Stolen Seconds (Entry 1)

We had just stepped into the elevator when a group of 17 filed in behind us. The elevator was so full our bodies seemed connected at our sides. As the doors slid closed he moved his arm behind my back and around my shoulder pulling me even closer into him, his thumb lightly rubbing up and down on my arm.
My breath was coming quicker and my heart was racing but I knew it had nothing to do with the claustrophobia I would normally feel with that many people in a small space. As I leaned into him ever so slightly the doors opened and all but the two of us left the elevator. I had taken two steps away from the back of the elevator to push the door close button when I felt his hand in my hair at the base of my neck. A small gasp escaped me as he gently tugged my hair pulling me firmly against him as the doors started to close on the receding group. Before I knew it his other hand slid around my waist pulling me even tighter to him. With his hand still tangled in my hair he moved my head slightly to the right to expose the left side of my neck. I felt his breath on my neck, slightly faster than normal, and my head fell back against his shoulder. I was grateful for the support of his body because in that moment I didn’t think I could stand on my own. My right hand found his left at my waist and my left reached up to pull his lips closer to my neck. Before I was able to do so the elevator chimed signaling the end of our elevator ride. We stepped apart from each other as the doors opened, effectively ending our stolen moments together.


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