The Roommates, Part 9 [NSFW] [Light Bondage]

I went and saw a few apartments, texting Kelly the pros and cons of each while I was there. The last one was a small house, older but renovated to be very modern and new on the inside. I liked it, it was actually shaved a few minutes off of my commute and it had a pool. I couldn’t help but dream of more steamy pool encounters with Kelly. I told her about it while I was there, texting her that it was a winner and that I thought I’d take it.

“Send me a pic of the pool pls,” she texted. I told the rental agent I wanted to see the pool one more time so I slipped out the sliding door, opened the metal gate around the pool and snapped a photo. I sent it to her and waited. “Oh yeah I can definitely suck your dick in that,” she responded with a winky-face emoji. I smiled to myself. I texted Kelly that I was going to stay and work out the lease details and then I’d be back to the apartment. I worked out a deal to move in at the end of the following week, which was actually sooner than I anticipated. On my way back to the apartment I stopped by Whole Foods and grabbed a bottle of champagne. As I was checking out, I heard someone calling ‘Matt’ very faintly behind me somewhere. It’s a common name so I didn’t turn around until I heard it a few times. It was Nicole. I hadn’t seen her in a few months since I broke up with her. We ended amicably, I told her the truth—I didn’t see a future for us because I didn’t think we loved each other.

“It’s so good to see your familiar face during such a crazy time,” she said, standing a few feet back as we were all social distancing. “How are you? How’s work? How’s Brock doing? I saw on Instagram that he was in New York. What a time to travel, huh!” she genuinely seemed interested in my life and it made me feel good that we could have a longer relationship, break up and still be friendly. “I’m doing good. I’m actually moving out of that apartment and renting a house off of Pacific. I’m moving in next week.” She pointed to the champagne in my hand and smiled, “so thats what you’re celebrating, huh?” I forgot I had the champagne. “Oh yeah, yes,” I chuckled. “If you need someone to celebrate with, give me a call,” she said, winking. Instinctually and without thought, I responded: “Kelly’s at the apartment.” Four simple words, Nicole knew Kelly had essentially been living at the apartment, but there was a moment and look between us that told me she knew. Or at least, she suspected. “Oh yeah, she’s there all the time, even when Brock isn’t there. I may miss you but I don’t miss being around her!” She laughed at her own joke and maybe a month ago I would’ve laughed too but this time it felt personal and hard to not defend. “She’s actually not at all who we thought she was,” I said, my words seemingly too serious and telling once they left my mouth. I tried to back peddle a bit. “I mean we’ve had to be around each other nonstop since shelter in place and she’s a cool chick.” I hoped that would be enough to make Nicole less suspicious. How did I, in an encounter less than 5 minutes, blow up our spot? I texted Kelly. “Be back in a few.”

When I got back to the apartment I changed my clothes and washed my hands and face. I sat down at the kitchen table, waiting for Kelly to finish her shower. I poured the champagne into two glasses and wondered if I had just been over-analyzing my conversation with Nicole. I was deep in thought when Kelly came out, still in her towel with wet hair, and sat on my lap. “Oh champagne,” she grabbed my face in her hands and kissed me. “I’m excited for you new place. I feel bad that I’m causing you to move, though,” she didn’t sip the champagne, rather, she just opened her mouth and let it all slide down. “Hey I ran into Nicole at Whole Foods,” I just wanted to get this part of the day over with-the part where I tell her every excruciating detail of the encounter, as women always required, and have her be mad and then we move on with make up sex. I assumed that this would be coming.

“Oh yeah?” Kelly said, refilling her flute and taking another sip. “Yeah and she asked about work, Brock being in New York and stuff. I told her I was moving out and you came up.” She set her champagne down and put her arms around my neck. “I came up, huh?” she questioned. “Yeah, she asked if I wanted her to come celebrate the new place with me.. you know, she saw the champagne. And I said I was celebrating with you.” Kelly did a double take and her face went expressionless. I couldn’t get a read on her or what she was thinking. “She said she missed me, too,” I had to tell her, not to make jealous but to be honest. I felt it was necessary to omit the part about Nicole disliking Kelly. “I don’t know how it happened but I may have mentioned that you and I were spending time together and that you’re a cool person.” Kelly was still expressionless. I didn’t know if she was mad or jealous or what. So far in our very short time together, we’d been all rainbows and butterflies, orgasms and pool sex. She slipped off my lap and disappeared down the hall. I didn’t want to be with a person who walked away from arguments but at this point, I didn’t see us as being in an argument. “Kelly?” I called down the hall after her. “Come in here,” she was in my room.

