Things Go Very Wrong, Very Quickly [MF] [Maledom/Subfem] [Cheating Wife]

Hi all! This is the first chapter of a story I’m working on. Includes a D/s relationship, reluctant cheating wife, light coercion. Enjoy, if you’re into that kind of thing! Also, any feedback is welcome on any fronts… grammar, plot, themes, etc.

I’ll try and post Chapter 2 some time in the future.


**Chapter 1**

It was over before Maddie knew it. The clack of the pool balls echoed inside of her ears as she watched the eight ball drop into the corner pocket like a slow motion scene in a movie.

Steve ran the table.


Her head was spinning. Her face felt cold and pale. Steve turned around and leaned his stick on the edge of the pool table. He crossed his arms over his chest which puffed out his firm biceps through the sleeves of his military green t-shirt. He looked at her through slits in his eyes, raising an eyebrow at her, and he was smirking like a real asshole.

Maddie swallowed, still tasting the vodka from the three… four(?) drinks during the night, feeling it coursing through her veins.

“Hey… come on,” she said with a slightly bewildered laugh. “You’re not seriously gonna make me do this… right? We were just… joking around… right?”

He raised an eyebrow at her as if that were a stupid question. “And were you joking when you were gonna take my money after the game before?”

She stared at him blankly as her lips parted. She couldn’t think of what to say.

“Come on, Maddie, it’s 2:30 in the morning. Let’s get those clothes off.”

“We’re drunk,” her voice trembled as she took a step back. “Maybe we should just… call it a night.”

He came off the table and approached her, looming larger and larger with every step. His muscular chest was in her face, and he stared her down with those piercing brown eyes. Her nipples stiffened.

“What about… David,” she asked, hoping that maybe reminding him of the fact that her husband, his best friend, was two floors above them passed out drunk would dissuade him from cashing in on their wager.

“What about him,” he asked as he leaned in, beginning to pull at the bottom of her white, long-sleeve top. “You wanna go wake him up? Tell him *he* has to suck my dick because *you* lost a bet? Come on. Arms up,” he demanded as he pulled the shirt over her midriff.

Maybe it was the alcohol, but she did it. She lifted her arms for him. He peeled the shirt off, throwing it onto the couch beside them and wrapped his arms around her, deftly unhooking her bra, letting it fall to the floor. He rubbed his hands down her arms and scanned her naked chest.

“Damn, Maddie. You’re hiding a hot piece of ass under all those clothes. You could be a porn star.”

It was disarming. Part of her was insulted. Another part of her was flattered.

*He thinks I’m hot?*

“We gotta get you some new clothes.”

Since she could remember, Maddie had always hated the idea of using her body to compete for the attention of a man, especially one like Steve. He’d always been so cocky and arrogant, gracing himself as if he were god’s gift to women. He was the prototypical alpha male, the kind that saw women as mere objects for their sexual pleasure. The kind that most feminists like Maddie detested.

Maddie was fit and attractive. If she wasn’t studying for her grad school classes, she was probably at the gym. She rarely wore makeup, and usually wore her shoulder-length, strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail. It was just easier. Guys rarely hit on her, as she was usually a modest dresser, opting for comfort over style. Occasionally, people might tell her she reminded them of a blonde Amy Adams, or Isla Pisher. A guy in college once asked her, with all sincerity, if she’d done porn. Before Maddie could get over her shock, he showed her a picture of [Penny Pax](, and she honestly couldn’t blame him for the mistake, especially if she wore her glasses.

But in that moment, the way Steve’s eyes were groping her naked chest; the way he licked his lips, eyeing her up and down as if he were going to eat her alive; it was an expression she’d never seen so up close and personal, not even from David. It was as if a light had finally clicked on. As if she had finally reached some level of understanding.

*He wants me.*

He reached a hand up and started to fondle her breast, rolling her nipple between his index finger and thumb, giving it a slight pinch. She winced, biting her lower lip, yelping out a soft moan. Her pussy quivered.

