Imprisoned in Paradise [Forced Chastity] [MFFFFF]


Like most days, it’s first thought of the day. I look down to see a steel prison chastity devise preventing what should be a powerful morning erection. Custom built just for me. Inescapable and quite painful anytime I start getting “excited”, yet designed to prevent damage from possible long-term use. The whole situation might actually be kinky, if it wasn’t forced upon me. And I thought I was so fucking smart. Better get a move on, life is easier if I beat the morning rush.

I carefully and quietly exit my sleeping pod and climb down the ladder. Careful not to wake the girls sleeping beneath me. As I sneak past I get a breath-taking view of a very naked Michelle and Sara. Former lingerie models, who could pass for sisters, were once at the very top of my list of women that I invited into my “end of the world bunker”.

And last night the noises they made playing with each other reminded me why. Before I was caged I would have climbed into the pod with them. Watch them go at it for a little bit. The long slender legs entangled together. Large lively breasts being fondled by each other’s petite hands. Michelle’s picture-perfect lips would playfully bite their way down Sara’s neck. Back before I was caged I would grab one of those WORLD class asses and…

Ouch. Damn cage. Move on Ted. This is your life now…

As I make my way around the secret complex, I wonder at exactly what point things went so very wrong. I thought I was so fucking smart. I built a massive underground bunker, stock it with several lifetimes worth of supplies, invite 5 of the most beautiful and talented women on the planet to join me, and live out my days in unadulterated bliss as the world above came to an end. What could go wrong, right? Well it’s astounding how quickly heaven turns to hell.

And at first it really was heaven. Not only did these incredible women accept my offer to live safely underground, they were into me. Like *really*into me. Back before the apocalypse even before I won the lotto, I wasn’t exactly turning any heads and afterwards the kind of girls I was attracted to were more into my money than me. But things were different when we all moved in together down here. Because I was the only man here, they competed for my attention, fought for my favor, did whatever I wanted, WHENEVER I wanted it. Paradise.

I guess that’s where I went wrong. I didn’t care about the fighting. The resentment. The unrest. I was too busy enjoying it. Using it to my advantage. But that ended abruptly when I woke up trapped in a cage. They said it was the only way to control the group lust. Since then things have been pretty peaceful around here, except of course the constant churning of my unused manhood. And I thought I was so fucking smart.

Damnit. Someone is already in the shower. The massive room could easily wash off an entire volleyball team at the same time, but I preferred to shower alone since the caging. It was just too much, watching warm soapy water pour over those perfect bodies. And when they start washing each other…

Ouch…. Lets get this over with.

I stepped into the steamy locker room to find Sandy washing her beautiful blonde hair. At a mere 20 years old, she was both the youngest and shortest girl in the bunker standing at cute 5 foot 3 inches. As a former professional cheerleader, she was quite the athlete with unreal flexibility. God, the fun we use to have.

“Oh! You scared me”, she gasps.

“Sorry”, I’m mumble. Trying to keep my eyes down so I could avoid yet another painful erection. Her young higher pitched voice and perky energy makes her sound far more innocent than she really is. I quickly undress and choose a faucet next to a wall, which limits my view as much as possible.

“It’s okay. After all, it *is*your special day”…

“My special?” Oh my God, has it been a month? I stopped counting days down here. No use getting my hopes up.

“Of course it is! By the way, last month’s cancellation was total bullshit. I don’t think you did anything wrong”.

To properly “motivate” me, once a month I was rewarded some “good behavior” time. With my arms and legs bound, my cage is removed and one of the bunkmates can have their way with me. Again, I try not to get my hopes up. It seems “my special day” gets cancelled more often then not for breaking one of the rules.

“So, who do you think it’s gonna be with?”

“I have no idea”, I say. I could feel the space in my chastity belt slowly disappearing as I thought about my last “reward” two months ago.

“Well, who do you *want* it to be with?” she inquires.

“I could never choose. You are all just so incredible. I really am lucky just to know you”.

Not as lucky as I use to be.

“Stop… You are such a sweetheart” she gushes. Instinctively, my eyes left the floor to acknowledge the compliment to find her completely turned in my direction. She was looking right at me with big kind eyes and hands on her curvy hips. Her nipples perk up as my eyes wash over her body. They beg to be sucked on.

