Lust in the time of quarantine [MF]

It was several weeks into the stay at home order when my last set of batteries died and I found myself nervously eyeing the TV remote. Not being able to get out of the apartment had been wearing on me and I had found myself becoming more and more reliant on my vibrator to decompress at night.

A few dead batteries under normal circumstances would have been no sweat, but I had had no luck finding replacements on my last shopping trip. It seemed every other woman in my area was dealing with stress the same way. If I lived on my own, sacrificing the remote for a day or two would not have been a moral quandary, but I had my roommate Noah to consider.

Noah was a friend of my older brother. We had moved in together a few months prior to the outbreak in an effort to save money in our expensive city. We both thankfully had decent jobs that allowed us to work from home and had only recently begun to settle into a routine in the apartment.

Noah was low-key gorgeous and also good friends with my brother, I would be lying if I said I didn’t turn red the first time I saw him shirtless. If he found out I sabotaged one of our sole sources of entertainment just to masturbate, I would be mortified. It didn’t help that most of my fantasies for the last few weeks had revolved entirely around him in a pitiful schoolgirl crush kind of way that I was definitely too old for.

I could see from the living room that Noah was busy prepping dinner in the kitchen with his back turned towards me. I made my way to the couch as quietly as possible. I thought it would be the smartest to swap my dead batteries for the working ones in the remote so I could play it off like they died instead of mysteriously disappeared.

All I had to do was get the back off the remote and I would be home free, however, my nerves were a bit on end and, anxious not be seen, I used a bit too much force on the remote. The batteries went flying across the floor and I looked up to see Noah staring at me, puzzled.
I could feel a flush creeping up my neck.

“Need help with something?” he asked, walking around the counter. I froze and he had more than enough time to take in the batteries falling off my lap.

“Oh, sorry! I was just replacing the batteries in the remote, I noticed they were starting to run out last night.” I plastered on a convincing smile.

“Right.” He said starting to smirk. “I replaced those a few days ago.” He paused, trying to catch my eye. “I might have a few in my room if you, uh, need them.” My face was a painful shade of red now. What I needed was to disappear. Noah bent down to pick up the batteries as I did my best to hide my shame.

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, we’re both adults. Anyway the walls are pretty thin in our apartment so it wasn’t exactly a secret.”

“You’ve been listening to me this whole time?” I hissed.

“Well, in my defence, I can’t exactly leave to give you more privacy.” He paused. He was still knealing in front of me with his lips slightly parted. “But if I’m being completely honest, it has been nice to have the extra entertainment in these unprecedented times.” He said with a laugh.

“I wonder what you think about, shut up in your room all day.” He was so close I could smell the bar soap he used. “I think about how frustrated you must be to have to get yourself off that many times in a night.”

My frazzled brain was trying desperately to make sense of what he said. He enjoyed listening to me fuck myself? Did he know how many times I had been thinking about him when I did it?

“What are you..?” He came closer to me, his presence backing me down onto the sectional.

“You’re really cute when you blush like this.” I could feel his breath on my neck. My blush felt like a sunburn at its own mention. He brought one of his hands between my thighs, my breath hitched as he slid his fingers past the hem of my dress.


“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, his lips against my ear. I didn’t answer. I could feel the warmth of his hand, so close to my pussy.

“That’s not an answer.” He said, pulling his hand back from me.

I stared up at him, doe-eyed and lips parted. My heart was beating wildly in my breast and I wanted nothing more than for him to trace his fingers along my wet cunt but my brain seemed unable to form a coherent string of words.


“Tell me what you think about” he moved to pin my arms down. His elbows were resting on either side of my face and his knee was bent between my thighs, holding me in place.

“I think about you” I really was not prepared for the words that left my mouth.

“Keep going”

“I can’t, it’s embarrassing.” I tried to wriggle out from underneath him but he had me pinned.

“If you keep squirming I’ll have to do something you may not like.”

I wrestled harder, afraid of what he meant. He pinned my arms using one hand now, and the other went to his belt. I kept fighting him but it was no use, he had me pinned using just one hand. He undid the buckle and I tensed.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to fuck you yet.”

He slid the belt from his pants and straddled me, tying my wrists with the length and deftly knotting it to the radiator behind me. He pulled me down the sofa by my hips, my arms uncomfortably bent over the arm rest.

“Tell me”

“I cant.” I said edging away from him trying to cover my face with my elbows. He pulled me back down the couch.

“Do you think about me fucking you?” He started for me. One of his fingers was sliding underneath the fabric on the edge of my pussy. I was embarrassed at how turned on he was making me.

“Yes” I whispered. His thumb pressed down on my clit, my hips writhed in a flash of pleasure.

“You’re so wet, Lizbeth” My panties were being dragged down my legs.

“Please, I’m too sensitive!”

“Tell me what you think about and I’ll let you go.” His hand was back between my thighs, thumb circling around my clit, lightly now.

“I… I think about how good you would feel inside of me.” As if by invitation, his index finger slid smoothly between my folds.

“Go on” he said, working me from the inside out.

“I think about how your hard cock would fill me up all the way” he slid a second finger inside me and it would have been too much if I hadn’t been so wet.

“And how I would beg you to fuck me harder, to let me cum.” He moved his fingers in and out of me, his thumb still lightly slipping around my clit. My whole body felt dizzy.

“And you’d laugh at what a needy slut I was. Teasing me with your dick until I was screaming for it. Pushing my face into the pillows to shut me up.” He paced me with his fingers, keeping me just out of reach of orgasm.

“When I’d start to cum you’d fuck me as hard as I’d been begging. You wouldn’t stop. You’d fuck me face down into the bed. My orgasm squeezing my pussy tight around your cock. You’d cum inside me.” I was bucking my hips like mad against his hand. Half moaning the words with how badly I wanted to cum. Thinking about him l me while he was already so close was maddening.

“Please” I begged him, my eyes closed, face hidden under my arm. He let out a bassy laugh and slipped another finger inside me.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” I cried out. His fingers still inside me as I went over the edge.

He waited until I was finished before lifting his hand to his mouth, licking my cum off his fingers.

“Do you need a break before we continue?” He asked, demurely.

“Continue?” I half laughed, half sobbed.

My body felt hot and strange. A dull ache was building in my wrists from the belt, I stretched my arms out trying to find relief. Noah leaned over me and quickly undid the makeshift restraint. He lightly inspected my arms.

“You pull too much.” He surmised, returning my wrists back to me.

“I’ve never been tied up before.” I replied tersely.

“Well, that’s what happens when you don’t listen.”

“Maybe I didn’t listen because I didn’t want to.”

“I think you laid out what you wanted when you called yourself a ‘needy slut,’ Lizbeth” he teased, laughing again. “For the record, I’m more than willing to help you explore that part of yourself.”


“Vanilla princess” he shot back.

“Sadist” he tackled me back down on the couch.

“You liked it” he whispered into my ear letting his lips trail lightly down my neck. A shudder ran down my spine.

“Maybe I’m a masochist.”

“God I hope so. I want to do terrible things to you.” I had never been so happy to run out of batteries.



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