He took his fingers away, trailing both hands down her sides, reaching the waistline of her skirt. He hooked his thumbs in and crouched down, sliding them down her thighs towards her feet. He looked up at her as he rubbed his hands up the backs of her legs, smiling, chuckling softly as he snapped the backside of her plain, white, cotton panties against her ass. He pulled them down too and she blushed in shame as she heard him chuckle at how damp they were.

“Step out,” he ordered, and she stepped out of them, looking down at him as he rubbed his hands up her legs and towards her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. He stood back up, staring her down.

*How did you lose that pool game? You beat him so badly the four games before that. He was playing like he’d never seen a pool table in his life, and then on that last game he was sinking everything like a shark. How?*

He slid his hands up her arms and to the top of her shoulders. Their eyes locked for a… brief moment? A long time? She couldn’t tell.

“On your knees,” he said as she could feel his hands pushing down slightly.

She froze.

“Come on. Right there,” he said, gesturing to a spot on the floor beneath him.

She swallowed. Her eyes glanced down to the spot, then reconnected with his eyes. Before she knew it her knees were resting on the expensive carpet beneath her, a wedding present from her mother in law.

“A little lower,” he said, pushing a little harder on her shoulders. “Put your ass on your heels.”

She did. She could feel her naked, soft, round bottom against the back of her ankles.

“There ya go.”

Even under normal circumstances, Maddie hated the way Steve spoke to her. He was always needling her, making sexist comments to get a rise out of her. Sometimes he’d try to boss her around or tell her what to do, even in front of David, who would usually just sit there and give her a meek “sorry” look.

“He’s a misogynist asshole,” she complained to David when he told her he’d be staying with them.

“I know honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t just tell him no,” he said to her as his voice cracked.

Needless to say, Steve ran the show, and he ran David as well. Maddie hated that.

Yet, here she was, face to face with his crotch as her body betrayed her. Her feminist exterior was crumbling as her pussy quaked at Steve’s bossy commands. The hatred she held for him began receding into an ocean of pure lust. She stared at the bulge pressing against the crotch of his jeans. Her fingers reached out and grasped the zipper and as she realized what she was doing, her eyes shot up at him, looking at him sheepishly, as if asking his permission.

Steve smiled and nodded. “Go ahead. Take it out.”

She zipped it down slowly then brought her other hand up and undid the button. Maddie grabbed the waistband of his jeans and underwear and pulled them down slowly. She held her breath in anticipation as her knuckles dragged against his pubic hair. His pants slid down his thighs and there it was, the largest penis she’d ever seen, hanging between his legs.

The base was stout and stocky. There was a bulging vein running along the side of it. The head was round and fierce. Her mind flashed back to a camping trip David and her had taken to the redwoods of California, and she thought how much it resembled the trunk of one of those trees.

Her arousal and excitement quickly transformed into worry and insecurity.

*I’m supposed to fit this whole thing in my mouth?*

She looked up at him with an expression that conveyed the question. He looked down at her with a half smirk that seemed to relay an affirmative “yep.” For some reason she felt angry thinking about its impressiveness.

*Of course. A chauvinist alpha male like Steve would have a big penis.*

Inexplicably, her anger shifted towards her husband and she wasn’t sure why.

*It’s at least twice as big as David’s.*

He began taking off his shirt above her, and as he stepped out of his pants, it caused his cock to wiggle from side to side. Her eyes followed it back and forth, like a dog might watch for falling food off the dinner table. She was fixated, almost hypnotized by it, staring at it as if it were an alien creature come to earth. Her hand gravitated towards it, and her fingers grabbed it by the base and stroked it gently. He chuckled at the spellbound look in her eyes, and it startled her out of her trance. Maddie looked up his incredible body, her eyes exploring every ridge and crevice between the muscles bulging from his torso.

*He’s so fucking hot.*

Seeing Steve’s naked body illuminated every flaw of David’s in that instant. Steve was at least half a foot taller, and his body was lean and muscular. David’s was pudgy and soft. Steve’s face was handsome, full of sharp features and a defined jawline. David’s was round and his chin and jawline were almost unnoticeable.

There she was again, angry at her husband.

*Why can’t David be this hot?*

Maddie’s eyes locked onto Steve’s. He didn’t have to say anything to her. She just leaned her head in and parted her lips, taking the head of his cock inside of her mouth. It was hard, but the skin was smooth as it slid over her tongue.

