Adventures With Lucinda, pt. 2

First part:

We finally finish late in the night, or would it be early in the morning? Ryan collapses face first onto the bed, drenched in sweat, arms at his side. He falls asleep quickly, satisfied at a job well done. And, truly, it is a job well done. I can’t feel anything but tingling below my waist, and Lucinda has checked out half an hour ago. The candles have almost all burned out, just a few stubborn flickering flames illuminating the hot room. My body is wet with perspiration and other juices, an intoxicating mixture of hours of passion. As I lay there, I try to think. Try to take an inventory. Who’s juices cover me, and how much did Ryan really get inside?

Lucinda said her candles were special, and they’d counteract my birth control? Was that possible? My body certainly hoped so as Ryan pumped what must have been at least four loads of cum deep into my aching pussy, two others into hers. How could one guy have so much in his balls? The thought of a cock cuming so much almost pushed me into another agonizing orgasm, but mercifully I fell into a deep sleep instead.

My dreams were pleasant, but I couldn’t tell you what they were about, memories of them vanishing from my mind moments after I awoke. I came to still in Lucinda’s bed, but without the other two in it. The candles had all been removed, the blankets pulled up around me, and the room appeared to have been cleaned a bit while I slept. The sun shining stubbornly through closed shades over the window suggested it was midday, my growing hunger confirming how late in the day it must be.

I pushed the sheets off of myself, naked from the night before. I half expected them to dress me in something… I could feel the sticky remnants of sex across my flesh, and moved to get up, my legs still numb, groin sore from the vigorous pounding and constant stimulation. A quick shower sounds wonderful, but will prove to be tricky. But thankfully my ever horny friend has a tub big enough for four in her master bathroom. I stumble across the carpet, holding myself against the wall along the way to her tiled bathroom. 

When I arrive and open the door, I’m greeted by steam, and the inviting scent of citrus. She’s already drawn a bath, complete with bubbles and a couple of orange bath bombs for me. I sit on the ledge of the tub, my tingling legs slipping in when I notice the handwritten letter. Just as I slide down into the warm water, hills of bubbles over my shoulders, I glance across the fancy writing of my friend:

“Thanks for the amazing night. I really enjoy spending time with you, and all of the pleasures you provide. Sorry if we pushed you too hard, I would never want to hurt you, or cause you any harm. Please enjoy this bath, prepared by myself with some help from my Alchemist Guild. The bath bombs will help rejuvenate your body almost immediately, and keep the water warm all day. The bubble mixture is a special concoction to stimulate your senses, and help with relaxation. 

Love, Luci

I’ll see you soon XOXO”

My breathing had been increasing the entire time my eyes scanned her neat writing, skin warming up. It feels like she left something out. I reach out and grab the letter, turning it over for more information, but that’s all the letter said. Kneeling in the tub I can already feel sensation back in my legs, no more numbness, and the pain in my punished nethers has already subsided. But the tingling has shifted from my legs to the pink flesh between them. Bubbles cover my breasts as I kneel in the tub, panting heavily as the warm water seems to drive itself along my parted pussy lips. One hand reaches down to cover my already pulsating entrance, but a pair of fingers subconsciously slide inside of me and begin massaging the slick, tight walls. The hand gripping Lucinda’s letter tosses it to the floor, and grasps the side of the tub as electrical pleasure arcs throughout my body, causing uncontrollable spasms. Waves crash in the tub and splash against my quivering body as my knees slip out from under me. I sink beneath the sudsy surface, my hand slipping off the side of the tub.

Lucinda is there, pulling me up and through the bubbly water moments after I slipped under. I cough and gag into her shoulder, my arms closing tightly around her. The thin sky-blue t-shirt she was wearing soaks through as I cling to her, my breasts pressing against hers. She kissed the top of my head calmly, and rubbed my slick back. “Are you ok?” She asked, soothingly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just lost my balance.” I admit.

“How’d you lose balance laying in the tub?” She asked innocently, a hint of knowing in her voice.

I look up into her face, laying naked in the tub while she sits on the ledge above me. Her blue shirt is soaked through, revealing her typical choice of bra – none. Hardened nipples poke through the thin, wet material, as she turns her body towards me, one hand behind herself on the ledge of the tub, the other on my shoulder. Her pink yoga pants are also sopping wet, revealing nothing but skin beneath as well. 

“I, uh…” I stammered, trying to come up with some excuse not involving masturbating in my friends tub. Thinking was a bit difficult, warmth spreading across my body again, her translucent features wetly visible to me. She sent a hand across her dripping body, squeezing her beautifully large breasts right in front of me.

“Oh no,” she exclaimed, feigning frustration. “You got me all wet!” She placed her arms at the base of her dripping shirt, crossing them in front of her. In one fluid motion she dragged her shirt up her body and over her head, letting it fall wetly to the tile with a ‘plop.’ Her chest glinted in the bathroom light, and she smiled at me. Erect nipples stood firmly on each of her inviting tits as they swayed with her motions, bending down to grab something at the dry side of the tub. I began squirming inside the water, my movements concealed by the bubbles, citrus scents intoxicating my mind. “You’re probably noticing the effects of the special mixture my group concocted for you.” She explained, “It’s designed to rejuvenate, sure, but it’ll also cause a continuous string of orgasms. We spent the morning putting a special ingredient in there as well, and I just want to add a bit to it.”

