Amy’s Adventures

Amy liked working in the city. It seemed to be an escape from the sometimes dreariness of being a mother in the suburbs. Seeing the different faces, and the hustle and bustle a big city provided gave her something to look forward to. Amy had married her college sweetheart, bought a house in the suburbs, and had two children who were her entire world. The spark in her marriage had disappeared for the most part, and her husband spent more time gaming than paying attention to her or her needs. This led her back to the workforce, in a demanding job that she quite enjoyed as a respite from the mundane. Sure, she was an accountant in a mid-size law firm, which doesn’t seem to be the most exciting of professions, but interacting outside the closed circle of mothers groups, as she had done for the last few years was a welcome change. She had a small office in one corner of the building, and while the rest of the building was awash with floor to ceiling glass windows, her office was only filled with artificial light.
It was not uncommon for her to work late, especially at the end of a billing quarter. She had realised early on that law firms were exactly what people thought them to be. Turning over large sums of money, charging for the most inane tasks, usually performed by interns or juniors. It was also true that most of the partners were middle aged men, who usually hired young attractive staff, in the hope that their drive to climb the ladder to success would be enough to entice them into become willing play things for their bosses. Amy didn’t worry about that too much, she was a good ten years older than most of the interns, and whilst her body still looked slim and toned for a married mother of two, she felt she would be one of the least desirable in the office.
Amy also had a secret. She had always had a high sex drive. Although she grew up in a conservative household, she had discovered her body and the joys it could be bring fairly early. Late in high school she discovered boys and how they could bring different pleasures to her. By the time she was in college, Amy had become quite liberal with getting her needs met. In fact, prior to meeting Tony she had been intimate with several of his friends, which on one occasion included a lot of liquor and being shared amongst a couple of them. Those days were well behind her, but the desires that drove her back then, had subsided when motherhood took over, but now were back as the children grew older. Tony had lost interest, preferring to watch “cheerleader” porn for his quick fix, before dozing off into a snoring slumber. Too lazy to delete his browser history, or maybe he just didn’t care.
So working late agreed with her, because it gave her something she couldn’t get anywhere else. It gave her the opportunity to be alone with her thoughts, or her memories, or her fantasies. It allowed her to escape in silence to places where she could meet the needs of her desires, even if only inside her head. Pleasuring herself in comfort was not possible at home. She very rarely showered alone, nor did she get much time where there wasn’t another body present. She would sometimes sneak into the bathroom and quickly bring herself to orgasm but that didn’t allow her much time to enjoy the moment she was desiring. The proximity of her office allowed her to use this alone time to savour such a pleasure. She would always do a sweep of the office to confirm she was alone, and she knew the cleaners always came after midnight.
It was after 8pm now and she was confident that she was alone. She had just messaged Tony to let him know she would be home around 10. She always dressed a particular way on these days. In some ways it made her feel sexy, but mainly it was for convenience and access. Although she liked the idea of it being risky, she certainly hadn’t wanted to get caught. She wore red heels, with a black a line skirt. Under the skirt she wore black lace panties. She felt black looked best against her white skin. She wore a white blouse, whilst not sheer, certainly allowed her lacey white bra to show through, her nipples making a small yet noticeable bulge in the cup. She wanted to be noticed on those days so that by the time she was ready to entertain herself, her body had been warming up at the ogling she had been receiving. Today she felt she had got more attention than usual, and on more than one occasion caught the men in the office staring at her, particularly her perky nipples. She had been mulling this all day, and this time couldn’t have come soon enough.
She did a final wander through the office to ensure there was nobody around. She drifted past the offices of the partners, those with views of the city, it seemed that every had somewhat of a view except for herself. The path she walked was well travelled, it took her to the bathroom if she ever ran into anyone, and her return would take her past the ones she missed on the way over. It was so quiet she could hear the sound her heels made every time they pressed into the carpet. She reached her turnaround point at the corner of the floor. The largest office belonged to the managing partner Terry. An average looking man but seemed well built. It was hard to say if he worked out or it was just his natural physique. He invoked fear in most of the staff, especially the younger ones but he and Amy always seemed cordial. Maybe because she was older or maybe because the company’s financial secrets that she was privy to. His office overlooked the entire city. The view was even more amazing at night. He had a large mahogany desk, with a maroon leather chair. There was a matching lounge on the other side of the room that sat behind a coffee table. She walked back to her office ready to enjoy what shed been longing for all day.
Amy got to her office and realised how dreary it looked compared to the any of the others. She thought that she deserved a treat that she wouldn’t normally be afforded and would add to the excitement of her adventure. She would use Terrys office and turn his chair to face the city as she did. She would embrace the exhibitionist in her, and truth be told that even with all the planning that went into these days, she usually came within the first ten minutes or so.
She walked back down the hallway and into the open office. She admired the view for a moment before she sat herself down into his chair. It was more comfortable than she imagined. She felt a sense of power behind that desk, but a sense of excitement was starting to bubble between her legs and she knew she needed to attend to that sooner rather than later. She hiked her skirt up to her waist and slid her hand into her panties, her fingers gliding over her hairless mound. She ran a finger over her clit, and she could already feel it pulsing. She made her way a little further down and slide a finger inside herself. She let out a little gasp, even surprising herself with how wet she was. She spun the chair towards the glass window and spread her legs a little wider. She knew it was unlikely, but she was further aroused by the fact that somebody might be watching her and pleasuring themselves at the same. Her eyes closed and her head hung over the side of the chair as another finger joined the first with ease. She pushed them in and out of herself moaning with every deep probe.
She opened her eyes to admire the view briefly, maybe even catch some ogling eyes in a neighbouring building. Her vision darting across the glass quickly. Her eyes caught a shadowy figure. Was it her imagination? She looked again and realised that there was a silhouette reflecting off the glass. Her heart sank, and the pleasure drained from her body. She was in shock, but she didn’t have a choice. She had to turn around and face whoever had seen her. She didn’t know what she could or would say that would make this ok. She had removed her hand and slide her skirt down before spinning the chair around.