“God, they *are*getting blue”, an intruding voice chimes in. I whip my head across the room to find all 5 foot 11 inches of Michelle butting into the conversation. The former lingerie model was still a vision of perfection. Her dirty blonde hair with dark roots flowed into her flawless body covered by a see-thru robe complete with hot pink bra and panties underneath. Her lips smirk, matching the mischievous look in her eye. Not a good sign for me.

“You should have joined us last night Sandy”, Michelle teases. She never breaks eye contact with me.

“Sounds like the two of you had it taken care of”, replies Sandy. Sandy turns back towards the showerhead. Our moment has passed.

“The more the merrier, right Ted?”. Michelle slowly starts to de-robe while maintaining deep eye contact with me. I wince a little in pain. It takes all my strength to turn back towards the running water. Without an audience, Michelle quickly and casually strips. And makes her way towards the faucet next to Sandy.

“You should be nice to him. Today is his special day”. Sandy gossips.

“I guess we’ll see about that”, Michelle replies and stares at me like a lion looking at its prey.

“You’re so mean!” Sandy jokes.

“I’ll show you mean”, teases Michelle as she slaps Sandy on the ass.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch… Too much. I double over in pain as my cock wildly strains against the inescapable prison. I’ve seen where this game takes them and I just can’t handle it in my current state.

“Excuse me”, I try to casually reply while trying to getaway with any amount of remaining dignity. Defying every instinct in my body I walk past the wet and ready goddesses and start dressing.

“No clothes”.


“You heard Sandy, it’s your special day. I want everyone to see the prize that awaits them. If you can follow the rules, that is”, Michelle teases once again. “Oh, and Sara needs you in the com room”.

Just fucking great. I fake a smile and start to exit the steamy room.

“So, who do you think it’s gonna be?”, Sandy chirps.

“No one. He’ll blow it again. He just can’t control himself”, Michelle says with confidence.

“I sure hope you’re wrong”, replies the optimistic former cheerleader.

As I made my way towards the com room wearing only my chastity belt, I feel like I am smuggling a pair of swollen bowling balls between my legs. The heaviness, the sensitivity, maybe Michelle is right, maybe I can’t control myself. Deep breathes. Calm down. I only need follow the rules a little bit longer.

The rules were simple enough, or so it would seem.

1. Under no circumstance am I allowed to touch one of the bunkmates.

2. Obey all requests unless it violates the first rule.

3. Smile. “A positive attitude goes a long way”.

It was the last one that really drove me nuts. I could handle being teased and

denied. Trapped in an bearable constant horny state of mind. I could even handle being a second-class slave like citizen. But acting “happy” about it. It was too much sometimes.

Speaking of “too much” I round the corner and enter the com room to find Sara, the tall, near identical doppelganger of Michelle. Unaware that I was in the room she “stretches out” sitting in an office chair in front of the radio. Arms above her head, breasts pushed towards the heavens, her long slender legs crossed in an inviting way. And of course she was wearing the identical see-thru robe and bright pink lingerie that Michelle was sporting today. I thought I was so fucking smart buying two identical sets of clothes in their sizes.

“Uh, Michelle said you needed something?”

“Yes, um… Oh, no clothes for today?”, she physically perked up as she saw


“Michelle told me not to”, I said as I fought blushing. No use giving her the

satisfaction. She perplexes for a moment, trying to understand what game Michelle was playing…

“Oh…. Is your pop-pop day, no?”

“I guess so”.

“Good for you. Good for all, really”. She unconsciously brushes a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

“Can I help you with something?”, I try to mask my impatience.

“Yes! You fix me now”.

“What?!?” I couldn’t help briefly flash my vision on those long crossed legs of hers before forcing eye contact again.

“No…”, she said laughing. “I mean you fix IT. The radio is broke”. I swear, she plays up that Russian accent more then she has to just to drive me nuts. She rolls away in her office chair so I can climb under the desk. Damn loose wires, if the girls didn’t fidget so much while playing on this thing.

I originally installed the ham radio for emergency use only, but one day we discovered and befriended another survivor group. Jimbo and his wife Claire. They also live underground in a homemade bunker. I didn’t know the location, but based on the transmission range on the radio, it couldn’t be too far off. It was surprisingly nice to have some other people to talk to. And I LOVED telling old Jim about all my “adventures” with the girls here while he was stuck with just his wife. Not so much recently.

