The best, and the worst sex of [m]y life

This happened over 10 years ago.

I just got into the university and my friends and I drove a couple of hours down to this house party in a smaller town not too far from where I live.

The house was located at this farm, and the house was so large, it could’ve been a motel or so (if I remember it correctly, there were over 10 bedrooms) and the lounge area (there were multiple lounges) I hung out was possibly as big as the flat I was staying at the time.

My friends have told me, before we got there, that it was a party hosted by a group of farm girls and practically we were the only guys (and his other friends) who will be there while the rest of them will be the girls.

A little note, I was the only short, chubby and awkward Asian guy (sadly, this hasn’t changed much) among all African men, who were, without being objective, quite good looking and fit guys (I don’t have any reservation of commenting on physical attractiveness of men. It is what it is, come on now).

As the night went on, people getting more intoxicated, high, and all, people would go into bedrooms together one by one, some as a group and the lounge area would start to get quieter and quieter.

And as I was the only guy at the lounge area, there were me and three other women. Two of them, who I didn’t even interact with, gave me the look, as soon as I was the only guy left, “I would rather fuck a cucumber or any other object than to have you come anywhere near us. Don’t you fucking dare even try it.” And wisely, I didn’t. These farm girls were quite big (not fat), and were more than capable of beating the shit out of me and to hospitalise me with their physical strength. Quite frankly, I was little terrified when one of them looked at me and made, what I can only describe as a barking sound, like a hunting hound.

The third girl, however, looked at me, and had the look of “just anything, as long as that fucker has a pulse”, grabs me by my wrist, quite forcefully, I might add, make out with me (could feel her alcohol leaking breath), and take me to a room.

As we were making out, she suddenly grabs me by the collar of my shirts and my belt line, then toss me onto the bed, as if I was a livestock she was handling all day long (told you, legit strength), takes my pants and panties off in one motion, as if it was a scene in a porn, and just slide my cock inside and rides me.

Me, being a horny teenager, could not have been happier to have someone who wanted to fuck me and desired me, and was enjoying it quite a lot, I must admit.

And then, a few moments later, she placed her rugged and big hands, which were DEFINITELY bigger than mine (I do have small hands, and it is so small, that back in high school, I had the smallest hands in the class, and we had a girl who was only 150cm tall, 4’11 in feet), and starts to choke me.

I had never been choked and didn’t know what to make of it, and all I had noticed was that she was riding me faster and faster and… the next thing I remember was my friends waking me up telling me “bro, wake up. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”. I had no idea what happened and I still have a hazy recollection of just exactly what happened. Looking back she choked me out and I was unconscious.

After that incident, I had, subconsciously, started to distance myself from women and noticed, retrospectively, I was scared to be around women, especially one on one. At the time, I didn’t really understand fully what was happening and I just felt like I was in a bad funk or something.

Fast forward a few months later, still little terrified of women, and was on a dry spell that I can only describe as Sahara Desert, I was able to meet this girl from the university. She was super cool, bubbly and cute, and when it was time for the deed, I actually couldn’t perform, at all, and I felt extremely embarrassed and had to apologise to her. On her part, she didn’t walk out on me, told me to fuck off or any of that, but rather, sat down with me and talked with me about what’s the matter and all (at the time, I didn’t have any clue on what was happening).

After that day, however, I would have this recurring dream, that I couldn’t make any sense of, and I’ll get to this later.

And another few months later (once again on the Sahara desert at that point, yes, PLEASE SAVE A BROTHER HERE! I AM DYIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!), I met another girl and we ended hooking up, but still couldn’t really get it going. As we were doing it, for the sake of doing it, because we had started it, but didn’t know how to say to each other to stop it (she also felt that something was off).

I, laying on my back, didn’t know what to say, as she was riding me without even giving one fuck about, probably hoping that this finishes ASAP, I kinda asked her, casually, without sounding weird “hey… just out of curiosity, do you wanna, maybe… choke me?” (I still remember the look she gave me, that said “dafuq?!”).

After a little hesitation from her (she was super vanilla, and actually that was what I found really cute about her), she gently put her two tiny hands around my neck. The moment she placed her soft, adorable hands around my neck, all of a sudden, I could feel this, indescribable, never felt energy, or lust, or maybe just my random impulse, I don’t know, and I went at it like it was my last day on earth. And even she was surprised by the turn of the event and we went it like crazily. We even laughed about it later on.

And that very night, for the first time, when I fell asleep, I was able to make out of that recurring dream that I was having for months and this was what ACTUALLY happened in the dream.

I was in one of those rooms where one side of the room is made of glass and others can watch people inside fucking, like a room at a swingers club, where I was watching me fucking this woman, who was on top (essentially, my point of view was from the outside of the room, while my body was on bed with this woman, I know, it’s weird). The mysterious woman I were going at it hard and at one point, she puts her hands on my neck and starts to choke me. As I was gasping for air, struggling to breathe, with all the energy left in me, as I was blacking out, I yell out loud “FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT!!!!!” Then I snap out of the dream and I thought to myself “ah… I see… this explains everything…”

So, when I think of the best / worst sex I’ve ever had, I always think of that drunk farm girl, who choked me out and made me to discover that I have a thing for getting choked (mildly)

TL; DR – a girl choked me out while having sex and eventually realised that I was into getting choked.



  1. Thanks for share.. i completely understand how you feel.. the thing that scared you to death also ended up being the thing you have learned you love the most.

  2. Be careful with choking, it’s very dangerous! Choking you out is not good at all, you could’ve been seriously injured or brain damaged by the farm girl, you’re very lucky! Please do your research about how to practice this safely before doing it again.

    I’m glad you figured out what you’re into. Sounds like you may have had a little PTSD from the incident that translated into a sexual fetish. Might want to talk to a therapist about it.

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