The Last Day of Camp (MF, interracial)

Camp Black Rock was set to finish the summer without a single incident. No brush fires in the woods, no kids caught with weed, no fights, no food fights, and most importantly, a drama-free summer amongst its mostly twenty-something staff.

The twelve councilors, five men and seven women, had actually managed to bond as a team, rather than fucking each other madly until everyone was fighting over who fucked who.

The Camp Administrator, Fredrick, was more than pleased to have had such a pleasant, hard-working staff, and thus was generously going to reward them for it. Tonight, on the final night of camp, Fredrick was going to buy everyone a keg, and let them throw a full on party in the woods once the kids were confined to their cabins. He even volunteered himself and his wife to monitor the cabins, so that none of them had to work on their final night.

However, Fredrick’s beliefs that the camp group were not fucking each other blindly, was unequivocally false. Damian had slept with both Lindsey and Rebecca, while Brock had slept with Lindsey, Rebecca, Yasmine and Chloe. Logan had dated Hayley, but also had sex with Chloe before that. Bruce had been teased for having a weird thing for black girls, having fucked both Janine and Yasmine. And Kalil, he had fucked Janine, Lindsey and Chloe, and there had been real drama between him and Brock over Chloe. Everyone had been fucking everyone. All except for Taylor.

It wasn’t entirely for lack of trying. Every guy except maybe Logan had made a pass at her at one point or another during the summer, but Taylor really wasn’t good at flirting. Most of the other kids were well-to-do party animals just making money for the summer, which wasn’t Taylors style.

She liked to drink. She had plenty of fun being friends with these guys all summer, but her meek personality often meant fizzled out potential romances. And in an environment where every other person had sexually relations with AT LEAST two others made her awkwardness begin to look like prudishness.

The girls started to tease her a little. Chloe made a reference to her vagina having teeth that really made everyone laugh. Taylor tried not to let it bother her but it did. She felt a part of the group, but only as a supporting character. They made jokes, they told stories, and she just listened and was a part of it all with nothing much to contribute on her own.

She tried not to blame Dave. Her ex-boyfriend, and currently only lover, had fucked her up emotionally even if she tried to hide it. She felt so exposed thinking about being intimate with someone, after loving someone so unconditionally, and then finding out he had cheated on her dozens and dozens of times with just as many girls. How was someone supposed to trust anyone after that?

But this summer had answered that question. Those feelings of loneliness and fear had worn away, and now she wanted to get laid. Her vagina was practically begging her so, but the initial quirkiness and resistance to the guys had left her sort of in the friend zone. She was the quirky, nerdy girl everyone made jokes about, and who always laughed them off and played along, not their sexual conquest.

As the sunset on the girls’ cabins, the councilors were getting the kids ready for the night activities that the administrators would oversee so they could get drunk. When the other girls were done, they all made their way to the Woman’s Councilor Cabin to get ready for their evening. Everyone was broiling over with excitement. Despite the drama, even if Frederick didn’t notice, the girls still got along warmly with one another most of the time.

They had very distinct personalities, and were all very different from one another, which probably prevented any few of them from establishing cliques or ‘besties’. Everyone had a roll and fulfilled it.

Yasmine, she was sort of a black woman stereotype, loud and (over) confident, but she could regal you with any story no matter how mundane. Janine, she was sort of the anti-black woman stereotype. She was more like Taylor, quiet, bookish, clearly enjoyed nerdier topics like Taylor. The only difference is she had a fuller body. Large breasts, a shapely butt, and perfectly proportion hips. She was like a walking cardboard cutout of what a model should look like.

Rebecca and Lindsey were as close to ‘besties’ as the group allowed. They had a sort of symbiotic relationship, needing and both rejecting the opinion of the other. The fact that Lindsey had slept with Kalil, a black guy, and Rebecca hadn’t had become a quiet discussion between the two when Yasmine and Janine weren’t around. Taylor would her Rebecca ask some questionably ignorant questions about ‘being blacked’. Taylor probably like them the least if she had to choose.

