The Work Trip Predicament [M/F] – Part 4

Part 1 [here]( – Part 2 [here]( – Part 3 [here](

The manager entered the room, leaving the door open behind her, a door Mike was certain had been locked earlier. She had the air of a school teacher, but not the stern kind, the one that was well liked by her students. Her eyes were kind, a brilliant blue framed by wavy blonde locks; a few strands dangled either side of her face. Though she appeared friendly, she stood with that air of authority reserved for sharply dressed women in heels. Alina retreated back a few steps, holding the device and a cum-soaked napkin behind her back, uncertain of how best to proceed. Mike held no such reservations.

“So are you going to tell us what the hell is going on here?” He asked

“I’m sure you have questions,” she remarked, she had a New Zealand accent that gave a sing-songy tone to her speech, “I’ll do my best to answer them for you, but please don’t put me in your crosshairs. What’s happening to you has little to do with me.”

Mike was taken aback by this bluntness, his aggression was tempered, and his curiosity peaked.

“This room is due to be cleared in a moment,” she spoke softly and with a subdued but cheery tone, a small smile curling her lips as she spoke, “Why don’t we talk in my office?”

As she turned to lead the way, Alina reached immediately for her bag, dropping the device and napkin inside and zipping it away. She wanted to put distance between herself and the room, as if the sinfulness of what she had done was part of the room, and the shame was burned into the walls. Mike collected up his things and followed them out the door.

They were led down a short hallway, then left and into a small office. In that time Mike examined the manager in more detail. She wore medium heels, white, formal and stylish. She was a little taller than Alina, with a slim build but carried herself with an air of confidence that Alina lacked. As they walked, she looked back at them flashing a trying smile. Her skin was lightly tanned, with the hint of freckles beneath smooth makeup. She looked tired. Slight creases at the edges of her eyes and smile. Mike guessed she must have been in her early or mid-thirties.

“Take a seat,” she offered, closing the door behind them and parading around to her desk chair. The room wasn’t especially large, the furnishings were minimal, but it was a nice bright space with white walls. The desk was white too, and was almost entirely clear, not a single photograph or document on show, but a small plaque told them that her name was Miss Annabelle Collier, Hotel Manager. On the left wall was a large canvas of a flowery meadow, the only decoration on any of the walls, though the large window behind Miss Collier was certainly a focal point. The glass pane took up much of the wall, and was mostly frosted for privacy, but it gave the room lots of natural light, and a blurry view of the vibrantly sunny garden. Mike and Alina couldn’t have felt further from the glorious outdoors. Sitting there with her, they felt like two deviant children summoned for a telling off. No one said a word.

Miss Collier rolled her chair over to a tray set on the window sill. She poured three glasses of chilled water and set them on the table. Mike took one look at it, and left it untouched. Alina was sitting with her eyes down, hands folded in her lap, unmoving. All that headstrong decisiveness had left her now, perhaps from being practically caught in the middle of such a lewd act. Mike had to tear his eyes away from her as he recalled that his cum had been dripping down her face just moments before, and that now she was sat there with no panties on. Alina crossed her legs, acutely aware of it as well.

“So,” the manager started, taking a deep breath, “My receptionist said something about a shower! You’ll have to forgive the staff, they know even less about these matters than I do, in fact I try to keep their knowledge of it next to zero. Still, it’s not the first time I’ve heard that nasty shower trick employed… it must have been quite traumatic for you both.”

“Traumatic!?” Mike’s anger spiked, but he took a moment to simmer down before continuing, “Listen, I want to know what the hell is going on here. What is all this?”

“To be honest, I just don’t have a lot to tell you. I have my theories, but I don’t get any more information than you do. A few times a year, I get people like yourselves in my office screaming for answers I can’t give them. In all likelihood I suspect there are countless more cases that don’t get to me.” She continued, evading eye contact and sitting upright in her chair. It seemed she didn’t like the situation any more than they did. Her words seemed almost scripted. Like she’d had this conversation time and time again, “The situations are all as… sexually charged as your own experience, and the people involved are usually young and good looking, sometimes even strangers to one another. As I’m sure you can appreciate, I need to be careful with what I share, or I could end up landing myself in some trouble that’s best avoided.”

