My wife’s sister, Isabel, and I had been growing closer to each other for months. We had been friends for years, we were even roommates for a short time after college and before I started dating my wife. She confessed a few years ago, after my wife and I were in a committed relationship, that she had felt like she was in love with me during that time. She had dropped subtle hints that she was interested and I had always misread them as friendly gestures. I had felt the same way but never said anything since I thought she was out of my league and I didn’t want to introduce any awkwardness into the friendship.
Isabel and I started spending time together about 6 months prior. Her long term boyfriend had broken things off and my strained marriage had taken a significant turn for the worse, so we were able to offer comfort and companionship in the way that longtime friends can. We also had many shared interests and spent time together hiking, running, playing games, and generally being a bright spot in each other’s lives during dark times. We talked about everything, good and bad. We each had other friends, but no one we felt we could really open up to. Sexual frustration was a relatively common topic since neither of us was active, we openly talked about our needs and how we were stuck self-fulfilling them. They were friendly conversations, but I could not help but get riled up at the thought of her pleasuring herself.
We decided to plan a backpacking trip together as it was one of our shared interests. It was meant to be a cathartic experience for Isabel; her ex was very outdoorsy and always treated her like she wasn’t capable enough to go without his help. We actually picked a location they had talked about going to, she had been excited for it and was looking forward to proving to herself that she did not need him to survive and have a good time. I was excited because I love backpacking but had only gone with my kids or alone. It would be nice to have company and not have the work of taking care of kids.
We made plans to go when the weather would finally be warm enough (I’m not really a cold weather camper and I don’t have the gear for it). We were preparing separately and excitedly but were in regular communication about it. Once we had our state passes, our bags prepped, and our travel plans finalized, the weekend could not come soon enough.
We left town on Friday afternoon with a two-hour drive ahead of us. Our conversation was great as usual, but abuzz with the excitement we both felt. We would arrive at the trailhead in the early evening and hike about 5 miles to our first campsite and we could not wait to get started. We practically leapt out of the car when we got there, threw on our bags (after a final gear check), and hit the trail. The first hike was nothing to write home about, but it was pleasant and good to be out again after the winter. The weather was good and we arrived at camp without any issues (other than Isabel trying to find a secluded place to pee at one point where there wasn’t much to hide behind, ha ha). Setting up camp with someone to help was amazing, I had previously had to do it alone. We were a great team, working together and separately toward our common goal. I traditionally bring frozen food of some kind for my first backpacking trip meal. It thaws on the hike and I can make something other than dehydrated meals. It adds some weight to the first hike, but I think it is worth it. I cooked us a great meal and we sat around the fire enjoying the food, fresh air, and company. We turned in early since we had a long day of hiking to look forward to and we were dedicated to setting up campsite #2 and making it to the summit with just our smaller packs.
We got an early start the next day, waking up with the sunrise and hitting the trail as the temperature started to warm. We had about 14 miles of hiking ahead of us and 3,000 feet of elevation gain, so we were focused on making progress. Isabel plotted the course and took the lead, doing the things that her ex thought her incapable of. We were quiet sometimes and made easy conversation other times, but we were very comfortable the entire time.
Clothing layers were shed throughout the day as it got hotter until we were hiking in shorts and sleeveless shirts. Isabel looked amazing, happy out in the sunshine with a shine from a thin layer of sweat and a near constant smile. She really is a gorgeous and sexy woman with a beautiful face and a short, pixie style haircut she keeps for ease of maintenance. She is 5’5” tall with the type of slender curves I very much appreciate. She typically wears clothing that borders on baggy, but I have had plenty of opportunities to see her in her running gear or lounging clothes at her home to see how tone she was from all the running and hiking. Sometime around 3:00pm, before we reached the campsite, it was hot enough and our pace quick enough that I stopped to take off my shirt to cool down. Per unsolicited feedback from others, I am a handsome enough guy. I am 6’ tall and my body shows that I lift weights and run regularly. This was the first time Isabel had seen me with my shirt off and I caught her taking a hard look before quickly turning her head away. A few minutes later she sort of followed suit by tying her shirt to expose and cool off her midsection. It was my turn for a hard look, the bare part of her torso glistened with sweat and had just a little dripping down.
