Star Wars : Dark Secrets – Chapter 9 – Public, Free-Use, Gangbang, Mother and Daughter, Corruption, Senator, Big Dicks, Jedi Apprentice, SWTOR

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All Xau could think about was the sound of air being sucked out of the room that he was in. There was chaos all around and the thing that took his attention more than the gaping hole in the bulkhead was the fact that the figure in the armored suit simply seemed to glide across the ground before jumping out into the void of space. The Sith would have cursed if he had any energy left. Alas his entire focus right now was geared on keeping his hand planted on a conduit box to keep from flying out. Invincible as he was there were still some basic causes of human death that Xau could not beat. He quickly looked over the area looking for something to plug the hole. There was little to use, no crates or other large pieces of gear around. The majority of the smaller articles had flown through in the first few deadly instants of decompression.

One thing caught his eye however as he struggled to use the Force to keep a bubble of oxygen around his head. It he didn’t last the next few moments than it wouldn’t matter what foolish attempt he made at plugging the hole. The item in particular was a large painting with an even larger frame. He wasn’t sure what the painting was of, but the frame appeared at least sturdy enough to withstand the pull of space. He wondered if it would survive the pull of the force. Doing his best to be discreet around the Mandalorian who was stubbornly using hidden wrist blades to keep herself pinned, Xau concentrated on the item in question as he closed his eyes.

He became a conduit of the Force, a raging storm of power solidified in his person. Like the sexual energy he felt when he was with Kelsa, the energy swirled around him before finally releasing into one streamlined release as his eyes opened and focused intently on the object. Suddenly with a horrible crunch the painting snapped free of the opposite wall from the one with the gaping hole inside of it. Xau watched and had to jerk himself back a bit as the heavy steel frame bounced by his holding spot before slamming into the opening with the painting side face out. Well that’s rather fortunate, he thought as slowly there was no longer any intense pull trying to snap him up like a morsel for a hungry rancor. The Sith slumped down to the ground with his back against the wall as he caught his breath and then slowly looked up to see the bounty hunter was looking over a wound to their leg.

The area secured for the moment the Sith Lord moved forward and extended out a hand to help the Mandalorian bounty hunter up to their feet. “Good timing for that painting heh.” The bounty hunter grunted before faltering slightly. Xau examined the wound, a blaster shot right through and a similar one to the hunter’s shoulder though it appeared that the Mandalorian armor had significantly reflected the blast.

“Who were they? What did they take?” Xau said as he turned to look around and take the Mandalorian back into the room that the thief had come from. Maybe there was a medkit inside but Xau was also curious to get a better look at the area that the Hutt’s champion had been guarding.

“Don’t know. They didn’t really seem keen on words. Instead they came in blasting before tossing cryo grenades. Those knocked out half the pig guards in the room. Nngggh. Cut through the rest like they were first generation battle droids.” The Mandalorian said as Xau and the hunter made it to the other room. The door closed behind them as Xau found himself in an ornately designed room full of smooth red brown wood and golden metal furnishing. There were large chairs all around, not large enough to accommodate a Hutt but definitely there to entertain individuals from a variety of species. Moving swiftly but carefully to not injure the Mandalorian further Xau set Thamar down into the chair before retrieving a medkit from the room’s wall. When he turned back Xau saw Thamar unsealing the clasps of their helmet.

When the bounty hunter removed her helmet Xau found himself not looking at the toughed face of a Mandalorian male but rather a female. Her hair was platinum gold and cut short around the sides of her hair while the top of her hair was tucked back into a short bun. Her eyes were hard circles of ice that looked at him dispassionately. She seemed intent to ignore his gaze and simply was pressing button onto her wrist plate. Xau’s eyes fell from Thamar’s face and looked at the hidden tech display that she was working on. A small holographic image appeared before them.

