New Roommate

From Writing Prompt: “The room only has one bed, and I’d be a little uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as a girl I’m not having sex with.” “Fair enough. We can have sex then.”

Roommate needed, 3 bedroom apartment, 2 bathrooms. Clean housemate. Apply today @thislink.

Pretty straightforward online ad for a new roommate. Right? I’m a game developer, the last game was fairly popular, and my apps do pretty well, so I’m not really struggling for money, but I do find myself looking for friends every so often. More and more lately. Had the crazy idea of getting a roommate, and maybe they’d have some friends, too. 

I’m Max. Pretty indoorsy guy, keep to myself. Thin build, 5’11” tall on a good day. Thin beard, thick framed glasses, and an affinity for dark colored shirts. Not necessarily black, but navy blue, forest green, that kind of stuff.

My computer setup is my pride and joy, it has its own room! State of the art, all the way. Anytime something comes out that I can use to upgrade, I snag it. There are several countries with less computing power than me.

My bed is almost as good. One of those memory foam risers, king sized. Bamboo fiber sheets, ultra high thread count. Most days I have a hard time pulling myself out of it. I try to convince myself that it’s due to the total comfort factor, but not so deep down I know that’s not why. Too much info? Too much info… There is a master bathroom attached to my bedroom, so the second one is all yours, or our guests if we have any.

The main bathroom is pretty nice. Large tub for relaxing soaks, built in shower also available. Tile floor, wall to wall counter with cabinet storage, and a mirror above the counter. Closet against one wall for towels. The living room is spacious, as you can see, large 4k smart TV for community use, 4k player, couch, couple of recliners, coffee table, and enough room for other gatherings closer to the door.

The kitchen is through a hall, across from the dining area. We have an electric stove and oven, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, a pantry, lots of cabinet space for dishes and other food, and a pretty large table surrounded by chairs in the dining room. Do you have any questions?

The unbelievably attractive woman sitting in my living room, final applicant to my online ad for the day, looked around a bit before asking, “what about the other room?”

“Other room?” I replied, a bit dumbly.

“Yeah, you talked about your room, and the room with your computer, but the ad said there are three bedrooms?”

“Oh, right,” I said sheepishly. I had completely forgotten about the room I was actually renting out. “There isn’t actually another room,” I joked, trying to ease the tension that only I was feeling. “And only one bed. And I really wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing a bed with someone I wasn’t having sex with.” I end my lame joke with a bright red face, hoping I didn’t seem even half as stupid as I felt.

“Oh… ok.” She said, as she steadied her piercing green eyes on me. “How much is rent?”

Holy fuck, is she actually just going forward here? “Rent is relatively cheap, I don’t really need the money. Just looking for some people to hang out with in the boring times. $250 per month, no utilities.”

“And we sleep together?” She asks inquisitively. Or was there some excitement in her tone? Was she shifting in her seat a little? I really wish I was better at reading people.

“No, that was my lame excuse at humor. There is another room, it’s about 20′ by 20′, closet and windows. Power outlets, cable access, the whole shebang.”

She sagged in the chair, possibly disappointed? “Oh. That sounds good, I can get a bed and furniture in here soon. …if you rent to me!” She adds quickly, laughing a bit.

“Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem. The other applicants were a little lackluster. Some old guy, a girl who was possibly plotting my death, and another person who I’m pretty sure was a North Korean spy trying to get information on my computer.” She laughed again as we walked to the door. This will be a fun relationship.

I decided to rent to her, sure enough. Her name is Wanda, and way too pretty to be living in an apartment with a guy like me. I think she was mostly just interested in the high end bathroom, but I’m cool with that. Hopefully she’ll have some friends, and they won’t be too obnoxious or of the wall crazy. Then again, maybe that’s the crowd I’d fit in with? She arrived to her new home with a small rental truck, and was wearing a moving outfit that made my eyebrows rise (among other things). Grey, form fitting yoga pants stretched down her legs, and wrapped around her round ass as she bent over to lift a box off the ground when I answered the door. A pink sports bra left little else to the imagination, her smooth midsection lightly toned with muscle around her pierced naval. The tight bra pressed her breasts together, holding them firmly in place as she strolled by me, dumbly holding the door for her. Her sleek brown hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, one strand of pink swaying in the sea of natural color. She turned and looked at me before crossing into her room, her nose crinkling with the smile on her face. All I could think is, “Why the fuck is this woman rooming with me??” as she disappeared into her new room.