We made good time to the campsite and figured we needed 2 hours to summit, ½ – 1 hour to enjoy, and 1.5 hours to make it back to camp. This would give us about 2 hours of daylight once we made it back to camp, so we decided to just drop our heavy packs and keep moving since we would have time to set up camp when we returned. We really pushed ourselves up the steep part of the trail to the summit, breathing hard the whole time from exertion and thin air at that elevation. When you reach this particular summit/outlook, you cannot see much until you are at the top. Once you are there, it seems like the whole world opens up in front of you. We sat and rested, feeling glorious and pointing out the different sights. We mostly sat in silence, just taking in the experience together. After about an hour, we decided to head back to set up camp.
After the seemingly quick walk to camp, we got everything set up quickly. We had developed a rhythm to it and worked together seamlessly to set up the tent, filter water, prep food, and gather a bit of firewood as the night would be colder than the previous one due to the higher elevation. It was dusk by the time we started eating and we were both feeling the exhaustion from a hard day as well as a feeling of peace and accomplishment from what we had done. We sat in front of the small fire in the dark, talking like we do and looking at the stars. Isabel scooted closer to me, leaning her body into mine for warmth as it got colder. This wasn’t unprecedented, we shared friendly physical affection previously. This felt different to me though, like she was moving and looking at me differently in a hard to define way. She mentioned that we should probably sleep closer to each other in the tent than we had in order to preserve heat, not a problem for me.
Once in the tent, we got in our bags and made small talk for a few minutes before turning out the lamp. Isabel turned to her side and I did the same, moving close to her. I could feel her body against mine, and although it was muffled by the two bags separating us it was electric. I thought about making a move, but I am not that kind of risk taker. The possible upside was not worth risking her comfort and our friendship, so I laid there enjoying the feeling until I was starting to drift off. A short time later I heard the sound of the lamp being turned on and the dim light filled the tent, I figured Isabel needed one last bathroom trip as she started rustling around. She did not get up, but turned her body to face me. I was immediately worried that our physical proximity had somehow made her uncomfortable, but she just laid her face on her hands looking at me from six inches away. “Hey,” she said softly. I said it back, looking into her eyes. That “hey” said so much. We were both so content being there with each other. She reached out a hand and I took it in mine, I was surprised at how warm it felt. We laid there, silent, looking into each other’s eyes. After a few minutes, Isabel did that thing women do where they discreetly moisten their lips while looking back and forth between my lips and my eyes. She wanted to kiss me, I was sure of it and my heart was beating so hard I was positive she could hear it. I lifted my head and leaned in over our hands and she did the same. When our lips met it felt so right, we were connected. We kissed slowly, exploring each other’s style and stopping briefly to look at each other and smile. I was hypnotized by the feel of her lips and the electricity between us and I didn’t want it to end. I was worried that taking things further might ruin it, but I could not help but to succumb to the years of pent up desire. I used my other hand to unzip my bag far enough to free my arm and used it to pull her body to mine and kissed her aggressively. Isabel moaned into the kiss and pulled her hand free to pull my face into hers. I did not think it was possible for my cock to get any harder, but it was absolutely throbbing now.
We unzipped our bags so we could be close and feel each other’s bodies while still keeping them draped over for warmth. I ran my hand down the side of her face to her neck, my fingertips brushing her skin while she was simultaneously trying to explore my body with her hands and pull us closer together like she didn’t know what she wanted more. Soon our legs were intertwined, with my thigh against her vulva and my hard cock against her side. I slid my hand down her back and under her pants, cupping her firm ass and pulling her toward me which put significantly more pressure on her vulva. She pulled from the kiss and took a few gasping breaths, then looked into my eyes with a hunger I had not seen before.
She pulled away from me, but before I had the chance to register any disappointment she switched off the light and launched herself against me. We were kissing again, now with a feel for how the other did and reading off of each other. She pulled up at the bottom of my shirt so I lifted my arms to allow her to take it off, our mouths broke briefly but were soon together again. I then pulled her shirt off and we pulled our naked torsos together in bliss. There’s something about that skin to skin contact with someone you care about that makes me feel good and whole, and it had been years since I felt it. Our pants soon followed as we helped each other out of them and repositioned our sleeping bags as a makeshift top and bottom.