“I’m linked up to the ship’s sensor systems. With a bit of luck, we’ll be able to track our target from the point they left the ship.” She said before closing her eyes slightly as Xau applied a bit more of the stimpack’s solution to her wound. Thamar looked up at him and then leaned her head slightly. “Hey, why were you coming back to this section anyhow? I don’t know you and your description does not fit any of the VIPs with access.” The Mandalorian’s cold grey eyes focused on Xau while his eyes noticed something on her display.

“Funny thing is I was just looking for the refresher. No help around on this ship when you need it. Anyhow on your display it’s showing a ship at the edge of the sensor grid, likely our friend’s pickup. We need to track it before they escape. I’m sure our benevolent host doesn’t approve of thieves walking away freely; especially from his personal ship.”

The Mandalorian took a moment to think things over before slowly nodding. She rose up with Xau’s help and then gestured him forward. “The bridge is up ahead. We can track them from there.”

They arrived at the bridge and Thamar immediately began barking orders at the pair of Duro pilots. “If that ship escapes, I’ll be shipping your fingers one by on back to your families and replacing them with droid parts.” The Mandalorian hissed as she remained poised behind the two, her eyes trained on the sensor suite as the Duros put all the ship’s long-range abilities towards perceiving and understanding the object at the edge of their readings.

“She’s running ma’am!” One of the Duros said before the other one quickly pushed more power to the engines and placed the front of the ship on course with the mystery vessel.

“I need information, what type of ship is it? Whose is it and where are they going?” The Mandalorian rattled off her demands as quickly as she could fire a blaster pistol.

“You’ll never catch them in this boat.” Xau said as he turned and headed out of the cockpit back towards his ship.

“You’re not going anywhere. No one leaves the ship till we’ve checked everyone.” Thamar growled at him. Xau could hear the safety of a heavy blaster pistol being clicked off. It only took a little imagination to figure where the bounty hunter’s sights were focused on. Slowly he turned around and raised his hands.

“Listen you can shoot me later but right now it is in the Republic’s interest that I help out your employer. That means stopping the ship before it jumps. My ship can handle this. So, either shoot me or help me.” Xau told Thamar and he hoped that she wouldn’t be rash enough to just blast him. He didn’t want to reveal his abilities to her if he didn’t have to. Besides, deflecting a blaster bolt in this small area might kill one of the ship’s pilots and that wasn’t on his list of priorities. So he just stood his ground and stared back at the Mandalorian with a blaster trained on him as she came to a decision.


Sinde moaned out as her body reached to even greater heights then she had thought possible. The Republic Senator’s mind felt like it was almost about to hop out of her body as the rush of blissful power blasted from her pussy up through her stomach and breasts. It coursed through her entire being as the newest Gamorrean fucking her pussy blasted away inside of her warm waiting cunt. Both of Listentis woman were now nearly full to the brim with jizz as they continually were used by new duos and trios of men in attendance to Creeku’s party. The porcine creature roared out behind Sinde and leaned in to scrape his tusks against her body, marking her shoulders with red scratches.

In her mind her entire body couldn’t become any more defamed than it was. Something stirred within the base reaches of her physique and the lovely mature woman found herself turning back to run her hand against the green skinned creature’s large sturdy muscles. She even kissed his thick, wet snout. Suddenly however, she cried out in a shivering moan as the guard gave a guttural growl and pulled his cock out of her whimpering pussy. With little eloquence the guard rose up after letting go of Sinde’s large cum battered breasts and the senator fell face forward onto the ground. Not far off Kelsa was kneeling on the ground with a powerful looking red skinned being beneath her.

Sinde watched with vague attention as she slowly started to put her hands in front of her and push her body up off the ground. She displayed her large breasts proudly as cum continued to drip off of her nipples and areola. The guards and patrons who had found the display more than exhilarating had never hesitated. Soon, more ropes of thick fluids coated mother and daughter with a another hot, creamy coating. Sinde realized she hadn’t seen Lady Erito for a while now, but suddenly she found the purple haired beauty being shoved forward to Sinde before the senator herself was dragged forward by her arms. The ended up placing her closer towards Kelsa, her Jedi daughter.