Hayley was your wonder girl. Funny, smart, charismatic, never bitchy and always bringing positivity forward. She had dark hair and emerald eyes to match her body. She had only dated and slept with Logan all summer, and even handed his cheating on her with eloquence. “It wasn’t like we were getting married or anything. You’re a piece of shit, but Chloe is fucking hot,” had been her exact words.

And Chloe was fucking hot. She was blonde, tall, athletic and naturally looked better than any girl without make up. She was just stunning and aesthetically pleasing to look at. During lake related activities, even Taylor would give looks at Chloe’s bikini adorned body.

Which just left Taylor. Some guys would call girls hot, or stunning, or gorgeous. Taylor was cute. Some guys would call a girls’ bikini body smoking, or mesmerizing or perfect. Taylor was adorable. Some guys would call a girl hilarious or brilliant or tantalizing. Taylor was fun.

Taylor was the seventh most attractive out of seven very attractive people. She had dirty blonde hair that never fell right. She had blue eyes, but none as captivating as some girls. She was average height, roughly five-foot-six-inches, and had B-cup breasts, a flat stomach, but not toned or fat-less. She had alright legs, a semi-ample ass that she was thankful at least wasn’t flat. She was the kind of girl whose grandmother once called ‘handsome’.

It was hard to belief in her college circle she was the ‘hot’ one in comparison to Camp Black Rock. But that had been before Dave. Maybe her lower self-confidence had an adverse effect?

Taylor snapped out of her thoughts when Hayley knocked on her bedroom door.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

Taylor was not ready. Taylor was nowhere near how ready Hayley was. Hayley was never really flashy in the way she dressed or did her hair. She just always looked good and that’s how it was, but tonight she was above and beyond.

Taylor had never been much of a girl who wears crop tops or exposes a lot of skin, but she would be tough to disagree that the way Hayley was dressed was anything short of mesmerizing. She had a red crop top that only pretended to be a shirt. It ended full four inches above her belly button, only enough material to cover her breasts and a little of her tummy. She had a light black shawl draped over herself to make it more ‘conservative’. All it did was frame her perfect sexy tummy in a black and red square. She wore simple blue jeans and sneakers beyond that.

“I might need a minute,” Taylor objected to Hayley’s giggling.

“Well, hurry up. I’m thirsty,” Hayley said.

Taylor got up to get dressed, looking at herself still in uniform in the mirror. It had been years, she told herself. Dave was a bad memory that she had let dictate her actions for too long. Tonight wasn’t about looking for love or anything. Tonight, more than anything, on the last day of camp, Taylor wanted to get laid.

She took off her shirt, looking down at her pale stomach with her hands on her hips. She looked good, she told herself. Her stomach was flat. She didn’t have perfect curves like Janine or a body sculpted like a goddess like Chloe, but she was undeniably in good shape. She pulled off her khaki pants and replaced them with denim short shorts that exposed a good bit of her leg.

Then, she put on her most favorite top and returned to the mirror. It was purple, loose fitted and comfortable and covered all of her body. She looked good in it, but the more she looked at herself, the more she didn’t want to just look like herself. She wanted to be a more confident Taylor.

She took off her purple shirt and put it back with her stuff and found a shirt she liked a little less. It was black and fit her like a glove. It had definitely been from high school when she had smaller boobs and a slightly thinner body. The shirt barely stretched down enough to cover her stomach. It was barely able to contain her B-cup cleavage as her breasts were trying to spill out from them. She looked in the mirror, trying to will the confidence into herself and then made her way into the woods for the kegger.

She was the last to arrive but probably made the most impressive entrance. Everyone stopped to momentarily gawk at Taylor before returning to their conversations.

Damian was the first to hand her a beer, “Hey Tay-tay. We were worried you weren’t going to show,”

Damian was that cute guy in a 90s movie. Dusty, moppy hair with a charming smile and a casualness about him. He had a nice face, a decent body and from what Taylor heard Rebecca and Lindsey say, a pretty fantastic penis.