My eyes had adjusted to the low light, as much as they could, and I took in the sight of her body when possible during our shifting around. Isabel’s body more amazing than I imagined. She did not wear clothes that accentuated her breasts, and while it was apparent they were not small I had no idea how large and well-shaped they were. She was responding positively to my gentle caressing and brushing her nipples, so I worked my way down her neck kissing and nibbling. She moaned as my mouth got close to her left areola, so I took my time kissing around it until she was writhing in anticipation with her hands on the back of my head. I dragged my tongue over to and across her nipple, circling around it before sucking on it. Her breath was heavy and she pulled my head tightly to her until I broke away for air, then she immediately pulled her face to mine. I started slowly sliding my hand from her breast downward, when she realized the direction I was going she immediately reached for my cock with both hands moaning into our kiss as she first squeezed and then caressed it. I maintained my pace, as I reached her pubic mound she thrust it hungrily toward my hand. I could feel her moisture in her pubic hair. I found as I slid my hand over her labia and clit that she was as wet and aroused as I anticipated, this set off an animalistic desire to be inside of her. I pulled away after a minute and repositioned the bags to both be under us, we were generating enough heat and were going to need the additional cushion.
Isabel laid down legs spread, and pulled me in for a kiss. God, it was like we needed to get oxygen through having our mouths connected. I nestled my cock in between her labia and rubbed it up and down, to lubricate it as well as rub it on her clit. After many slow strokes I broke away the kiss, lined up with the entrance and slowly pushed in while looking into her eyes. Her reaction was one of the sexiest I have ever seen, several shallow breaths as I pushed in and a gasp at about the halfway mark. I stopped going deeper then and started working back and forth at this depth. After 20 or so strokes, I leaned down pressing my body into hers and kissed her hard. I grabbed a handful of her hair (as much as I could, short hair) close to the scalp and pushed all of the way into her, tight against her clit. “Oh god, fuck yes!” she said into my mouth. I kept my cock all of the way inside of her, keeping our bodies close and grinding into her clit. She came hard a few minutes later, my mouth nibbling on the side of her neck and her ear.
After catching her breath, Isabel was an animal. She flipped us over, dislodging my cock in the process. She needed it back inside her. After aggressively grabbing and reinserting it, she rode me hard alternating between rubbing back and forth and up and down. She was so excited I could feel her wetness dripping onto me. My hands were all over, pulling close, grabbing, rubbing, it was sensual overload. One thing I had learned in our discussions is that Isabel really enjoyed light ass play. I really wanted to slide my fingers down her back and work one into her asshole, but given that we had not showered in days and washing hands while backpacking is a whole thing, I did not. I did grab her ass hard, alternating between putting pressure on her asshole and spreading her cheeks apart to stimulate it. While not optimal, it was effective and she was soon convulsing in orgasm again with her body tight against mine moaning raggedly in my ear. After her breathing slowed, I started to pump my cock in and out while kissing her neck. I really wanted to flip her over and fuck her like my life depended on it, but we did not have enough cushion between us and the hard ground. Instead, I grabbed her by her hips and started to pound furiously, using both my hips to push up and my hands to pull her down to slam our bodies together. I came soon, pulling her body close and our mouths together as I thrust throughout my orgasm.
We laid there for a minute and I maneuvered to pull one of the unzipped bags to cover Isabel. I wanted to stay like that forever, or at least hold each other’s naked bodies as we slept. Unfortunately, the cold started to seep in pretty quickly after the physical activity ended so we had to get dressed. We did sleep next to each other in our clothes using our bags as a top and bottom cover.
The hike out the next day was wonderful and difficult. This wasn’t an opportunistic hook up, Isabel and I loved each other. The problem was we would never be able to build a life together if we decided that is what we would want. We hiked out, happy and sad, and drove home holding hands thinking about what could have been and appreciating what was.
Beautiful experience..
One of the better stories I’ve read.