*Wow… it actually tastes good.*

She always refused to give David blowjobs, complaining to him that she didn’t like the taste. With Steve’s cock pressing against her tongue, tingling her taste buds in a way she’d never felt before, she realized now that it was the taste of David’s cock she didn’t like. Steve’s just felt… natural. It was hard. Powerful. Confident.

She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose. Her tongue fluttered underneath the shaft. She snaked her lips over the crown of the head, back and forth, gently. A soft moan emanated from the pit of her stomach and gently reverberated over her lips and onto his cock.

“Good slut,” he breathed out.

She froze for a second, that word echoing in her head.


In that moment, as she sucked on his cock, she realized she was losing the battle within herself, and the battle between her and Steve. Her morality was disintegrating with every moan. With every submissive gesture she was becoming just another “slut.” The strong woman she thought she was was fading into another cock hungry zombie lusting after Steve’s cock. Maddie slowed her rhythm as her anger for him began to come to a boil once again.

*You’re cheating on your husband.*

Maddie’s guilt began coursing through her veins.

*You can’t enjoy this.*

Images of her feminist icons flashed through her head.

*They would never débase themselves like this.*

She was now making a half-hearted attempt to get him off.

*You can’t let him see you enjoying it. You hate this guy, remember?*

She was bobbing her head up and down with the energy of an angsty teenager. Her right hand stroked his shaft just as un-enthusiastically as her mouth was doing to an inch of his penis.

*You want a blowjob? Fine. Here’s your blowjob.*

She quelled every feeling of arousal; every sexual want in her body. Her eyes glanced up at him as she sucked robotically. Maddie felt a little victorious, and her lips almost curled into a smile. She looked him in the eyes as she sucked, and instinctively dragged her teeth purposefully against his shaft, watching him wince slightly.

*Fuck you, Steve. I’m no “slut.”*

That’s when she felt his thick fingers grip at the back of her hair, and she yelped and grimaced as he tugged her off of him, holding her there like a hunter holding a prize, forcing her to make eye contact with him. His other hand reached for her face and gently, yet firmly, pinched her chin with his thumb and index finger. He looked annoyed.

They stared at each other for a moment, Maddie’s face was red with boiling anger as she breathed heavily through her nose.

*That’s right, Steve. I’m not just some dumb slut you picked up on the street. I can see right through you. You’re just another stupid guy who thinks he can get away with everything because of his good looks and big cock. Not me. Not toni…*


Maddie was so completely zoned out in that moment that she was completely caught off guard by his sturdy palm connecting with her soft pale cheek. Before she could even stammer out a protest, the back of his hand crossed over, connecting with the other cheek.


*Holy shit. What… just… happened? Did he just… did he just slap you?*

Maddie was stunned. Shocked. She felt a tickle in her nose and eyes. Her lips began to tremble. Tears started to swell in the corners of her eyes. She tried holding it in. Steve crouched down and looked her in the eyes. Her chest was heaving up and down, and her face burned bright crimson.

*Don’t cry… don’t cry…*

She tried swallowing her tears back, but that’s when it happened. His image began to blur as her eyes filled with that briny liquid. She felt them streaming down her cheeks, and she could taste their saltiness as they hit her lips. She’d cried before, sure, but the way she felt in that moment took her back to her childhood and the way she cried when she was being scolded by an adult. She felt like a child.

Her hatred seemed to evaporate into somewhere between fear and respect. She’d never been hit like that. The idea of being slapped by anyone never crossed her mind. Now it was at the forefront.

*He’s serious.*

He ran his fingers through her hair with his right hand while still gripping her by the back of her mane. His face was close to hers, they were almost touching noses. A slight smile formed across his face before fading back into a thoughtful expression. His hand dropped down to her leg, and his fingers began to trail up the inside of her thigh, nearing the entrance of her vagina.

“Makes your pussy wet, doesn’t it?”

*No… no… fuck…*

His meaty digits inched closer and closer, until they finally arrived at their steamy destination. A whimper turned into a moan as his middle finger played so sweetly with the opening, pushing in just slightly.

