. I’m thinking about this trip as a sneak peek into your future.”

“Couldn’t you have just done a tarot card reading instead?”

“Definitely would have been easier. But then how would I have been able to convince your parents to love me more than they love you?”

I laughed and leaned forward slightly so he could wrap an arm around me. Nuzzling against his chest, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

My anxiety woke me around an hour later, my stomach in knots all over again. Henry slept next to me, his face against the window, sleeping the blissful sleep of the un-anxious. Asshole. The plane’s interior lights were dimmed, and the sky behind Henry’s stupid, peaceful, beautiful face was pitch black as far as I could see. I flagged down a flight attendant and asked for something carbonated to calm my stomach. She brought me some kind of dark soda in a cup with ice, smiling. The drink was wonderfully crisp and exactly what I needed. “Anything else I can do for you?” She asked.

“You can turn this plane around so my boyfriend doesn’t meet my parents.”

She laughed, loud enough to make Henry stir before readjusting and falling back asleep. “Unfortunately I don’t think cold feet count as an in-air emergency,” she giggled, “but I understand the feeling.”

She kept me company for a while, distracting me as I waited for the soda to drown the butterflies doing loop-de-loops in my stomach. Her name was Mindy, and she had been a flight attendant for years, bopping around across all the major airlines. Her boyfriend was a pilot, and they were able to line up their schedules so they could end up in the same city at least a couple times a month. I felt guilty for complaining when her problems were so clearly bigger than mine, but she waved me off. “Having him meet the parents is nerve-wracking!” Mindy pacified me, “You’re allowed to be freaked out.”

We paused a moment, smiling softly at each other. “How’s your stomach?” She asked.

I gently pressed a hand on my belly, assessing for a moment. “Definitely better, but I’m wide awake. Was the soda caffeinated?”

“Shoot, yeah it was.”

“It’s fine, I’ll just watch movies to entertain myself. Thank you for staying with me, Mindy.”

She smiled at me, a big, genuine grin. “Let me know if you need anything else, ok? We’ve got Pepto-Bismol and barf bags if you need them.”

I laughed. “I think I’ll be fine, but thank you so much.”

She nodded, still smiling, and walked down the aisle to help out another passenger. I looked over at Henry. He was still passed out, his handsome features relaxed as he breathed slowly. I watched his chest rise and fall and tried to match his breathing patterns. I quickly gave up, plugging my headphones into the armrest and scrolling through the movie selection on the provided screen. My leg started jiggling again as the caffeine kicked my nervousness into high gear. Fuck.

None of the movies looked good. I tossed and turned in my seat, my leg still jiggling, somehow incapable of getting comfortable. Henry woke up, annoyance turning into concern as he looked at me. “Are you ok?” He asked sincerely, gripping my hand tightly and watching me carefully.

I shook my head, staring straight ahead at the seat back in front of me. “I just have so much fucking nervous energy. Normally I’d just go for a run or masturbate or ask you to bang one out, so this fucking sucks.”

“You can’t just rub one out in the bathroom?”

“I’d feel weird masturbating on a plane.”

“Would you feel weird fucking on a plane?”

I looked over at him, smiling in spite of myself. “Are you even horny right now?” I asked.

He snorted. “I’m almost always horny enough to fuck you. But also I’m definitely horny enough to fuck you in a tiny plane bathroom if it means you’ll stop jiggling your fucking leg.”

I kissed him deeply, thankful for the darkened cabin. My leg stilled as he cupped my face, slipping his tongue into my mouth gently. As soon as I pulled away, my leg started shaking again. “You have to do something about your leg,” Henry whispered, “or I’m going to chop it off.”

“Meet me in the bathroom as soon as you can,” I whispered as I unbuckled my seatbelt and started standing up, “knock two taps and then one.”

He captured my lips quickly one more time before he let me go, his eyes clearly trained on my ass as I walked down the dark aisle to the bathroom. I opened the door and shut it quickly behind me, locking the hatch and wincing at the sudden flood of light. I washed my face quickly, wiping off the nervous sweat that had started accumulating in the drive to the airport. I was drying my face with a paper towel when I heard Henry knock. Smiling to myself, I unlocked and opened the door, stepping to the side to allow him to scoot past me into the narrow space.

Henry locked the door over my shoulder and then attacked my mouth, not even waiting a beat before shoving his hand roughly down the front of my leggings. I moaned into his mouth as he fingered me roughly, spreading my wet juices up and around my clit with his wild movements. I matched his frantic energy, pulling his cock over the waistband of his sweatpants and jerking it with quick, shallow strokes until he was fully hard. He released my mouth to quietly bark out orders. I did as I was told, pulling my leggings down to my knees and turning away from him while he closed the toilet lid and sat down on it. Henry gripped my hips and pulled me down on his lap, angling his cock against the entrance to my pussy so that I sank down on it in one fluid motion. I moaned, my pussy feeling tight and full in large part because my leggings were constricting my ability to spread my legs, and he quickly covered my mouth with his hand. “You have to be quiet,” he hissed, “and this has got to be fast.”