Mike was quietly in awe, mouth agape. He’d been ready for an argument fight, maybe even to be beaten, the idea that she was as much in the dark as him and Alina wasn’t one he was prepared for. She seemed so frank, he even detected a hint of irritation, but she showed no sign of deceit. He didn’t know where to begin. Still, he was here now, he had to try and get something. Looking to Alina, it was clear she wouldn’t be saying anything any time soon, her mind had retreated inwards. She was slouched, her eyes glued to the floor and arms holding one another.

“If it isn’t you? Who the fuck is behind all this?” he spoke almost in a whisper, a simmering palpable rage in his tone.

“I’m don’t know, but whoever it is has some involvement in the ownership of the hotel a-”

“How do you not know this? Are you fucking serious?” He cut her off.

“Mr Hatton, please calm down and I wi-”

“You said this happens year round? What kind of fucking hotel is this?! You’re lucky we haven’t gone to the police already!”

“Mr Hatton,” she persisted, a sigh escaping through her flared nostrils. She was trying not to raise her voice, her eyelids closing as if his vitriol was water passing over her face. She spoke in a flat tone, repeating until he stopped to listen, “Mr Hatton please calm down. I’m not trying to antagonise you, okay? I’m just telling you what I know.”

“Mike…” Alina muttered, placing a hand on his arm to soothe his frustration. He groaned loudly, and sat back on his chair in angered resignation, “Miss Collier, can you help us?” she asked more timidly. Miss Collier seemed relieved.

“I can share what little I’ve learnt over the years, but I’m not getting involved beyond this. I don’t need to create another problem for myself.” Her eyes glanced off to one side as she spoke, her body stiffening as if recounting a chilling memory, “Whatever it is they want you to do, your best bet is to go along. It never ends well when people try to resist. If they make a threat, they deliver on it, and if they make a promise they keep it.”

“That supposed to be useful?” Mike blurted, now sat back in the chair cross-armed.

“It means,” she continued, her eyes returning to Alina, “Their escapades max out at three, and after that they leave you alone.”

“Threes!?” Alina exclaimed, “You mean they’re going to do something else to us?”

“It’s likely in motion already.” the manager gave an apologetic smile, picking up her glass and taking a sip of the water, like this was a regular conversation about the weather. Like Mike and Alina’s life wasn’t hanging in the balance from the other side of her desk.

“You may throw your hands up and absolve yourself of any responsibility, but this hotel has forced us to do completely insane and illegal shit, including-” he jabbed his finger towards her as he yelled.

“For the benefit of me and the two of you, we shouldn’t discuss details. They don’t take kindly to sharing.” Miss Collier interrupted, holding out a hand to halt him.

“Or what? Some new sick gizmo to humiliate us yet again?” Mike practically spat.

“Listen you can sit there and play victim with me, but I know these go.” she was sat back in her chair now, still calm but with a commanding tone to her words, “However they pick their targets, they do their homework. They don’t create sexual chemistry, they manipulate it. Are you going to pretend you’ve hated every second of it?”

Two solemn and irritated faces stared back at her.

“Yeah, I didn’t think so.” they were all more subdued now. She took another sip of water before continuing, “Some organisation is responsible for configuring our booking system, recruiting our staff, upgrading our facilities… that is all above my pay grade. As angry as you might be at me, getting myself fired isn’t going to help anyone. There will be someone else in this role within the week, and then all we will have done is dragged someone else into this mess. So, I’m sorry that this is happening to you both, but as I’m sure you’ve learnt, there are some things we just can’t control.”

They sat in silence for a while, Alina’s eyes to the floor, outlined with the beginnings of tears. Miss Collier refilled her glass, waiting patiently sat back on her chair, inspecting the state of her nails with outstretched fingers. Mike’s fury had subsided, and he was left numb. That was it, he was out of ideas. Going to the police was their only option, and his stomach turned at the thought of having to recount what had happened. Would anyone believe a story so ridiculous?

“So you have no idea how this works? Or what happens next?” Mike asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Well I know some of it. We get new installations every few months from contractors, there are concealed access elevators, which I believe you were carted in on last night. Devices like the one in your bag are tagged, so I’d highly recommend you leave that here.”