*Fuck… fuck… fuck… please, no…*

His eyes bore into hers as if he could see something behind them.

“You like this, don’t you? Being treated this way?”

*No… just say it… just tell him… no.*

She looked away for a moment then back at him.

*Come on, Maddie… say something…*

Her sniffles turned into whimpers as she could feel herself breaking.


He gripped the back of her hair a little tighter as his finger continued to tease her. He smiled, as if he were enjoying putting her through this torturous line of questioning.

“Answer. It’s okay.”

She swallowed, whimpering like a scolded puppy.

*Just shake your head, “no”… come on, Maddie…*

It felt like a sharp electrical charge traveling from the tip of her head down to her toes, reverberating over her entire body. Her skin felt warm. She swallowed, her throat contracting as she whimpered in front of him. Maddie nodded her head.


“Tell me,” Steve said, his eyes scanning her tear streaked face.

She swallowed again, her chest heaving up and down with every sob.

*Just don’t tell him. You don’t have to say any…*

“I like it,” she whimpered.


He looked at her for a while before taking his hand away and standing up, pointing his erect cock back into her face.

“Go ahead. Show me how much you like it.”

A shiver ran down her spine, charging her with a sexual energy she’d never felt before. She reached for the base of his cock again, stroking it as she leaned in and wrapped her lips around it. They corkscrewed back and forth on an inch of him. Her wet eyes scanned his face for a reaction, and she hoped she was doing enough to please him. From the look on his face, she clearly wasn’t. After a minute or so, she began to worry as his expression never changed. He sighed in disappointment, and gripped her head off of him.

“You got a lot of training to do.”

“Sorry,” she sniffled.

He grabbed her hand and peeled it away from his cock, practically throwing it down to her side.

“No time for that tonight, though,” he said while fashioning her loose blonde hair into a ponytail behind her head. “Put your hands behind your back.”

She hesitated for a moment.

*Is this really happening?*

Maddie took a deep breath and nodded, submitting to him, ceding to his commands. She clenched her hands together at the small of her back.

“There ya go. Hold them together. Good.” He pulled at her hair and tapped his pointer finger against the tip of her nose. “Now, you just have one rule to follow, okay? It’s very simple. If those hands come undone before I’ve dropped every ounce of my cum down your throat, or onto your face or tits, I’m gonna slap the shit out of you. Understood?”

Maddie nodded, feeling a sharp tickle in her clit when he said that.

“Good girl. Just so I know you understand, tell me what I’m gonna do if those hands don’t stay back there?”

“You’re going to…”


“…you’re gonna slap me.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“You’re gonna slap…”


“… the shit out of me.”

Her voice was just above a whisper.

“That’s right,” he smiled. “Good girl. Now, open wide, baby. Eyes up here.”

With his hand on the back of her head he began bringing her in, forcing his cock into her mouth. The underside of his shaft slid over her wet tongue as he started pacing himself into a steady rhythm.

“Relax your throat. There you go.” His breathing got a little sharper as he thrust in and out of her mouth slowly. “Breath through your nose. Yeah, that’s it.”

She listened intently, following his instructions as closely as she did her grad school professors.

“Yeah baby, now you’re doing me right. That’s it.” His hips thrust back and forth. His fingers were buried in her hair, his palms guiding her head down onto him.

“Little deeper… there ya go… yep, that’s it… better.”

He pushed her head down, forcing his cock past her throat’s resistance point. Her eyes winced. Her shoulders hunched. Her brow furrowed. A loud dry heave escaped her throat again and again with each thrust of his cock. “Mmhm, good girl, now you’re getting it. Push that tongue out…”

She coughed as she slid her tongue over her bottom lip and under his shaft. Even as his cock gagged her and began to kindle the sloppy bile from her stomach and up her esophagus, she felt a tickle in her pussy as it gushed with each noise from his mouth. His grunts and deep sighs were turning her on. Spittle dripped down her bottom lip and off of her chin. Her eyes were watering as he held her head firmly in place and pistoned his cock in and out of her mouth.

“Mmm, baby… yes… “ he grunted as she felt him push harder on the back of her head, forcing another inch down her throat. “There ya go, baby, just like that. Deeper.” He pushed a little harder, holding her down. “Stay right there, bitch.”