Taylor smiled and accepted the beer, quickly taking a long swig before moving over towards Janine. Brock and Logan were sitting beside her, talking with Hayley and Yasmine as well. Brock was stocky, muscular and looked like could crush a girl with his bare hands no problem. Taylor didn’t want it to be him. Logan was conventionally attractive and cocky about it. He never let an excuse to be shirtless go to waste and this kegger was no exception. He had chiseled abs that didn’t seem possible given the amount of food he eats.

Kalil was taller and lankier than any of the others. He was the ‘hoodie’ kid, who seemed to always be in a sweatshirt at all times except for when he’s in uniform. He had plain features, save for a tattoo on the sleeve of his arm. Out on the lake, he had noticeable abs even if they weren’t comparable to Brock or Logan’s.

Finally, Bruce was the female Taylor. Quiet, wore glasses, never made a huff of himself. He had a calmness about him but also brooded confidence. He had a deep voice, and despite being a man of few words, people tended to listen when he spoke. He was average build, had average looks, and in no way had a six-pack, yet still had more sexual success than Taylor.

But which one did Taylor want to make a move on?

She was on to her third beer by the time she realized she may not have much say in the matter. Everyone was being extra flirty. Everyone was trying to have one last hurrah before going back. There were only five guys to appease seven girls, and Taylor began to worry she’d be left out of this weird mating ritual.

Lindsey and Rebecca had already stripped down to their bikinis which drew the eyes of Brock and Logan, even though Rebecca was making painful attempts at grabbing Kalil’s attention.

Chloe was just milling around, apparently confident that no matter what, if she wanted any of them she would have them.

Hayley never tried, which is probably why Damian and Kalil were unaware that she wasn’t interested in having sex with anyone, even if she did look like a smokes how in her crop top.

Yasmine, Janine and Bruce were huddle around one another by the camp fire. On her way to the keg, Taylor heard a word that caught her ears. Threesome.

She laughed to herself, making her way back next to Hayley, Damian and Kalil. She tried to see the math in the air. Bruce was going home with Yasmine AND Janine. Hayley wasn’t going home with anyone.

As time wore on, it was Damian who seemed to draw Chloe’s interests. Taylor wasn’t going to be able to compete with that. That left her, Rebecca and Lindsey, going for Brock, Logan and Kalil.

Did she want to make a move on a muscular powerful guy, the handsome cocky guy with a nice face and body, or a relaxed, carefree guy in Kalil? Rebecca continued her obvious flirting with Kalil as Taylor reached the bottom of her fifth beer.

In fact, as they both drank more and more, Taylor was becoming convinced that Rebecca was going to get her wish of Kalil’s affection, so she instead turned towards Logan.

“So, what do you, like, do the rest of the year?” she asked, feeling a little drunker than normal.

“I travel mostly,” Logan said with a flashy smile.

“That must be cool,” Taylor said, “Where too?”

Logan told her some stories about places he had been. It kind of seemed he had never really worked a day in his life outside of being a summer camp counselor. He told her (and Hayley, who had joined) all about safaris and walkabouts and the catacombs. All super interesting stuff that Taylor would have loved to hear about before, but she wasn’t interested in getting to know him.

The fire dwindled as the night wore on. Lindsey disappeared with Brock. Chloe, Damian, Bruce, Yasmine, Janine all were gone soon after as it began to switch to ‘hook up’ time. When Taylor reached beer seven, it was just her, Hayley and Rebecca left for the girls and Kalil and Logan for the boys.

They giggled as a group. They laughed like a group. And they drank like a group. Taylor cruising to ten beers before the camp fire began to die. It was then she noticed something interesting she hadn’t accounted for.

Slowly, but surely, Hayley had made her way around the camp fire and was currently parked and nuzzled against Logan. Rebecca was still beside Kalil, even if their mannerisms still seemed one-sided, leaving Taylor, once again, all by herself. She felt nauseous and then stupid. What did she think fucking some guy on the last day of camp would matter?

She grabbed another beer from the keg and when she returned only the three of them remained.

“Can you believe THAT?” Rebecca said in an exaggerated drunk girl voice, “Hayley is going to take him back after he cheated on her?”

