Dick vs Cock [MF] [NSFW]

I have always had access to cocks in the preview of intimate relationships. As much as I would like to think that I’m a bold & open minded person, I would simply chicken out if someone flopped out their cock at me. Not that it has not happened, since I live in India, and men here have non chalance here about such things! Absolutely true story.
In short people who inflict their cocks on others without their consent are dicks literally!
Some of these experiences have scarred me and my attitude towards men’s genitals overall, but I have always or at least tried to shrugged them off as ‘Shit happens’…..

So I have been in a couple of relationships before I met my present partner (let’s call him daddy). Long term partners means you do have to go there sometimes, especially if the man is going down on you, it is always an obligation whether you are into it or not. So my first partner, let’s call him Jay was well endowed and was very proud of it! I guess he had a string of positive reviews and made sure he let me know that it was unusual for Indian men to be that ‘big’.
Problem is I dont even remember it now ! Why? Because it was all about him all the time….. did not matter if I wanted it, I could only get it if he desired it…… and would even be snubbed for wanting it too much ?! Now with daddy , even he is busy he lets me play with him or with ‘it’ and that makes me feel wanted. He engages with me even when pressed for time!
Plus Jay never cared about grooming his cock, In my experience most Indian men never do! Again visually I dont remember Jay’s cock at all! But I am confident that I can sort out daddy’s cock even from pictures out of a whole pile of other cocks!

I had another long term partner (no. 2)…… whom I have given his first trim ever (around his dick) hoping he would use this as a clue and continue the good habit! He was happy with the result and very proud of me but somehow misunderstood the purpose. He thought it was my job to keep his dick groomed. Accepting as I am…. I was disappointed but did not make an issue out of it. Until the point came that I would dread the moment he would go down on me…. as it implied it was expected of me to do the same. I would cringe but worked my way through it! Fortunately it’s over and I won’t have to to that dick lane ever again.

As for myself I keep the pussy waxed…. the in between periods are awkward, as anybody else who waxes or have partners who wax regularly, will know. Daddy himself is very well groomed and helps me with mine as well! Suggesting ways to tackle the in between periods and showing me how to use his own grooming kit! He inspires me to be my best. I adore his cock and in my opinion it is the most beautiful cock ever ( I am in love with him I know….. )

I look forward to go down on him every chance I have….. and he lets me wake him up with his cock in my mouth. I love being called names because of my love for his cock and I do my best to live upto them!
I think I’m addicted to his cock….. he is white and his big white cock turns my brain into a mush…. and I live every moment of it!
Now that we know that not all cocks are equal and some cocks can be dicks too…..
What’s your story or take on cocks?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gt29q8/dick_vs_cock_mf_nsfw


  1. So nice description…. the ultimate degree of being addictive to a sweet, beautiful, aesthetic and well groomed cock.

  2. Communication is important in one’s sex life, and people should be open minded if my girl doesn’t like a bit of hair I would keep things clean for her and so on, also not giving your partner your time or satisfying them is also a big mistake and will ruin the relationship on the long run

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