The Sleeping Car (CFNM)

Aaron, 27, boarded the old, weathered Amtrak in Chicago, where he had lived for the last several years. His ticket listed Seattle as the destination, but his departure options were open ended in his mind.

Five years out of college, he had worked a corporate job and burned himself out before turning 30. This trip marked a new adventure, a new beginning. He hoped to find some meaning in his travels, whatever that may be.

With his bloated corporate salary, Aaron gladly paid the significant upcharge for a sleeping car. He figured he may as well be comfortable if he’s going to be riding a train for up to two weeks.

His assigned space was towards the back of the train, where it was quiet and had virtually no foot traffic. Surveying the room, he saw two bunked twin beds pressed against the large windows showing the landscape as the train raced by.

There was also a small bathroom with toilet and shower, full length mirror, and a few drawers along the front of the room for storage. He thought how it was not upscale, but it will suffice for his needs.

Aaron plopped his bag on the top bunk, figuring he’d save space elsewhere in the room, and he’d sleep on the bottom bunk. It was evening, and he decided to explore the train and find the dinner car for a small meal before bed.

After finding a mediocre turkey sandwich and yogurt, he set off for his sleep car at the end of the train. The swaying train was dizzying at times, especially when he hopped the narrow space that connects each car. He felt tired and ready for sleep; ready for his adventure.

He laid in his bunk and scrolled social media for a while, before it was time to turn the lights out. Once he had completed his nighttime routines, he opened his bag in the top bunk to retrieve shorts and a t-shirt. It was abnormally warm in the small room, causing him to think twice about his sleeping attire.

Typically when it was this warm at home, he’d sleep naked. His initial impulse was to protect his modesty, but soon realized he had the room to himself. The room was not visible from the narrow hallway, so he figured there would be no harm done to sleep in the buff.

With all of his items secured in his duffel bag on the bed above him, he laid with only his phone on the bunk below. He played a few more videos then turned the lights out.

The warmth, rocking train, and travel jitters caused him to toss and turn a while. He found it most comfortable to lay on top of all the bed coverings, exposing his whole body to the circulating air. Finally, he was able to settle enough to drift asleep in the dark room.

He awoke to a dim light filling the room. Not enough to sting his dark adjusted eyes, but enough to wake him. He heard footsteps scuffling and what sounded like suitcase wheels rolling. “Finally. Of course I’m in the last one,” he heard a young woman’s voice mutter.

The room’s primary light then flicked on, and he saw the woman’s figure enter the room. She had a medium build, with dark features. It was hard to tell while he was half asleep still.

“Oh! Oh gosh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here yet!” She exclaimed. She set her suitcase down on the floor and fixed her eyes on Aaron’s naked body.

Despite his sleepy and confused state, Aaron quickly rose to be helpful to the woman. “Um. No, no, it’s okay,” he grumbled while rubbing his eyes. “I um. Didn’t know someone would be joining me.”

“You didn’t?” She asked with surprise. “They were sure to tell me that since I’m traveling alone, they may fill the other bunk with a traveler if needed.” She pauses, and looks around the room, especially at Aaron’s sleep-induced erection. “I guess I could ask to find a different room…”

“Oh no, it’s okay, really,” Aaron assured her. He now lay on his side in the bed. “It’s not a problem. Just unexpected, that’s all.” He smiled warmly, his eyes still squinted from the harsh light above. “Here, here, let me clear my things,” he said as he rushed to his feet and reached up to the top bunk to retrieve his bag.

Aaron now stood inches from the girl as he reached up. His hard shaft protruded from his body, and wobbled with his movements. The woman had a clear view of his backside, now, too, and was sure that he was still not aware of his nakedness.

He pulled the bag down, turned his back to her, and set it on the small shelf at the front of the room. Aaron turned and figured he’d introduce himself. “I’m Aaron, by the way,” he said, reaching his hand out to shake hers.

“Hi Aaron, I’m Lydia,” she responded, trying to navigate the situation with the naked, sleepy man. Lydia found Aaron’s face and body to be attractive. He had light skin, with dirty blonde hair. He had a toned body, and an unmistakably large cock.

They shook hands, holding for an extended moment. “So, ah, I’m pretty open about things, but did you realize…” Lydia said, pointing down to his exposed flesh.

Aaron’s vision was just correcting and he had been taking in her face and body. She had short brown hair and glasses. She was cute, and had curves throughout her body. She was probably around his age, if not a couple years younger, he figured.

He looked down as she pointed, still unsure what she was getting at. “Oh shit!” He exclaimed. “Oh. Um, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…” He said, stirring around the room now, his senses finally awakened.

“It’s okay, calm down,” Lydia said, chuckling. “Besides, to be fair, you weren’t expecting anyone,” She pointed out.