As I sourly work away under the desk with my bare ass sticking out, I quietly hear the office chair start rolling towards me. Suddenly I could feel a foot gently stroking my very sensitive swollen balls ever so playfully.

Ouch… Focus on the work. The faster you finish, the faster you can leave…

“You know, I’ve been with many, *many*men. Rich man, pretty man, famous man, even rock star man, but you are first man that does anal inside me”. Her foot slowly makes to my spread cheeks. The model’s toe circles the outer rim of my anus quite skillfully. Up and down, back and forth, around and around again, slowly pushing it’s way in. “You want know secret? I like *very*much. Maybe later, if me chosen, you do pop-pop like this again in me? Is that make you happy?”

Reflexively my hips start bucking, humping the empty air. Calm down. Deep breaths. Breath fucking breath.

“I can see you like very much”.

“What hell is going on here?” interrupts an unknown voice.


I suddenly jump up and slam the back of my head underneath the desk, startled by the unexpected voice. I quickly crawl out to discover a very suspicious Carmen standing in the doorway. Her tan Latina skin complements perfectly with the simple yellow sundress and apron combo she was so fond of.

“He fix me now.”

“I can see that”, Carmen quips.

“NO! The radio. I was fixing the radio. I swear”, I borderline cry.

“Without your pants on?”

“That was Michelle, I swear. Please.”

Oh no, no, no, no…. Carmen pauses for a second to think it over. Sara grins naughtily. My heart almost drops to the floor.

“Well, don’t just stand there. Go put some pants on. Breakfast is almost ready”, Carmen says as she exits the room. Oh thank God. I did my best to take deep breaths to slow my panicked heart down.

“You need be more careful”, whispers Sara suddenly in my ear. “You no want lose pop-pop time”. She then strolls out of the room like it was the runway she’s walked hundreds of times before. Hips swinging seductively. The hot pink thong pleading to be ripped off. This was going to be a long day, and it wasn’t even breakfast yet.

As I make my way back towards the sleeping pods I can hear Dr. Janet tinkering away in her laboratory. The fact that the room was my former office still bothers me quite a bit. I slow down my steps and walk as lightly as possible; hopefully I can slip by without her noticing me.

Dr. Janet was brilliant by any metrics measureable. 3 different PHD’s and more degrees then I can even remember. An obvious choice to ride out the apocalypse with for a number of reasons. That was before I knew she was a stone cold psychopath, of course. While Michelle and Sara like to tease me for their amusement, what Dr. Janet does, well that was something else entirely. I pause in the hallway just out side the door to listen in.


God only knows what she’s working on now. If I could just slip past her unseen…


I take a deep breath and…


I jolt past the open door as quickly and quietly as possible.


Shit, shit, shit…

“If you take something from the emergency kit, REPLACE IT! Or else there’s no point in having an emergency kit in the first place. I’m surrounded by FUCKING MORONS, gah…”

Oh thank God. The longer I can avoid her, the better my day will be. I shutter to think about what she’s building in there. But on the plus side, for the first time today there is more then enough room in my chastity belt. After dressing, I take the long way back to the kitchen. The fact that this bunker is one gigantic underground circle has come in handy more than once in evading Dr. Psychopath.

As I approach the kitchen I can hear the gaggle of girls laughing and giggling. For a brief moment, I consider skipping the meal all together. But a man has got to eat. Maybe they’ll ignore me completely. It hurts sometimes when they act like I’m not even in the room, but not as much as when they pay too much attention to me.

“Happy pop-pop day!” cheers Sara as I try to slip into the room unseen. No such luck, I guess.

“Pop-pop?” questions Carmen with her back to us as she continues preparing another sure to be amazing meal. As a world-renowned chef, she possesses the uncanny ability to multitask with extreme ease. Different from the other girls in the bunker, with her olive skin and “top-heavy” voluptuous build, the incredible chef was the most *giving*in the bedroom. Not out of jealousy or trying to “one up” the others, but being a “people pleasure” was just in her nature.

“You know… Pop-pop”, explains Sara as she motions with a stray index finger and her other hand moving in an upward movement.

“Pop-pop day, I like that, it’s catchy. Pop-pop day”, responds Carmen as she returns to her burning stoves.