Gagging and coughing, she could feel his pubes tickling the tip of her nose. She was running out of breath. Her eyes fluttered up at him.

“Hold it…. Hold it…”

He pushed a little harder.

Her panic instincts kicked in as he held her down, drowning him on his cock. She tried, but she couldn’t hold it any longer. She untangled her fingers and released her hands from the small of her back and grabbed at the front of his meaty thighs. Her nails dug into his tight flesh. She tried pulling her head off of him, but his grip was too strong. She looked up at him with eyes full of desperation.

Just as he promised, he pulled her off of him and raised his hand.


A hard, stern slap to her right cheek caused her head to turn. His hand reached under her chin, holding her face up to look at him.

“What did I say? Huh?”

**cough, cough… gag… cough… heave**

“Bitch, answer me… what did I say to do with your hands?”

His fingers clenched a little tighter in her hair.


“Put… them… behind… my back…” Her voice was hoarse. “I’m sorry… Sir…”

*Sir? Sir??*

“That’s right. Are you gonna quit being a dumb slut?”

Her lips parted as she hesitated.


Another slap against her cheek, and he grabbed her by the chin, steadying her face.

“Yes… yes… I’ll stop…”

“Stop what?”

“Stop being… a dumb slut…”

“Good girl.”

He let her face go and positioned her head towards his cock. Maddie opened her mouth and leaned in as he resumed annihilating her throat. His breathing was intensifying as both of his hands gripped the back of her head, abs flexing with each thrust, bobbing her head up and down on his cock as if she were just a toy. Her eyes were glued to his when they weren’t rolling in the back of her head as he gagged her with his powerful shaft. Her dry heaves turned into violent retches as he took no mercy on her tight and tired gullet, relentlessly stabbing himself into the far reaches of her throat, straining himself past her epiglottis and towards the opening of her esophagus. Still, her pussy was tingling, gushing juice down her thighs.

“Good girl. Let’s go. I’m almost there.” He breathed out, beads of sweat forming on his brow. “Yes, Maddie. Yes, baby. Almost there. Almost there. Don’t you fuckin move.”

It was as if he forgot she was even there. He was just grunting above her, pushing in and out of her soft mouth. Deep and powerful thrusts one after the other, forcing spit and drool from Maddie’s throat, and tears from her eyes as her mascara was now just a dripping mess on her face.

Mercifully, he grabbed his cock by the base and jerked her head off of him, popping his cock out of her mouth. A long, sticky web of drool and bile connected the tip of his cock to her lips as she coughed harshly, her face a complete wreck, resembling a beached fish struggling to regain its breath.

“You want my cum,” he breathed out, his sweaty chest heaved up and down as he towered over her. “Huh?”

She nodded.

“Say it. Say you want my cum.”

”I want your cum.” Her voice was weak and raspy. “Please, daddy.”


“Daddy?” He smirked down at her, seemingly as surprised as she was.

She cringed in shame, realizing what she’d just said.

“You got more issues than I thought,” he chuckled. “You want daddy’s cum?”

She swallowed. “Yes… please… I want daddy’s cum… please.”


“Open… Open…”

She watched him grit his teeth as his body shivered. He yanked her head back a little more and there it was, just as she parted her lips, the powerful release of his seed. The slit in his cock opened up and fired a huge glob of cum into her mouth, striking the back of her throat. She wasn’t ready for it. She gagged and coughed as he let out a loud, continuous groan.

“Fuuuucckkkkkk… yes, baby… yes… swallow that shit… “

Another blast, and then another as he jerked his cock. Her mouth filled up before she had a chance to swallow, some of his cum spilling out of the sides of her mouth.

“Yes… fuck… yes… swallow baby, swallow.” He moaned as he continued emptying himself into her gaping mouth. “Get my cum, bitch.”

She tried, coughing as the viscous and pungent cum oozed down her throat. Her mouth closed, but he wasn’t done as his cock twitched out a rope of sperm that landed on the bridge of her nose, and another that spat out onto her forehead. He rested his cock over her lips as he continued jerking himself slowly, squeezing out the final droplets of sperm over her.