“Listen, I know I should’ve have said any of that but I don’t know, it just came out and I just didn’t—“ I stopped mid sentence when I entered my room and Kelly was on my bed in the starfish position. “Tie me to your bed and fuck me,” she said, in a seriously seductive and sexy tone. “Do you want to talk about Nicole?” I asked, wanting to make sure we were OK before we started having sex. “I’m glad you told her that you’re moving out. I’m glad you told her that you spend time with me. Nicole isn’t on my mind. And I find it sexy as hell you even brought me up.” I exhaled a sigh of relief. I was wrong. She wasn’t going to fight with me about this, she wasn’t going to be mad, she didn’t care and she didn’t let it impact what we had. My dick was starting to get hard.

I spent ten minutes tying Kelly’s feet to my bedposts with Brock’s jump ropes. I fastened her wrists to the bed using various belts and I put a rolled up pair of socks in her mouth. We both had a good champagne buzz going and seeing her naked body tied to my bed, with all possibilities on the table in front of me, made my dick grow.

I tied a bandana around her eyes and turned my music on LOUD. It was as close to sensory deprivation as I could get and if I knew Kelly, she was going to love it. I started my dragging an ice cube around her areolas, tracing them out perfectly before closing in on her nipple. I let the ice cube rest on her nipple until it became rock hard, and then I did it to the other nipple. I drug the ice cube down her torso and stomach so slowly that it melted and I had to get a new one a few times. She writhed under the sensation of the cold, making noises indicating that the pain of the cold felt good.

I then took a piece of ice and ran it up and down her pussy lips, sending a shock through her body. She was covered in goosebumps and she was arching her back. I could hear a stifled moan from behind the sock so I kept going. I moved the ice to her clit and did small circles around it until the ice was completely melted. Pressing my lips to her swollen button, I kissed and lapped at her until she spit out the sock and virtually yelled “I need to feel your cock in me, I need it now!” The teasing and the sensory deprivation had made her crazy for my cock.

Stripping down, I straddled her face and put my cock into her mouth. She immediately began swirling her tongue around the head, sucking down my precum and getting me rock hard. Once my cock was fully erect and practically aching to fuck, I laid on top of her and slowly entered her. Her pussy was so tight and always dripping wet, making entry so smooth and such a turn on. She was always ready for me and I fucking loved it. She was howling with delight as I slid my long, thick member in and out of her slowly. “I want to come,” she moaned, trying to buck up her hips against me but the ties on her feet and hands were making it difficult. I knew she was getting close to orgasm so I wanted to try one more thing before we both erupted.

Pulling out, I straddled her face again and rammed by cock down her throat, making her taste all of her own sweet, sweet juices as she sucked me. “Do you like how you taste on my dick?” I baited her orgasm as I knew she thrived on dirty talk. “Do you like feeling me in your cunt and your throat?” I persisted and the more I talked the hornier she grew. I reached back and started to strum her clit and found her entire vagina to be completely drenched. While I played with her pussy I kept forcing my throbbing member down her throat until she started twitching, pulling against the restraints, groaning with my cock in her throat. I could feel her pussy tightening and aching on my fingers—she was indeed having a powerful orgasm—which sent me to the edge. I pulled out of her throat just in time to paint her body with my cum, covering her plump titties and spraying it up onto the handkerchief blindfold. After the last drop oozed out of me onto her stomach I took off all her restraints and grabbed a hand towel from my bathroom to wipe her up.

“No,” she said, a look of pure euphoria on her face. “Take a picture of me so that when we’re apart you have something to jerk off to.” I wasn’t a guy that had taken many photos of girls, if any, but seeing my nectar on this exquisite body had me taking a photo before she could change her mind.

“Make it your home screen,” she smiled. Just then, her phone rang. It was Brock, I remembered the ring tone. After it went to voicemail, my phone rang and it was Brock. I didn’t answer. Then I got a text. I opened it. “Call me bro. Now.” Uh oh.



  1. I can’t believe how invested i am in this story. Like in not even wanking to it I just want to know what happens. Great writing style ?

  2. Another great chapter! You have a great way of leading to the next and keeping us all anticipating the new chapter! Thank you!

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