“What if we go to the police?” Alina piped up, her eyes tearful and hopeless, her mind still searching for options.

“Well you wouldn’t be the first,” she said with a sigh, her expression changing from sympathy to a plain ambivalence. “They have contingencies for that sort of thing and… I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“Which is what!?” Mike demanded. Right on cue, the large flowery painting on the left-hand wall went black and was replaced by an image. It wasn’t a picture, it was a screen. Their eyes were all drawn to it immediately as a video played, audio pumped from the sides of the concealed monitor. It was them on screen. Alina and Mike having sex in the shower. Alina gasped loudly as it played, the volume loud enough to hear her moaning for more. The angle was from above looking down on them, so both their faces were clearly visible, completely naked in the shower and fucking each other hard. The video cut to a far shot that appeared as if it was being filmed through the window from the building opposite, it showed Mike and Alina waking up together naked. The next shot was perhaps most shocking, a clip from just a few moments earlier, with Alina on her knees servicing Mike’s cock from inside the boardroom.

“These fuckers have recordings of this shit?!” Mike yelled

“Of course! What did you think all this was for? It didn’t occur to you that it was for someone’s entertainment?” The manager asked rhetorically. Her softness had faded somewhat.

“Entertainment for who?” he asked under his breath, still shocked by the footage.

“I don’t know. People with money I presume.” Miss Collier stood, flattening the wrinkles in her dress. “Ugh, I hate it when they use my office.” Alina’s eyes were fixed to the screen as the video looped, her expression dumbfounded. She was paralysed, somehow seeing it from an outside view made it all the more horrible. It was entrancing, repeating over and over, forcing her to witness her own debauchery. To see the full extent of her depravity was excruciating. This wasn’t her, who was this sexual deviant fucking her boss in the shower? This sexy confident girl stretching her naked form confidently for the camera, moaning on her knees as she sucked a cock in the middle of a boardroom like some pornstar. This girl was salacious, ferocious, completely insatiable. She couldn’t recognise it as herself, such an unabashed sexuaity to her character. It was traumatic and erotic in equal measure. As much as it filled her with terror, she almost felt relieved to see Mike’s full naked form again, to relive the pleasure and see the rapture on her face as she had imagined it.

The video shrunk and moved off to one side, the right side of the screen now populated with a list of email addresses.

“Oh my god. Mike look!” Alina whimpered, drawing his attention to the screen. Mike recognised many of them immediately: their boss, some senior people from their client team, friends of his in the office, and some others he was less sure of. He knew that if this video got shared it would spread like wildfire. His whole world would be turned upside down, Alina’s more so. She was hyperventilating as her eyes darted between the list and the video. Words caught in her mouth as she read the page through watery eyes. She pointed up to one of them, the other covering her mouth, and Mike realised at once who it must belong to. Her boyfriend. She screamed inwardly. It would be the end of everything if this was shared. She wanted to drop to her knees and beg. Beg this to stop. If their story had been hard to believe before, this video made a damning case for her intentionally cheating under the guise of a work trip.

“So, I guess I’ll give you both the room.” said the manager, taking the plaque from the desk and approaching the door.

“W-what is this? What do they want?” asked Mike, Miss Collier half-shrugging in response.

“Good luck.” she said, “Really. There’s a lock on the door.”

Then she left them. They stared at each other dumbfounded. The screen called their attention again as the little unoccupied space on screen was filled with a timer. It was counting down from twenty-five minutes, the seconds whittling quickly away under the video. Suddenly all the sadness that had been welling up in Alina was superseded by fear. That combination of names and a ticking clock hardened her resolve. Mike was taken aback by the sudden change as she stood. Increasingly he was seeing a different side of Alina, a more commanding demeanor that lurked beneath the surface of a meek and mild-mannered young girl.

“Shit!” Mike exclaimed seeing the timer, “What do they want now?!”

“There aren’t any instructions,” Alina commented, “I don’t understand.”

He stared at the screen, waiting for some message or command, but nothing came. He looked around the room, spotting a few smoke sensors on the ceiling, some devices on the walls which might have been for a security system, a small picture on the wall by the door. He wondered how many of them had cameras hidden inside. They had never spotted any cameras before, but they must be concealed all over the hotel to have been able to source the footage they had already. Now the eyes in the walls waited eagerly for this next performance, whatever it was.