“Yeah, I really wasn’t,” Aaron said. “It’s just so hot in here,” he complained.

“I’ll tell you what,” she began. “You go on back to sleep, and I’ll try to get settled without being too loud.”

“Alright, yeah, okay,” Aaron said, calculating in his mind. “Should I uh,” he said, motioning to his nakedness.

“Don’t worry about it,” Lydia assured. “We’ll figure things out in the morning.”

“Okay then, well, um, goodnight, I guess,” Aaron mumbled as he crawled back into his bunk. Lydia watched his naked form tuck back into his little space.

“Goodnight, then,” she responded, a subtle smirk spread across her face.

Aaron awoke the next morning, with only a foggy recollection of what had happened overnight. Lydia was still asleep on the top bunk. He decided it would be best to continue with his normal routine, so he used the tiny shower in their sleep car to begin the day.

In the enclosed space, he couldn’t help but think about the attractive girl observing his nakedness. Naturally, his body forced him to become hard while soaping himself, begging him to release the pent up pressure.

He stroked himself, thinking about the girl in the room. She had clearly viewed his hard cock, and must not have minded it. His girth swelled in his hand, the soapy lather made him feel slippery and wet.

He pictured the way she casually glared at his hardness, and carried on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Soon the familiar warmth of self-pleasure stirred and shot out of him. He tried his best to contain his sounds so as to not wake her.

Provided Lydia’s approval of his nudity the night before, he exited the small bathroom without any layers. While drying his hair with the bath towel, he saw Lydia, awake, strolling across the room.

“Good morning!” She said, enthusiastically. Lydia again seemed unaffected by his nakedness.

“Good morning, Lydia,” he replied. Aaron began realizing how much he enjoyed being naked in her presence. Beyond the sexual implications, it felt freeing and liberating, too. Aaron decided to carry on with his business, staying unclothed as long as he pleased.

“Do you know where we can get some breakfast?” She asked.

He was at his duffel bag now, sorting toiletries and picking out the day’s clothes. His bare ass was facing her. Lydia stared at him from behind, studying his firm glutes and toned legs.

“Yeah, sure, the dining car. It’s a few cars down. I can show you if you want,” Aaron said, turning again, so that she could see his front. Lydia looked down at his light trimmed pubic hair, his circumcised cock. It wasn’t as excited now as it had been last night.

“That would be great, thanks,” she replied. Lydia sat on his bottom bunk, next to where his bag laid. Aaron took his toothbrush and other items back to the bathroom, and he left the door open as they continued their chatting.

“No problem,” he said, applying toothpaste to his toothbrush. “So, where are you headed?” He asked, now brushing with white bubbles in his mouth.

“I have some friends in Seattle,” she replied. “And you?”

He rinsed his mouth, and now applied gel to his hair. “My ticket is to Seattle, but I don’t really know, I’m kind of just wandering.”

Lydia watched his semi-erect shaft and balls wiggle and bounce as he tousled his hair with the serum. “That’s… adventurous,” she commented.

Aaron shrugged as he walked back to his bag and Lydia on the bed. “I guess I haven’t been very spontaneous, so I’m trying something new.” Their feet nearly touching, he grabbed his boxer briefs and pulled them up in front of her.

Lydia eyed the black stretchy material as it formed to his body, and left a bulge where his exposed package once was. She discovered an enjoyment at watching his naked form complete mundane tasks. She wanted to see more.

Once Aaron was fully dressed, they left for breakfast. The bunk mates spent the day together, talking about their pasts, and what they hoped they’d get from the future. His exhibitionism was not mentioned by either of them.

That night, it was warm again, and Aaron went against his passive self and stripped down once more. It was late evening, they had spent the day together, and he was laying in his bunk, watching videos on his phone with headphones.

Lydia was showering before bed. Aaron lay there naked, once again, casually, with one knee propped up. His inner dialogue filled with doubts and second thoughts, worried he would offend her this time. Moments later, his doubts would be nullified.

Aaron’s eyes left his phone screen naturally when he sensed the motion of the bathroom door opening. He had to blink and clear his eyes to assure he was seeing correctly. With the hot steam of her shower billowing behind her, Lydia exited the bathroom with only a towel wrapped on top of her head.

Lydia had medium-large breasts, with freckles dotted across her chest. Her nipples hardened at the shock of the cool air, and her light brown areolas made saucers around the pointy tip. She had small love handles that gave way to curvy hips. Her mound had short brown hair, likely shaved a short while ago.

She smiled at Aaron as she strolled across the room and turned her back to him to dig into her bag. She took out a brush and removed the towel on top of her head. Brushing her hair, she turned towards him again. He pulled out his headphones, smiled, and said, “Well this will be an interesting adventure.”


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