We got to work bringing in her belongings and furniture. Lots of clothes, enough to fill her closet and overflow into a dresser with mirror attachment. A big leather chair, some lamps, couple of night stands, more stuffed animals than someone in our age range should have (but who am I to judge?), a series of blankets, and some pillows. She also brought along more dishes and cookware, and another TV. I was pretty hot after helping to bring everything in, and she thanked me for my assistance with a hug. She was a bit sweaty too, but wore it much better. What’s the word? Glistening? I excused myself for a shower, and suggested she try out the big tub in the communal bathroom to help unwind after a long day. She smiled again and said she would totally do that after organizing a bit.

In my own shower thoughts of my new roommate were running rampant in my head. How thick with muscle her legs looked, the way her yoga pants made her ass look so perfect no matter how she was walking, or bending over, or just standing. Her small, tight top, straining against what must be some great tits. How her cleavage and abs looked covered in sweat. It was more than enough to get a rise out of my meaty companion, who stood firm and ready. I should really take care of this, can’t let tension build on our first day! I tried thinking of any other fantasy while working a load out of myself, but always came back to Wanda. On her knees in front of me, groping herself with one hand down the front of her yoga pants. Or bent over my couch, a hole torn in her pants as I mounted her from behind. Or her in my bed, riding me for all – bed? We didn’t move a bed in. I came hard in the shower, long ropes of cum leaving my cock and flowing down the drain as I remembered my joke, and her reaction, “…only one bed. …wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing a bed with someone I wasn’t having sex with.” “Oh, ok.”

Post orgasm clarity brought me back to reality. Certainly she’s not going to be sleeping with me. Probably doesn’t have a bed yet, or something. Gonna be sleeping on her chair or the couch until arrangements can be made? It seems plausible, more so than her staying in my bed, bouncing on my cock because I said it would make me more comfortable. Then again, stranger things have happened? Right? I finish cleaning myself, and leave the confines of the shower, trying to escape my thoughts. 

The other bathroom door is locked, running water can be heard easily from the hallway. Sounds like she’s going to try out the fancy tub after all. It’s a great place for a relaxing soak, I should try it again sometime. I head into the computer room and get some work done. There is a nasty habit some people have of getting lost in work, and ignoring the world around them. I tend to be one of those people. It’s late into the night when I decide to get to a stopping point, and find out what my new roommate is up to.

She’s not in the living room, or kitchen. Not in the dining room either. The bathroom door is open, light turned out so probably not in there. I knock at her door, and get no response. Figuring it’s late and she’s probably already asleep I move on to my room, making a mental note to make a better effort to get to know her tomorrow, and be more accommodating. I open the door to my room, walking in and stop in my tracks on my way over to the bed. My eyes go wide, mouth opening slightly, “Finally,” my new roommate says, “I thought I was going to have to come fetch you.”

She’s laying in my bed! Actually here, in my bed. Under the comforter, laying on her side, pillows supporting her head, sheets pulled up under her arm.

I stand there, just staring a bit, not really sure what to do. There is a tremendously beautiful woman laying in my bed. Waiting for me to join her. Is this a joke on her part? Her own little gotcha? “Well, are you coming in, or not? I got it all warmed up for you…” she says seductively, biting her lower lip as she slides her hand along the surface of the comforter. Her skin shines faintly in the light, properly cared for with lotion after the bath. I feel myself growing hard below the belt again as I approach the side of the bed, and she slides over to me under the sheets. “I haven’t had an actual bed in a long time. Just been surfing couches, or living in cars, showering at the gym since moving out of my parents’ house. Thanks for inviting me into yours,” she explains, reaching a smooth hand out from under the covers for me. I sit on the mattress, looking at her soft, sexy features. Beautiful green eyes, long brown hair flowing around her face and onto the comforter, cute nose sitting just above full lips, smooth skin perfect to the touch as she took my hand in hers, and I had to say, “we don’t have to share just one bed. I can sleep on the couch, or get you your own bed. It’s perfectly ok with me.”

She laughed a bit. Then looked up at me, saw the seriousness in my face, and laughed harder. “Oh, you thought I meant that? No, I just thought you wanted to fuck me.”


