Reder the Rogue II [M+M][NC][BD][Fantasy]

The sound of loud slapping filled the bedchamber as Lord Harrod’s hips smacked against the backside of his prisoner. It had been eight days since Reder’s capture. Eight torturous days and nights of being used by the fat lord as his personal play thing. Despite being an obese human of middle age, Lord Harrod seemed to have issues with drive or stamina. Multiple times a day he would use Reder’s body until he filled the thief with his foul seed. For days Reder had struggled and tried everything he could imagine to escape, or at least to fight off the lord but he was slim and weak. There was no way he could force the lord off of him and even if he could, he would still have to escape Harrod’s manor. That’s how he had been stopped last time when he had sought to rob the lord blind, a guard had struck him unconscious with a hard blow to the back of his head. He had been so close, and now he was a slave.

Reder laid on his side at the edge of Lord Harrod’s large bed as the man stood and pistoned his thick shaft into the Tiefling’s ass.

“Oh Gods!” Reder cried as he clung feebly at the silk sheets. His hands were unbound but a metal collar was locked around his neck that was attacked to a slim chain that ran to the ceiling. He could never move away from the bed. Reder had fought the first time the lord had let him have his hands unbound, had struck and scratched at the fat lord before trying to pry off the collar, it had all been pointless. To his shame, Reder didn’t fight back much anymore.

Despite the fact that he had been a virgin only eight days ago, Reder had now been fucked more times than a seasoned whore. The pain had long gone after he learned how to relax and accept the invading cock. It didn’t take long for his much smaller shaft to start getting hard every time Harrod was inside of him. Everyday, his groans of discomfort sounded more and more like moans of enjoyment. He had to get away soon or he was going to completely lose himself to this fat bastard.

Reder felt the lord tense and could feel the pulsing of the thick shaft buried deep in his ass as it flooded his bowels. How many times had the lord came inside of his ass now? thirty? Fifty? Did it matter? He slowly pulled out until he sprang free and his thick cum followed, leaking down his cheek. Harrod spanked Reder’s cheek hard and the lord stumbled away in satisfaction. Reder’s thin barbed tail wagging weakly was the thief’s only response.

Without a care for his nakedness or Reder’s he opened the thick oak door of his bedchamber and addressed the guard that stood outside.

“Captain, get him cleaned up, I want him again after dinner.” Harrod said.

Without a word Captain Haysmith, the captain of Harrod’s guard, entered the room and climbed over the panting Tiefling and unhooked his chain from the ceiling. He wrapped the chain around his fist and pulled on it like a leash, forcing Reder to follow. This was far from the first time this had happened. Harrod had Haysmith lead Reder to the bath after every time he used the thief.

Reder had to quickly keep up or Haysmith would yank on the chain. Thick cum leaked down Reder’s thighs and he winced with every step, Harrod didn’t know what it was to be gentle so Reder was always sore.

The pair passed several maids and servants as they walked through the stone halls that would either make a point to avoiding staring at the naked Teifling or would smirk at the imprisoned thief. They must have found it amusing that their master had a pet with crimson skin, glowing eyes, and horns sprouting from his forehead.

Quickly they reached the bath. A large room that had a large bath sunk into the floor. The actual bath was only chest deep and had a bench surrounding the inside edge for bathers to sit. Reder climbed in and the perfumed, warm water, immediately started to make him feel better. He made the trip here several times a day and it was the only peace he could cling to in between periods of being used as Harrod’s toy.

Captain Haysmith still clung to the chain as he glared down at Reder. The man liked to watch him bath and would often grab and grope at him in the halls when no one was in sight.

Reder grabbed a cloth and started wiping the sweat and stink of Lord Harrod from his body. He had to admit the expensive soaps that the lord kept were quite nice. He poured some of the soapy oil that smelled lightly of lavender and used it to wipe all over his body. He made sure to give special attempting to his sore bottom and to try and get rid of all of the lord’s foul cum from his body.

Reder’s tranquility was interrupted by the sound of metal clanging against the stone floor and he looked up to see Captain Haysmith, taking off his armor.

“W-what are you doing?” He asked but the captain gave no response as he climbed out of his armor, than the padded coat he wore underneath and then his thin sweat stained clothes.

Captain Haysmith was a man in his middle years with a sandy hair. He was fairly fit and had a mustache that connected to his mutton chops. As he approached the edge of the bath, Reder could see his was already half erect. Reder’s heart dropped.

“No… No, please! Not more, not you too! Harrod alrea-” Reder choked as his leash was pulled and he grabbed at it weakly but the captain pulled him as he choked and gagged until he was out of the bathwater and clinging to the wet stone floor around it.

“Shut up, you demon whore!” Haysmith barked as he reached down and grabbed the leash, closer to the collar.