Now closer Sinde could see that the man beneath Kelsa was not her only lover in that moment. Her blonde daughter was squealing like a newly deflowered virgin as a Gamorrean knelt behind her and appeared to be savagely brutalizing her ass while the red skinned being held Kelsa’s arms down to keep her at the perfect angle for their combined pleasure. Sinde barely heard people talking and laughing around her as two spacers laid down in a similar pose to the red man. Both the Senator and Sith agent were pushed forward by other attendants and Sinde immediately realized their design even as the roguish pirate beneath her pulled her body down and speared her on another delicious cock.

“Niaagghh!” She cried out as her cum covered lips parted. He wasn’t as thick as the Gamorrean, but he was twice as long. It felt like he was hitting every part of her body and Sinde immediately started quivering as more heat passed from her nether up through her body. Soon enough Lady Erito was placed a similar position and Sinde watched the little purple sigil of her pubes rising and falling as her pussy was widened by an extraordinarily strong looking spacer. Sinde’s hands scratched across her own stud’s chest as she moaned out again before she felt his rough hands squeezing her nipples.

“Mwarrggh.. that’s… it… keep pulling and twisting. I want you hard and deep…” Sinde found herself moaning out before she heard and felt someone moving up behind her. A thrill raced through her and she couldn’t help but smile. Off somewhere else she heard other people whispering again and chuckling and people shifting around but soon enough she was distracted as something massive started to push in against her already well used asshole. Whatever it was it felt bigger than a Gamorrean and as the spacer beneath her pulled her left nipple again and licked slowly over the other she felt her juices running freely before the Feeorin behind her slammed his hips forward and penetrated the outer limits of her anus.

Sinde practically fell forward but with the spacer bracing her as he pumped her pussy there was hardly anywhere to go. Another roar of pleasure signaled to her that the Sith Agent had just received her own second intruder and the few times that Sinde’s eyes weren’t closed from the storm of pleasure assaulting her body she was watching as her daughter and her rival for Creeku’s alliance were being double penetrated in the same rushed and crude manner as she was. Sinde’s only moment of other pleasure was thinking that the perverted Sith appeared to be missing the display. Space him, she thought as she felt her orgasm nearing. If he really cared about Kelsa he would have stopped this. Soon however Sinde’s thoughts weren’t on anyone else but herself as her large breasts heaved and swayed before she heard the chuckling and rapid talk staring again.

The three girls were in a rough delta with Kelsa to the right of Sinde and Lady Erito to the left. In between the three girls marched in a large humanoid figure with three eyes. His head was bald, and his pupils were a dark emerald. His black pants were the only clothing he had left, and it looked like his tool was positively ready to burst as the patrons around them shouted and laughed. Suddenly as he pulled down his garments Sinde thought that she really had somehow died or was asleep, this had to be some incredible dream where at both points, she wanted to wake up and still dream. Revealed to the three girls that were already being double penetrated were three long cocks. The creature had to be some sort of mutant or species that Sinde had never heard of but that didn’t seem to stop the being from moving even closer as he took in the luscious three sights before him. In short order his cocks hardened and became even larger to the girls’ astonishment and when the three girls hesitated the partners in their pussy and ass urged them forward till their lips were centimeters from their respective shafts.

Lost in the overwhelming pleasure and knowing that she couldn’t back down now Sinde simply closed her eyes and started to lick over the impressive cock being pressed against her lips. It didn’t take the cock’s owner long to feel that she wasn’t giving it her all however and the three eyed alien grabbed Sinde’s dark hair and pulled her forward. She choked almost instantly as her throat was seemingly broken and widened by the tricock’s member. It pushed deep enough that she could barely breath and the oxygen in her longs was barely getting refilled already given her treatment by the men in her other two holes. Despite the situation she had never felt so damn good. It was as if every part of her mind and soul had been slammed open to only receive pleasure. Around her Kelsa and Lady Erito seemed to be of similar mindsets as they bounced and moaned on the cocks being pushed deep inside of them. The girls had appeared to abandon any idea of simply servicing the cocks to get what they need, now it was simply of change to receive an absolutely incredible fucking at the hands of such brutes but neither seemed to shy away from the test.