“Don’t count on it”, warns Michelle. “He might not be able to control him self like last month”.

I suppress the boiling anger rising within me. A month ago Michelle, Sara, and myself were sitting at this very table. Michelle started choking. I quickly came to her rescue by performing the Heimlich maneuver as Sara ran for help. When the others arrived Michelle suddenly claimed she was fine and I was assaulting her. It was meant as a joke, but quickly got out of hand. The “twins” were forced to stick to their story to save face, not wanting to risk a chastity punishment themselves. Later in private they apologized profusely and promised to make it up to me, if I ever was released again.

“What was Dr. Janet yelling about?” the cheerleader Sandy quickly changes the subject to protect me. I don’t think I could survive down here without her constant life preservers thrown my way.

“Someone didn’t restock the med kit”. Even talking about the doctor made my stomach uneasy.

“Ooops. That was us”, Michelle says as she put her arm around Sara. “We were using the ice pack to…”

“Hey. virgin ears over here”, Carmen jokingly interrupts while motioning with a spatula toward the 20 year old Sandy.

“I’m not a virgin”, Sandy argues.

“Well, *practically*”, Michelle teases her.

Sandy briefly looks at me and then at the floor. She fights an embarrassed smile as her cheeks begin to blush. Carmen turns towards us with an incredible smelling pan of food. She serves me first, which is quite unusual. Eggs benedict. My favorite. It seems someone else remembered my pop-pop day. I look up to thank her and am treated to an incredible view down her yellow sundress as she bends over the table toward me. I’ve always been more of a leg and ass man then a breast guy, but Carmen definitely had the assets to make me reconsider.

Ouch… I can’t even enjoy a single meal. Maybe I do need help controlling myself.

“Thanks”, I said. Not hiding the pitching sting in my shorts as much as I’d like.

“*Anything*for you poppy”, she winks as she turned to serve the others.

Ouch, ouch, ouch… Focus on the food. Focus. Though before I can even savor my first bite…

“Why don’t you go get Dr. Janet?” Michelle smiles. “I think it’s important that we eat as a family, don’t you?”

“I’ll do it”, Sandy jumping in once again to protect me.

“No, Ted doesn’t mind, does he?”, it seems like Michelle wasn’t going to let this one go.

“Uh, she sounded busy. Best not bother her”, I say trying to hide the anxiety in my voice.

“Are you *disobeying* me?” Michelle queries in a quiet but upset tone.

“We have no pop-pop now?” Sara asks as if her heart was broken.

“No, no, no”, I burst out of my chair. “I’ll go get her”.

For a second I considered taking a bite of food first, but giving Michelle’s tone I best get moving. As I made my way toward the laboratory, my heart sinks deeper and deeper in my stomach with every step.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

God only knows what the doctor is building now. She was the one that locked me up in this specially designed inescapable belt. She was the one that came up with the rules to ensure my “acceptable behavior”. SHE and SHE alone is the only one that knows where my key is.

Thunk. Thunk. CLANK!

It’s not just that she’s smarter and more pragmatic then everyone, it’s something else. It’s like a cold confidence in the way she talks and moves. A master manipulator that plays each person like a world-class musician whom has mastered every instrument in the orchestra. Each person only see’s the side of her that she wants them to. A dominant puppeteer and we all dance for her amusement. If only I noticed earlier.


As I round the last corner I start regretting not taking the long way. My heart is pounding, my stomach churns, I’m suddenly very thirsty. Maybe this will be that rare occasion that she’s in a good mood.

CLANK! “Damn it all to hell!”

Fuck. I slowly peek my head in to assess the situation. She’s in the corner banging away on some device. I dare not ask what it’s for and hope it has nothing to do with me. Even with her loose fitting bright white lab coat, it’s hard to imagine that any man and most women wouldn’t find her attractive. The long strait jet black hair, silky skin, shapely legs, it’s cliché but the first time I saw her, I thought she looked like an angel. Man, can looks be very deceiving.

“I… uh… excuse me…”, I mumble.

“What?!?!”, she turns and fires at me.

“Um.. I…”

“Spit it out! Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Um. Carmen wanted to know if you want some breakfast”.