“They want the same thing they’ve always wanted.” Mike explained, “More footage.”

“Of what?”

“Clearly it doesn’t matter what. Just us.”

“Mike, that video. I can’t… I think we have to…”

“I know.” he said reassuringly, “It’s going to be okay.”

She wanted to believe him, but she couldn’t allow herself to be coaxed into any sort of security. The timer was ticking away, precious minutes had already passed. When would it stop? When she came? When they both had? When they were satisfied that they were finally broken? Mike was still looking at her, but he wasn’t taking charge like before. He wasn’t sure what to do. This time he was actually afraid. Before the greatest consequence had been prolonged discomfort, now their careers, their reputation, Alina’s relationship all relied on his action. She could see he was paralysed in indecision, and knew she had to get things moving fast. Bringing her hands softly to his face, she pulled him into a kiss. It was tender at first, slow and delicate. Her fingers traced the stubble up his cheek, before raking through his hair. It filled her with an unexpected hunger. She had been teased relentlessly all morning before finally being given release, she had used her mouth to bring him pleasure, but all that time she had been yearning for him again. It had been pushed to the back of her mind, but it was there. A want. Their kiss deepened, a fiery passion exchanged through twisting tongues and smooth wet lips. His hands came to her hips, caressing up the sides of her body and pulling him into her. There was a beep as the timer hit twenty minutes, and the small prompt seemed to enliven Alina with speed.

Tugging at the buttons of his shirt, she quickly unwrapped his upper body, pushing his shirt and jacket off his shoulders, as he helped with the cufflinks. It felt like too long since she had seen the full naked form that she’d devoured in the shower. He approached for another kiss but she wanted his lips everywhere, pulling his head into her neck, and running her fingernails down his muscular back. Reaching for the back of her dress, he unzipped it and let it drop to the ground until she was wearing only heels and a black lacy bra. Next his hands went to his belt buckle, unclasping it as Alina stepped out of her dress and helped Mike loosen the laces of his shoes. Soon he was naked and she was on her knees for him again. His dick wasn’t as hard now as it was in the scenes in the video. That troubled her. He was still conflicted, unnerved by the pressure. There wasn’t time for that sort of hesitancy. She needed him in the moment, this urgent moment, perhaps their last together. However horrible the circumstances, she did want this, she knew Miss Collier had been right, Alina wanted him. Despite all that she had been through, she wanted more. Did he know that? Could she bring herself to tell him? As if on cue the video reached the blowjob part of the loop, daring her to repeat her performance. So she did, taking him in her mouth, soft, warm and satisfyingly thick. It grew harder as she slid him in and out, enjoying the shape and exploring with her tongue, glad as he solidified in her hands.

She stopped, and stood in her heels with a wobble, steadying herself on the desk as he approached her, their bare bodies mere inches apart. It was going to happen, she was going to feel him inside her again. Her breathing quickened with anticipation. Taking her thighs in his hands, he pulled her up onto the desk, pushing the glasses to the side. They fell to the floor with a loud crash, but they didn’t bother to check if the glass had broken. He lined his slick cock up with her entrance, whilst she unfastened the bra and tugged it free from her body. They moaned in unison as he filled her. Her hole was tight from a full morning of tensing from constant teasing and monstrous orgasms. Only an inch or so would fit in with the first thrust, but she took nearly half with the second, then all of it with the third. She squealed, as if feeling it for the first time, so amazingly and perfectly full. Bringing her arms to his neck, and wrapping her legs and heels around his back, she revelled in the exquisite sensation as he began fucking her against the desk, rough and hard.

“Oh god, yes Mike, oh god!”