“Don’t you? Or was the whole ‘sleeping in one bed as long as we’re banging’ thing just a joke? Because I could really go for a good -”

“No-yes-I mean I’m down to do whatever.” I tried, a lame attempt at salvaging the situation.

“Ok, good. But now that you spoiled the first little fantasy, you’re going to have to work a bit,” she said, throwing the covers off exposing her body to the room.

I’m so glad I turned on the lights when I entered. The glory of seeing the sheets fly off the naked woman underneath made music play in my head, and drool run down my face. She was laying on her back, her breasts spilling to their respective sides of her chest. Each nipple sported a colorful piercing, matching the one in her naval. Her ribs protrude slightly as her stomach sinks flat, ab muscles more pronounced as she lays prone. Perhaps she worked out earlier? As my eyes trace further down this masterpiece of a body her legs spread, revealing her pink opening. She’s already dripping, and I wonder if that’s what she meant by ‘warmed up’ for me. Her legs are thick with muscle, toned all the way down. All I can get out is “um” and “wow” as I look as her, and she slides her hands up my shorts as my eyes look her up and down. “This your first time?” she asks.

“No, not really…” I say, mostly truthfully. I’ve been with a woman or two before, but not terribly successfully. Somewhat premature, and no one is satisfied, but we’ll leave that out.

“Ok, well for now we’ll just put you right here,” she instructs, and actually lifts her lower half up and hooks her legs around my head! Her pussy is inches from my face as I kneel on the mattress. I start laying down, my face drawing nearer her wetness, and then feel her fingers in my hair. She pushes me the rest of the way to the bed in one quick motion, and guides my mouth onto her pussy. Almost by instinct my tongue starts working on her, causing a stifled moan to slip out. I think of every porno I can, and try drawing inspiration as I pleasure this goddess of a woman at my tongue, slipping, sliding, wiggling, and wriggling the muscle against and into her. I shake my face against her pelvis, and bring a hand up to help out. While my tongue finds her clit, circling and grinding away, I slip a finger inside her. It slides in easily thanks to the wet lubrication, but the tightness makes another probing digit difficult. I tip my head forward, locking my face to her with suction directly applied to her aching clit as my tongue swirls at the pink between the sensitive bud and my penetrating finger. Around and around my tongue goes, my finger working in and out sinking all the way to my hand. She bucks her hips into my mouth, holding my hair tight in one hand.

I try a second finger inside, spreading them gently as they push all the way in. When I turn my hand inside her, she jerks wildly, both hand whipping to the sheets. Juices flood out of her, her body spasms, and I start lapping at her clit. My fingers wiggle inside her, tickling at what I imagine to be her g-spot as I watch her breasts jiggle with her wild movements. Her legs tighten around me, and I rise up a bit out of their range. My hand remains in its confinement, now trapped in her tight, spasming hole, and caught between her strong legs as they wrap around themselves in orgasmic bliss. She sighs the sweetest melody I’ve ever heard, and opens her eyes to me.

When I withdraw my hand from between her legs another light spasm ripples across her body, but she recovers and is on me in an instant. She throws my shirt to the floor and has my shorts off before I really know what happened. I’m laying on my back, pillows around my head, and completely naked with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even a fantasy. She takes the fingers once buried in her and puts them in her mouth, sucking them dry. She had one hand firmly wrapped around the base of my cock, firmly erect and throbbing slightly at the display. She was leaning over me, her knees straddling mine, breasts swaying with every wonderful motion. She pulled my fingers out of her warm mouth and let my hand fall to my side. As her eyes fell to the cock in her hands she smiled wickedly, and sat back. Her round ass rested on my legs, just above my feet while her other hand arrived under the head of my penis. She licked her lips and said, “This my be the biggest cock I’ve ever seen up close.”

Precum beads up at the top at that compliment, “Really?” I ask a bit breathlessly, trying to sound level. “I would think of it assssssss” my thought cut with her leaning forward and expertly licking the cum off my throbbing cock as her head begins sinking down the shaft. The sensation is incredible, her tongue swishing back and forth while she pushes down. After getting about halfway she paused a bit, works her tongue around my length and pulls back up, wrapping her lips around me and sucking all the way. My cock emerges with a wet ‘pop,’ and she holds it firmly at the base with both hands.