“If I wanted breakfast, I would have gotten breakfast. I honestly don’t know why we keep a useless moron like you around anymore”; she turns back to her project.

“Ok. Uh, thank you”. I practically sprint out of the room. Maybe today was my lucky day. I didn’t so much as walk back towards breakfast, it was more like floating. With Dr. psychopath distracted, I’d have a real chance of earning my *much* needed reward. Even the prospect of the other girls teasing and flirting with me all day didn’t seem so unbearable anymore. Just a few more hours until the belt come off and…

“Wait! Come back here”, an angry voice bellows from the dimly lit lab.

Shit. My heart pounds so fast, I fear I might have a panic attack. As I turn around and head back towards hell, the world is suddenly so much heavier.

“Do you want something?” I asked innocently as possible as I poke my head through the doorway.

“Something is different about you today. Come in here”, she commands while never turning around to face me. As I shuffle into the center of the room I try to make myself as small as possible.

“I um, haven’t eaten breakfast yet”, I stammer. Hoping to throw her off the scent.

“No. It’s something else”, she turns and starts walking toward me. I shrivel *everywhere*. The silence is deafening, broken only by the sound and echo of her black heels stalking toward me. All the other bunkmates gave up on heels almost immediately, but not Dr. Janet. Every single day a different pair. I haven’t noticed until recently, but when she wears them, here eye-line is just slightly above mine.

“I uh, didn’t sleep great”, I grasp at straw.

“You haven’t slept great since I’ve freed you from your lust”, she quipped.

Freed me from my lust. She has such a way with words. I want nothing more than to bend her over and show her what *real* lust is. As she closes in on me, towering over me in more ways than one, I am punched in the face with the smell of her soft floral perfume.

“It’s something in your voice”, she postulates. She’s no longer looking at me as much as through me. Into my soul. It’s terrifying. Afraid to move, afraid to breath, afraid to even blink, I snap. My eyes dart to the other side of the room for just a mille-second. I wasn’t even 100 percent sure I looked. Most people would have missed it entirely, but not Dr. Janet. It might as well been a billboard sign. She turns to look in the direction to confirm her suspicions. A wicked smile forms across her lips. I *was*looking at the “reward” device.

A life sized computer controlled version of Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian Man’. A giant sphere where my arms and legs are bound “spread eagle” style. The only “safe” way to remove my belt is to strap me in first. That way I couldn’t fight to keep the belt off once it was removed. Once in the contraption, they could turn, flip, or bend me any which way the user sees fit with a simple remote control. It might actually be incredibly fun, if for just once I got to be the controller. For now, it’s a necessary evil.

“I should have known. God, you are so weak”, she scolds. “I bet you are thinking about having sex with me right now, aren’t you?”

“No”, I lie. “I respect you too much for that”.

“Liar!” She flames. “I aught to take *ANOTHER* 2 months away from you. Maybe 3. How else are you ever going to learn?”

“Please no. I… I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. Or um, I… I’m so sorry. *PLEASE”.* My head is spinning out of control. I couldn’t talk straight, couldn’t think straight, I wouldn’t survive 3 more months. I’m not sure I could survive 3 more minutes.

“You call that begging?” she orders more than question. “Drop to your knees.”

I drop like a rock and plead for mercy. Like a man dying of thirst, a patient pleading for a cure to an illness, I was helpless, powerless. And she couldn’t have been more pleased with herself.

“Stop your sniveling. It’s pathetic. I’m going to give you *one* last chance”. And with that, she rips open her white lab coat and completely surprises me with nothing on underneath. It has been forever since I’ve seen her naked. She was still impeccable. Like an air brushed magazine cover model. Flawless skin, big lively breasts, curves that made an hourglass jealous. Every ounce of my very being yearning to jump up, grab her, and slam her against a wall and…

OUCH… Ouch… ouch… This time, the pain isn’t stopping.

“Well, you said you missed breakfast”.

“But the no touching rule”.

“I guess if you’re not interested, I’m sure 3 more months isn’t as long as it sounds”. She carefully closes the lab coat. What choice did I have? I prevent her from redressing by clutching the fabric of the coat and pull her toward me. As I thrust my tongue inside she pulls away ever so slightly, making me chase her, and puts her hands on the back of my head. Guiding me to the promise land by pulling my hair this way and that. She smells so good and tastes even better. Like honey but sweeter. My cage was unbearably tight, but I didn’t care. I was lost inside her.