Her grunts and cries were echoed by Alina on-screen, who begged for more as she was pummeled by Mike’s thick cock. This was part of who she was now. A ravenous slut, desperate for cock and unashamedly begging to be taken. It’s all she had thought about for nearly two days, having been in an almost constant state of arousal and still here she was clawing for more. Mike’s eyes were all over her, drinking in her naked form and fuelling her lust even more. One of his strong arms supported her back, his other hand exploring her body, sliding up the smooth silky skin of her thighs, up her hips and round to her firm perky tits. He was pounding her harder and harder, grunting as he fucked her, the table creaking under the pressure. She could tell he wouldn’t last long, which was good as the timer was nearing the ten minute mark. It felt so good, but she knew she needed more stimulation to reach a climax of her own. She didn’t want to miss it, if this was to be their last time together she needed to feel that incredible sensation as she erupted around him, squeezing around his big hard dick as she came. She tried to reposition with her legs and arms so that he would hit her clit more directly as he pumped in and out of her, but she couldn’t do it without stopping him, and she couldn’t bear to stop. She loved how he took her so roughly and so completely, wrapped in his arms and fucked like an object of pure sexuality and desire. It was so missing from her life before, such open and raw sexuality, such idolisation of her body. She was desperate now, she needed to cum around him and she couldn’t let him do all the heavy lifting. She reached a delicate hand down to her navel, sliding down further to take her throbbing little nub between her fingers and rub at her clit as he fucked her.

Seeing that nearly took him over the edge, she squirmed and moaned under him as she pleasured herself whilst he pumped in and out her tight little pussy. He tried to ignore the timer, but his eyes kept darting over, seeing that mere minutes remained. It had seemed like plenty of time before, but he didn’t want this moment to end, he hadn’t let himself get too close, but now he could feel it approaching, an inevitable release for the both of them. Alina took his face in her hand, holding his eyes on her so he couldn’t watch the clock. They met in a deep kiss, moaning into one another as Alina’s slender manicured fingers grew wetter, their speed matching his groaning to try and line up their climax. She felt like she could read his mannerisms well by now, and he was so, so close.

“Cum for me, please cum for me.” she pleaded, her eyes locked on his. Wide, dark and beautiful. She shocked herself with the words, and it was all she needed to send her hurtling over the edge into a final explosive screaming orgasm, squeezing around his cock and squirting hard. The tightening grip finished him too, spurting hard inside her and slowing for a final few thrusts to push out every last drop. They collapsed on the desk, a hot sticky breathless heap with him still on top. The timer chirped and stopped with little more than three minutes to spare, Mike gave a tired grunt at the sight.

“We did it.” he announced, a relieved smile creeping across his face, a matching one across hers. She pulled him into a kiss, less desperate and lustful as the last few. It was small, but sweet and loving. After their lips parted, she held her forehead to his for a moment, still catching her breath. Then she let her head roll back onto the desk, loosening her grip on his torso with her arms and legs. She let herself go limp, the blue heels dropping from her feet to the floor with a clatter. He stood back to marvel at Alina in all her stunning nakedness, his cum dripping from her spent little hole. Retrieving his boxers and pulling them on, he watched the screen clear, replaced by block text which read:

*Thanks for Playing*

*This video will not be shared publicly, unless you*

*contact the police, the press, or post about your experience on social media.*

So, this was how they kept it all quiet. They picked people with plenty to lose, and they coerced them into obedience. He stared at the screen in angry disgust, it somehow cheapened their last interaction. He was reminded that Alina had a boyfriend, and that they worked together. There was no doubt now, they had a connection. Whether just sexual or deeper was uncertain, but whatever it was, it was problematic.

Alina took a deep breath and sat up, seeing the message and taking a moment to consider the implications. It didn’t have the same effect on her. She felt like she had come to terms with this somewhere amongst the crest of her sexual awakening. What she had learnt about herself was valuable, she felt unlocked. It was somehow bigger than the terrible new secret she had to keep. What they had done was too shameful to repeat, but it was also too amazing to forget.

Standing from the desk, she went to retrieve her dress but paused for a moment, drinking in Mike’s body before he put his clothes back on too. He caught her staring. When their eyes met, she smiled devilishly. He could tell something had changed. This secret bonded them.

“So, it’s over?” He asked rhetorically, pulling on his trousers and buckling his belt. She shrugged, perhaps too cheerily, still in the afterglow of a terrific orgasm. “What do we do now?”

She padded over to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

“I’ll call us a cab.” she said.


1 comment

  1. I really feel like this could be published. Amazing concept!

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