With that she lifted a glass bowl with a wooden spoon over the edge of the tub. Realization dawned on me as she used the spoon to drizzle the first thick glob onto my chest as it arched out of the water, just as my orgasm struck. I moaned sharply, legs flailing underwater, as the bowl was slowly tipped, viscous white material pouring into the bubbles. The goop found its way into my convulsing stomach, across my floating breasts, down my swishing legs, and around my pulsating vagina. It stuck to my skin, swirls around the coursing water, and dissolved into the bubbles. Lucinda used the spoon to scrape out every last bit of the semen, and dripped some of it along my face, but sunk the covered spoon beneath the waves, rubbing it against my quivering pussy. She put the empty bowl down, and took me by the back of the head, licking the salty strands from my cheeks then sending her tongue into my mouth in a deep kiss. The spoon found its way into my hungry folds, cleaning the cum from however many men off of it as she twisted it inside me. My climax intensified with the increased stimulation; penetration, twisting, kissing, tasting, my (more than?) friend moaning into my mouth. I didn’t even notice her climbing into the tub with me…

Her tight yoga pants had joined her wet shirt on the tile floor, her mouth leaving mine, slick tongue withdrawing with a frustrated moan as my orgasm continued ravaging my body. The spoon grazed along the bottom of the tub as my ass moved side to side, driving me wild with it’s rough vibrations. She steps in and kneels down between my spread legs grasping the wooden handle again in one hand. Her other hand expertly glides up my spasming abs, fingers curving down slightly to drag her nails along my sensitive flesh. It tickles as they go by, working their way up my chest. She pulls the handle suddenly, freeing the spoon from it’s steaming confines as her wandering hand clamps around the soft mound of my breast. With a high ‘Oooh’ escaping my lips, she rubs my nipple with her thumb against the rest of her squeezing hand. My head is the only part of my body not submerged in the deep tub, she’s still exposed from the waist up as she leans in. Her long hair drags across the surface, parting bubbles as she moves. I look at this unimaginably beautiful woman drawing ever nearer, her full lips deliciously close to mine. My breathing quickens as she gets closer, a wet strand of her hair brushing my face. Suddenly, the spoon comes between us, and she smiles at me around it. She licks her side of it, pressing it to my waiting lips. I lick it hungrily, tasting the wood, saltiness of the countless loads the bowl contained, my own familiar flavor, and the citrus waters.

My subsiding orgasm begins anew, cascading in agonizing waves throughout my body. Lucinda starts trembling too, much to my delight. Her glorious breasts dip below the warm water, and rise again as her back arches, her chest heaves with deep breaths, arms reaching out to the sides of the tub for anchor, but only succeeding on one side of the massive pool. She dropped the spoon outside the tub and crashed down as her legs slipped out from under her. Her arm remained hooked around the lip of the tub, fortunate otherwise she certainly would have sunk under the bubbles. My own legs were shaking violently, adding to the waves in our orgasmic prison. They crashed up against both our faces, tasting of citrus and semen. Just how much did she put in here? She pulled herself up, and managed to lay on the side of the tub, one leg still dipping into the water, the other outside. Her body shook and convulsed, nipples hard with arousal, and at the sudden chill of the cold air after being in the warm water. Goosebumps popped up all along her slick, caramel skin, water gliding off as she gained her composure. She leveled her eyes on me hazily, her hair still cascading into the tub. “One of us should probably be out, in case something happens…” she says, giggling nervously. “Plus, we do need to get washed up. I left a jar of water infused with a concentrated citrus mixture open around my guild. They’ll be more than ready soon.”

My head bucked back in a deepening climax at the thought of all the men required to fill that bowl eagerly joining us, all inhibitions abandoning my mind. My arms pushed behind my back as it arched in unrestricted pleasure, body twisting beneath the waves as I sunk into the tub. Lucinda’s erotic laughing became muffled as my head went under, and I was able to spasm freely, completely suspended by the water. She finally reached in and pulled me up, her arms under mine, hands grasping my firm breasts as I was elevated. As I was hoisted out of the water, she paused. She held me just high enough so the waves lapped at my quivering pussy, almost sucking at the cum infused waters. My legs found purchase, and I held myself at the side of the tub, teasing my aching clit through another orgasm as the water rolled at my parted lips. Lucinda kissed and nibbled at my neck, reaching around and fondling my breasts. She squeezed hard, and pinched my nipples firmly. I almost fell back into the bath as my orgasm peaked, but she held tightly and pulled me over. “Not this time, the others are waiting,” she said, kneeling on the tile between my slickened legs. She bent lower and licked my throbbing womanhood. “Mmmm, we have a busy day ahead.” And with a flick to my hardened clit, she pulled me to my feet, and led me back to her bedroom.