Kalil shuffled a short laugh and shook his head, “I knew there was a reason she was dressed like that. She wanted to steal her man back from Chloe with that smoking fucking body.”

“I don’t think Chloe noticed,” Taylor interjected, the other two laughed.

Rebecca was swaying. Taylor could see in her eyes the booze. Her eyes were glossing over as her consumption became a danger of blacking out. Kalil could see this too, and actually began encouraging Rebecca to go to bed.

The drunken girl gave one last final, desperate effort towards Kalil, “I guess I’m not getting that big black cock of yours. Ugh.”

Rebecca stumbled, drunkenly making her way back towards the camp grounds and to her bed.

Taylor had expected Kalil to suggest they both wrap it up for the evening and douse the fire, but instead he kept talking to Taylor even when it was just the two of them.

“I really don’t like that girl,” Kalil said with a shake of his head and a smile into the fire, “Shallow as fuck.”

“Yeah,” Taylor said, contemplatively, “Her and Lindsey say some really ignorant shit sometimes.”

Kalil chuckled at that tossing another log on the fire. Taylor shifted, a little drunk, a little unsure how to continue.

“So, what’s your story, Tay?” Kalil said, moving from the opposite side of the fire to sit closer to her, “You and me never really got to know each other that well.”

“Not much of a story,” Taylor said, “Going for my master’s degree in the fall. Marine Biology.”

“I meant your story, story. Not your plans,” Kalil said, “I can tell by the way you look and say certain things there’s more to you than you let on.”

Taylor didn’t say anything. Even the ten beers were not enough to start talking about Dave. Kalil let the air hang dead for a few second before interjecting.

“Fine, we’ll start with me,” Kalil lifted himself off the log and towards the keg where he poured himself a beer.

“Now, tell me if you’ve heard this before,” Kalil started, “Promising young athlete loses everything due to major injury before his career could ever get going?”

“I’d say I’ve heard that before.”

“Good, but that ain’t my story,” Kalil said, laughing.

Taylor laughed too, genuinely. She brushed her hair back behind her ears and listened to Kalil as he told her his story.

“More like struggling writer who won’t give up the dream so he needs to do kinda shitty jobs like camp counseling to get by,” he said, “I had a bit of a charmed life for a bit. I was with this girl, she came from all kinds of money, and she supported my aspirations for a little bit. But when I wasn’t on the Bestsellers list after a year. She broke up with me. Legitimately dated me only because she thought I might become some famous author.”

“What kind of stuff do you write?” Taylor said.

Kalil paused, eyeing Taylor closer, “That’s your first question? None of the rest of that concerned you.”

“Another story I’ve heard before,” Taylor said with a curious smile.

“I write detective novels. My dream would be to have a famous black detective like Sherlock Holmes or some shit,” Kalil said.

Taylor smiled at Kalil and took a sip of her beer, “Well I hope you get that opportunity.”

Kalil nodded, taking a sip of his beer as well. He seemed to expect Taylor to not say anything else.

“I thought I had met the man I was going to marry,” she said, suddenly, “We had been together since we were sixteen and all through college until I was twenty-two. That’s when I found out that not only had he cheated on me, he had cheated on me ever since the beginning. He had never been faithful and he had fucked, according to him, a hundred girls behind my back.”

“Holy shit,” Kalil said.

“And so I let it get to me, and I ended up dropping out for my last semester and having to go back and finish the next fall, but by then my dad got sick and…” her voice trailed off.

Kalil moved in, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“He’s okay now. But, it cost a lot of money and I ended up not getting the job I wanted right away and not being able to afford to finish and my life kind of got behind the eight ball because of Dave.”

Kalil pulled her in, “Seems like we both met fucked up people.”

Taylor laughed. She hadn’t realized she had essentially put her head on his shoulders. His hands had draped gently on her shoulder and they sat in the warm, inviting fire light.

“I’m not looking for anything serious,” Taylor said after a while.

“What do you mean?” Kalil responded.