We began thrusting against each other, his pelvis coming up to meet my ass as I swirled my hips in small circles. His other hand held my waist for balance, gripping me almost painfully as he pumped his cock into me forcefully. I scrubbed against my clit with one hand, the other reaching under my shirt and bralette to pinch my own nipples. The naughtiness of fucking in an airplane bathroom was alone enough to send me careening towards an orgasm, but then Henry moved the hand on my waist to sink his thumb into my ass. My body shuddered as I orgasmed, my pussy pulsing sporadically around his cock.

He groaned softly, his rhythm faltering slightly as he neared his own orgasm. He removed the thumb from my ass and the hand from my mouth so he could grip my hips tightly with both hands, slamming into me again and again. The sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the air, mixing with the smell of sweat and sex. I reached one hand behind me to circle his neck, rotating my torso and turning my head to kiss him roughly. Biting down on his lip hard, I clenched my pussy until I heard him groan and felt his cum shoot up my cunt. He thrusted a few more times before ceasing his movements, his hands leaving my hips to wrap his arms around me and hold me still. His face rested against my neck, his panting breaths pressing his chest rhythmically against my side and back.

We rested for a moment, all the frantic energy disappearing as quickly as it had started. “How’s your leg?” Henry whispered.

“Steady as a rock.”

He kissed my neck once, smiling against my skin triumphantly. I stood up slowly, his cock sliding out of me and flopping down on his thigh. I cupped a hand under my pussy to prevent dripping cum on the floor and turned, shooing him to step around me and face the corner so that I could clean up, pee, and avoid a UTI. You know, keeping the spark alive. I finished up quickly and washed my hands, Henry turning around to face me once he heard the toilet flush. He kissed me again softly, breaking the kiss with a laugh when I flicked water at him from my wet fingertips. We rotated ourselves again so that I was closest to the door. Henry took a step back. “Oh shit,” I giggled, “look at your sweatpants.”

A small wet spot had bloomed across the waistband and down the front of the fabric, undoubtedly from my wet pussy rubbing against it roughly. “Fuck. That does not look good,” Henry whispered, laughing in spite of his worried look.

“I’ll go out first and head back to our seats,” I whispered, “take some time to dry your pants and have the flight attendants forget that I was in here.”

He nodded, kissing me one more time and then smacking my ass when I turned to go. I unlocked the door and slipped through it carefully, pulling it behind me and not letting go until I heard Henry click the lock. “Oh hi!” A voice said from my left.

I startled and looked around to see Mindy sitting in one of the flight attendant seats, smiling over at me. Guilt was almost certainly apparent on every inch of my face. “How are you feeling?” She asked, “Any good movies so far?”

“Nothing so far!” I said cheerily, trying and failing to keep my voice casual as I turned away to head to my seats.

“Wait!” Mindy called out, “I rustled up some caffeine free sodas if you’d like.”

“That’s so sweet of you, but I already got my free soda.”

“Oh please, we have plenty to go around, I insist!”

I begrudgingly took a step back over to her, waiting as she rustled through the drink cart. She pressed a cold soda can into my hand with a smile. “Thank you so much, Mindy.”

“It’s really no problem. How are you feeling?”

“Much better, thanks!”

“I’m so glad! I was—“

The bathroom door opened, cutting her off. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Henry slip through the door, and he startled slightly when he saw us crowded around him. “Uh. Hi,” he whispered.

Mindy’s eyes flickered between us, quickly putting two and two together. I smiled sheepishly at her, waiting for her reaction. She started laughing, a full belly laugh with her arms wrapped around her stomach. “Well,” she gasped out between giggles, “that’s one way to get rid of nervous energy.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gyo81f/fm_joined_the_mile_high_club_with_my_boyfriend


  1. I absolutely loved that! I hope to join to the mile high club some day!

  2. This was the cutest story ever and I hope he stays good to you! Part II?!

  3. Yessss! My wife was the same the first time we flew to meet my parents. Her leg wouldn’t stop shaking the whole plane ride. We have yet to join the mile high club sadly…

  4. Wait you missed out on the most important part!!! How was the meeting with the parents???

  5. Flight attendant’s final reaction was the best hahahah

  6. I swear, the two of you are like warm walnut double fudge brownies. Addictive and i swear they’re healthy because of walnuts, but oh so sinful and gooey and mmm

  7. I thought that story was great. I enjoyed the writing style as well. I also thought for a moment you were going to join the club with the flight attendant… but it was a clever set-up to the end. Thanks for sharing ?

  8. If my writing is spread across reddit and meant not to be read does it count as performance art?

  9. Love it! Great tone and humor. You write so fucking well! Also I hope this relationship is the one, y’all sound lovely.

  10. As a fellow nervous flier my man has suggested this and I’m excited to take him up on it when we fly next. Fantastic writing and hot, sweet, sexy story as always. Definitely crushing on you and Henry ??

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