“Don’t stop on my account” said Terry as he stood in the doorway of his own office.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me” cried Amy
“I said don’t stop on my account, its kind of an order not a request” Terry replied, in a voice that resembled the one that often scared the interns. Amy knew how they felt for that split second.

“Look I’m sorry I should go” Amy tried to save face, but he didn’t seem to be taking much notice of her pleas.
“I suggest you lift that skirt back up and finish what you started” he insisted, “Right now”
She hesitated before lifting her skirt up sheepishly. She was still very wet and slide her hand into her panties once again. She hesitantly rubbed her still seemingly hard clit, and for a moment forgot where she was and who else was there. She had closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again. When she opened them again, she was greeted by the site of Terry rubbing his hard cock through his designer suit pants. This excited Amy and she suddenly seemed carefree. The returned to masturbating with the vigour with which she had done before she was interrupted. Once again, she drifted into an abyss of pleasure. Her head thrown back and her eyes closed she begun to moan. She was lost in the moment, seemingly unfazed by Terrys presence. She still knew he was there, it turned her on in a way but she was currently focussed on herself.

Terry walked closer to Amy. Still rubbing his throbbing cock through his pants, He was closer than she knew, and he was so close he could hear wetness with every thrust of her fingers. The blood pumped through his vein so hard, he felt it could burst out on its own. He unzipped his pants and slid it out, exposing it to the dimly lit office. He reached forward and put his hands in Amy’s hair. His touch surprised her eyes open. Without missing a beat she slid to her knees, her fingers still firmly inside her own body. She took him in her mouth. It wasn’t the biggest she had just like his own physique it was thick and more than adequate. She hadn’t had the chance to suck one for a long time, and she was certainly made it known how much she had missed hearing the groans of pleasure when she had a man at his most vulnerable. They all appreciated her lack of gag reflex and she didn’t mind showing it off. Terrys moans became louder and louder. Amy sensed that it wouldn’t be long before he would empty in her mouth.
She had gone this far, and now her pussy ached to feel a cock inside her. She took her mouth off him and stood herself up. She turned away from him and placed her hands on the glass facing the city. She turned back to him and said “Fuck me”. Terry didn’t need to be told twice. He lifted her skirt a little higher and exposed her black panties that barely covered her ass. He roughly pulled them down to her knees and thrust himself inside her. She let out a moan so loud she was sure it could be heard on the floor below. His thick cock felt perfect inside her. He fucked her hard and fast just the way she liked it. Terry was thrusting harder and faster, and Amy wanted to feel him explode inside her. She looked back at him again “Fuck me harder”, Terry obliged and he pounded her as hard as he could, for as long as he could before a loud groan and then she felt the warmth of his cum inside her. This drove her over the edge and a couple of thrusts later Amy screamed in pleasure, as she moved he ass back and forward on his still hard cock, squeezing every last drop out of him.
They both took a second to collect themselves. Amy, still breathless, reached down to her knees for her panties and lifted them back into place. Terry had sat down on the lounge in the office, still trying to tidy himself up to be somewhat respectable. Amy was wallowing in the moment. She felt powerful and euphoric. Terry looked satisfied yet broken. She glanced over in his direction. “Ill see you tomorrow Terry, get some rest you look like you need it”. As she walked out of his office wearing a smile from ear to ear.