Taylor had leaned back up straight and turned to face him, “I let my whole life sort of get away from me because of a dumb asshole and I want to get it back on track, but I’m not looking for something serious.”

“I-I still don’t understand,” Kalil said.

Taylor didn’t know if it was the beer, her own horniness, or Kalil’s genuineness but she quickly pulled her tight-fitted black top over her head. She was in just a plain white bra and jean shorts in front of him. He looked at her with both fascination and concern.

“What’s going on here?” he said.

“I haven’t had sex in three years. I have sat around feeling sorry for myself all summer long while everyone else flirted and had fun and had sex. Meaningless sex.”

Kalil began looking at Taylor like he had won some kind of unexpected lottery.

“I’d like you to fuck me like you are never going to see again. Because you are never going to see me again.” Taylor said with as much confidence as she could manage.

Taylor reached out and forcefully grabbed Kalil by the crouch. She pulled him closer to her and then unclasped his jeans and exposed his cock. He was only semi-hard, but Taylor wasted no time jerking her hand along the base of his shaft.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit.” Kalil said, clasping his hands together, “I knew there was a story to this girl. I knew it.”

When Kalil was sufficiently hard Taylor opened her mouth and licked the tip of his head with her tongue. She wormed her tongue over the head, slowly lowering down the length of his shaft until she reached the base. Then she licked slowly, all the way to the top and back down again. Once Kalil was fully hard, she sucked down half of his cock, making a wet suction noise as she did so.

Kalil watched Taylor’s saliva mark creep further and further down his cock with each suck. Centimeter by centimeter she took more and more of his cock until she gagged slightly on the base of his cock. He felt the head breach her throat the heat of her choking wash over him.

Taylor didn’t stop, she kept sucking, this time with rapid intensity, as much of Kalil as her mouth would allow. The suction noises echoed, wet and erotic, through the quiet night in the woods.

Her hand twisted around the base of his cock while her mouth worked the rest of his shaft in tandem. Taylor’s shimmering saliva coated the dark colored dick in a shiny light from the camp fire as it dripped for his penis onto the ground.

Taylor sucked and sucked until she could feel Kalil’s body start to weaken with desire. Her lips popped from the head of his dick and she flashed up her sultry blue eyes to see him aching with desire.

She rose to full height, her eye level being his neck-line and quietly undid the clasp on her short and let them fall to the ground, no underwear in sight.

He spun her around, facing her towards the fire. Taylor propped herself up on a stump they had used as chairs and rested her knees apart on the ground. Kalil knelt behind her, lightly slapping her ass as he took his position from behind.

Taylor swung her hair back when she felt the head of Kalil’s cock her aching, dusty pussy that had remained dry for too long. She felt Kalil push forward with no success. Her body resisted entirely and she felt a wince of pain throughout her.

“Sorry,” Kalil said, “But holy shit you are tight.”

“Just go slow.”

Kalil made a second effort. Nothing. Taylor’s pussy was a stone wall. She felt Kalil’s hands on her butt, holding her back end looking down at his cock impeded by her pussy. Taylor tried to imagine feeling him inside her, tried to imagine the feeling of fullness she had longed for all this time.

Kalil’s third thrust and Taylor’s pussy separated slightly. She could feel some moisture starting to lubricate her lady-hood. The fourth effort had no pain at all, and Kalil managed to get the full head of his cock inside of her.

He rocked slowly, the process took nearly ten pushes overall. On the fifth push, he went in another quarter inch, then another, then a full half-inch on the seventh try. At this point, a full inch of Kalil had penetrated Taylor.

Her body slowly began to open, on the eight try an additional half inch and then on the ninth another. Two inches inside. She felt the pressure of his cock inside of her and it began to make her body race.

On the tenth attempt, the wave of heat burst over Kalil’s cock as Taylor’s pussy finally opened and half of his cock was able to slide into her. Taylor let out a slow, pleased moan.

Kalil was able to rock her more now. Still, his pace was slow as only half of his seven-inch black cock had been able to slide into her. Kalil watched as a white foam mark appeared on his shaft from the depth he had entered Taylor.