“Yeah, you’re at least twelve inches. I typically have no problem going all the way on the first push. The thickness is s good, too. My fingers hardly wrap all the way around, see?”

She starts sliding her right hand up my shaft. My head arches back at the pleasure, eyes rolling. She leans forward again, “And that juicy head, mushrooms out so nicely, with a steady stream of precum for me to eat up!” She licks at it, striking the frenulum with her tongue and gliding all across the nerves in the spongy flesh of my cock head. Her hand continues sliding up and down my throbbing shaft, saliva making her progress easier each time. She puts her legs back, feet hanging off the side of the bed as her mouth envelopes my member again. Her large breasts press against my thighs while she takes more and more of me into her, until I feel resistance. She gags a bit, but pushes harder and jiggles her head lightly, allowing my cock to continue even deeper into her throat. I feel a familiar sensation, and put my fingers in her hair. The pink cascades around my pinky, flowing back into the silky brown as her head bobs up and down. Her hands close around my hips, fingernails digging into my skin and scratching down my legs.

The first pulse of my cock erupts down her throat. She pulls back in time with the second pulse, semen flooding over her tongue. Her lips remain locked around my meat as it pulses rope after rope into her awaiting mouth. She sucks each drop down, swirling her tongue around my tip as it continues ejecting. Her right hand pumps up and down my shaft, milking every last bit out. When she finally lets my cock out of her hungry mouth, she slides her hand back up one more time squeezing tightly. Another thick glob oozes from the tip, and she happily licks it clean. She slips my cock back into her mouth, sucking again and pumps her hand up and down faster. Her left hand slips lower, beginning to fondle my balls. I moan loudly, and she looks at my face smiling around my well used meat.

She allows my cock to slide from her mouth again, “Ready for the main event?” I laugh in a satisfied tone, and nod. What else can I do? She lifts herself up on all fours, crawling up my body. Her large breasts hang low enough to almost drag across my chest as she gets to head level. Silky hair tickles my face as she passes, and kneels up. Her knees rest at the bottom of my ribs, and she reaches back, toying with my half erect dick. Her twisted body shines softly in the light, hard pierced nipples sitting on what are clearly d-cup breasts. I reach up and squeeze one, rubbing my thumb over the nipple. She looks down at me and smiles lustily, slapping my manhood against her ass. “Feels like you’re ready,” she says, then she leans a bit closer, and lines me up with her wet opening. I feel her slide me along her slit, followed by all consuming warmth as she guides me in.

With one hand on my chest, the other wrapped around my meaty manhood, she pushes back as I fill her aching wetness. Her well lubricated walls help my progress, but the tightness makes full penetration in one push difficult. “Oh, fuuck,” we both said, almost in unison. She continued pushing back onto me steadily, both hands on my chest. My hands had moved to her smooth ass, groping firmly as I delved deeper into my new roommate. I could feel her juices leaking out around me, drenching my balls in her pleasure. With an exhausted sigh escaping her lungs, I bottomed out fully inside. She lifted her chest off mine a little, and looked down into my face, the pleasure written across her features. Her lips were parted slightly, eyebrows furrowed, a look of near agony. I just layer there under her, hands gripping her ass tightly. 

“Fuck, you feel good,” she whispered to me.

“You too,” I said, not sure what else I should say. But, damn. This was the most amazing feeling I’ve ever experienced. The soft, warm wetness wrapping tightly around me, her weight on top of me, her breath at my neck, kissing me softly. Her knees at my hips, breasts pressing against my chest. It’s just incredible.

She suddenly pushes herself up, sitting cowgirl on my lap, hands planted firmly on my chest. Her eyes half closed in a sultry haze, her hips grind forward on mine. My cock slips around inside her, held tightly on all sides. She rocks her hips back and forth, never allowing my stiffness to thrust in or out, but granting it all the pleasurable movement it never knew was possible. One hand left my chest during the gyrations and combed through her hair, mixing the pink into the silky brown as she continued locking eyes with me. Finally, with one push to my chest and ankles behind my thighs, she lifted off my lap. Several inches of my juice slicked member became exposed to the cold air for a brief moment before she brought herself back down, enveloping my entire throbbing manhood back inside her steaming, juicy entrance. With a moan she found her tempo, bouncing on my lap. Her pierced nipples danced with swaying tits, as my toes curled tightly.