Propped up by the red skinned being’s powerful hands Kelsa was even using her breasts to aide in the sucking of the tricock. Lady Erito’s eyes never left her sexual master as she seemingly pushed her ass back against the thick member penetrating deep into her bowls. Sinde herself used every inch of energy left to satisfy the mammoth in front of her but the hard fucking was sending her body over the edge so fast that she had to put her tongue into overdrive. Over and around her tongue pushed along the small space inside of her mouth that wasn’t occupied by cock. She touched everywhere she could as the tall three eyed creature growled out. But her own release was quickly arriving and by the increasingly uneven tempo of the cocks pushing deeper and deeper inside of her pussy and anal cavity she knew she wasn’t alone in the feeling.

Soon enough with her mouth still full of cock Sinde, Kelsa and Lady Erito all gave out a muffled moan around the individual cock still pushing deep down their throats. Even Lady Erito closed her eyes as the three ladies’ heads lolled back while their bodies were absolutely filled with cum as the six other individuals that were taking advantage of the girls’ pussies and asses spent their loads after they started feeling the incredible vicelike grip from each of the women’s orifices. Slowly they untangled themselves from the woman but others quickly moved forward to keep the girls hard at work sucking on Three Eyes three stalks.

Sinde tried to resist but her mouth had never left the cock that continued to pulsate and pound away into her mouth. Her body ached and shivered all over and she felt like she could barely move her arms but soon enough she and the other two girls brought their hands up to help play with their combined partner’s gargantuan balls. With three sets of hands, boobs and mouths working overtime the tall green creature’s resilience was eventually broken. In one powerful wave of release the three girls were finally broken free of the massive throat penetration by a blast of cum. As they lay on the ground in a pool of cum Sinde felt as if she could just die there, at the zenith of pleasure as she slowly opened and shut her eyes. The pleasure coursing through her felt as if there was a mini supernova burning away inside of her body. Her nipples were hard as cortosis as he breasts continued to heave as she struggled for breath. She felt Kelsa move closer and smiled as her daughter cuddled up next to her, but it appeared their rest would be short lived. More patrons moved in before suddenly the entire ship seemed to roar and shake.

Many of the patrons lost their balance and fell on one another. “The ship’s moving.” Lady Erito said as Sinde noticed Creeku’s protocol unit shouting out in protest as it fell from the dais with a clatter of metal. Sinde didn’t know what was happening but for the moment she simply enjoyed the peace on the ground as many of the other patrons scrambled around the area trying to find out what was going on. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted Xau and the Mandalorian bounty hunter racing by. Curiously enough Xau was now dressed in a spacesuit and held a helmet in his left hand.

“What’s going on there?” Lady Erito asked as she tried desperately to prop herself up on her hands to set a knee to the ground to stand up. Can’t be good Sinde thought but her body wanted desperately to fall back to the ground. The Dark Jedi finally made it to their side and turned first to Kelsa.

“Kelsa take your mother and go back to the ship. There is a thief on the loose and we’re going to serve him up for Creeku to make sure he backs the Republic.” Xau said and Kelsa smiled warmly and nodded before standing up easy as if she had been resting for several hours. Sinde suddenly felt jealous of her daughter’s prowess with the force. Besides the senator the Sith agent managed to struggle to her feet.

“I’m coming along too. For all I know… this could be some Jedi trick.” Lady Erito said as she finally managed to get back on her feet though her legs shook as they strained to keep her up. Sinde watched as Xau’s eyes rolled and he simply turned to Kelsa.

“Do as she asks. I need you to be on hand if we need backup. We’re not sure who’s working against the Hutt, but it could very well be an outside source. Be careful and may the Force be with us.” Xau said before his apprentice nodded with a smile.

“Of course, I will not fail you my Master…”

Next Chapter –


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