He watched it slowly slide back down his cock towards the base, much like her saliva mark when she had given him head. She took four inches, and then after another minute it was five.

He rocked his hips steadily back and forth, going deeper and deeper very slowly into Taylor’s eager and desperate pussy. Six inches were finally inside of her. And with a satisfying gently smack, Taylor gasped when Kalil’s hips finally touched to her butt cheeks.

“Now it’s time to party,” Kalil said, “I’ve seen some tight pussies before, Tay-tay, but I got to say, that was a record. My dick feels like it’s being sucked into a vacuum right now.

Kalil rocked Taylor at a normal pace now. The clapping of her ass against his body regular in the quiet force. The only sound Taylor could even year was her pale ass smacking against Kalil in the moonlight.

Her body took to Kalil’s cock like it was a computer rebooting. She felt energy spread inside of her that she hadn’t realized had gone away. With each thrust of him inside of her, Taylor felt her confidence and emotional stability strengthen.

Kalil watched his black cock be swallowed by Taylor’s body over and over. His hands were still on her butt, cautiously but confidently guiding the girls’ pussy up and down his shaft. Her butt made cute jiggling motions every time it slapped against him.

After a couple minutes, Kalil removed his dick from Taylor and let her turn over on her back. She looked up from the ground, not at his cock, but at his face, hungry with lust.

Kalil repositioned himself on top of Taylor. His fists dug into the dirty on either side of her head, while his torso was flat against hers. He could feel her soft breasts against his hard chest as he began a slightly more powerful thrust upward.

Taylor’s pussy was no longer resistant to his cock. He slid right back in and began grinding his waist against hers. They look at one another eye to eye, lost in each other’s body as Kalil rocked Taylor harder and harder in the dirt.

The forest filled with the wet suction sounds of his cock pushing in and out of her soaking wet pussy. Slowly, as Taylor became more and more turned on, a chorus of light, erotic moaning joined the sound of their sex.

The orchestra of their love making also added Kalil’s heavy breathing the longer they went on. Deep, guttural breaths as he continued to pound Taylor’s pussy.

When he could no longer support himself in the plank position he was in. He fell to the ground beside Taylor and turned her on her side, lifting a leg into the air. He entered her from behind again, his hips brushing across the dirt as he thrust sideways into her.

His other hand hugged across her stomach, his palm flat on her naval as he fucked her. Taylor looked back, craning her neck to kiss him as they made love. Long, wet kisses before Taylor broke free to moan wildly into the night. She looked down her waist, her stomach covered by Kalil’s hand with her one leg flat on the ground and the other up in the air with Kalil’s other hand supporting it. In the light of the fire, she could see the flickering orange and yellow lights play upon their body.

Her white, pale skin so distinct, while Kalil was almost like a shadow in the night. His black cock glistening with fresh white cum pouring out of her urethra.

Taylor began to feel an unexpected feeling. With each new thrust of Kalil the feeling off fullness in her pussy seemed to spread. The tender, passionate warmth of him filling her spread from her nether to her joints and torso until the warm feeling intoxicated her whole body.

A more animalistic, sharp grunt and Taylor popped off her first orgasm in over three years. It shook through her like a bomb exploding underwater until she was happily taking the thunderous pounding from Kalil while the aftershocks pleasured her.

Kalil pulled his dick from inside Taylor and let go of her as he sprayed hot cum over her stomach. White jets streaked out across her skin as he came on her, grunting in pleasure as he did so.

Taylor rolled onto her stomach, the dirt of the ground caking to her. She looked back at Kalil, thankful for his efforts of finally overcoming her Dave issues. He smiled, charmingly, back at her, before offering her his shirt as a towel. She cleaned and collected herself, getting back fully dressed while he accompanied her back to the cabins in just his shorts.

“Goodnight,” Taylor said, reaching the girls cabin where the snores of the drunken could be heard.

“Goodnight,” Kalil said with a smile, knowing in that moment he would never see her again.

“And thank you,” Taylor added before vanishing into the cabin, the last day of camp was over, and Taylor had finally fucked somebody.