“You like that?” she asked absentmindedly. I could tell *SHE*did by the way she was opening up to me. As my tonged moved north, I started flicking faster and lighter. Playing, teasing, feeling her get more and more excited with each passing moment. Unconsciously I place my left hand on her breast and start working the nipple. She RIPS my head back with one hand and SLAPS my face hard with the other.

“Hands to yourself pervert”, she barks then buries my face back inside. No more teasing, no more playing, if she wants it rough I’m more than willing to oblige. I widen my tongue and start with a low growl, the vibrations run through her whole body. This really gets her going. She starts losing herself, playing with my hair instead of pulling it, small pleasure tremor starts shaking her briefly as a sign of the big quake to come. A small moan leaves her lips as she looks to the heavens. This more than anything tightens my belt beyond the point of endurance. I contemplate stopping to cool myself down, but instead push through the pain. It won’t be much longer until…

“EVERYONE GET IN HERE *RIGHT* NOW!!!” she screams. I pull back in utter disbelief, staring at her like a deer caught in the headlights. Except the driver of this car is *trying*to hit me.

“Better hurry”, she teases, “everyone’s on their way”. Fuck. I frantically return to work. The mood is shattered though. I can’t find that magic rhythm. She can feel my desperation and tries her best to not laugh.

“Is that the best you’ve got? You must not want to be rewarded. Oh well, better luck in 3 month or maybe 4 would do the trick”. She takes a step back and starts to put the lab coat back on. I snap. With lightning quick speed I firmly grab each perfect ass cheek and snatch her back towards me. The urgency and suddenness almost knock her off balance. I don’t care. After regaining her poise she tries to start in with the taunting again. Again, I don’t care. It’s no longer about her. It’s not about earning a reward and it’s certainly not about the fear of a punishment. I may be trapped in a cage, in a hole with people I no longer like, forced to do as they say, forced to act a certain way, but not right now. For the next few minutes I am in charge. For once, I’m bringing her to HER knees.

For the first time, she leans into me wanting more. The pleasure tremors are appearing faster and stronger. Except this time I’m not searching for and trying to recreate them, I’m causing them. I can do no wrong. I start to growl low and deep to get some added help from the vibrations, but the growls quickly turn to moans. My left hand returns to her breast, but she doesn’t pull it away this time. I doubt she even realizes it’s there. Every part of her belongs to me now. I realize I could make this last all day or end it at any given…

“Ahhhh”, she muffles a pleasure squeal into her arm. The fact that she’s hiding the noise means that she doesn’t want to get caught now. She has something to lose. I stand up feeling two feet taller. She quickly covers herself with the lab coat and tries to regain composure, but the post orgasm flush won’t leave her cheeks.

“Clean yourself up, slut”, she barks.

I stand defiantly with her womanhood still dripping from my chin.

“For Christ’s sake”, she murmurs as she wipes my chin clean. Looks like things are going to be shifting around here. You know, maybe I’ll take this room back from her as my office. Not right away of course, but in due time.

The other girls pour into the room. There was a general sense of excitement in the air. Things could get pretty monotonous down here. If Dr. Janet was good for something, it was keeping life fresh.

“As you all know”, Dr. Janet addresses the room.

“Are you okay?” a concerned Carmen interrupts her. The color in the doctor’s cheeks hasn’t fully disappeared yet.

“I’m fine”.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind getting you *anything* you need”, I couldn’t control the evil smirk across my lips even if I wanted to. I think I’ll keep the reward machine in here, once I’m back in charge. I have some interesting plans.

“As I was saying, you all know that this is a *very* special day for a number of reasons”, Dr. Janet continues.

*Number*of reasons?

“As such, I propose we move up the reward ceremony up from tonight to right this very second”. The room cheers and claps at the proclamation. “Unless we have any objections…”

Everyone in the room simultaneously turns toward my direction. This is usually the time I start begging and pleading not to be strapped up. “I promise I’ll willing be locked up again afterward with no fuss, no need to bind me”, “please leave me just ONE free hand this time*”*, “for the love of God please make it two orgasms, I’ve been soooo good”…

But not a single complaint from me today. In the past I would awkwardly shuffle to the device and embarrassingly strip to hoots and hollers. Today I confidently stride towards the sophisticated sex contraption, sheading my clothes as I walk by tossing them on the ground like a defiant teenager with a dirty bedroom. Oh, they try to shame me with their applauses and jeers, but air in the room is blowing in a new direction.