“Fuck…” he said, catching his breath, looking down at her. The cum was hot on her face. She could feel it oozing down her forehead. Watching him stand over her, recovering from his orgasm, she breathed in and out, pumped full of adrenaline, still gulping down the remaining sperm in her mouth. She’d never felt so sexy in her life.

“Damn. We made a mess of you.” He reached his hand down to her face and extended his pointer finger, scooping the dripping cum from the sides of her mouth as if it were peanut butter. “Here, swallow,” he ordered as he pressed his cum drenched finger against her lips, pushing it into her mouth. Her lips instinctively wrapped around his thick digit and licked it off, swallowing it down.

“Don’t let any go to waste,” he breathed out as he did the same to the cum on her nose and forehead, and she hungrily swallowed that down too.

He collapsed onto the couch and pulled her into the underside of his softening cock. He looked spent. “Come on. Clean me up. Just lick off any cum or slobber you see on it. Go ahead.”

He let go, leaning back into the cushions, resting his hands on the back of his head, closing his eyes. She did it. She flicked her tongue out and lapped at the underside of his shaft like a hungry dog, grooming his cock and balls.

Her tongue rolled over the top of his softening shaft, fluttering all over it, licking away her glistening drool, savoring every lick. She was still lapping at his balls when she felt him push at the top of her head with his hand.

“Okay, that’s enough,” he laughed. “You’re a married woman, Maddie.”

He smiled at her as she knelt there in front of him, exhausted.

“I gotta get some sleep,” Steve said as he stood up, stepped over her, and began gathering his things, slipping on his jeans and shirt. He grabbed his phone that was on the desk, looked at the screen and smiled.

*Did he just get a text this late at night?*

“See ya tomorrow. Goodnight,” he said so casually as he climbed the stairs while staring at his phone.

Meanwhile, Maddie was on the floor, on her knees, naked, his cum not yet dried on her face, pussy boiling with pent up sexual want. She was in a daze, processing what had just happened. What it all meant.

*I was just… facefucked… by my husband’s best friend… a guy I hate… and… I liked it?*

She finally rose to her feet as she heard the door shut to the guest room on the first floor. Maddie picked up her clothes and slipped them back on before walking up the stairs in defeat. She stopped for a moment, peering down the hallway, noticing the light peeking through the crack underneath Steve’s door.

*Knock on the door. Beg him to fuck you. Tell him it’s just a one time thing.*

She crept a little closer, one foot in front of the other. Slowly. She was almost there.

*Stop! Go upstairs, clean yourself up, and forget this ever happened.*

She shook her head, turned and went up the second set of stairs. Luckily she could hear David snoring loudly behind the door, and she snuck in quietly, entering their bathroom. She almost gasped when she saw her face in the mirror. It was a disaster. Her hair was disheveled from the way he’d pulled and jerked at it. Specs of cum were still drying on her forehead, and the sides of her mouth. Her eyes were bloodshot. The right side of her cheek was a little red, from the smacks to her face.

Still, her pussy was wet. She listened for David’s snores, and they were still loudly echoing off the walls. Maddie dropped her panties and began probing a finger against her clit, quietly moaning and biting her lip, all the while imagining Steve fucking her in a million different ways.

*God, I’m so close. So close. Fuck. Fuck me, Steve. Fuck me.*

She couldn’t get there, and she pulled her hand away in frustration.


She needed to scream. To moan. She needed his hard cock inside of her.

Finally, she washed her face and changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt. She quietly climbed into bed next to David, turning her back to him, staring at the wall.

*What have you done?*



  1. Absolutely amazing!!! I love when my buds invite me to a party and at the end of the night it’s just the three of us…especially when booze is involved…a friend of mine and I use to rent movies back before blockbuster video closed the mom and pop shops down that rented porn and we’d watch a normal movie together and then pop a porn in just him, me and his Gf (later became his wife). After the jokes about lousy quality dialogue, etc and her nerves settled down it became quiet as we could hear her breathing hard and we could smell her getting wet. It was amazing!

  2. Some strong similarities to Stormbringer’s Unwanted Houseguest. Still, pretty hot!

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