“Every day I have to watch you clean your slutty body, watch another man’s cum drip from your ass. And everyday I wonder what is so damn amazing about it that Lord Harrod can’t stay away for more than a few hours.” He said, pushing the thief’s head to the stone with an iron arm pinning the back of his neck. As he did, he lifted Reder’s hips with ease, putting him on his knees.

The scented oil that Reder had been applying to his skin was quickly used to cover Haysmith’s hard cock and as Reder squirmed, wet and cold on the floor, he felt the hard tip at his ass. He had been used enough to know to relax and let it inside. Trying to Harrod’s shaft out by clenching had always failed and only caused Reder more pain. He felt Haysmith, slowly sink inside of his Infernal ass and with it he experienced the usual feeling of being full. Every time after Harrod was finished with him and pulled out, Reder would feel impossibly empty, like a piece of himself was missing. Now, Haysmith had filled that piece in again.

He wasn’t quite as Thick as Harrod but he felt longer, maybe? It was hard to tell as the captain, thrust slowly inside of him and then slowly pulled out until only his tip was inside than he would slam forward until he was completely buried inside and his balls smacked against Reder. Each hard, deep thrust made Reder cry out. His knees quickly bruised on the hard stone as the captain’s hip slammed them down into the stone.

“You piece of, uhg, shit. I swear to the, oh gods, I’ll make you pay! I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Reder cried but the threats weren’t very intimidating as every word was accompanied by the the captain’s cock thrusting deep in his ass.

“Oh Fuck! Your ass is so hot. I feel like my cock’s going to melt.” The Captain said.

Haysmith ground his hips against Reder’s ass, enjoying the feeling of his hot insides wrapped around his cock. The captain stood awkwardly, pulling the Tiefling with him until Reder’s feet and hands touched the stone. It was awkward and uncomfortable for Reder but he had to struggle not to fall as the captain resumed his hard thrusts inside of him, his hips slamming against his crimson ass.

“I should have been using this ass all week.” He grunted.

“Captain, I’m here to relieve yo- oh gods!” A voice cried as the door to the bath opened and another guard walked in. This guard was younger with dark hair, Reder had seen him around the manor at various times.

“Oh, uh, I’m sorry. I was supposed to relieve you captain. But, you’re clearly, uh, busy.” He said and turned to go.

“Wait! Come in, close the door, Raldo.” Captain Haysmith called. He didn’t even stop thrusting into Reder as he spoke, making the Tiefling balance on his toes and fingers the captain filled his hot ass.

“You want a taste of the Lord’s little slut, Raldo?” Haysmith asked as he pulled on Reder’s leash and made his upper body rise until Reder put his hands on his hips and was bent at right angle on his waist.

“Uh, I don’t think…” Raldo started until Haysmith cut him off.

“Don’t worry, the slut loves it. I’m not sharing this tight hot ass, but you can have his mouth. The slut wants it, don’t you?” He said and punctuated the question with a hard spank.

Any thought Reder might of had were lost every time more than half a foot of thick cock was thrust hard inside of his ass. His only response was to look up at the younger guard and open his mouth.

Raldo looked around the room like he was expecting someone might see him but after a moment of indecision he rushed forward and fumbled with his belt. His cock sprang free and hit Reder in the nose. It was bigger than Reder’s but not by much, nowhere near the impressive sizes of Lord Harrod or captain Haysmith.

He slid his shaft between Reder’s lips and quickly started to wildly pump against his face. It took some time but quickly the two men had gotten a sort of rhythm down where one would thrust and then the other and Reder’s body would bounce back and forth between the two.

“Oh Shit!” Raldo called and grabbed at Reder’s horns as his pace got wilder. Meanwhile the captain’s thrusts had gotten faster and faster. He was close and it seemed the young guard didn’t have the stamina of the older man.

Reder felt the familiar sensation of thick warm cum flooding his ass a second before he felt Raldo’s cock twitch and shoot rope after rope of hot cum into his mouth. Reder swallowed as he was filled at both ends by cum.

Both men pulled their wet, drained cocks from Reder’s body and he collapsed to his hands and knees, coughing up cum.

Captain Haysmith quickly washed himself as the younger men caught their breath. He quickly dressed and marched towards the door.

“Let him clean up than bring him back to Lord Harrod.” He said and left.

“I uh, I’ll let you clean up. I’ll be outside when you’re ready.” Raldo said and quickly buckled his trousers before rushing out of the room with a blush.

Reder laid there fighting the urge to cry. He had been raped, by two more men. This is his future, to be raped by one man or another until he dies. The scartiest realization wasn’t that he was going to be used by multiple men, not just one. The scariest realization was that he had almost liked what just happened. He had felt like he was close to cumming himself. He was turning into exactly what these bastards wanted, a slut for cock.

He had to escape, now, tonight. No matter the cost, even if it killed him. If he didn’t escape tonight, he might not want to escape tomorrow.