As the doctor blindfolds then straps my arms and legs into the sphere, essentially turning me into a giant naked “X” with the exception of still wearing my cage, I could feel Dr. Janet pressing against me. Her floral aroma as pungent as ever. I wonder, can she smell herself on me?

“Are you sure you are okay?” asks Carmen again. “You look flush”.

Bingo. What a great day I’m having.

“I’m fine. Just working really hard recently”, Dr. Janet said as she finished the last strap. The next part is my favorite, well second favorite. The removal of the cage. Being free feels like a cool shower on a hot day, a bit jarring at first but then a sense of relief washes over the whole body. At first *it*remains dormant, unaware that it’s able to spread it wings and fly for the first time in months. But then, as usual, the bunkmates start chiming in…

“It’s even bigger than I remember”, says the cheerleader.

“Can’t we all take a turn this time? He’s been really good recently”, Carmen inquires.

“No. We all agreed this was what’s best for the group”, Dr. Janet replies.

Well not ALL of us agreed, but the thought of an orgy after 2 long months stirs some penile movement.

“There it goes”, applauses Michelle. “God, I miss playing with a cock so much”. A hand, presumably hers, firmly strokes my shaft. Greatly speeding up the growth.


“Ouch”, cries Michelle. “That hurt”. The hand disappears.

“No fair, she’s not suppose to touch it unless it’s her turn”, cries the cheerleader. “She should be punished”.

“She likes punishment too much”, Dr. Janet astutely observes.

“That is very true”, the Russian chimes in.

“Hey, if I get picked, can I have a threesome with Sara?” Michelle continues to speed up my enlargement process.

“And the TWO of you get some dick then. No way”, fires back the cook displaying her usual Latina passion.

“What if we just blow him together? No *REAL*pleasure for us. Seems like a fair compromise”, reasons Michelle. She has a great point and you could tell from across the room I agreed. If I have ever in my life been stiffer than this, I sure don’t remember.

“Come on girls, let’s go have our vote in another room before we do something that we’ll regret. Now!” Orders the doctor.


Another spanking, more playful by the sound of it. The girls giggle and flutter with excitement as they exit the room. As I stand alone, bound and blindfolded, feeling an erection so hard that could drive a hole in a wall, I start to realize, maybe this isn’t so bad. I really do appreciate…

“Do you think you are funny?” A cold angry voice interrupts my thoughts. “You think you are a big man all of a sudden? When I get done with you, you are going to BEG to be put back in chastity. FOREVER!”

Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop. The sound of her heels exiting the room sends panic needles throughout my entire body. It’s hard to tell what was worse, suddenly being shriveled physically or emotionally.

As I hang there naked, blindfolded, completely vulnerable in every way, it’s hard to keep track of the time. Could have been minutes, could have been hours, but the dark thoughts slowly start to creeping in. She wouldn’t REALLY harm me, would she? The others wouldn’t allow it. Though, who are they gonna believe, her or me? Okay. Okay. Don’t panic. Think rationally. Most likely, she just teases me and teases me and locks me back up without a release. I’d go fucking CRAZY, but at least I would live to fight another day. That’s probably it. Though what if it’s not. One time, in a blind fit of rage, she threatened to castrate me. She didn’t mean it though, did she? Would she really cut off the last testicles on Earth? I mean, all she needs from me is my tongue now. Stop panicking. She might not even get chosen. They use a voting system and every time she was picked, it was a quick vote. The longer this takes, the better. You know, I actually have a really good feeling about…

CRASH! Something in the room falls to the ground. I realize I’m not alone. How long has someone been here watching me?

“Um, hey…” I nervously sputter. “About before, I was *totally* out of line and it’ll *NEVER* happen again. But I really think we should take a breath before we do anything rash”. My blindfold is ripped off. The light in the room BLINDS me. I squint to protect my pupils. As my eyes refocus, I’m treated to one hell of a surprise.

“What are you talking about, silly?” a friendly being appears.