The hand in her hair slid down her face, caressed her neck, groped at her own breast, turned down her torso, and found its way along her stomach on the way to her penetrated pussy. She continued riding up and down my cock as her fingers started toying with her clit. With a series of “oh God” and “fuck”, she started squirming on top of me. The hand on my chest dug it’s fingers in, her legs tightened around me, and the juices running down my length increased suddenly. Her moan increased to pitch to a scream, and her riding movements stopped. I got the bravery to lift a hand off her voluptuous ass, and bring it back down hard, the slap making her cry out more as her orgasm continued. She collapsed down onto me, and I started thrusting into her, bumping my hips up. I started using my hands on her ass to grind her against me, drawing more sounds of pleasure from her throat.

“Stop, stop, please,” she pleaded as her orgasm continued, strengthening around my buried cock. I had a hard time ceasing my movements inside her, the contracting walls increasing my own pleasures to a wonderful extent. I drilled myself all the way in, and held it there, waiting for her to come down. She rested her forehead against my chest, breathing deeply. Her arms tucked between us as she spasmed, shaking through her climaxed pleasure.

I just made a woman orgasm. Again. The thought gave me confidence, and I felt ready for anything. I rolled us both over, placed her legs over my shoulders, and prepared to keep going. Her hands were lasily laid next to her head as she found herself suddenly resting on her back, still half impaled by my cock. I wrapped an arm around her thick thigh, and slipped a thumb along her clit. She squealed, her legs twitching around my head. “Ready?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said breathlessly, and a bit uncertainly. I kept my thumb on her clit as I sunk all the way into her again, slipping my thumb up when I reached balls deep. I drilled my hips back and forth while toying with her sensitive bud, causing her back to arch and face to contort in pleasure. She reached down and pulled my hand away from her groin, “That’s too much, please…” she said, and took her legs from my shoulders. She wrapped her legs around my back, pulling me closer. I lean over her and kiss her chest, right between her breasts. I start thrusting harder, sucking at her left nipple and flicking her piercing with my tongue. My hands dig under her butt, groping both cheeks and lifting her into each thrust. My kissing tracked up to her neck, turning to nibbling. I felt my orgasm approaching, and whispered in her ear, “I’m gonna cum soon.”

“Fucking fill me up,” she commanded, tightening her legs around me and bringing her arms around my back. That pushed me over immediately, so I pushed all the way in, and held myself there. My cock pulses hard deep inside her pussy as I grunt into her ear. She holds me even tighter, moaning as her own climax begins again. My cock pulsed and pumped jets of potent sperm straight into her convulsing womb. She rocked her hips lightly, draining my manhood completely. I grunted with every spurt, my sounds drowned out by her loud cries of ecstasy. Her head rolled forward, and she kissed me fully on the mouth, our tongues searching the other out. They danced wetly in our connected mouths as our juices mixed and pooled inside her.

When our orgasms came down, and clarity returned again, I had a thought. “Should we have used protection? What if I just got you pregnant?”

“Mmmm, that’s hot…” she responded.

I just looked at her, still over her and buried inside, “What?!”

“I have a bit of a risk fetish. That’s such a turn on.” She continued.

“I’m not really ready for fatherhood…” I said.

“Oh, don’t worry, it’s not a risky time or anything, but the thought excites me. Maybe next time!!”

Next time? Well guess I can try to either turn her down, or accept the consequences…


1 comment

  1. I like it, but I’ve yet to meet another woman that can take 12″ balls deep. I’m not saying that there aren’t any gals that can, I’m just saying that I can’t or don’t know of any outside of porn.
    Don’t get me wrong, if you got 12″, cum on over and let’s see what I can do, but don’t go slamming it home. Ouch!
    Lemme ride it out.. lemme ride it until I cum all over you and then fill my pussy with your jizz.. by then maybe we’ll be close to getting 9″ in but that’s all.
    Gimme thick any day of the week. 7″-8″- and girthy and I’m gonna just keep on cumming and cumming.
    If I gotta worry about having my cervix bruised it’s just not as good.
    But, ya still made me cum. Yup, I rubbed my clitty thinking about all the big cocked nerds out there that can use my assistance. I’ll bring hubby along also, maybe he could take all 12″, hmm, I’m getting wet again, I bet that he can.. I sure would like to see him try????

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