The Body Surfer’s girlfriend part 1 [MF][Inc]

Cassandra and me are really close, a relationship which goes beyond just a girlfriend and boyfriend. We’re companions, comrades and cohorts. We’re a synced unit of mayham. Simultaneously engaging in what others would see as disagreeable behavior. It helped us get away with a lot of shit but it was eventually going to catch up with us. We knew this but it did not stop us.

It was both our faults when we break into that lab for kicks and I got stuck in that chamber. I think we shorted out the lights trying to get me out cause that room was going nuts for a moment and everything went dark. Fortunately this meant the door finally unsealed and we both booked it like crazy. A week later in the news it was reported some equipment in an air pressure chamber had malfunctioned around the time we broke in and all electronics had been fried. It would be a huge expense to replace it all and they were thinking of selling the company now to keep research going.

I was relieved at first since it looked like we weren’t going to get caught. Relieved atleast until something impossible happened during a fist fight with Cassandra’s older brother, over me being a bad influence on her. He didn’t really know what she was like, she kept up this innocent act around him so the blame naturally fell on me no matter how much she tried to assuage him. One moment we’re brawling on the ground, next moment I’m tangled with… my own self…

Cassandra was still hitting me… hitting her brother that is… especially since it seemed to her he had knocked me out. I had to grab her and hold her down, holding her mouth. It took a lot of convincing to calm her down and convince her it was me, I told her about a spot she had on her taint her brother could not possibly know and that I thought those researchers had lied about their “air pressure chamber”. It took a short while but she must have picked up on my mannerisms and body language.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit.”, she mumbled against my hand.

“Yeah! Imagine how I feel!”, I whisper shouted back. She snorted a laugh out, which utterly confused me.

“Yeah I don’t need to imagine, I’ve been feeling it too against my thigh for the last 10 minutes.”, she chortled back. I then became mentally aware I had at some point become hard as fuck while laying ontop of her, pressing her down. We wrestled a lot like this while fucking so my stupid dick thought it was fun time… or well my mind did and her brothers cock followed suit.

“Oh shit, sorry.”, I said jumping off immediately but the fact I hesitated due to the sensation, was telling.

“Ha! You moron. Holy shit. I thought my bro had lost it and was gonna rape me after knocking you out.”, she said with much more levity than I felt someone in that situation should have had.

“Oh man sorry Sam. I fucked up, this just happened and..”, I said, trying to maintain the seriousness of the situation but I was quickly waved off by her.

“Nah nah man. Its cool. I would have let him.”, she said casually, the train of thought in my head crashing in a massive pileup with every attempted thought just adding my trains.

“Wh… what? what?”, i sputtered out in her bro’s voice.

“Dudes got a huge stick in his ass and believes in that “not before marriage” crap. He needs to get laid.”, she said matter of factly, “I wouldve put up a fight to get a kick out of it but I dont mind filling that need.”

I was quiet for a moment after hearing this.

“Yo. You ever think we’re two really fucked up pea’s in a pod?”, I replied.

“I dunno. You thinking of whipping my bro’s cock out for a look?”, she asked back excitedly, getting on her knee’s by his legs as I quickly undid the buckle and unzipped.

“Ah son of a bitch.”, I exclaimed as it popped out.

“Hah! Watch it, my moms a classy lady. Not her fault her son’s cock is bigger than yours.”, she goaded me as she grasped her older brothers cock and jerked it off, jostling his balls with her other hand, “Or wait, yeah it’s totally her fault.”

“Ah fuck, that feels good. Your bro really is backed up as fuck. No wonder he’s such a piece of shit all the time.”, I croaked out as she worked her brothers cock just like she did mine. Ontop of the joys of taboo, there was atleast two more inches of real estate (fucker) to enjoy and that is exactly what I did.

“Oh man, shouldn’t we be dealing with this body switch stuff? This is your brother and shit”, I moaned out, not really meaning it. I was more preoccupied with the familiar feeling of her wet mouth around an unfamiliar cock.

“Fuck that. You’re still breathing over there and who knows how long this will last. I wanna see what its like”, she chided while giving that cock some indian rope burn with both her hands.

“Oh damn. He’s gonna cum…”, I declared as electricity shot through me despite my best efforts to resist.

“Hah he didn’t last long and I saw you trying!”, she said with delight as she held her tongue out, two shots flying across her face before she could position the tip under his cockhead.

“Oh fuck! No fucking way! Oh fuck, fuck!” I yelped out, as I watched myself fire her brothers thick white cum onto her tongue, repeating myself with every salvo as I coated it with more and more. It felt amazing with balls as held up as his were.

She swallowed it down without hesitation, her throat audibly gulping the thick fluid down in one go, “Fucking crime that he’s denying this to us ladies. He still hard?”

“Yeah, doesn’t feel like he’s going t…urk”, I tried to say as she swallowed her brothers dick. she wasn’t fucking around… well she was but she wasn’t wasting time. She sank right down to the base and tickled his balls with her tongue. Watching her throat bulge out with his long meat was amazing.

She was merciless as she worked that cock, sucking hard as she bobbed up and down. she tried all the ways and places she knew would get me off quick but when that worked, she experimented until she saw which places got a stronger response from me. Dude liked his cockhead circled with a tongue and probably didn’t even know it but we did now. This was wild.

Wasn’t long before I straight up emptied his balls into her mouth. She moaned, swallowing each shot as it came, her incestful delight driving me to greater heights. When it was done, I lay back on his bed breathing heavily as she continued to rub and lick his softening cock.

“Fuck I over did it”, she said dissapointedly. As she stood up, I rose my head and say her pull her panties back up into her skirt. I have no idea when she lowered them but it was obvious she had wanted to go all the way. A wave of exhaustion hit me before I could say anything and I found myself waking back up in my body.

“Wow okay. You back?”, she said glancing between me and her unconscious brother with his dick still out.

“Yeah its me. Wow that really cleared my head. His head.”, I said as I got up, watching her clean her face of her sibling’s release. Oddly I still felt refreshed and depleted like I did after would have sex.

“Lets get out of here before he wakes up. This was crazy.”, she stated while placing his dick back in and zipping him up. But not before she gave both his cockhead and his actual head a quick peck.

It was a crazy on the spot decision, an insane response to this impossible scenario but it didn’t hit us until we got back to my place. Despite our bravado and supposed lack of inhibition, Sam ended up puking as the weight of her actions bore down on her. She calmed down after that and we spent the rest of the night discussing what this body switching meant and how we should deal with it.

(Part 2 soon)
