The Parlor – Part II Interlude

[Part One](

10 Minutes after setting down. I laid on the bed restless, every ounce of energy had been left in the Parlor and my mind could not escape it’s confines. Naked, I rose from the bed and grabbed the mask off the dresser. I reached under the bed and pulled out a velvet shoe box. I carefully placed the mask beside the black stilettos and finally closed the lid on the evening.

My husband arrived home later that morning. Casually, he set his work bag down on the armchair and walked into the bathroom. Through the cracked door, I watched him stare blankly at himself in the mirror. With both hands gripping the corners of the sink, he struggled to make sense of his experience. He wondered why he was singled out. He wondered who was behind the mask.

Morning passed and we found ourselves conversing over the kitchen island. In my unflattering pajamas, I slowly sipped the oversized cup of coffee which I held to my mouth with two hands. A few times I had to use the cup to hide my smirk as my husband lied about his painful conference.

A week passed with much to do about nothing. I noticed however, that my husband droned about the house an empty man. I often found him absently wandering away during conversation. It was clear the night had broken him to a degree.

The following Saturday, “Casati” received a PM on Reddit. It was the OP and host of last week’s soiree. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

I spent most of the morning wondering how to reply. The last thing I wanted was to feed the ego of this stranger.

I ultimately decided to be honest with my generous host. I simply replied “Yes, I truly found myself.” “

“I know” the account replied. “I saw.”

I stared blankly at the screen as I tried to comprehend the depth of OPs message.

A third notification appeared. “I’d like to meet” Before I could formulate a reply, OP left a paragraph of instruction. I was to meet OP at a rustic terrace restaurant not far from the estate. I wasn’t surprised that OP instructed me to wear something classy. However, I was surprised by the time of day. Lunch.

I arrived at the restaurant and looked for a dominant presence on the terrace. I did not see anyone who appeared to be OP and was soon guided to an empty table by the hostess. I placed my clutch on the table and ordered a glass of cider.

Before my drink arrived, a women appeared at the table. She was not much older than I, but the way she dressed commanded immediate respect. Think Jackie O.

The woman extended her hand. “I’m Katerina, thank you for meeting me.” I was shocked to say the least and I fumbled as I started to stand to return the greeting. I would likely have embarrassed myself further had the waiter not arrived with drink in hand.

Katerina sat with a straight back and perfect posture. She chuckled and said “no, no, no” as she moved my cider aside. She turned to the waiter and said, “We’ll have a pair of martinis, Beefeater, dry, stirred, with an olive, up.”

She leaned into the table and grinned. Laughingly she joked “It’s not like I’m James Bond or anything.” Sitting in Katerina’s air it became clear to me that she was less Onassis and more Hepburn. Her hair was swept back and her face youthful.

“I was worried about you” she proclaimed. “You had some audacity coming alone like you did.” “I thought about you all week leading up to the party.” “I took a chance on you, you know.” She paused, “the last thing I want is some pretentious housewife crashing the atmosphere I work so hard to curate.”

The waiter arrived. I mirrored Katerina, took a sip of the Martini and silently lauded her refined taste.

“But you, were different.” “From the moment you arrived you carried yourself with poise and class.” “And what you did in the Parlor… my god.” “I couldn’t have planned a better evening.”

“How do you …”

“Oh honey, you were so driven you didn’t see me darken the door.” “I was thrilled to see you on your knees with the gentleman.”

“I didn’t stay toooo long.” She said, flirtatiously exaggerating her o’s. “I saw you leave the room well after your husband.” “So tell me, how’s he handling himself?” She asked while fixing the olive between her lips and into her mouth.

“We’ll, he doesn’t know it was me.” I replied. Katerina’s pupils dilated. “To be honest, I think I broke him.” Katerina and I laughed together as the waiter set down a second round.

“To be fair, he’s never attended before.” Some Lawyer’s golf buddy brought him to my attention and I set the wheels in motion.”

Relief, quickly turned to guilt. For a slight moment I even questioned whether I should direct my inner conflict toward Katerina. Perceiving this, she blurted out “lets have some fun.”



  1. please keep us updated haha have you and your husband been together since? how was it?

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