Talk about a sight for sore eyes. Sandy, in full cheerleading uniform presents herself to me. I’ve never seen her wearing it in person. Didn’t even know she brought it down here in the bunker with her. The bright blue color matches her bouncing personality perfectly. Her exposed mid drift reminds me of her athletic prowess. I couldn’t help but flash to the memories of the hours I spent masturbating to pictures of her online and here she is… Just out of reach.

“I can’t believe it still fits”, she says with a twirl. The short skirt rises just a bit over the petite, agile legs. “Do you like?”

“I uh, think you look beautiful”.

She laughs, “I can see that you do”. Her eyes drift south of my waist as my desperately hungry cock snaps fully to attention.

“I’m sorry… It’s just…” I embarrassingly stumble for words.

“No need to apologize. It’s why we’re here,” she explains as she bites her lower lip and raises an eyebrow.

“It’s why we’re both here”, says an unknown voice behind me.

JESUS CHRIST!!! The mystery intruder presses her body up against my backside, placing herself in a position to whisper in my left ear. It takes a moment, but I finally place the manically evil voice.

“Just let me know what I can do to *HELP”.* With that, a lubed up finger pushes its way into my rear. Landing perfectly on my swollen, desperate prostate. She starts massaging in the expert way that only a doctor of anatomy could. The lube has some kind active ingredient that feels good. WAY too good. I almost spurt right then. The pressure is unbearable.

“But the rules. Only suppose to… ohhhh, gah… be one at a time”, I desperately grasp at straw. Hoping beyond hope I can find a way to cool this situation down so I can enjoy it for more than 4 seconds.

“We decided you deserve something extra special for the occasion”, the finger speeds up its motion. The force is intense. I’m even holding my breath, trying to keep everything inside.

“I can leave if you want”, Sandy self-consciously offers.

“No, no, no, PLEASE stay”, sweat drops start forming on my head. It seems like every ounce of fluid is trying to escape my body now, one way or another.

“Oh good!”, she practically bounces closer to me in the schoolgirl like fashion she only imitates when she’s truly excited about something. As she presses her hips against my right thigh, straddling me, practically dry humping me, she runs her left hand through my hair as she gently kisses my neck. Her right hand slowly starts stroking the head of my penis.

Oh God, oh God, oh God… Think about baseball. Breath deep. Hold on, hold on…

“So what do you want to do first”, the beautiful girl grips me a little tighter. Paying extra attention to the sensitive spot on the bottom of the head. Stroking faster and faster. She nibbles on my ear lobe.

“Yes tell us, what do you want to do to her?” chimes in the doctor sliding in a second finger and vibrating wildly and nibbling on my other ear…

If I wasn’t tied up right now… God, I wish I could… GAHHHHHH…. The sudden unexpectedness of the explosion causes the pretty young girl to jump back while the doctor expertly timed the removal of her fingers. I look down as two months worth of desperation blasts into the empty air bringing me no satisfaction of any kind. Out of uncontrollable instinct, I hump violently into nothingness to no avail.

“Did I do something wrong?” Sara asks guiltily.

“No, this wasn’t your fault. If he could control himself he wouldn’t have to be locked up in the first place”, scolds the doctor.

“Please, I have more…” I plead.

“Sorry you know the rules, only one squirt per release”, says that doctor. Even though I couldn’t see her behind me, I could tell she was holding back a smile.

“But… You said *this*was a special time…” I could already feel my loins regrouping for round two.

“You did say…” A hopeful Sandy chimes in.

“Enough. Now go get ready. It’s almost time”, says Dr. Janet. Something about that tone of hers just makes people give up instantly and obey. The cheerleader sulks out of the room, stopping at the doorway for just one more thought.

“Maybe next time”, she tries to mask her disappointment. As if she was never there to begin with, she is gone.

“I wouldn’t count on it”, the sadistic tone that the doctor only uses in my presence returns. “I think that might have been your last release in a very, *VERY* long time. Maybe ever. Too bad you wasted it”.


Just then the machine that Dr. Janet was toying with this morning starts flashing red and blaring a deafening racket. She goes to turn it off. What the hell is going on around here? She returns with the “oh to familiar” cage that I despise more than anything in this world.

“Better get you ready, we have company”.




  1. So when do they all gang up and beat the shit out of the psychotic doctor?

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